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16226090 No.16226090 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16226120

It's a book
The cover is bland.
The content is nice but not spectacular.
Thomas Pynchon doesn't even exist.
He is an A.I from the early days of computers.

>> No.16226212

it's his best honestly

>> No.16226261
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>> No.16226741

I'm reading Inherent Vice right now, I'm surprised how much of a breezy read it is compared to his earlier stuff. How does Bleeding Edge compare in that regard?

>> No.16226993

he's a truther

Inherent Vice is top 3 Pynchon, along with Gravity's Rainbow and Mason & Dixon. Haven't read Against the Day yet though.

>> No.16227049

I'm really enjoying IV

>> No.16227709

It's great. The movie is alright but leaves out a fair bit that is relevant and interesting. If PTA wanted to do it justice it should have been an HBO style mini-series.

>> No.16227860

I bought a copy of this novel before I realized I don't like Pynchon and have never been able to finish it.

>> No.16227862

its V dumbass

>> No.16227866

worst pynchon, and even worse attempt at being funny

>> No.16228793

I thought parts of it were pretty funny and it did a good job at describing the 911 mood of NYC in a weird cyberpunky way. Some characters were forgettable but the nose detective is probably one of my favorites from any Pynchon book

>> No.16229012

Easily his best

>> No.16230409

I am amazed at how quick are some posters here to assert what the best Pynchon Book is whithout reading his whole ouvre . I am not tryng being negative for the sake of it but i man if you just tried just a little harder ,if you just would read some secondary texts on some of Pynchon's works you would have a completely different oppinion .

>> No.16230436
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It's def easier than his older stuff. I loved it. Great schizo vibe

>> No.16230529

I've read everything except Against the Day. Kiss my ass.

>> No.16230652

Uh, hate to break it to you guys, but one of you is wrong

>> No.16230816

The foot job scene and post-9/11 are the best parts.

>> No.16230899
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His time travel stuff was spot-on

>> No.16230928

GR is his best. Boring opinion, but it's correct

>> No.16230935

your not correct

>> No.16230952
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>Pynchon will never pick you up from school
it's the pits, anons

>> No.16230970

In your opinion. Which is wrong.

>> No.16231408

Jewess footjobs