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16224232 No.16224232 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some surprisingly Conservative writers?

>> No.16224288

Frege lol

>> No.16224291


>> No.16224436
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conserve what?

>> No.16224449

The human spirit you gender fluid mulatto sub human copelord jew slave cuckboi

>> No.16224454

Calm down

>> No.16224460


>> No.16224469


Conservatives are worthless stage actors of the modernist regime, propped up as the proverbial werewolf to red riding hood.

>> No.16224473

My penis is 3.3 inches erect. 1 lazy sperm with extra chromosomes falls out when I violently cum to BBC cuck porn. I can’t stop. Then I post about Jews on pol until I pass out drunk. EVERY DAY

>> No.16224484
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tryhard fluster
coins you 'buster'

>> No.16224501
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>Kerouac found enemies on both sides of the political spectrum, the right disdaining his association with drugs and sexual libertinism and the left contemptuous of his anti-communism and Catholicism; characteristically, he watched the 1954 Senate McCarthy hearings smoking marijuana and rooting for the anti-communist crusader, Senator Joseph McCarthy

>> No.16224514


>> No.16224584

based retard

>> No.16224636

R. R. Reno

>> No.16224713

Few days ago I started reading Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and was surprised that his ideas are quite libertarian. I thought he was libtard.

>> No.16225599

Eric Blair. But in the very old English tradition that sought to retain ancient freedoms, had a strong distrust of government, was suspicious of the rich and powerful, while caring for the common man.

>> No.16225709

Spinoza can appear socially conservative at times in the Ethics (anti-vegan, pro marriage and chastity etc...)

>> No.16225716

>The beautiful human spirit you disgusting human

>> No.16225726

>both left and right hate freedom

>> No.16225763

Based Rightleaning stoner.

>> No.16225793

>his ideas are quite libertarian
>I thought he was libtard.

>> No.16225796

Anyone calling himself a conservative in the last 80yrs is unironically just a corporate PR man at best.

>> No.16226358


>> No.16226389

I wouldn't exactly call it conservative but the (later) works of Joseph Roth feature some of the sweetest nostalgia for (the Austrian) monarchy you will ever read.

>> No.16226503


>> No.16226595

based, he's still a shit writer though

>> No.16226600


>> No.16226619

Anyone in American politics in the last 80yrs is unironically just a corporate PR man at best.

>> No.16226641

Not based. This statement is like a decade old. There has been a move recently towards sincere conservatism in opposition to neoliberalism and cronyism.

>> No.16226644

read Dr. Sax you imbecile

>> No.16226652

>There has been a move recently towards
name some who're involved in this move. neoliberalism is barely a word encountered in the conservative discourse. and conservatives hate cronyism when it's liberals being cronies. they are more than happy with it when it's their own.

>> No.16226656

in what sense?

>> No.16226660

That's oddly specific. Are you sure you're not projecting there xXx_RedditWarrior_xXx?

>> No.16226691

Chesterton. Very comfy to read. Also he's the good kind of conservative, the kind that emphasizes culture and a traditional view on life. At least in my country, the "conservative" movement is mostly opposing leftist policies and defeding capitalism.

>> No.16226757

>neoliberalism is barely a word encountered in the conservative discourse

Nick Fuentes, Charlemagne, Settler's Lament, and co. all espouse essential conservative, or neo-reactionary ideals. Whether they are called "conservatives" properly is a matter of semantics, made more difficult in Britain by the fact that we have a so-called Conservative party which are socially progressive. More mainstream examples include Victor Davis Hanson, Buckley of course, and Peter Hitchens, among many others.

Like I said, this has been a fairly recent development in right-wing thinking over the last couple decades (to my limited knowledge), but it has grown out of the same frustrations which you alluded to: conservatives are largely crooks and cronies who conserve little other than their own fortunes. Importantly, the push has been to establish a sincere conservatism (specifically social) while endorsing the essential insights and criticisms (as it relates in particular to the economy) of libertarian and Austrian thought. In many ways, Peter Hitchens has championed this in his own way for well over a decade, and has been consistently influential.

Had I read your statement 10 years ago, I would have agreed wholeheartedly. But given what I've seen over the last fews years specifically, I can't agree at all.

>> No.16226873


>> No.16226888

this. marx himself was unbelievably based

>> No.16226933

I should make clear: what I've written is a little confused and misleading owing to its intricacies, nuances, and the gross generalisations I made. For example, P Hitchens regards himself as socially conservative and would, I think, in many way resent being mentioned off-handedly along with "libertarianism" or economic thought (which he makes clear he knows nothing about). In fact, PH would sooner nationalise certain services than have them privatised. But the key economic insights I mentioned essentially amount to classical economics and the Austrian school of thought which perforate this "new" conservatism, and stand in opposition to Marxist economic and materialistic thinking, Keynesian policies, and MMT economic explanations.
Another example detailing this divergence might be UKIP's (2015) stance on quangos. Largely, quangos were pushed for by the establish government managerial class as a way of "decentralising" and "economising" government administration. It has an air of capitalising of market efficiencies by establishing semi-autonomous, semi-public agencies with delegated responsibilities. To any sensible person however, this reeks of cronyism and diffused (read "obfuscated") political power. More pragmatically, none of the purported efficiencies were ever evidenced. UKIP, who until 2015 branded themselves as a Libertarian party, were the only party to come out in strong opposition to quangos. Since their rabble-rousing, and thanks to efforts within the Conservative party itself, we have seen a systematic deconstruction and minimisation of quangos. Though there are still hundreds at present, I believe.
I suspect that many of the people energised by Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012, who took a platform of ending the Fed, etc., would later go on to vote for Trump in 2016. Remember, Trump won his campaign on a platform of not only general social conservatism and American exceptionalism and optimism, but also, by and large, anti-corruption. He was explicitly critical of commercial and political hegemony and cronyism: "drain the swamp!". Fundamentally, he promised to put American's first in a world which increasingly off-shores labour in the interest of market efficiencies and where profits are hoarded by nation-rivalling MNEs or otherwise recirculated into a speculation, debt-based economy. The extent to which he has delivered on this is another matter altogether.

>> No.16226964


>> No.16227004

Capitalism conserves nothing but wealth.

>> No.16227055

Balzac was an alt-right monarchist reactionary who hated journalists.

>> No.16227131

Marx is a snivelling, small-shouldered twink compared to Gramsci. His economic thought (the bulk of his writing) is an emphatic was of time and human effort. You'll find more political and existential insight in a Lewis Carroll novel.

How about C S Lewis, Tolkien, R W Emerson, or Hemingway? I know Hemingway's a bit wet sometimes, but he's definitely a conservative and masculine writer.

>> No.16227136

waste of time* fml

>> No.16227141
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>> No.16227176

This. Corporations have taken pro-BLM stances and pro-LGBT stances; both highly conservative in nature.

>> No.16227183

As he got older, Kerouac reverted your his cultural roots as a French Canadian redneck. Despite the hipster daddy-o stereotype, so much of his work was nostalgia for an old lost America that was being swept away by modernism. He came to loathe the hippies and other followers and the drinking didn’t help as he became paranoid and bitter in old age.

>> No.16227185
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when's the Fempire coming?

>> No.16227188

he hated hippies which makes him de facto mega basado

>> No.16227200

Kerouac drunk on William F.Buckley’s show. Watch the whole show and you can see the young hippies who nice idolized him cringing at his drunk reactionary but still very witty and intellectual rankings.

>> No.16227344

As long as we’re on Kerouac, here’s a weird thought. Get beyond the dope and gay stuff and Allen Ginsberg was sort of a literary conservative. An Ivy Leaguer (Columbia) who knew the western canon forwards and backwards, as well as other world literatures. He could quote vast swaths of Dead White Male poetry, and not just well known stuff. The form of Howl is based on work of 18th century poet Christopher Smart. He would shame students who thought they could write without reading the classics. So he’s not like Kerouac the drunk Canuck redneck or gay fascist Burroughs, though he was close friends with them and promoted their work, but his work had a trad grounding no matter how far out and freaky he was.

>> No.16227377

Buckley and Ginsberg. Just a couple of Ivy League culture snobs.

>> No.16227897

she has such a punchable face especially with glasses on

>> No.16227995

Average political opinions of a non-political Québécois or rural Canadian desu.

>> No.16228028

The most watched news pundit of all time, Tucker Carlson, is a paleoconservative with anti-Wall Street and anti-globalist rhetoric that is heard by millions every night.

Show me your level of political ignorance by saying that is not conservative and I'll show you the door to /pol/.