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File: 8 KB, 237x300, A-879893-1519473954-1980.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16220676 No.16220676 [Reply] [Original]

>The Kenosha Kid
What did Pynchon mean by this?

>> No.16220684


He was high and thought it sounded funny.

>> No.16220688
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based af
>I wish I had the life to kill 2 commies and cave anothers arm in.
What were you doing when you were 17?

>> No.16220709
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Punching Nazis

>> No.16220777

>giant thug assaults someone half his size

wow brave

>> No.16220788

how the hell did he survive after ww2? and he looks so young for someone that has to be at least like 70

>> No.16220793

it's colorized that's actually from the 1930s.

>> No.16220799

Source on them being communist?

>> No.16221060

killing commies with logic

>> No.16221083

Manlets need to know their place.

>> No.16221194

I guess he never did.

>> No.16221206
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>he did the Kenosha Kid

>> No.16221279

>Cops just let him slide
Why do alt-right people think societal structures are against them again?

>> No.16221361

Tbf i'm quite right wing but if you go out looking like that you're asking for it.
Plus doesn't fascism literally worship might makes right and survival of the fittest?

>> No.16221366

Isn't Pynchon a leftie. He uses "late capitalism" in his writing

>> No.16221371

>He never did

>> No.16221531

“C’mere you inferior negro”
“Wait stop right th——“

>> No.16221575
File: 21 KB, 200x290, Kenosha-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hatred and dread hung over the town like a pall. Pard turned against pard; every man suspected his neighbor. And to solve that mystery, The Kenosha Kid — Robinhood of straights and flushes — plays his most thrilling game for a desperation jackpot."

>> No.16221730

That guy is going to prison for the rest of his life for that. No friends, no wife, no grandkids, nothing. He will die in there all alone.

>> No.16221745

More of a life than the kike commies he killed

>also implying he will get punished. Just like all these ebil cops he will walk free because his action was justified ;)

>> No.16221799

Do you actually believe he's getting life in prison?

>> No.16221815

Some things are larger than life

>> No.16221821


>> No.16221853

Depends on what his motives were. If he went there with the intent of "pwning libtards" then yeah. There is a difference between self defense and purposely getting yourself in that situation

>> No.16221860

take your meds.

>> No.16221895

There is a very clear video of a mob of people threatening his life. He only shoots the ones that are actively trying to kill him while he's down on the ground, and would've let the "medic" guy go if he didn't pull a pistol out after putting his hands up. That guy truly deserved to get the worst of it, I can't imagine being that underhanded.
The only argument against him is that he wanted this to happen and went there seeking it out, and I don't find him morally wrong for it, but I do think it's true and legally hot water for him. If he gets good lawyers I can definitely imagine a case being made that he wanted to "protect property," but I'm not sure. He isn't going to see life in prison either way, you're retarded.
The real damage is that he's already long since been doxxed and his life is going to be absolutely ruined by faggots on twitter.

>> No.16222068

Uhh he shot and killed two people. At the very least he's not getting out for a long time.

>> No.16222098

>weak bait
no (you) 4 you

>> No.16222169


>> No.16222175

How much did that guy in Arizona who shot that guy get?

>> No.16222192

bro you're gonna have to be more specific

>> No.16222198
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The new Zimmerman
Can't wait 'til the BLM tears and ensuing chimpout occurs and turns everyone that's on the fence on this whole issue against them. BLM has apparently extorted Hispanic businesses. They will continue doing extreme shit that will polarize everyone with a brain against them.

>> No.16222200

At that Spanish statue the guy killed an antifa.

>> No.16222239
File: 154 KB, 962x761, man-17-is-charged-as-two-blm-protesters-shot-dead-in-kenosha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beat me to it

>> No.16222242

>provoke someone
>they get mad and chase you
>he kills them
>"wtf it was self defence!"

/pol/s mental gymnastics knows no bounds. As if them claiming every single protester is a communist antifa member wasn't delusional enough

>> No.16222260

>>provoke someone
Yeah "shoot me nigga" is indeed provoking someone. Though the rest of your post is confused.

>> No.16222267

Yeah I'm sure that will hold up in court as evidence that he was allowed to just murder two people

>> No.16222271

You? Never. Did the Kenosha kid?

>> No.16222277

Just watch the videos. There's enough evidence and more will come. That bald retard that was first to die was charging up behind the shooter before he fired shots. What the fuck did he think was going to happen? Good on the kid.

>> No.16222286

Orson Welles

>> No.16222289
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That's extremely funny how you communiggers say FUCK COPS but cry like little hurt cunts for them when the shooting starts. Every. Single. Time

>> No.16222331

You really think he just chased him unprovoked? Do you think the shooter was allowed to just cross state lines to join a counter protest knowing he would get into scuffles with protesters and things would escalate? Things aren't looking good in his favor

>> No.16222359

Retard, cops only fuck with you if you're threatening their own safety. There's plenty of footage of cops letting violence slide from both sides. Also prosecutors in these cities are letting off most of these violent rioters, so the system clearly isn't stacked against them.

>> No.16222361

>You really think he just chased him unprovoked?
Yes and if bald retard was indeed fearing for his life, he would've just left and gone home. I'm sure a guy with his back turned to you is dangerous and will prevent you from leaving.

Of course, the shooter DID commit mistakes and he will pay some sort of price, but assuming he went out of his way for blood is hard to prove. He also lived only 30 minutes away from the "protest" zone.

>> No.16222377

People don't have as much fear when they are angry, I doubt he just chased him just because. Something must have happened to escalate it.

>He also lived only 30 minutes away from the "protest" zone.
Completely irrelevant. Thats like crossing the border into another country and saying "b-but I only had to travel 20 minutes to get here, I am basically still in x country!"

>> No.16222394

haha but the two guys he shot are dead forever. no friends, no wife, no grandkids, nothing, and that's a good thing

>> No.16222402

>I doubt he just chased him just because. Something must have happened to escalate it.
The bald retard was angry and emotionally driven like the rest of the retarded crowd, cue the fact that they thought it was also a good idea to chase an armed man once they thought he killed someone without cause -- these people are not thinking logically. They all had it coming.

>Completely irrelevant.
I added that in case someone thinks the kid was dedicated enough to travel far from his home to participate. Anyways, few things point to the fact that kid was looking to deliberately kill someone.

>> No.16222407
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Just like Zimmerman, right?

>> No.16222958

What the fuck are you people going on about in this Gravity's Rainbow thread?

>> No.16223171

Yo une verdi dt he keno shak id?

>> No.16223219

all the news coming out of kenosha, the shooting there, and all i can think of is GR

>> No.16223607


There's a video of him running away from a corpse and telling someone on his phone "I just killed someone" and then there's a second video of a mob chasing him. Which, I mean, is probably the right thing to do when someone commits murder and then just runs off like a pussy bitch. Then his fat ass trips over his own feet and he just starts firing blindly.

Also this thread is not at all /lit/ related and I really wish 4chan had mods that actually did their fucking jobs.

>> No.16223612


Not being a cringy little bootlicker, that's for fuckin sure

>> No.16223628

They must be striking until they get a pay raise.

>> No.16223652

the cognitive dissonance you are experiencing must be so painful.

>> No.16223715

You never did the Kenosha, kid?

>> No.16223761

"You never did", the Kenosha kid.

>> No.16223782

It’s a mob...

>> No.16223791

and he brought a big fucking gun...lmao "self defense"
these mental acrobatics must get tiresome

>> No.16223802

>cross state lines
He lives on the border, nigger.

>> No.16223891

>You never
did the Kenosha kid?

>> No.16223904
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Everyone that has ever called themselves liberal or left leaning needs to be fucking shot or hung. Every single one of them, especially their families for creating failed abortions like them.

>> No.16223915

cool blog post anon
have you ever heard of alex jones?
i like him a lot i think you would too

>> No.16223947

Source on video of him yelling and saying he killed someone

>> No.16224251

His ass

>> No.16224275

If you're going to wear that, you need to be prepared to get knocked the fuck out.

>> No.16224276

lol he's arrested and charged with 1st degree homicide you retard

>> No.16224299

He’s right though and you’re an ethnic/cultural/civilization/literal cuck. You only think you are in the right because you’re dead center in mainstream opinion, just like flat earthers a thousand and a half years ago.

>> No.16224324

i'm sorry, this is just so funny to read
you have no idea what my politics are, you know that right?

>> No.16224398
File: 47 KB, 300x300, soy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm sorry, this is just so funny to read
>you have no idea what my politics are, you know that right?

>> No.16224509


It's like a four second clip floating around on Twitter but he was positively ID'd

>> No.16224842

Post a source Twitter bitch

>> No.16224949

Ah, so THAT's why the name Kenosha sounded so familiar

>> No.16224963

one was a pedo and the other a wife beater

>> No.16224965

My mom cheated on my dad with a pastor from Kenosha (among many others).

>> No.16225053

Sounds like he had it coming, should've stayed home playing rocket league. Now his life is ruined forever

>> No.16226192

Yeah he purposely had a libtard chase him down for a few blocks and throw a bottle at him

>> No.16226236

Holy based

>> No.16226237

I expected this response from other boards, but on /lit/, in a Tommy P thread no less.
Where do you think he would be during these protests?

>> No.16226240

Did she do the Kenosha kid?

>> No.16226255


Took like ten seconds of Googling you lazy fuck


>> No.16226286

>What were you doing when you were 17?
Having sex with my 16 year old girlfriend, being madly and wonderfully in love, lying wrapped up in each others arms for entire spring-day afternoons, had fun with my friends, drank beer in the forests near my home, making bonfires and swimming in the lake before sleeping under the open sky, laid the foundation for my current life, which I love.

>> No.16226297

Indeed, one could argue the size of Tyrone's cock going up his ass on the first day of prison will feel larger than life (and death) itself.

>> No.16226313

You are retarded. Cops didnt even know he did anything.

Cops arent even charging antifa rioters who are constantly being arrested for trying to burn stuff down.

Corporations side with the left.

>> No.16226329


He walked up to them with his hands up and admitted to shooting three people. The police let him leave and drive back to Illinois.

Fuck your 'muh buildings' bullshit.

>> No.16226332

Indeed. Do you think he believes in God? Do you think he will pray to God during that first painful thrust? Will it comfort him, as his rectum bursts? Will he still be praying on the 5th, the 20th, the 200th, the 1000th thrust?
How long, I wonder, until he has an HIV-superinfection? Are we talking a matter of days or weeks?

>> No.16226359

We have no tangible proof that the cops were hearing what he said in all the chaos. Especially because they were in sound deflecting jeep tanks.

>> No.16226381

Kenosha is a city in the state of Wisconsin. I haven't read anything by Pynchon but I assume The Kenosha Kid designates a character from Kenosha.

>> No.16226435

He tried to deescalate the angry manlet by walking away but was chased
Angry manlet threw shit at him and continued to charge, Kyle did nothing until manlet was up on him
If Angry manlet didn't want to die he shouldn't have attacked someone holding a rifle
Manlet was trying to instigate conflict earlier on too, screaming "Shoot me nigga" despite being a bald white manlet

>> No.16226444

>get chased by mob
>kicked in the head while lying down
>skateboard to the head while lying down
>man with gun in hand runs up at you while lying down
>protecting yourself from all this, each of these things alone might actually potentially kill you, is not self defense because he's from another state according to leftist
why are they like this common sense bros?

>> No.16226470

Trips of truth
Because they let emotional gut reactions run their reality instead of using their brains
Kyle handled that situation with an exemplary demeanor, defended himself only as necessary and then went to the police with his hands in the air

>> No.16226496


>get chased by mob

Why was he being chased anon

Was it because he just shot someone in the fucking head and ran off like the fat pussy bitch he is

>> No.16226507


>> No.16226511

based, nazis and communists both need to hang

>> No.16226516

yes, and why did he shoot that guy in the head in the first place?
because he was chased by that guy, an angry pedophile bald manlet who was trying to harm him, so he shot that guy in the head in self defense.

>> No.16226555

He’s been arrested.
That being said, there are multiple cases of cops letting a person go after they killed someone IF the person acted in clear self defense/defense of another.
Last year in my city, a 60 something year old woman was robbed at gun point while in a grocery store parking lot, a man saw it happening, pulled his own gun and told the robber to drop his. Wound up with the robber dead.
The man waited on site for the cops, and after being interviewed along with witness statements (and taking his info, of course) he was allowed to go home.
The whole Kyle thing intrigues me, because it demonstrated how different concepts of self-defense are.
If a person is running away from a crowd, and the crowd is screaming to “get him” it is perfectly reasonable that he was in fear of his life. When he wound up on the ground, being assaulted by 3 individuals Simultaneously he fired upon the one using a weapon. The other faked retreat and then put a pistol on him, at which point Kyle shot him.
He showed a surprising amount of control, and honestly it was quite impressive for a 17 year old.
We can talk about whether or not he should have been there, sure. But he lived 15 miles away. In the Midwest, 15 miles is literally next door. I think that gets lost on a lot of metropolitan types.
The other thing that gets me, is that if the roles were reversed and a black man had been chased to the ground and shot two right-wingers he would have been granted the status of hero by the left. So it’s not a matter of the people’s deaths, it’s a political tool. No one actually cares if people die, they only care if people on “their side” die. This is tribalistic in nature, and while unsurprising it is disappointing.
Ultimately, the protestors/rioters/whoever are being granted permission to destroy. Kyle is important, because he is the catalyst by which we will find out if the people who are not part of the movement are allowed to defend themselves.
In either scenario, we have a failed state. But a scenario in which people are not allowed to defend themselves will escalate things beyond control, as the protestors are given free reign for terrorism, which it is by definition at this point.

Safe for not being /lit/ related

>> No.16226578


>bald pedophile manlet

So we're just projecting on everyone involved now are we

>> No.16226585

he really was bald, jewish, paedo and 5'3

>> No.16226586
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>> No.16226593

Real life mimics memes. >>16226586

>> No.16226628
File: 792 KB, 1080x1346, 1598503452945~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was actually jewish pedophile lmao. The guy who got his bicep exploded was also a felon.

>> No.16226671

The girl in the back
>I'm here to peacefully protest with this 10 pound protest rock

>> No.16226688

is this the famous kenosha kid?
in court he said he never did

>> No.16226695

Don't chat shit about based pet/therapy rocks.

>> No.16226702


Post proof of him being chased before shooting the first person

>> No.16226713


>> No.16226719


>> No.16226725

Slothrop hates fags

>> No.16226748
File: 21 KB, 480x600, efe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, Amirox got chiseled in prison

>> No.16226860


Yeah she'd better be careful, that rock might go off and murder two people

>> No.16226935

>punch nazis! bash the fash!
>n-no wtf you cant harm us when we try to mob heem you
do they really

>> No.16226952

>mob heem
What is this strange retard speech?

>> No.16226956

american is now officially mutually unintelligible with the english language

>> No.16226996

I really don’t get it.
Why is /pol/ always proven right?

>> No.16227124

The skater guy who died also had domestic violence convictions and a ton of parole violations including for "strangulation and suffocation"

>> No.16227150
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, 26vid-kenosha-muzzle3-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nytimes is highly cucked but they also showed a muzzle flare from a handgun going off right before the first shooting, so the kenosha kid probably thought he was being shot at, i like how they only identify the pedophile as the "lunging man", but still it's nice to see their reporters actually do some work for once instead of just reposting dnc talking points

>> No.16227429

Nice larp, tranny

>> No.16227451

the "oppression" americans experience is but a tiny speck compared to the suffering their entire nation has collectively brought upon the rest of the world

>> No.16227571

hey mods, if you ever want to clear all the irrelevant /pol/ manure that ends up on this board you could just use this thread for reference

>> No.16227588

He wasn’t a bootlicker, he was just defending his family business

>> No.16227791


He's from Illinois. He drove across state lines to illegally open carry a firearm secretly hoping he'd get to kill people with implicit permission from the police. And that's what they gave him. Then they let him drive back to Illinois.

>> No.16227815

this is actually what redditors believe

>> No.16227876

>Why is /pol/ always proven right?
American politics are really that stupid -- a bunch of 3rd generation comp sci brown kids and autistic white college students can recognize retarded patterns that constantly pop up in media and predict them easily.

>> No.16227959


Gotta be 18 to open carry in Wisconsin. Kenosha police were seen thanking him for being there and discussing ushering protesters toward the militiamen. He tried to surrender and the police let him go. Tell me where I'm wrong and I'll correct myself.

>> No.16228015
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you never did the Kenosha kid

>> No.16228020

you can start with stopping the victim blaming, yikes

>> No.16228082
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>> No.16228215


>I can't counter his argument
>lel rebbit

>> No.16228446

Source on that?

>> No.16228684

>you can only maliciously and disingenuously pin him with possible legal technicalities
>police should thank him for his service in neutralizing two to three violent rioters and communist homos, in fact they should fellate him
>he tried to surrender and the cops not knowing what happend with all the chaos didnt arrest him, he being scared having been attacked multiple times, isolated in a different state as an inexperienced yoof pumped full of adrenaline, didnt know what else to do and just went home

there’s the non salon narrative or whatever way you intuitively processed this event through your retard head

>> No.16228792

>those soulless jewish eyes

>> No.16228796
File: 610 KB, 1600x948, pepe hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the meme to me? I haven't been on /pol/ in a few weeks.

>> No.16228799

read Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.16228821

A bunch of antifa tried to burn a town down. A bunch of dudes came to stop them. One of them was a 17 year old with a gun. Two antifas tried to murder him, so he shot them. Then, a third one tried to toss a molotov cocktail at him, and then tried to shoot him, so he shot him too. A fourth, a registered sex offender living like a block away from an elementary school, feigned being on his side, and then tried to shoot him, so the dude shot him also (non-lethally, blowing a chunk of his arm off).

It's pure self defense, the dude did nothing illegal, but the media is throwing an absolute fit because this kid stood up for the town against the religious revival that is BLM. Bluechecks on twitter are absolutely anusflustered because three of their finest got sent to hell by some fortnite playing zoomer.

>> No.16228826

>americans haven't invaded a foreign country for too long
>they start fighting themselves instead
a very peculiar people indeed

>> No.16228836

The only place and people on Earth that would not be better off if America balkanized into a hundred independent states would be Israel and the Jews. The continued union of this horrid Frankenstein's monster is a crime against the world.

>> No.16228853

Lmao based zoomer, is the guy in the thread with the saw hand the paedo?

>> No.16228862

t. fat basedboy encouraging violence.

I can't wait to string you faggots up.

>> No.16228876

I saw on Twitter that the dude with the chunk blown out of his arm was a sex offender and a felon (so him actually living next to an elementary school and owning the gun he tried to shoot the zoomer with are crimes, in addition to the whole "attempted murder" thing), but apparently some of the other fags he shot were as well (see upthread).

Antifa is just capitalism in decline. How shocking that the footsoldiers of Liberalism are literal child molesters.

>> No.16228898

Yeah lmao it's perfect, for these monsters to find their deserving.

>> No.16228961

Police barely have power. The press and universities have a lot of power

>> No.16228973

lmao lay off the polshit

>> No.16228982


>violent rioters and communist homos

grandpa go back to bed, tucker carlson isn't on for another three hours

>> No.16228995

>mostly peaceful fire

>> No.16229052
File: 48 KB, 640x480, Kircheis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this footage is kino, all the best to "Mittermeyer" lmao.

>> No.16230766

How did he know?

>> No.16230776


>> No.16230789

> the dude did nothing illegal
He was too young to open carry

>> No.16230838


>> No.16230918


>antifa is capitalism in decline

Yep because if there's one thing antifa is famous for, it's being vocal supporters of capitalism

Fascism is the panicked death throes of a dying capitalist system reverting to brute force to maintain unsustainable power structures. I don't know what the future holds, but capitalism won't be part of it.

>> No.16230933

He never did
t. the Kenosha Kid

>> No.16230971



>> No.16231000

Liberals can be reformed, I was one once before I had lived and read enough to truly understand the world. If Ernest Van den Haag can be reformed from being a communist into a strong conservative, almost anyone can be reformed

>> No.16231097

>Yep because if there's one thing antifa is famous for, it's being vocal supporters of capitalism
If you haven't figured out that every surviving American "leftist" movement is capitalist at the root, you aren't paying enough attention. These people aren't out there asking for any concrete systemic reform, they want the same neoliberal hell we've got now with a browner managerial class and less punishment for niggers committing crimes.

>> No.16231105

I'm just saying. I think it also escalates the deaths into at least voluntary manslaughter since they happened during another crime...

I think it's silly that you can charge someone as an adult for commtting a crime that only minors can commit.

>> No.16231106

Y'all niggas posting in a leftypol thread. Carry on though, they are being btfo.
>Can't rile the Kyle

>> No.16231120
File: 84 KB, 913x1024, 44a610dd11b94e0cf902efb8013b38b4-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sheer rightoid butthurt in this thread

lmfao you people have stayed inside and done nothing but bitch on the internet since this shit started, and now you're vicariously living out your dream of shooting people through some doughy 17 year old incel

>inb4 tranny, insert ethnic slur here, larp, commie, etc

>> No.16231128

/leftypol/ is like ten people, why do retarded /pol/acks flooding onto other boards blame that place whenever people tell them to fuck off?

>> No.16231129
File: 74 KB, 960x690, WHAT RIGHTOIDS LOOK LIKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the hope of the right-wing

>> No.16231136
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 12431c0cc723c0e3167c59462262de53-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the people who actually have a monopoly on force have less power than an institution that literally only people above a certain income level can even afford

>> No.16231144


Fash are paranoid nihilists who think their internet bubble represents the whole world

>> No.16231151

Getting jailed for assault is pretty believable for a nigger.

>> No.16231171

I don't even strongly oppose fascism as much as I do liberalism, I just fucking hate /pol/

>> No.16231173

>/leftypol/ is like ten people
Gets a response by a leftypol in a second.

>> No.16231174
File: 60 KB, 1078x413, Screenshot_20200827-193925~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok homos.

>> No.16231176

Lying bitch, watch the whole thing. All shots fired were at people attacking him, first guy rushed him with his t-shirt wrapped around his face after an earlier encounter where he threatened them and yelled "Shoot me, nigga" twice. After that he clearly calls the police to tell them he just shot someone, right thing to do.

Then violent retards chase him down and attack him, yelling for others to beat him etc. He trips, they jump at him and attack. The skater strikes him with a skateboard and yanks the gun by the mag while the barrel is pointed at his chest, gets shot. The guy who got his arm blasted ran up with a handgun, faked a surrender and then went in a second later gripping the gun.

>> No.16231184

>false-flagging to save face
/pol/ NEETS have to much time on their hands.

>> No.16231190

>oh no the commies are after me

lol cool your tinfoil hat there

>> No.16231191


Kyle the 17 year old zoomer ended 2.5 of you. Imagine what John the Iraq war vet will do. Quake with fear.

>> No.16231199

Did you notice that the post number is twenty times lower than /lit/'s, a slow hobby board?

>> No.16231201

>the everyday business of lumpenproles killing other lumpenproles
I fail to see what any of this has to do with communism.

>> No.16231204
File: 1.87 MB, 2600x1682, State Lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cross state lines to join a counter protest
More like travel 20min into the city to protect the city that the police (the state) failed to, mainly as an EMT but armed just in case. A solid decision considering what we've seen before of people getting beat by the mob and kicked in the head.

I'm happy that he's alive but I will never get past the fact that you rat fucks love to be decieved.

>> No.16231208

Paying attention to the reality we live in allows you to predict future events.

>> No.16231209

Wow damage control. You folks are seething so hard. It's incredible to watch.

https://bunkerchan dot xyz/leftypol/res/801173.html#801173

>> No.16231213

lmfao I've seen the video, that's not what happened, a guy came at him looking pissed and the kid chimped out and overreacted

>> No.16231219

because one has existed since the mid-2000s and the other not even a years, you fucking smoothbrain

>> No.16231222


lol, they're not gonna do shit. They're gonna hide behind their Trump banners pissing themselves

>> No.16231225

even the new york times has shown there was a second shooter that shot first

>> No.16231233

Hilarious how your gommie buddy actually literally shit himself in death.

>> No.16231234


>literally went out of his way to make a troll thread

yeah I don't think you know what that means

>> No.16231239

Sucks for him, not my problem.

>> No.16231241

Yeah sure thing dude. I masterminded this whole operation to own leftists. You fuckers really are deranged.

>> No.16231243

>Behold the commissar passion for his fallen comrade

>> No.16231246
File: 11 KB, 441x408, smug-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a troll thread is "masterminding"

lmfao literally anybody over the age of 12 can do that

>> No.16231248

Yeah I'm so afraid of 17 year fat mutt-raced Minecraft playing incel fucks and 40 year old PTSD-ridden veterans who are afraid of firecracker noises because they got their asses handed to them by middle eastern goat herders, all while a KARA BOGA was fucking his jody wife back home. Terrifying!

>> No.16231253


>everyone who disagrees with my /pol/ shit is a commie

lol ok schizo

>> No.16231258

have you even gone to ONE riot all year?

>> No.16231272

No, Officer Goldberg, I am a law-abiding citizen, I would never do such things. MAGA! Israel rules!

>> No.16231273
File: 135 KB, 1024x836, 1598532968534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Jove the level of asshurt is astronomical

>> No.16231275


lmao have you even seen the live footage? Most of the time these boog dipshits get chased off. Now one chimps out because he can't handle what he wants to dish out and you're all cumming yourselves

>> No.16231277
File: 288 KB, 460x460, chapo-trap-house-sq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're not scared of gulf war veterans, those guys are pussies!

you guys do seem to have an irrational fear of the cops tho, weird

>> No.16231284


>same stale ass meme format as 2016


>> No.16231288
File: 9 KB, 302x167, DEATH TO AMERICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hope of fashtards are fat incels who can't run a single mile without having a heart attack

yeah this'll be easy. a few sorosbucks and xi jinping loot boxes and we're good to go

>> No.16231290

>expects people to constantly differentiate every irrelevant little marxist sect but lumps every white guy into one group


>> No.16231291


You mean like how you have an irrational fear of onions-faced bugmen? lol

Are your enemies either all-powerful masterminds controlling the education system and the media, or are they effete onions-latte-chugging pussies? Make up your minds lol

>> No.16231293

Why did he have to shoot him in the arm? Why didn't he just shoot the gun out of his hand?

>> No.16231295



the sheer S E E T H E

>> No.16231298

trump is going to win again and you will cry while raking in the patreon bucks from your fat stupid debt ridden followers and we'll all be happy, now fuck off

>> No.16231302


lol, I've stopped giving a fuck if Trump wins. He wins? Changes nothing. Biden wins? Changes nothing. Either way this country's gonna keep shitting itself

>> No.16231306
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1597819196613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really furthering your own political interests by shit-posting on an anime image board you guys, well done. This will definitely have an impact on the real world! Lets all pray to the demiurge together!

>> No.16231310


eh, it's funny watching /pol/acks melt down when they get what they dish out

>> No.16231311

>thinking we are bidenoids
we want trump to win because he is so retarded that he will accelerate the US decline even faster. EU is pivoting towards china because of Trump's sheer retardation. He is so smooth-brained that even previously KEKED nations like France or Germany are seriously thinking about stepping up their own defense to not have to rely on Ameritards. The US economy is down 10% this year already and will continue to decline, all while MARXIST KARA BOGA gets stronger. So dilate, faggot. Cultural marxism will win, and soon whites will cease to exist as your inferior race gets breeded out of the gene-pool.

>> No.16231322


>feeding the /pol/ack's white genocide paranoid fantasy even as a joke

lol you really want this guy to find an excuse to mow down a post-office

>> No.16231335

You are so mad right now lmao

>> No.16231337


>> No.16231341


>claiming he's mad when you literally pulled the classic right-wing I'm-not-mad move, "trump will win"

lmfao we've heard it all before

>> No.16231346

wh*Te subhumans , how does this make you feel?

You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the wh*Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull?

Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh*Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic wh*Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the wh*Te women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.

The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse

>> No.16231350

Marxism literally only works with white people and asians. Other races are too stupid to operate in a high trust society

>> No.16231351


well copypasta'd my dude

>> No.16231352
File: 63 KB, 592x492, 1597233257615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL u mad nigger??

>> No.16231356


lol ok pseud

do your calipers have a communism gauge

>> No.16231359

Guess Marxism won't work in the USA then, seeing as that a majority of the country will be non-white in this very decade (and the white genepool is already incredibly diluted to the point where they would be considered mulattos in Europe)

>> No.16231361

Behold /lit/

The people ruining our board

>> No.16231368

The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.

In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity

>> No.16231374

>/leftypol/ user makes run-of-the-mill Gravity's Rainbow thread
>gets flooded with /pol/tards shitting the thread up

yep, it's pretty clear

>> No.16231376

These people are pathetic. Why can't you leave us the fuck alone you troons?

>> No.16231383

Name one functional communist country that isn't white or asian

>> No.16231387
File: 24 KB, 600x398, d7435037c06c9cc91ade66324489f0f4-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trans people and antifa living rent-free in /pol/'s head

>> No.16231390


>> No.16231396

lol no, since I know what you're planning :3

>> No.16231398

t. Swede

>> No.16231402

Holy shit we just want to read books.

>> No.16231429

What am I planning? There are plenty of functional socialist/communist countries that are white and asian so I'm not shitting on the ideology

>> No.16231431

Post body with timestamp

>> No.16231444

>This gives him the appearance of health and strength.
how come i read in the nytimes every day that the coof is hitting their community disproportionately then? doesn't sound too healthy to me

>> No.16231448

heheh I won't show you my body for free silly boy, I can link you my onlyfans though

>> No.16231452

Majority of black people are overweight, 1.5x that of white people

>> No.16231501

im gon eat you up lanklet wh*te-boy

>> No.16231524


Leftists hate liberals more than they hate fascists, pull your head out of whatever ass it's currently up. Liberals are doing as much--if not more--than fascists to quell any actual leftist progress in this country by trying to smother everything in identity politics and incrementalism.

>> No.16231561


Cool pic, is that your stomach

>> No.16231599

Niggers STINK and are STUPID due to being HALF MONKEY. Niggers are NOT stronger than whites, go look around in Africa, you'll find a bunch of spear chucking shit eating AIDS infested skin-and-bone lanky ass NIGGERS. Africa is the home of NIGGERS, a barren shithole continent which has always been thousands of years behind WHITE European countries. No wonder WHITES invaded Africa and could rape enslave and kill any of the mongoloids that they met. WHITES invented beautiful music and art, NIGGERS painted on cave walls with their feces like MONKEYS and beat on animal skin drums while ooga boogaing around a fire.

>> No.16231882

>no link with timestamp
Guess you would rather not let people form their own perspective on it?

>> No.16231894

>The US economy is down 10% this year
What is even the point of saying anything if this is going to be it. What in the fuck does this mean? Public literacy was a mistake. Nobody should even be given the opportunity to make such a vague and hollow statement. Ten whole percent huh? The whole heckin economy you say? Die a violent death.

>> No.16232047

At least /pol/ niggers want to read books about why Jews are evil and IQ is important. Twitter leftists only come here to name drop memes to their retarded classmates.

>> No.16232121

>humanities disciplines like anthropology, sociology, pussyfaggot studies, journalism, history, english, etc repeat the same vulgar debunked commie nonsense about LTV, war being unnatural, class struggle, egalitarianism, and supports rebellious activism, without ever presenting competing views or asking students to argue for opposing sides
>4 years later, students graduate and become employed in media, journalism, diversity positions, manage social media accounts and maintain the status quo family-friendly internet presence


have you been to university you absolute mongrel?

>> No.16232144


>> No.16232197

Cool Story, Bro!

>> No.16232208

I don't want to hear about your incel anger book. Read actual classic literature and then discuss it with the rest of us. Not Moldbug or Outsideness twitter account or some alt-right tranny. ACTUAL FUCKING LITERATURE

>> No.16232211

some blurry ass video probably unrelated, positive id my ass

>> No.16232228

Is it the hormones that make you so angry and unstable?

>> No.16232243

I deserve my own friends and life too. If I have to sit down and hear about bazinga sitcoms again I will fucking go postal. The same for the rest of them. Read something I want to talk about and discuss it.

>> No.16232250


>> No.16232264

You do not know at all what it is like to be someone like me. I am simultaneously incapable of even caring for myself while being surrounded by fucking children.

>> No.16232270

Yeah, he was high. High-functioning.

>> No.16232271

fpbp underrated and /thread

>> No.16232295

it´s weird how a simple fact brings all those poltards out of the woodwork.
They really need to see themselves as victims all the time

>> No.16232329

>marxism has oppression built into the theory
brainlet cope

>> No.16232345

Wow maybe you should go back to r*ddit or something

>> No.16232499
File: 2.84 MB, 988x548, 1590623563120.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That swastika is blatant paintjob, it EVEN FUCKING CLIPS lol, it's sad that leftists can't meme nor paint..

>> No.16232508
File: 790 KB, 1080x1143, IMG_20200828_072013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why nobody takes commie shitheads seriously

>> No.16232514


>> No.16232522

They are laughing about us AGAIN...

>> No.16232534
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 1593975763339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.16232626


>> No.16232687

i dont get it

>> No.16232721

yeah, what is going on?

>> No.16232867

When you've been on the computer for as long as I have, you can easily recognize a shoop.

>> No.16232962

>be me, 17 at protest with my gun my mommy bought for me
>gotta keep the peace I'm so hyped to be a cop
>fucking commies start harassing me because they are jealous of my gun
>get a fucking Walmart plastic bag thrown at me
>stupid lib assaulting me with a choking hazard
>shoot him a couple times
>everyone gets all mad like I didn't just defend myself
>start to run away
>didn't double knot my shoes so I fall down
>now some socialist has a gun
>culture appropriation, so I shoot him too
>this jealous beta tries to trade me his skateboard for my gun
>realize he's undervaluing my gun and endangering the economic stability of the United States
>shoot him for America
>finally get up
>find my police bros
>just shot some anarchists bois
>go home dreaming of being a police officer
>maybe I'll get to go on Fox News for my heroics
>wake up
>doorbell rings
>it's police
>but all I was just protecting myself and America
>you thought you were protecting, but you never did, the not even from Kenosha Kid

>> No.16232972

This. Most nazis (those with swastika armbands on their hands) and commies are dysfunctional antisocial faggots.

>> No.16233138

Wow cringe bro. Acksually:
>Be bald manlet
>Self-esteem extremely low from getting anus stretched in prison due to being a skinner
>Craving validation from the monke hordes and smelly women with dyed hair surrounding you
>Single out the most susceptible looking of the armed bunch and decide you want to harm him and steal his mediocre rifle
>Wait until big blak say "yo I gotchu whiteboy go run up"
>Throw your empty beer can at near adult man and run after him in the most spergy manner possible
>Big blak discharges pistol, does nothing
>Have utterly fried prefrontal cortex from repeated trauma and chemical exposure
>Decide to lunge towards zoomers epic m1600 fully automatic cod gun 9000 blackout
>Take a round through the hand as you try to take a rifle from someone trained with it
>Take a terribly painful searing hot round through the pelvis, shattering the hip joint and severing the femoral artery
>Grazed alongside head
>Drug addled man that just met you hours prior discharges a round into your back and your entire body is rocked by multiple gunshot wounds
>Bleed out internally while surrounded by narcissistic digital point addicts, your last gasp spent in a vain attempt to beg them not to move you around
>Open eyes in Hell where eternal rape awaits

>> No.16233179

Couldn't even insert a Kenosha Kid joke because you were too busy crying conservative tears.

>> No.16233204

>Subsumed with guilt, you have waited a decade for this moment. At last, the world shall see you for the hero that you have always known that you were. Vindication looms close.
>Shots ring out, chaos reigns. You didn't see what happened; the voice of a sheboon cries in the night, her almighty finger of justice points out the demon.
>"Yo there he go, get him!"
>Your comrades immediately jump to arms, pursuing the devil that dared to terminate a man who's name you never knew, and never will...
>You jog behind the man, intent on being party to the justice about to unfold. You remain in the rear echelon, wisely biding your time, seeing the negro vanguard prepared to strike.
>Alas, an opening! The demon is felled by a wild swing of a noodly accomplices arm! The powerful negro male before you leaps into the air, elegant, graceful as the man that replaced your father at your mother's side all those years ago.
>Soon, you think. Now is the time. I will display for the world: my robustness in street combat, I shall earn back the squandered years; I shall earn my youth back! I am not to old to ride a skateboard!
>I am not a villainous criminal who would strike a women, repeatedly, with a blunt object! I am a justicar setting the world right!
>You realize the negro has somehow missed his kick. The Nazi has somehow retained his composure and consciousness.
>Deep inside your bowels you feel a sudden pang of fear; but the time to act is upon you! The Burnett's vodka has made you brave, the four pushups you did last week have granted you the strength to overcome the pudgy man who sits before you upon the ground. A dozen camera phones are at your back! Now, you must strike!
>You grasp at the mans weapon as you throw your body towards him, crashing your thrasher deck upon his exposed neck
>You picture the approval of the slightly overweight girl with the teal hair that you know was just several feet behind you in the pursuit convoy
>You hear her voice, see her smile as she lowers her mask, feel her soft flesh press against your chest as she cheers your masculinity and heroism
>Suddenly your ears are ringing
>Suddenly the world grows dim and quiet
>You feel as though your chest is being crushed, sat upon
>You feel the same terrible sensation that you felt when your cousin kicked you in the solar plexus in the fourth grade, but...
>You gasp
>Nothing happens
>A warm liquid bubbles in your throat and you are racked with pain, massive waves of pain. Your body tenses up, you claw at your heart, something isn't right, something has gone awry, this isn't the way it was supposed to happen.
>You collapse forward, barely feeling the asphalt upon your face.
>There is no noise now, the world fades away, the thoughts fade, the panic feels distant
>You shit out a massive was of taco bell that you bought at the Gurnee location as your last testament to your existence in this ever damned shell of a world

>> No.16233222

Another thing is why was he running through a mob of people alone with an AR to begin with? Was he lost? If these no video of anything before that it is very much a "he said/she said" thing and a prosecution could try to argue he potentially ran through the crowd looking for an excuse to shoot people.

>> No.16233233

He was telling the cops he killed someone. The cops told him to run down to where they were holed up. He did in fact try to help the man he shot. The man btw was only grazed, he would've survived if the antifa super field medics didn't "apply pressure" to his cracked skull, pushing in the sharp edges of the wound into the brain. I'm surprised the retards didn't tourniquet his forehead, they were about as helpful as a second bullet to his smooth brain

>> No.16233238


>> No.16233251

Those are people's homes and livelyhoods, people burned alive in their apartments during these protest. You are a vile communist dogs and deserve to get killed in the street like the dog you are, judging by the times, it will happen soon enough. Your leaders and the pope himself will be begging us not to end your miserable lives in just revenge just like it happened in Spain in 1936

>> No.16233257

>Kyle Rittenhouse loved cops, guns, President Trump, and “triggering the libs,” according to some of his former classmates at Lakes Community High School in Lake County, Illinois. His clothes were often branded with pro-police slogans, and he carried a Blue Lives Matter phone case, one student said.

>Some of his classmates joked that he’d be a mass shooter one day. “I personally believe he went to Wisconsin with the intent to kill,” said one former classmate, who asked not to be identified out of fear for their safety.

little manlet is going to prison

>> No.16233259

They are communist demons. The time will come when they will be the oned chased up and down the street. Luckly for us they're too pathethic and cowardly to defend themselves against insurmountable odds

>> No.16233265

"I came here to fuck up Nazis" I whisper to myself. My heart is racing. I can feel it through my whole body. A rush I haven't felt since I did that b&e with Jerome and then we sucked each other's penises under Hoen bridge. Now I am full of adrenaline, just like my teenage days.
That fucking kid just shot one of our guys. I knew he was a loose cannon, that little wigger guy. It's perfect though. This is perfect. Andre got him riled up enough to charge that militia zoomer Nazi and he went down. This is great optics for the movement. This little fool has strolled right into my trap. Shawnda is here too. What amazing luck I have, I'll just point him out.
"I think it was that kid." I manage to say it innocently enough, but she knows who mean. Her hair looks fake and her tattoos are faded but I think she's into me. I pressed myself up against her earlier when we were at the courthouse and she shifted her buttocks into my cock. She can tell I'm the shot caller. I bet the blacks would think I was their dawg if I fucked her. I wonder if she has AIDS and I get even more aroused.
"Yo! Der he go! Get him!"
Well done shawnda. The whole crowd sees her point him out. I find myself to keep the pistol in the bag. My mouth is watering at the thought of seeing this kid get his wig split. I've never seen real violence up close. Not since I killed that kitten that the neighbor girl found in an alley.
The crowd is thoroughly after him now. I jog along, the warm summer air evaporates the sweat from my face. I see Dan up in front, he's really into it. He said he took three tabs of research chems earlier. He didn't save me any. I would have loved to be tripping for this, man.
He swings at the chud and makes contact. He's stumbling. Fuck, he's still standing. Wait, no! He's going down!
He's on the ground, this is it. This kids gonna fucking die here. This petty booj is about to get fucking purged. The Somalian guy tried a flying kick? What the fuck was that? Niggers are so fucking stupid. They are fortunate that we are here to guide them to their useful ends. Of course the retarded fascist can't aim. Man I wish he hit that nigger that would have been great for the people's revolution.
Skateboard guy has got him, good. He said he couldn't find any dope today and was hurting bad. He should have some extra strength from that. Looks like a solid hit- holy fuck that chud just shot him. I'm sure he's fine.
Whoa, ok, ok take it easy. I'll just put my hands up. Everything's cool. I know the face to make, don't worry gentile, I won't harm you. I'm a good guy it's ok. There's a lot going on here. Give it one second he will turn away.
There. That's my chance. Fuck, did I chamber a round? I can do it, I practiced in my van before this praxis. I got this. Just grab the grip with the right hand, be smooth, bring it up, chamber one. Magdump this chud, yeah.
Ok he lowered the barrel, yes! Go now! Grab the grip, bring it -
Holy shit holy shit oy vey I'm shot

>> No.16233277

It was very clear self defense so he will walk if justice system is impartial.

>> No.16233291

How did he provoked? Actually all the evidence shows him being extremely calm and restrained even in the situation when he almost got shot to the head. I am trying to see other point of view, but it's extremely hard to rule it anything other than self defense.

>> No.16233292

I'm impartial to the politics surrounding the situation but it's honestly better that he died. Being forced to life as a brainless husk of his former being, only able to drool and shit himself is no way to live.

>> No.16233360
File: 787 KB, 2550x3300, EgX9ZY5UYAAwncJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the people who died there because I don't know them.
I don't care about what happens to the kid because I don't know him.
I don't care if Kenosha was burned to the ground by rioters because I dont know anybody that lives there

It's annoying and amusing in equal measure seeing people getting all worked up about it

I wish OP hadn't them baited them on /lit/ though--there is so much important business for them to discuss on /pol/

>> No.16233409
File: 240 KB, 320x320, 1503495843848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On August 25, Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old white male from Antioch, Illinois, shot at multiple protesters with an AR-15-style rifle, killing two — 26-year-old Silver Lake, Illinois resident Anthony Huber and 36-year-old Kenosha resident Joseph Rosenbaum[39] — and injuring one — Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, of West Allis, Wisconsin.[40]
>Joseph Rosenbaum
>Gaige Grosskreutz

>> No.16233466

>only able to drool and shit himself is no way to live.
He was an antifa retard, that's how he was living while his head was still intact.

>> No.16233529

>it was real in MS paint

>> No.16233576

Cope, the limit for open carry here is 16

>> No.16233632

is it even possible to avoid /pol/-related stuffs on the internet nowadays? i just repeatedly stumble into them every sites i visited. though this thread is such symptom but so does the whole of the internet.

>> No.16233672

How can I avoid seeing things I disagree with? Help me bros I cant take it

>> No.16233736

I can agree.
There is time and place for everthing and there is good reason why you don't take shit in the middle of the kitchen (or library). Read the sticky.

>> No.16233749

glorious to see people with mindset like you, i don't figure how could you interpret my post into... that (i don't want to though)
i myself think that having discussion with people who have different ideas is healthy, but that is when you do that on the right place, how good is it when you do that on a literature board?
but well, not like i have anything better to do with my life so it's great for me to see your post. honestly it makes me irritated (you can read that as triggered though it's not the kind of feeling of my that should make you feel triumphant but it's hopeless to reason about twenty kinds of different emotions with people who can only understand "my feel" and "their feel") but there is also some kind of unique masochistic feeling too. it's like i fell into a dark hole and then my leg bleeds, but after crying about the hole and the possible persons who created it i just found out some amusing aspects about it and have a merry laugh about how it isn't tore into halves or pieces
have a good day i guess

>> No.16234002

Shut the fuck up, nerd.

>> No.16234048

>i myself think that having discussion with people who have different ideas is healthy
There are two options for political discussion on the internet: bleeding-heart milquetoast self-hating plebbit fag and flabby incel internet nazi dweeb. Both are not only excruciatingly boring, but sub 80 IQ NPC's as well.

>> No.16234052

>pronouns: Triggered/Butthurt

>> No.16234064


>> No.16234141

>bleeding-heart milquetoast self-hating plebbit fag
those are cucked
>flabby incel internet nazi dweeb.
those are based

>> No.16234168

>285 replies
>still up
>only excuse for it being here is Pynchon in the OP
Unironically considering becoming a janny so at least one person is actually deleting off topic garbage like this

>> No.16234208

Lmao one of the countries most prestigious lawyers is organizing a defense team for him, he's going to be just fine. t. someone whose been through the self defence legal clusterfuck

>> No.16234235

You sound like you've only been on HRT for 6 months, and haven't even had your surgery yet, so you're clearly not janitor material.

>> No.16234277

>falling for the judgements of high school kids who made fun of him
Zoomers are braindead, bro

>> No.16234395
File: 154 KB, 1080x1346, IMG_20200828_212636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One was a pedo, the other was a woman abuser.

>> No.16234539
File: 99 KB, 700x700, dabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What were you doing when you were 17?

being a persona non grata in a small town of italy

>> No.16234572

Do semites really...

>> No.16234580

>Some of his classmates joked that he’d be a mass shooter one day. “I personally believe he went to Wisconsin with the intent to kill,” said one former classmate, who asked not to be identified out of fear for their safety.

Imagine being the "journalist" making this. Its downright disgusting.

>> No.16234874


I really hope English isn't your first language

>> No.16234884


Cool now do the kid who brought a long gun to a protest

>> No.16234915

The protest was brought to him by instigators from other states who also brought guns, including felons who are prohibited from owning them.

>> No.16234973

After I die, I want my brain placed in a robot so I can harass and demean Rose's descendants.

>go to school, fat kid! Run off that weight!

>> No.16235500

Did they scrub him from the registry already or was this faked? I just tried to find him on the registry and I can't.

>> No.16235510


>> No.16235538

>Age 36
>Date convicted 2002
Wait a minute, he was 18 when he got charged with this. Do we have any records of it to find out if he's actually a pedo or is this one of those cases of an 18 year old fucking his 17 year old gf and getting the book thrown at him?

>> No.16235776

doesn't matter he's dead now

>> No.16236869

His Arizona conviction was class 3 felony sexual conduct w/ minor, meaning the victim was under 13 years old. He did 12 years in jail and was required to register for life.

>> No.16236987

>under 13

lol what compels an 18 year old to hang out with a glorified toddler?

>> No.16236991

Pedophilia, I guess

>> No.16236997

>I guess
You guys treat paedophilia like it's cringe or uncool thing and that's why it's bad.

>> No.16236998

Gee I don't know maybe him being a registered sex offender could clear things up.

>> No.16237192

he was being chased by the now deceased pedo

>> No.16237449

What a funny coincidence that all three of the antifa goons that got shot were convicted felons. No wonder they hate the police so much if it wasn’t for those meddling cops then they could beat women and rape children to their heart’s content.

>> No.16237606

lol that pic looks like some shitty /pol/ rpg.

>> No.16238139

They went to university and got jobs in fields related to their study?
Oh mah gawd

>> No.16238274

uh oh, it's terminal

>> No.16238627


>> No.16238655

he won't be alone, jamaal will be there to split him in half

>> No.16238659

lol someone threw a plastic bag at him, so he panicked and shot him in the face. he has 0 discipline

>> No.16238828

There's already footage of the molotov released, you gaslighting pedo.

>> No.16239013

You never did?