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16226411 No.16226411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this guy is a massive charlatan who talks pseudoscience, pseudo dharmic mumbo jumbo and is constantly trying to sell you shit through organised youtube propaganda. he's like the snake charming illusionist who might beg you for a donation in exchange for a palm reading, except he's not begging on the streets of mumbai but instead made a massive multinational business out of his hustle

but hes widely endorsed/platformed by things like the World Economic Forum, UN and universities

how do i live with this?

>> No.16226427

>massive charlatan who talks pseudoscience, pseudo dharmic mumbo jumbo
Care to elaborate?

>> No.16226429

you're gay this dude kicks ass

>> No.16226433

>how do i live with this?
By ignoring the UN and other assorted subhuman buttmonkey posses.

>> No.16226437

>but hes widely endorsed/platformed by things like the World Economic Forum, UN and universities
because he's politically useful
how new are you

>> No.16226441

you need to sleep with your head pointing towards the north pole because of the iron in your blood and magnetic field of earth

Shambhavi Mahamudra yoga was found by a university of california study to increase neuron regeneration by 41%? (actually study is about surveyed feelings of well being and was conducted by deepak chopra)

water has memory

moon influences water in the human body

honey turns toxic when heated

identity creates intellect and so intellect is bound by it. intellect works like dissecting a frog

etc etc etv

>> No.16226447

how do i live with it though?

like what if a family member falls for his cult?

>> No.16226450

He's like inferior version of Alan Watts

>> No.16226458

did alan watts attend the world economic forum and give talks at the un?

>> No.16226469

Guy is a massive fraud, can't even be called ersatz osho.
He cares about california fires and amazon deforestation while staying quiet about the same things in india.
It's all political bullshit.

>> No.16226473

Look around, and most things become cults and charlatans. Governments, the inspiring people, academia, charities, religious institutions etc.
Not that I know of. Although you hear people saying he was associated with CIA, I don't know how real that is though.

>> No.16226478

so... life has a deeper... a deeper meaning and... one often finds one self tied up... like a knot isn't it... one finds some sort of deficiency...because one hasnt channeled the prañic energies into the deeper level of life and joy itself... now if you attend my basic ($350) programme i can teach youbsome techniques to... to get onto the manas level of shiva energy...

>> No.16226483

this is a really grim example though. hes peddling nonsense unopposed and getting the stage in major universities or places you need a phd to work at

>> No.16226484

>Not that I know of. Although you hear people saying he was associated with CIA, I don't know how real that is though.

Think that was in the time he tried LSD, as apart of the experimentation's with it, that were performed in his time. Think it was in 1960 he did that or thereabouts.

>> No.16226488

>water has memory
this is also the basis for homoeopathy. still plenty of people who are taken in by that

>> No.16226494

he loves new agey shit.
he says that he predicted coronavirus as well.

>> No.16226505

Inferior is an understatement. Say what you will about Watts, but at least he did as he claimed: being a philosophical entertainer, there only to amuse what he himself has been amused by. Sadhguru, on the other hand, seems to always have a kind-of tone, in the manner of self-supremacy. Or so I find for whenever I look at a video of his.

>> No.16226518

its not a tone. he outright claims to be enlightened. he says hes a greater guru than krishna or buddha (literal gods in asia) because hes reached further thanks to the internet

he claims telepathy and the ability to see into the future

>> No.16226519
File: 50 KB, 281x353, meher-baba-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the baba pill

>> No.16226520

this is sadhguru i mean

>> No.16226524

All of this is based and yogapilled

>> No.16226528

its not though. he even mistranslates sanskrit terms to make them closer aligned with his message

like he calls manas the body's memory (allusion to dna ) when manas means mind and is always described as such in the sanskrit corpus including in yoga scriptures

>> No.16226529

women love gurus, dwt

>> No.16226531

of course he's a charlatan, he's indian

>> No.16226575

This guy seems based
Any YouTube videos on this subject I can listen to while I work?

>> No.16226634

eres a vid on how corpses walk

>> No.16226646

>but hes widely endorsed/platformed by things like the World Economic Forum, UN and universities
The UN endorses everything wrong in the world, that's their whole point.

>> No.16226655

>honey turns toxic when heated
That's true tho, I only eat raw honey and it's so much better.

>> No.16226670

its not true. no food regulator on earth suggests this is the case

>> No.16226675

>you need to sleep with your head pointing towards the north pole

uhhh, hyperborea-pilled.

>> No.16226721

He can't. If you want to see a real BTFOing find the video with saghoru at the Law school. A bunch of midwits in the audience think they they're smarter than him and he puts them in their place. This one little bitch man gets so upset he keeps raising his voice and almost is crying and the Guru keeps demolishing him. I wouldn't be surprised if he made this thread he has such PTSD from it. He sure writes like a low caste piece of shit.

>> No.16226726

did eloborate
i even posted a video where he claims people reanimated dead animals and corpses on fire walking around

youre a midwit if you believe this crap because a guy who charges 100s of dollars for a yoga programme tells you to believe it.

>> No.16226729

I listen to Sadhguru to fall asleep. He has a nice voice.

>> No.16226733

hello pajeet

>> No.16226739

It's free on youtube

>> No.16226744

Are you mad because you saw that video and it's literally just him BTFOing christians in law school?

>> No.16226751

he always shills for his paid programmes in his videos.
i didnt watch that one care to post it?
i was too busy on the one where he was saying daily garlic consumption was deleterious to the health lol

>> No.16226768

His success is mostly because of his BWB (Big White Beard).
A BWB is a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment - ancient philosophers are almost invariably potrayed with BWB's. It's also associated with magic (the common fantasy trope of a bearded wizard) and even Godhood (in European art, Gods are often portrayed with BWB's - be it Zeus, Odin, Yahveh or others)

If he was just another clean-shaven pajeet, he would be begging in the streets of Mumbai.

>> No.16226777

I fall asleep to him often and I haven't heard any of that weird shit. His takes on life and death and etc are quite good and a lot easier to understand than the hectic buddhists. Understand is the wrong word, it's just easier to listen to.

>> No.16226787

he talks crap and he wants you to give him money

^ at leasts the buddhistsa re saying something. this man just rambles and makes up shit.
why not listen to this bullshit tonight

>> No.16226789

yes, he is stupid faggot and hypocrite. you better? lol.

>> No.16226799

yes. i dont scam people

>> No.16226804

Sadhguru is based and his videos are comfy

>> No.16226826

hes cringe and he talks nonsense whilst pretending to be enlightened

he literally frequently just lies
like saying the university of california did a study that proves his claims which does seem to exist...

>> No.16226871

>massive charlatan who talks pseudoscience,

Yes in deed ...flying balls in imaginary space... mentioned like he have got payed every time he mention. Even blah blah about Yoga ends up in Free masonic lie about space. His soul is rotten and he have got large belly hiding behind clothes. In Yoga they say, that peoples body and mind become one and his body is not beautiful , means he lost control over own body appetites and turned in to wickedness of lie for own benefit.

If you dedicate time to work on your body and then have results you enjoy, wouldn't you be satisfied with your self and feel appreciation to life ? Sorry not to life but to appreciation collector Guru. You need a lots of poor people in order to have rich one and there is no way around it.
So do you need daddy, that sets you to work? and harvest your fruits of labor?

Art to lie with confidence you can spot when people talk about non-existing things like they are experts about and hugest possible authority .

You obey Yoga routine it gives you health and all credit of your own doing goes to daddy .

People talk with purpose to be liked and pretend understand what they talking about, that is how gossip fly.

>> No.16227087

What do I care what some meme regulators say, it's just an appeal to authority

>> No.16227198

Holy fucking based.

>> No.16227278

right so you trust sadhguru more than 193 food regulators and nutrition scientist that has informed them world over

>> No.16227325
File: 7 KB, 259x194, UG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking insurable asshole this hack is.
I miss so UG a lot. He was one of very rare gems that came out of South Asia in last few centuries.

>> No.16227361

for me? its sadhgurus ego and blatant lying. he doesnt even pretend to be antimaterialistic

truly an ascended being

>> No.16227444

I don't give a fuck about Sadhguru, didn't even know he talked about honey until this thread

>> No.16227578

>how tantrics make dead bodies walk
so how do they do it

>> No.16227584

he wears makeup and has a shitty fake accent

>> No.16227598

pay him $1000s through his courses and volunteer at his ashrams and he might give you some hints

>> No.16227782

I saw a talk of his in which he claimed logic is bad because Aristotle was so thin he had to wear 3 dresses to look normal, and tells some bullshit story about Heraclitus owning Aristotle (those two were separated by 100 years).

>> No.16227827

yeah he actively preaches the intellect and logic are bad and the reasons are weird stories.

he said that intellect is bad because its like cutting, like dissecting a frog, but you destroy the frog and potentially harm yourself because the intellect is like a knife.

WHAT? how is me noticing the similarity between cats and horses as opposed to reptiles, like wielding a knife

>> No.16227856

I made the mistake of watching ONE of his vids so YouTube has been drowning me in recommendations for months

>> No.16227910
File: 123 KB, 486x723, Upasni0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Upasni Maharaj as well

>> No.16227970

hes buying up youtube real estate hard

>> No.16228001

So was Osho yet you faggots shill him on this board daily.

>> No.16228023

What the Fuck does this have to do with literature?

>> No.16228037

you know little, retard.

>> No.16228039

Enlighten me then, oh wise fuckface.

>> No.16228078

has published 3 books where his weird ideas get discussed

>> No.16228399

Here is the video. Midwits forever blown the fuck out of existence.


>> No.16228406


>> No.16228606

if his ecommerce is to help poor kids in india why does he swear a swiss watch?

>> No.16228632

On a serious note I looked into Siddhas some time ago and I watched this guy give a short lecture on it and his take was that you shouldn't care about siddhas at all and he got kinda flustered about the question (he was answering questions). I didn't like his response at all. Siddhas are based and he was all like "nah you shouldn't even look into it lol". That's what made me dislike him tbqh.

>> No.16228667 [DELETED] 
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pic related

>> No.16228693

Oh no no no no

>Charity is the filthiest invention of the human mind: first you steal what belongs to everyone; then you use the law and various other means to protect it.
>You give charity to prevent the have-nots from rebelling against you. It also makes you feel less guilty. All do-gooders feel 'high' when they do good.

U.G. Krishnamurti

>> No.16228726
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>filtered this hard by the based yogachad

>> No.16228979

I’ve noticed this snake oil salesman peddled as well. He would lose to any honest inquiry into theology and even Sam Harris would call him out for his pseud statements like Harris did to deepak. He makes vague analogical statements and is another charismatic charlatan.

>> No.16229035

Shanmugam did some good expose's of him


>> No.16229287

he's probably the worst on earth. very little refutation of him except a few articles here and there. meanwhile he appears at the Davos and the UN and American Universities
saw Shanmugam, but he rambles a lot so it's hard to follow his exposés

>> No.16229341

Didn't this guy kill his wife?

>> No.16229364

Vastly inferior. Alan Watts never took himself as seriously as this cunt does, plus he actually knew his stuff quite deeply even if he did hit the booze too hard.

>> No.16229376
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no she meditated and just ascended her life and he just got rid of the body before her family could see her

>> No.16229397

always depressing to be reminded that Indians post here

>> No.16229399

Stop disrespecting Alan Watts by comparing him with this faggot pseud

>> No.16229409

based apuposter

>> No.16229413

Is that Rajnesshpuram? I miss Knuddsen's video on that poo in the loo, before it was taken down.

>> No.16229414
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>> No.16229733

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.16229813

renown author Jaggi Vasudev.

>> No.16229940

What about him? Is he wrong?

>> No.16229951

he says shit like this:


but gets a platform at the world economic forum and the UN and owns a lot of ad space on youtube.

>> No.16229968
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>> No.16229983

>you need to sleep with your head pointing towards the north pole because of the iron in your blood and magnetic field of earth
>Shambhavi Mahamudra yoga was found by a university of california study to increase neuron regeneration by 41%?
>water has memory
>moon influences water in the human body
That one doesn't surprise me that much, but I still have doubts.
>honey turns toxic when heated
>identity creates intellect and so intellect is bound by it. intellect works like dissecting a frog
etc etc etv

>> No.16229994

if you sleep not with your head facing the north pole the blood well get pulled away from your brain and you'll get fucked up
Shambhavi Mahamudra is his basic ($300) yoga class. He says that there is a study by a university that says it regenerates your brain cells or somthing by 241% that study doesn't exist. there is a different study done by Deepak Chopra of his programme that says adherents reported higher rates of life satisfaction afterwards as compared with people who hadn't done anything.
>one doesn't surprise me that much
it should because it's effectively not true

>> No.16230017

>three hundreds freedombucks for a yoga class
This is the first time I come on /lit/ and everything I read is stupid and make me feel dumber for reading it.
And don't get me started on the rest, I should be sleeping instead of getting mad at retarded stuff.

>> No.16230050

he says that sleep is bad and that through meditation you can reduce the amount of sleep one requires.

a man who gets an audience at the World Economic Forum and the UN, says this.

>> No.16230120

I can tell that you're an assblasted indian with inferiority complex who tries to act in a way daddy west would approve of him. It's cringe, UN is a meme organisation and you shouldn't speak so bad about someone who has his own opinion and doesn't just appeal to authority.

>> No.16230129

/lit/ sucks, and this fucking thread fucking sucks too.
Fuck you, op, you faggot.

>> No.16230133

>sleep is bad
Spotted the scrub who never had a job.

>> No.16230164

>assblasted indian
>inferiority complex
>daddy west
>UN is a meme organisation
>shouldn't speak so bad about someone who has his own opinion
what like mercury being solidified at room temprature? you'd have to be a literal fucking idiot to believe this crap

>doesn't just appeal to authority
to a degree that's fine. but making up studies that validate your $300 programme and doing scams like pretending to solidify mercury is just fucking stupid.

It's not a case of an interesting thinker who asks interesting epistemological questions against science.
It's the case of an indian conman who has managed to con his way into the big leagues.

>> No.16230173

Just leave the poor old man be

>> No.16230174

>conducted by deepak chopra

Sounds like satire desu

>> No.16230186

he claims regularly that there is this university of california study that endorses his programme scientifically.

If you google you just find a survey-based study by Deepak Chopra - where they asked people who went to a Sadhguru course and people who didnt how they felt.

Of course people who just went to a meditation class are likely to feel better about their life than a random person. They went to the meditation class becasue they wanted to feel better than their life.
But the study he quotes says something about neurological regeneration at 241%
He's not a poor old man. He's buying up youtube real estate like crazy.

>> No.16230203

>sadhguru saying mercury isn't poisonous and consumption of mercury is a good thing

oh my god.