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/lit/ - Literature

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16227406 No.16227406 [Reply] [Original]

What authors could you expect to find in a midwit pseud's bookshelf?

I'll start, Herman Hesse & Dostoevsky

>> No.16227440

camus and sartre

>> No.16227730

99% of Continental philosophers

>> No.16228041

Guenon, Auquinas, Descartes.

Inarguable trash and readers of these scum need to an hero.

>> No.16228212

programming books

>> No.16228224

Peterson and Zizek

>> No.16228251

saying Dostojevszkij here is kind of cheating since he is mandatory reading in most curricula

>> No.16228256

any book.

>> No.16228264


>Lord of the Flies
>The Handmaid's Tale
>The Color Purple
>Fahrenheit 541
>House of Leaves
>The Neapolitan Novels
>Man's Search for Meaning
>The God Delusion
>The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
>Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
>Thinking, Fast and Slow
>A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
>Between the World and Me
>A Visit from the Goon Squad
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Chronicles of Narnia
>Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
>Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
>The Grapes of Wrath
>Ender's Game
>12 Rules for Life
>Guns, Germs, and Steel
>Anne Frank's Diary
>The Goldfinch
>Wolf Hall
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>The Catcher in the Rye
>A Separate Peace
>Lincoln in the Bardo
>The World According to Garp
>any "literary graphic novels" including Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth, Fun Home, Maus, Persepolis, etc.
>anything by Malcolm Gladwell
>anything by Jonathan Franzen
>anything by John Updike
>anything by Vonnegut
>anything by Stephen King

>> No.16228265

Hemingway, niche

>> No.16228284

Have none of these except a collection of Updike's short stories which are better than his novels.

>> No.16228314

This is the true list right here. High School-tier required reading with a smattering of Pop Sci.

>> No.16228325

Adolph Hitler

>> No.16228341

It’s incredible how far guns, germs, and steel has been debunked to the point even reddit can’t defend it and yet it’s still being published solely because of self hating Afro-apologists

>> No.16228362

any translations to be honest

>> No.16228363

In most of those cases, owning or reading these doesn't mean you're a pseud. Owning nothing but them, or considering them the best books ever written, will absolutely mean you're a pseud.

>> No.16228413

Why do autists insist on using alternate spelling for this guy? We get it, you know slavic transliteration. There's a standard spelling and it's literally shown in the post you replied to.

>> No.16228450

>doss todge evv skidge

>> No.16228676

What’s the criteria for being a pseud? Is it simply somebody with an academic interest with no formal training? Or is it more about a lack of true dedication to that interest, further hampered by egoism?

>> No.16228685

John Irving

>> No.16228690

stay mad pleb

>> No.16228703

>>The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
I had to write a 25 page essay on this for the final project in my Ethics In Human Resource course. Fuck that nigger

>> No.16228711

The thread is about midwits not retards.
Possible, but I like to have some hard copy references that don't depend on internet access or battery/power access. Maybe I'm midwit though.
Again sub-90 books, this thread is about 90-130 IQ (midwit)
Midwit detected

Any fiction.

>> No.16228717

Any philosophy at all, whatsoever.
>I am not a failure, it is the world that failed.

>> No.16228718

Zizek books without also having Sublime Object, Less Than Nothing, Absolute Recoil, Sex and the Failed Absolute, Tarrying with the Negative, or The Parallax View is a sure mark of pseuddom.

>> No.16228750

Imagine having a pussy so rank it gained a life of its own

>> No.16228766

Franzen is funny and makes me feel bad at the same time, I like his stuff honestly. Feel like he gets the "popular = bad" treatment too often

>> No.16228767

God house of leaves is so fucking terrible

>> No.16228779


>> No.16228791

>>The Color Purple
>>The Neapolitan Novels
>>Man's Search for Meaning
>>The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
>>A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
>>Between the World and Me
>>A Visit from the Goon Squad
>>Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
>>12 Rules for Life
>>Anne Frank's Diary
>>The Goldfinch
>>Wolf Hall
>>A Separate Peace
>>Lincoln in the Bardo
>>The World According to Garp
>>any "literary graphic novels" including Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth, Fun Home, Maus, Persepolis, etc.
>>anything by Malcolm Gladwell
>>anything by Jonathan Franzen
>>anything by John Updike
i have all the rest :)

>> No.16228795

My freshman year of university we were assigned that book, I dropped out right before the end of the semester partly due to that class and how mind-numbingly gay it was.

>> No.16228800

Do any of you actually like to read

>> No.16228804

I love to read and have to not take threads like this seriously considering most people here haven't picked up any of the books they consider pleb filters. Or probably any other books for that matter lmao

>> No.16228858

What do you read, smart guy?

>> No.16229027
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Shut up please.

>> No.16229289

inb4 the bible.

>> No.16229706

Pseud bookshelves have a pretty weird mix of quality. You will find good and midwit-level stuff side-by-side. You know, like Dostoevsky beside Stephen King. These people can't distinguish themselves, so they end up mixing stuff which is popular in one part of the demographic with stuff from another demographic. But you also have to consider that some people don't throw away books so they have their old library in there, including the YA stuff. But I would expect they would separate it.

>> No.16229737

He doesn't

>> No.16229744

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Scott Hahn
An untouched Summa Theologiae

>> No.16229766

Another option is the "I bought my whole library at a single point in time and never opened one book" type. Usually hardcover and all the same size and look, in mint condition. In extreme cases, they are faux. There was an industry specializing in books as furniture. I remember you could buy fake books in the 70s mail-order catalogues, leather bound hardcover with canon authors printed on the back but no print.

>> No.16229793

80's Book-club libraries. Membership fee, and they sent you a bunch of books every month. Usually leather-bound and never used. Some of these are worth buying though, they are often good quality, in mint condition and the literature is often stuff from the western canon.

>> No.16229809

>anything by Stephen King

Stopped reading

>> No.16229814

James Baldwin
Toni Morrison
Naomi Klein
Bret Easton Ellis
Lacan/Jung/Reich/Fromm/any non-Freud psychoanalyist
John Ashbery

Infinite Jest
Lord of the Flies

>> No.16229819

>You will find good and midwit-level stuff side-by-side. You know, like Dostoevsky beside Stephen King
And? Your example is missing the "good" part

>> No.16229832

Or they just have diverse taste and don't autistically try to organize their bookshelf based on quality. Liking high literature while also having an affair with genre fiction on the side isn't all that uncommon.

>> No.16229842


>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Fuck off

>> No.16229846
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Notes from the Underground is not good ? What about the House of the Dead ?

>> No.16229856

>any non-Freud psychoanalyist
you've exposed yourself

>> No.16229865

Midwit is buying and displaying physical books at all.
Should be a last resort if it cant be found online or in the library.
Midwits that also fill up harddrives with porn and pay onlyfan whores

>> No.16229870
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Genre fiction gets really boring once you hit 40, you will see.

>> No.16229884

>doesn't want a beautiful, sweeping, victorian library

>> No.16229899

Yuppie midwits do, because it's part of the image they cultivate. We're not necessarily talking about the lower classes.

>> No.16229919

wowza bro you are so smart i someday want to be just like you

>> No.16229920

midwit = possessing a physical copy of any book by any author.

>> No.16229932

I wont make it in your bookstack reddit?
Hang yourself

yeah I larp as christcuck aristocrat too and participate in serious 4chan discussions


>> No.16229937


>> No.16229945

I don't get this board's fear of mediocrity and feigned individualism, statistically we are pretty much all guaranteed to be "midwits" why not just accept it and read books in the form we like

>> No.16229949
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What books do high IQ chads have on their shelves?

>> No.16229954

my point exactly lit and sci are the same board

>> No.16229960

literal reddit coomer
i can smell you from here

>> No.16229977

ITT: plebs namedropping authors they’ve never read

>> No.16230004
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>tfw I have literally none of these

>> No.16230014
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Critique me, and yes I like simple adventure novels.
Missing/on loan;
>Lost Horizon
>A Month In The Country
>A Canticle For Leibowitz
>A Scanner Darkly

>> No.16230058

You will grow out of it. At least it's top-shelf genre fiction. What's with the orthodox vibes ?

>> No.16230087

>You will grow out of it
No, but I like sea shanties and hunting stories!
>What's with the orthodox vibes ?
I've been an inquirer in Orthodoxy for almost two years now, some of those are on loan from my church. Some people make fun of me for not being a catechumen by now, but I was raised in a secular household so I'm taking my time to learn the theology. Lossy is pretty complex, but the Desert Fathers have been fun to read.

>> No.16230197
File: 68 KB, 747x750, F880DC50-CE82-42CA-BE2B-90FCD8881B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all of you.
Obsessing over the idea of a “midwit” is pure projection of your own insecurities about your intelligence. It’s all about the perception of what you read, not actually reading. Like most of the reddit and /pol/ immigrants browsing this board right now and looking for the next twitter screencap or religious argument to get their fix, you don’t read. You don’t care about reading. You care about how anons perceive you. People can read and own books they/you don’t like; in fact, these “midwits” are better than you. because they’re actually reading and cultivating opinions and thoughts. You’re just larping on an image board.
I hate this place. I hate what is has become.
Fuck you

>> No.16230202


>> No.16230241


>> No.16230250

can we have a closer look at that leather lovecraft book? nice shelf anon

>> No.16230260

Joyce and Beckett.

>> No.16230284

I'll defend Updike, Orwell, Steinbeck, and Salinger.
And question: what if the owner of Cuckoo's Nest also has Kesey's masterpiece Sometimes a Great Notion?

>> No.16230289

Welp, based on this thread I would be considered a midwit. I got king, peterson, hesse, as well as a couple others, but I just recently turned 18, never threw out any books and and a couple I needed for school(like hesse); would I still be considered a midwit?

>> No.16230303

>>Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
There is literally not a single introvert alive who owns this book because they willingly came into it.

>> No.16230317

since you are so concerned about whenever you are some internet buzzword and as a result go to beg for validation on the internet, the answer is clearly yes. Who cares what others think, read what you benefit from, dont take yourself too seriously.

>> No.16230340

Man fuck off, it was a decent read

>> No.16230356

The only acceptable spelling is Дocтoeвcкий

>> No.16230711


Presumably because the list ended there. Good job!!

>> No.16230755

stephen king is garbage. read better books

>> No.16230778

>ray kurzweil
fucking burn that book. biggest hack of our times

>> No.16230786

Seems like something only a midwit would type out unironically

>> No.16230795
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>> No.16230815

this is perfectly constructed to illicit rage in the viewer. 85% terrible books, 15% decent books, but they are distributed in such a way that almost all of us have at least one thing on here. fuck you anon

>> No.16230819

Is John Oliver a book?

>> No.16230825

this is a literature board, i can not perceive anything but literature

>> No.16230832


>implying midwits actually /read/ alan watts

Great books tho

>> No.16230842

seething non-american. we will live eternally rent free in your head

>> No.16230850

Yeah, how is this a productive conversation? What does anyone get out of this?

>> No.16230854
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>this is a literature board, i can not perceive anything but literature

>> No.16230877

Any autobiography ever written.

>> No.16230898

dw anon. I didn't become a catechumen until a few weeks ago. Granted I started my inquiry around 8 months ago and shortly after, the virus hit which disrupted services a bit. Before attending services, I began research into Christ and his Church for over a year. There is a lot to unpack, take your time. The world isn't ending yet (I hope)

>> No.16230916

>A People's History of the United States
I see this book shilled a lot as a True tell-all. Even in Good Will Hunting, a genius, the main character, says the book will blow your mind. QRD on it? I have a sneaking suspicion it is lefty history

>> No.16230936


It is far lefty history. Will is a genius, but he's also an insecure tryhard pseud, so of course he namedrops it.

>> No.16230938

>I have a sneaking suspicion it is lefty history
You are correct.

>> No.16230947

>Even in Good Will Hunting, a genius, the main character, says the book will blow your mind.
you understand that it is actually the opinion of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, not of a genius lol. They wrote the script.

>> No.16230949

>but he's also an insecure tryhard pseud
makes sense, ty for heads up anons. now i won't spend money on it

>> No.16231025

>liking Stephen King
Go back immediately

>> No.16231036

to save you from the embarrassment of having non approved literature on your shelf on the off hand chance you invite a /lit/ aspie into your home

>> No.16231223

i love you

>> No.16231646


>> No.16231657

american books

18th century french proto sci-fi

the semiotext(e) intervention series, each book individually vacuum sealed in a kitchen vacuum sealer bag along with gold bullion, flower seeds, and women's necklaces


don delillo – libra

>> No.16231658
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>> No.16231665

>The Grapes of Wrath
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>The Catcher in the Rye
>anything by John Updike
>implying graphic novels can't be good

apart from this I agree with you, but really I loathe people who shoot graphic novels down as a forever doomed medium.

>> No.16231691


>> No.16231737

>Bronze Stone Age whatever you call it book
>Jordan Peterson
>Edmund Burke
>The Denial of Death
>Howard Zinn
>Cornell West
>Amy Chua

>> No.16231758

>>The Denial of Death
Honestly that's Becker's least interesting work. It only got popular because ZOMG A DYING GUY IS WRITING ABOUT DEATH
I do like Becker though.

>> No.16231794

>anything by John Updike
woah there, friend

>> No.16231796

What other of his books would you recommend?

>> No.16231813
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>there are now people on /lit/ who are proud of NOT reading

>> No.16231833

post more

>> No.16231856

The Birth and Death of Meaning: An Interdisciplinary Perspective in Psychiatry and Anthropology
I found it to be excellent, he draws a lot from Erich Fromm and revises a lot of Frued's theories in such a way that makes them less sex oriented. Escape from Evil is interesting, but it's a companion notebook to Denial. More of an anthropological examination, which I'm interested in

>> No.16231860

Clean your room man

>> No.16231864


>> No.16231868

Thanks added to my list. Have Fromm's Escape From Freedom somewhere might give that a try first.

>> No.16232703


>> No.16232744

>midwit pseud
holy fuck listen to yourself. have sex loser

>> No.16232787

Midwits hate Evola because they get filtered right off the bat

>> No.16232800

>>anything by John Updike

A couple of decades ago, maybe, but now I'd only count the Eastwick and Rabbit books as part of this.

>> No.16232804

>I am not a failure, it is the world that failed.
This is actually an incredibly based way to live one's life.

>> No.16232819

I am a big fan of Orwell but this book makes me angry, when I read Sapiens I almost threw my phone across the room desu

>> No.16232823

Not reading the books. If you read them you will be fine anon

>> No.16232824

Probably not a guy

>> No.16232828

It is incredibly remarkable that 4chan has develoved into yet another grandstanding social media platform despite being based on anonymity and ephemerality. There are no internet points here.
The 1 mil+ views on the /lit/ chart top 100 after it was shared on plebbit, gaymergate and the 2016 election, has ruined the soul of this site beyond repair.
Calling someone a midwit pleb should be done gracefully and elegantly after carefully ripping an anon apart, not as an empty <5 word twitterbrained drive-by.

>> No.16232834


>> No.16233619

>The Handmaid's Tale
>any "literary graphic novels"

Does it look better or worse if you've doubled down on similar books? I've got a half dozen other Atwoods, and a shelf and a half of stuff including manga, Eurocomics, and collected editions of American comics.

>> No.16233635

any, any pseud can own any book

>> No.16234054

Fiodor Dostojewski

>> No.16234074
