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16227763 No.16227763 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a discussion about Nietzsche. What would he think of modern life, what can we do to replace the void left by the death of Christianity and all the rest!

This is slowly becoming my favourite general and as always newcomers are welcome.

>> No.16227772
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>> No.16227773

he'd despire you for opening this thread

>> No.16227796

> Let's have a discussion about the guy who didn’t read Hegel

>> No.16227800

As Nietzsche said "Do not follow me". I don't care I like his philosophy if he doesn't like people discussing his philosophy in a Nietzsche general then that's fine. Though I think he would appreciate people talking about his philosophy.

>> No.16227808

Fack off blady tosser

>> No.16227813

He was a Chad before he grew his moustache

>> No.16227817


>> No.16227822
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>> No.16227824
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>> No.16227836

A small question:
Is it just me or has anyone else got more traditionalist after (mis)reading Nietzsche?

>> No.16227843

Ngl he looks pretty bad ass in that pic
Should have played sports

>> No.16227892

Yes despite what he had to say about organised religion he wasn't as much of a fedora tipper as I thought he would be.

There's just a feel about Nietzsche that's different. Maybe it had something to do with the parody parable style of writing he used in Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

>> No.16227898
File: 1.45 MB, 2000x1333, fempress alexandria.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it up, lowercase pedants. The Fempire is inevitable.

>> No.16227907

Not many people know this but NIETZSCHE was a BLACK man.

>> No.16227941

Where do I start with him?

>> No.16227956


>> No.16227969
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All whiteness is a struggle to rediscover the pure Black forms of the truly lost epochs of pre-history.

>> No.16227974

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is fantastic. On the genealogy of morality is really great as well.

>> No.16227988

He couldn't have played sports as he was an invalid.

>> No.16228000

stop posting this thot and also kill yourself please

>> No.16228012

He was a military man though

>> No.16228026

The Future is GAY

>> No.16228083

Nietzsche didn't like socialists he called them flatheads

>> No.16228106

Are they accessible enough for someone that isn't autistically knowledgeable about the western canon?

>> No.16228298

Yes. Nietzsche himself said that he felt he made his philosophy too easy to read because any old average Joe could read it and understand it

>> No.16228344

Great, gonna check them out then.

>> No.16228365

That the mustache man? He is looking cool. Crazy eyes but he could of held it together. If only he would of gotten some pussy, he wouldn't have gone insane.

>> No.16228366

>A person can perish from nothing other than a lack of religion. The genius shows this most horribly, for the man of genius is the most devoted man, and when *devotion* leaves him, his genius has left him. It was not without deep reason that the "unscrupulousness of the mind" became a problem for Nietzsche; the "unscrupulousness of the mind" is the "clever" man, and the "clever" man was the fate that menaced Nietzsche, and the abyss that finally dragged him down. Would he otherwise have considered it necessary to stress explicitly when he meant something seriously, and really wanted to be taken seriously? What Nietzsche lacked was *mercy*, but without mercy, loneliness, even Zarathustra's, is not bearable. Thus logic was not a uniquely valuable good for him, but an external constraint (for he felt too weak not to scent danger everywhere). However, he who negates logic has already been abandoned by it, he is on the road to insanity.


>> No.16228378

give him a military hair cut cut and this man is a Chad

>> No.16228532

Okay, where to start with Nietzsche for newcomers? I have pretty pleb-level philosophical background/

>> No.16228549


>> No.16228997

The Birth of Tragedy and Twilight of the Idols
Then move onto Ecce Homo, Genealogy of Morals, Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spoke Z and Joyous Science. Add Will to Power at the end if you want.

>> No.16229463

Could god make a rock so heavy that even he could not lift it?

>> No.16230242
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Nietzsche would have liked Hitler but disliked national-socialism.

>> No.16230307

did the moustache man make a stance on race relations? Was he redpilled?

>> No.16230953

He called Jews "born to slavery", or "born as slaves"

>> No.16230957

tax my privilege, queen!!

>> No.16231007

>A person can perish from nothing other than a lack of religion.
I don't see how not absorbing values from outside yourself would cause one to perish, seeing as though the creators of such values did not do so first.
> The genius shows this most horribly, for the man of genius is the most devoted man, and when *devotion* leaves him, his genius has left him.
You obviously become devoted to yourself, for yourself. A man does not die when he loses devotion to external idols not set by himself. The birth of each religion necessitates this principle to be true, for if it was false, there would be no such first valuation on which to found that religion.
>It was not without deep reason that the "unscrupulousness of the mind" became a problem for Nietzsche; the "unscrupulousness of the mind" is the "clever" man, and the "clever" man was the fate that menaced Nietzsche, and the abyss that finally dragged him down
The dishonesty of man did not destroy Nietzsche. "We will no longer take things to heart, we're choosing the mask as our
supreme divinity and redeemer". He called deception divine.
>However, he who negates logic has already been abandoned by it, he is on the road to insanity.
To negate the truth of logic is not the same as to be unable to utilize it.