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/lit/ - Literature

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1622481 No.1622481 [Reply] [Original]

>Behind the bar at my frat (suck it betafags)
>We're serving our signature drink
>beautiful girls, beautiful girls everywhere
>all asking me for drinks
>Ask them what their favorite novel is
>all except one respond with either "The great gatsby!" (with no ability to explain why) or "Harry potter!" ("because like omg she's such an amazing writer!")
>one beautiful skinny girl looks me in the eye and says the virgin suicides
>We start talking about what she liked about it
>she's intelligent
>we share many a drink over discussions of literature
>she wants to fuck
>we do
>post about it on /lit/

So /lit/ what do you think? did I sell out?

>> No.1622485

I fux witcha.
I fux witcha brah.

>> No.1622493

>Spent the thursday (aka student night; the night all the cool cats come out) reading virgin suicides
>next day I write up a false greentext because greentexts are so cool riiiiiight.
>Convince myself I'm not sad and lonely
>take my flouxetine.

>> No.1622498

well she did

also c'mon /lit/ am are Brownbear and I the only ones who leverage our superior intelligence to seek out superior mating specimens?

>> No.1622499

You can't sell out to the Wille zum Leben. Though it seems you haven't yet realized that liking someone's book preference is as shallow as liking someone's physical appearance.

>> No.1622502


this happened Wednesday brosephine
>implying I don't go to an elite college
>implying all the beautiful women here are not also intelligent (though perhaps harder to find)
>implying you aren't jellymad at my life

>> No.1622504
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>stupid frat boys think reading novels is so specialll

>> No.1622505

something happened today with a female whilst on public transport.
i must regale /lit/ with my misadventures as soon as possible!
when i've read a little more catcher in the rye...

>> No.1622506


Maybe so, but at least I'll have something to talk about until she leaves. Also Schopenhauer? Really?

I actually like Schopenhauer, can we be franz?

>> No.1622510


>Ask them what their favorite novel is
>all except one respond with either "The great gatsby!" (with no ability to explain why) or "Harry potter!" ("because like omg she's such an amazing writer!")

actually you're a fag. who the fuck turns down pussy because the bitch reads harry potter. seriously. pussy is pussy. nobody's asking you to marry these cunts.

>> No.1622512

I would presume that most inhabitants of a board called "/lit/" place some special emphasis on being well read. I would also venture a guess that most of the people /lit/erates encounter are dull sheeple.

>> No.1622516
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>implying I'm that desperate for pussy

also pic related, you are part of the problem.

>> No.1622518

>Virgin Suicides

spoiler: she only watched the movie

This will come out and you will be shamed in front of all your bros who were fucking the chicks that actually read TGG.

Because it was required in 10th grade

>> No.1622522

Really this board is all about the worship of the self by means of an abstract judgement system. A bunch of guys with dicks, metaphorically.

Its because of the intellectual pretension of the subject that we have such an infestation of trip-fags, for instance.

>> No.1622524

>who the fuck turns down pussy because the bitch reads harry potter
The guy who makes up stories to sound cool on a board of people who don't really care about that shit.

>> No.1622525

>Its because of the intellectual pretension of the subject
or it's a slow board with low pop and people who are predispose to trip are also predisposed to stay on the board/regulars

>> No.1622530

>He thinks liking books makes us shallow faggots like him who have an air of pretention.

>> No.1622533

I'll concede that your reasoning is correct, but so is mine.

I make a special exception for you, onionring, but most of the trips here are positively dripping ego from that very same metaphorical cock.

>> No.1622535


>> No.1622537


Well I haven't seen the movie so I suppose that's a possibility. Though to be fair she's a former chess champion and we talked about far more than TVS (the wild palms for example), so I'd wager she's well read. It's all just discourse that gets me off in the end.


Anonemouse is cancer!

but actually, that's reasonable, that doesn't deny that /lit/erates place special subjective emphasis on their literary dicks and thus would be interested in talking about seshing cute well-read women.

>> No.1622544

>well read
>chess champion

No, I fucked Nabokov last night! And his favorite books are his own books, get it straight.

>> No.1622542


I calls em like I sees em.

>> No.1622549
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>> No.1622552


She medaled in the North American Youth Chess Championships brah

she could probably give Fabulous a run

>> No.1622558

Of course, in the quote, you yourself proclaim yourself to be superior and the anonymous poster to be universally inferior. Sweeping all of your detractors into a broad category that can be easily refuted by "lol, u jelly?"

From what I've seen of you, you can occasionally make a good point, but rarely without guarding it behind obfuscations of the pointlessly verbose and obscenely obtuse. Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing, as the saying goes.

I'm not impressed.

>> No.1622562


>From what I've seen of you, you can occasionally make a good point, but rarely without guarding it behind obfuscations of the pointlessly verbose and obscenely obtuse. Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing, as the saying goes.

I believe that's an improper use of a semicolon my good man.

>> No.1622564

>rarely without guarding it behind obfuscations of the pointlessly verbose and obscenely obtuse

So you're saying you don't understand large quantities of what I say

>> No.1622569

No, you simply inferred that from my statement, and that is the case.

>> No.1622574


>No, you simply inferred that from my statement, and that is the case.

The world is all that is case.

Also can we get back on topic here? Or is this thread to fall victim to the trolling and counter-trolling?

>> No.1622576

Its a typo, sorry about that, but none-the-less. You did understand the meaning I was trying to convey, yes? Thats the purpose of the statement, whether or not the grammar is completely proper is just dressing.

When the purpose of what I'm writing goes beyond the simple need to convey a simple point, I'll do my best to be infallible, but I am a man... and a poor one at that.

>> No.1622581


>implying I could ever truly grasp your meaning
>implying that doesn't sound homoerotic

I don't really care about the anonymous v. tripfags debate, I just wanted to have an ego boosting fun greentext thread

why can I have nice things?

>> No.1622585

saged and reported

>> No.1622636
File: 13 KB, 261x193, manexcited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a lot, yet I never have random chicks came up to me and offer me pussy. What's with this?

>> No.1622644

It's a troll thread obviously. Why believe it's true?
Plus, reported. I urge you all to do the same.

>> No.1622656

Read outside bro

>> No.1622670


to be fair, I had to take affirmative action to get them to talk about books, it's all about controlling limited high demand resources and leveraging that into conversation about buks

>> No.1622674

All of you, tell me more.
