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/lit/ - Literature

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16225509 No.16225509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If Plato and Aristotle worshipped demons, why should Christians take what they say as truth?

How did Greek Pagan theology get merged with Christian thought?

>> No.16225515

Yep I can't wait I warned everyone. Put in evil and some motherfucker will get power and you trained him to be evil just you wait when am I wrong?

>> No.16225529


>> No.16225543

You crazy motherfucker I will force you to be eviler and eviler. I'm going to bring you down and when someone figures it out you're all fucked. It might take one generation eventually some faggots are going to get tired of sex and want power and I made you all eviler you just watch

>> No.16225556

real schizo hours

>> No.16225567

They shouldn't be allowed. Julian was right in this. If you seek to tear down the beliefs, culture, history, traditions, and to pervert the arguments of those that you seek to study then it is best for everyone that you are barred from it altogether.

"No classical education in Christian schools!" This is the core of my political program. Will you vote for me?

>> No.16225587

I'm right your eu and un are bunch of pedophiles living off race

>> No.16225621

Greek philosophy isn't based on faith like your kike fairy tale. You dont just believe it's the truth because some authority arbitrarily told you to or you'll burn in hell, but think about what they are saying for yourself.

>> No.16225638

Basil the Great actually wrote a book about it, and he says that yes Christians can read pagan literature.

>> No.16225689

based dubu poster

>> No.16225802
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>If Plato and Aristotle worshipped demons, why should Christians take what they say as truth?

>> No.16225975

Not this shit again.

>> No.16225979

She has such a good nature about her, top tier kpop star


brainlet spotted

>> No.16226060

It’s called «Address to young men on Greek literature». Just read it.

>> No.16227022


You should focus more on learning to read so that you don't post dumbass shit threads like this about stuff you obviously know nothing about OP

>> No.16227069

Christians also should stop breathing because air is a pagan demon.

>> No.16227114

Plato didn't worship demons, and several passages point to him being somewhat of a monotheist. Logos Christology (as in the Gospel of John) is largely a descendant of Platonic philosophy, and the Neoplatonists had a great impact on the greatest of the Church Fathers: St. Augustine. The greatest doctor of the Church, St. Aquinas, imported Aristotle's metaphysics and ethics in bulk.

>> No.16227614

i would like to touch and sniff her

>> No.16227651

The most Orthodox of the Church Fathers, like Jerome, would agree, all books except for the New Testament, the Torah, and commentaries on either should be burnt. The more Unorthodox ones, like Augustine, would disagree, and say that they were just reaching to God in their own way.

In the end, Augustine and friends won, because Jerome and friends were smoothbrains who only really had power so the Emperor could use them as a cudgel against his enemies.

>> No.16228696

yeah don't think for yourself. just believe the pedophiles in the funny hats.

>> No.16228829

Never said I liked catholicism, they’re worse than pagans

>> No.16228852

Op meant Socrates daemon

>> No.16228892

the seed of truth was planted in those pagan writers. like the momentary flicker of light from a lighthouse in a storm. thus, we should read them

>> No.16228940

Even all the plastic surgery in the world can't hide her insect nature. Look closely at her nose, look how wide her nostrils are. Disgusting.

>> No.16228984

I'm not sure he did. Even so, you have people like Kierkegaard writing that Christianity is essentially daimoniacal.

>> No.16229873
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No I meant demons

>> No.16229889

What demons did they worship? All that God created is good, some are more good than others

>> No.16230299

>All that God created is good
Correct, but there's an important distinction to be made here. Gene Wolfe gives this analogy: supposing that creation is a word (λογος) spoken by God, then there must be alternative words in God's vocabulary, words-not-spoken. For if God only knew and could speak one word, that word would lack meaning, as it would mean everything and therefore nothing. So, these words-not-spoken must not exist (or else they would have been spoken into existence), but neither can they *not* exist, as they have to give the spoken Word meaning apophatically. Thus, these unspoken words are held in a state of quasi-existence, and it is from this vocabulary that demons and seekers of dark knowledge draw their power.

>> No.16230315

it's predicate monism not in the vein of Patricia curd.
The derogatory nature of being, as it goes down, is the development of different objects. For instance writing itself takes different forms in poems, prose etc. From being comes truth and truth ontology, ontology logic > math etc

>> No.16230323

Holy shit you christians are absolutely retarded also your shitty fantasy beliefs came from the greeks.

>> No.16230327

Nobody cares, until you accept realism you will be a shifty cockroach with political divisions

>> No.16230328

>christian doesn't want to read some dated philosophy because hes a mong and his low IQ can't handle other beliefs

>> No.16230339

He phoneposts and post some
ugly korean cake face, so you already know
hes some white american kid.

>> No.16230694

So not-truth also comes from being, in your ontology? I fail to see how your god isn't Demian's Abraxas.

>> No.16230730

no it's the absense of being. It doesn't exist. I can't pick up darkness and manipulate or throw it into al lit room to dim it, it just doesn't exist. All things break down like this

>> No.16230750
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The future mother of my children.

>> No.16230990

Then, if being is truth, you can't say that truth is derived from being. Truth would simply be being: they are equivalent. I don't understand what you mean by "all things break down like this."

>> No.16231644

>think for yourself on the basis of your reason rather than an arbitrary source of authority dictating the nature of reality to you
So this is the power of the modern Christian...

>> No.16231666

The copula doesn't account for how sets work so to say truth is being could be truth is the subset of being. I say truth is whether an object's being matches another's being or its own and ontology is the correct way to conceptualize being (the current king of France in a video game vs in reality for example). They cover different fields.

All things are subsets of proper sets which culminate in the proper set of being (God's).

>> No.16231704
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Could Christians just stay off /lit/? Your dogmatism just refuses to consider anything that challenges its worldview, what's even the point in coming here, it's like someone who's lactose-intolerant chugging gallons of milk, you're just going to shit yourself and everyone else is going to be forced to put up with the smell.
There must be other places you can all affirm your views and circle jerk each other

>> No.16231711

Yes. They created Christianity friend
Lucifer= Castrated
Cronus= Castrated

Zeus, represented by the Eagle.
Jesus represented by the Dove.

Zeus overthrows his father Cronus to bring justice to the world.
Jesus out thought his elders, Begins the Pax Romana and longest dominating empire.

What this is doing is further proving the Classical Mythology was the original Christianity. The Pagan thought created Christianity long before it came. Well before Roman Catholocism.

Take it in the words of Tertullian, Ancient Christian who's time was before the Church.

“But these scars were cut in a Christian combat. They are, assuredly, efficacious in the sight of Christ, since a desire for victory won them, and so, they too are worthy of honor because it was only in not overcoming that they were overcome. The very devil himself regards them with dismay. They have experienced misfortune, but they are chaste. In the performance of penance they grieve before the Lord but they do not blush. They will be forgiven once again because in their apostasy they made reparation. In their case, only, may we say: the flesh is weak. But Flesh which overcomes the Spirit-there is none so strong as that!”

I am explaining how they created it:

>> No.16231714


>> No.16231722

Daimones had different connotations and definitions in Greek philosophy than they do in Christianity. They are completely different concepts and should be treated in their respective historical-cultural-socio contexts

>> No.16231728

did it already burn in hell

>> No.16231730

>doesn't understand the complexity of the holy spirit

>> No.16231732

Your pills schizo. Go to them. Pray to God.

>> No.16231739

You're not Christian and triggering you by proving a bird is nicer than humans is probably my favorite trick of the past 2.5 years

>> No.16231751


>> No.16231759


>> No.16233054

>anon asks a nugatory question to justify starting a kpop general on /lit/

>> No.16233103

>Spirit that helps man
>Not demons
keep draining the AIDs cum out of your blown out asshole

>> No.16233117

>Having faith in facts, logic, and rationality
peak bugman

>> No.16233121

All the retards ITT raging against Christians because of a kid although real Christians have already answered above.