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16222750 No.16222750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>disproves centuries of circle jerking philosophy by literally just walking
How can this tiny guy be so based

>> No.16222770

What does this disprove exactly?

>> No.16222771

hey I’m walking here HAHAHAHA omg this makes doing homework so much easier

>> No.16222780

>The existence of organisms which are clearly intelligently designed and have a telos disproves God

>> No.16222824

>1/trillion chance mutation can create a protein that's functional
>1/bazillion chance it replicates
>1/bubbadoppatillion chance it expresses itself as a new inheritable phenotype

>> No.16222841

Xeno's paradox

>> No.16222842


But it happened and here we are, it would be weird to live in an universe with few rare occurences. Case closed.

>> No.16222906


>> No.16222916

I didn't know scientologists had a paradox.

>> No.16222925

Where is he walking?? *_* Omg I'm sp proud of him! :3

>> No.16222944

My ancestor :)

>> No.16222946

>atheists believe this just randomly appeared out of rocks

>> No.16222967

is this real?? wtf how did they teach that protein to walk like that??

>> No.16222971

no one ever walked before?

>> No.16222973
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>> No.16222976

i have trouble believing it too, cells are just so ridiculously complicated

>> No.16222984

Building blocks of life have already been created in a lab using similar conditions present on earth prior to the first single celled organisms, just look it up

>> No.16223005
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>> No.16223014

How? Doesn't seem like it would at all, it's still contained under the concepts of motion and space which Xeno's is based in.

>> No.16223027

Yeah, but they're completely inert, dead, they don't self-replicate. Clearly something critical is still unknown.

>> No.16223216

Nice. Stand up for God. Never cower or hide to make atheists feel comfortable.

>> No.16223267

this is current year atheism vs god is so several years before current year

>> No.16223314

How do you explain the billions upon billions of cubic kilometres of cold, lifeless space across the universe? Read about the anthropic principle: a universe that doesn't have the conditions for life to occur goes unbeheld, for complex life is needed to behold it. So the existence of a universe finely-tuned to the life it contains distorts the objective perspective.

>> No.16223318

don't argue with retards

>> No.16223324

I don't need your approval

>> No.16223330

Building blocks...Ahh yes, you amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. But that’s all they are. Proteins aren’t just a collection of amino acids. They also have to be folded in a particular way for them to work in an organism, and that folding is accomplished by little bio machines that fold them in just the right way.

The analogy would be if you had a pile of nails, screws, and timbers on the ground, the building blocks of a house. But without something there to assemble it, all you’re ever gonna have is a pile of useless junk. Amino acids are the same way. They need something to combine them and then fold the protein so that it works. All life needs proteins, and all life needs proteins folded correctly at all times for life to not die.

>> No.16223338


How does your kike asshole feel fag?

>> No.16223347

Do you think proteins and amino acids only exist in the world in the form of complex life forms?

>> No.16223396

Are you trying to imply that multicellular and single celled organisms don’t use the same proteins? Because I’ve got bad news for you.

>> No.16223404

Nails and shit don't have ATP idiot

>> No.16223444

And neither do amino acids. Amino acids need ATP to work, yes? Similarly, you need some kind of energy source to take all the nails and screws to form a house. That outside energy source is what builds the final product. So if you just have a pile of amino acids, you’re not gonna get anywhere fast.

>> No.16223454

No, sorry. Scratch the word 'complex' from my previous post. I'm implying that amino acids and proteins can exist without creating or facilitating life. So what is the intention behind those amino acids and proteins?

>> No.16223490

And nails and screws can exist without being part of a house. But you don’t look at a pile of nails and wonder why they’re not part of a house, right? Amino acids and can combine to form proteins, because that’s all a protein is, a long chain of amino acids. But without it being folded correctly, it’s unusable for life. It’s like a bent nail or screw. Sure, they exist, but they’re not gonna be used to build a house with. You need straight nails and straight screws. Similarly, you need folded proteins for life to work.

>> No.16223508

but the multiplicity of instances increases the probability by orders of magnitude.

>> No.16223521

Is Parmenides worth reading?

>> No.16223576

over a long anough timescale anything can happen.

also christmulignans deserve to be scalped and raped, in that order

>> No.16223596

Like his fragmentary poem or the actual dialogue? Anyways the answer is both.

>> No.16223597

Are you perhaps american?

>> No.16223621

>because its is designed in such a way GOD MUST HAVE DONE IT!
That is your logic, you braindead amerimutt. You moronic cunts do nothing but hinder science.

>> No.16223635

Why are you obsessed with americans? They have the best scientific universities in the world too, you're not even correct about what you're saying.

>> No.16223650
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Why are you obsessed with americans? They have the best scientific universities in the world too, you're not even correct about what you're saying.

>> No.16223657

Americans would really be surprised if they left their poorly educated burgerworld because people on the other side of the world don't really believe in any of the god nonsense like they do.

>> No.16223663

bro just give it millions of years
like its totally possible to produce an operating jet plane by just producing tornadoes in a junk ward

>> No.16223677

the majority of the world believes in god/gods

>> No.16223685

sounds eurocentric m8

>> No.16223688
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>“The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible. Had you not seen it all from birth and thereby bled it of its strangeness it would appear to you for what it is, a hat trick in a medicine show, a fevered dream, a trance bepopulate with chimeras having neither analogue nor precedent, an itinerant carnival, a migratory tentshow whose ultimate destination after many a pitch in many a mudded field is unspeakable and calamitous beyond reckoning.

>The universe is no narrow thing and the order within it is not constrained by any latitude in its conception to repeat what exists in one part in any other part. Even in this world more things exist without our knowledge than with it and the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way. For existence has its own order and that no man's mind can compass, that mind itself being but a fact among others.”

>> No.16223693

I think we can all agree the truth lies neither in absolute atheism nor belief in a magical sky daddy.

>> No.16223701


>> No.16223729

Is much of the book like this? I would read a whole book of this but when I tried to start it I got very bored with the story of the kid.

>> No.16223736


just try it again in a couple of years

>> No.16223742

A couple of years is not going to change the contents of the book, I take it from your not answering me that most of the book is not like that.

>> No.16223748


correct, but it isn't the book that sucks, it is you that sucks. maybe the you two years from now will be able to handle it

>> No.16223756

I didn't say the book sucked, I said that I found it boring, there is no need to be all upset about it, I just asked you a question. It's not a matter of handling it, it's not hard to read, I just don't care about the kid.

>> No.16223759 [DELETED] 

God/κόσμος can be conceived without disgusting anthropological concepts like omnibenevolence. It's a noumenon, an unknown entity, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Only Poland and the Middle East does. Africa also fell from evangelicalism meme, but that's it.

>> No.16223769

God/κόσμος can be conceived without disgusting anthropological concepts like omnibenevolence. It's a noumenon, an unknown entity, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Only Poland and the Middle East does. Africa also fell for the evangelicalism meme, but that's it.

>> No.16223775
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brainlets are not welcome on /lit/.
this is a place for the highest levels of intelectual discourse only

>> No.16223784

why is poland such a joke country. who even thought that letting it exist was a good idea

>> No.16223785 [DELETED] 

>the majority of the world believes in god/gods
Try to leave your Hamburger-land and you will see its not the case and not in such a severe sense as you mutts do.

>> No.16223792

Try leaving your hamburgerland once in your life and you will see this is not the case and also if they do, its not as severe like you mutts do. But keep coping

>> No.16223811

a huge portion of the world also smokes cigarettes but nice logic there brick out.

>> No.16223817

There are 2.3 billion Christians, 1.8 billion Muslims, 1.25 billion Hindus, they all believe in God or gods. There are also some Buddhists who believe in gods. Atheists are something like 10% of the world's population, I think 'irreligious' people might be another 10%, in any case a minority.

>> No.16223819

>you don't look at a pile of nails and wonder why they're not part of a house, right?
No, of course not. But I also don't look at a pile of nails and assume their existence in that form must mean that someone somewhere intended for a house to be built.

>> No.16223822


>> No.16223825

The post I replied to said that Americans would be surprised by leaving their country because other people don't believe in gods, so I replied that the majority of the world in fact does. I think it's you that doesn't have the best grasp of logic.

>> No.16223831

Oh look, it's another American that doesn't
know what logic is.

>> No.16223841

>so I replied that the majority of the world in fact does
And he was merely posting how that means absolutely nothing. Why are you so flustered? Here's an idea maybe if you put your hands together and talk into them the janny might help you out

>> No.16223851

/lit/ is better than this. /lit/ can be better than this. /lit/ SHALL be better than this thread.

>> No.16223855

It means that the post I was replying to was wrong, which is why I posted. You can just admit you were wrong you know.

>> No.16223861

Wrong about what exactly? Why are you so flustered over a post replying to you saying numbers like that mean nothing?

>> No.16223862

>In that form
That is the key issue here. Whether you have a pile of nails or a pile or amino acids, neither would make you think that they lead to life, because there is no outside source to organize them. And yet, houses (i.e life) exist, so something had to have organized the building blocks in order for it to work as a cohesive whole.

>> No.16223863

He was wrong saying most people don't believe in gods.

>> No.16223867

Mate you didn't prove anyone wrong with your quick google search. Stop acting like you outwitted someone you absolute mong. Don't you have burgers to flip tomorrow?

>> No.16223869

Let say the Big Bang theory is true, does this mean the Big Bang is god ? Like what is the definition of a god ?

>> No.16223871

>universe finely-tuned to the life it contains
Just like a bowl that is finely crafted exactly to the dimensions of the water within it, right?

>> No.16223872

I did prove him wrong since only about 10% of the world are atheist. He was just quite unambiguously wrong, you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.16223874

most people don't its just you amerifarts but keep coping

>> No.16223877
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cease your hatred of the united states. you are speaking english on the most popular imageboard of the USA. you are a part of the american empire, a citizen to engage with the USA and be taxed like any other. instead, be grateful that america's might is so great that we can all play in this virtual coffeshop as equals, for without it you would surely lack the tiny bit of wisdom and wealth that you engage with right now. take your public transportation to the nearest McDonald's. dip your french fries in ketchup, bite into a Big Mac, and wash it down with a Coke at the same damn time. do it with pride

>> No.16223880


>> No.16223885

Very good analogy.

>> No.16223886

You didn't do anything but post something you quickly found on google. So stop acting like you outwitted someone also don't you have burgers to flip tomorrow?
>you are embarrassing yourself
How so? It literally says anonymoose, newfag.

>> No.16223892

It is common knowledge that there are about that many members of the largest religions, you were simply wrong.

>> No.16223893

Very witty google search there m80

>> No.16223898

Do you disagree with those numbers? Do you have some source stating that the majority of the world are actually atheists?

>> No.16223899


>> No.16223901
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>> No.16223906

>Do you disagree with those numbers
If thats what you inferred from everything previously posted your cognitive abilities are clearly lacking and it would explain why you thought you outwitted someone by posting some google results lol

>> No.16223917

Answer the question, do you disagree? Otherwise you were in fact wrong, most people do believe in god/gods.

>> No.16223928

There's a logical leap in there. My point about saying that amino acids and proteins exist in certain forms that aren't part of life is because you were suggesting that the existence and form of the building blocks suggests that the complex final form required intention. This is where the house analogy loses its wheels, because I could say that you can't have a sandstone hoodoo without the particles of sand being arranged in a very specific way.
"When you have a pile of sand, or a beach, it wouldn't make you think that it would lead to hoodoos, because there is no outside source to organize the sand particles. And yet, hoodoos exist, so something had to have organized the particles of sand in order for the hoodoo to work as a cohesive whole."

>> No.16223929

>Answer the question
Improve your reading comprehension and you will be able to answer that yourself.

>Otherwise you were in fact wrong, most people do believe in god/gods.

I also never said most people don't believe in gods lol. I wonder if you realize anonymous isn't a username

>> No.16223941
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Heh, get outwitted by my google search

>> No.16223944

>because people on the other side of the world don't really believe in any of the god nonsense like they do.
This is the person who made the claim, which I responded to, he was wrong. Another poster then told me that it didn't matter if most people believed in god because most people smoked, implying that I had made an argument in favor of God existing because of the popularity of believing in him, when I had not done so. All I did was tell someone that they were wrong about people not believing in god.

>> No.16223949

Bruv. Small incremental progress over BILLION of years.

>> No.16223950

>implying that I had made an argument in favor of God existing
That wasn't implied you just inferred it. Why are you so flustered anon? Just take the L instead on insisting over and over again you aren't retarded

>> No.16223956

I take issue with your use of the word "progress" here...it implies that there aren't many forces in the universe that don't lead to more life, but less.

>> No.16223962

Why else would he reply to me making a statement that most people believe in gods with a post about most people smoking? It was a complete non-sequitur.

>> No.16223963

>sandstone hoodoo
Except that that is just an inert pile of sand. There’s no complexity, no obvious design. Just because amino acids and proteins exist that life doesn’t use is moot, because life doesn’t use those amino acids and proteins. Their existence has no bearing on the existence of life, so talking about them is beside the point when trying to determine how non-living molecules could transition to life-giving molecules. That doesn’t just happen on its own. There is no known process where non-life gives rise to life. A rock, or an insert pile of amino acids, will never produce anything that we would consider to be “alive”.

>> No.16223965

In reality, the other foot just jiggles about in random directions until it finds a surface to latch onto. It also moves back and forth along the protein track because of this random-foot-jiggling-in-the-dark-until-it-lands-on-something nature, but eventually, most of them get to their intended destination.

>> No.16223966

>Why else would he reply to me making a statement
Because they can?

>> No.16223976

I think you're wrong, here. You assumed that because he disputed the belief in God assertion
Please reply to the below post and post a screen shot so we know it wasn't you who posted it.

>> No.16223977
File: 64 KB, 220x247, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it a rest sir and just take the fucking L for the love of god

>> No.16223979

He said in that post that I had a poor grasp of logic, when all I had said was the true statement that most people believe in gods, correcting a post that said Americans would be surprised by the lack of belief elsewhere in the world. What was he referring to if not the mistaken assumption that i had made an ad populum argument?

>> No.16223999

So what's your point here? I haven't seen someone so flustered before, so might I suggest putting your hands together and talking into them which may help calm you down.

>> No.16224001

The hoodoo requires billions upon billions of discrete particles to come together to give it its form. What is your threshold for 'complexity'?
And why would a 'design' have to be obvious? Obvious to whom?

>their [amino acids and proteins] existence has no bearing on the existence of life.
>talking about them is besides the point when trying to determine how non-living molecules could transition to life-giving molecules. That just doesn't happen on its own.
If that's the case, were you the same anon who said that the proteins must be folded a certain, very specific way, to provide life? If so, are there such things as unfolded proteins that aren't used for the purposes of a living organism?

>there is no known process where non-life gives rise to life.
This is factually incorrect.
>a rock, or an inert pile of amino acids, will never produce anything that we would consider to be 'alive.'
How about an inert pile of folded proteins? Do those exist outside of life?
Also, this opens another door regarding why our definition of 'life' implies more meaning in the universe than non-life. What makes a tree more significant than a rock?

>> No.16224004

I was just explaining to you why you were mistaken, your repeated suggestion that I'm flustered honestly seems a bit like projection.

>> No.16224008

Mistaken about what? and projecting what? I'm not the one writing long winded replies.

>> No.16224015

He's trolling you, dude. You can tell because he keeps using the douchey phrase: "Just take the L."

>> No.16224017
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check and based

>> No.16224030

Wrong about the initial claim, and then also wrong about what you thought I was saying, and then wrong again denying your mistake. You've really just been one failure after another.

>> No.16224039

>Wrong about the initial claim
About what claim?
> and then wrong again denying your mistake
What mistake? The only thing I did was put out your smug attitude over pasting a google search as if you outwitted someone. You do realize anonimoose isn't a username, right?

>> No.16224047

If you can’t see the obvious complexity in a cell, then there’s really no point in taking this any further.

> This is factually incorrect.
Sure. Hit me up the next time a rock turns into a living cell. I’ll be waiting a long time for that call.

>What makes a tree more significant than a rock?
It’s alive. It can reproduce. A rock can’t do that. A rock will always be a rock. A tree grows over time, changes, and dies. Is that’s not significant in comparison to a dead rock, then I don’t know what is.

>> No.16224051

Here is another of your mistakes, you think that providing information is an attempt at 'ouwitting' rather than just...providing information. You are really terrible at this

>> No.16224060

No he is just trying to save face, he is even samefagging his posts

>> No.16224061

You were clearly being smug over a google search and you can deny this all you wan't but you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.16224064

>save face

>> No.16224071

Perhaps you are insecure and you read smugness into people just defending their point in an argument. He said I was wrong, so I posted the information showing I was right.

>> No.16224077

No you were being smug over a google search and then got btfo'd

>> No.16224084

It's in sets, it's not possible for rocks smashing together to produce a plane. The set goes all the way back to god

>> No.16224085

>got btfo'd
I seem to recall you being wrong about literally every point in the entire exchange. You just changed the subject when I forced you to admit you'd incorrectly assumed I was making an ad populum argument, and I am still right about the initial point of contention about religiosity. You I guess can imagine that I was smug if that makes you feel better.

>> No.16224086
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>No he is just trying to save face
What ever will they do their
username anonymous has been completely tarnished oh noesssss

>> No.16224093

>I seem to recall you being wrong about literally every point in the entire exchange
You denying the fact your minimum wage ass wasn't acting smug over a google search doesn't make it not true.

>> No.16224096

well it's clearly upsetting you lol

>> No.16224106

Have fun fantasizing about my emotional state, you still were wrong about everything lel.

>> No.16224108
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>u mad
Do americans really?