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16232659 No.16232659 [Reply] [Original]

Did he deserve it?

>> No.16232691

Most of us will get what's coming. Our deeds will come full circle and devour us whole.

>> No.16232695

yes. Doesnt mean it wasnt a tragedy, but it was warranted.

>> No.16232730
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Yes. And Brutus is based beyond belief for fulfilling his families proud history as tyrant killers.

>> No.16232737

SO what's the lesson of Caesar's death bros? don't forgive people because they will kill you

>> No.16232745
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>did one of the greatest men to ever walk the earth, who was also the only thing keeping the greatest empire in history from descending into anarchy, deserve it?
what do you think fuckface

>> No.16232751

I would have said no if he didnt act like a king after he won the civil war. all of his actions up till then, and even most during the civil war was justifiable.

>> No.16232752

He was an honorable man.

>> No.16232758

If anyone deserved to act like a king, it was Caesar. The man was unimaginably based. It's not like the Empire would have suffered under his leadership

>> No.16232764

yeah although his kingship status set a precedent for like 50 faggots to ruin the empire with misrule

>> No.16232767

Maybe that wouldn't have happened if Caesar actually had time to implement good policy before his bros literally stabbed him in the back

>> No.16232769

Dont force change to quickly

>> No.16232776

deserved=/= should have acted. I might have given him the benifit if he out and out just declared himself king. But he pussy footed with the strong roman legalism of the republic giving it the least of lipservice without honoring it at all. the least he could have done for romes honor was to ripe the bandaid off instead of wallowing in Romes abject legal corpse.

>> No.16232783

Octavius literally did what Ceasar likely wanted to do or better. His imperial rule was a golden age for Rome. But the whole thing is ruined by a royal bloodline. Its inevitable you will have a piece of shit eventually that inherits the throne or jealous descendants that usurp the title from one that was more deserving.

Ceasar/Octavian may have been temporarily saving the republic themselves but by establishing a new monarchy they only Reset the expiration date.

>> No.16232799

He should’ve played dead early on. Only one stab wound was fatal out of 23. Those guys didn’t know how to aim.

>> No.16233276

this seems like a case of causal over-determination

>> No.16233296

The stormtroopers of Roman senators

>> No.16233308

So why did they want to kill him????

>> No.16233322

one is all you need, the others are just for fun