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1621790 No.1621790 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: music you consider intellectually provoking

Saul Williams
>is black and has studied philosophy


>unconditionaly loved by fans, hated by many for being self-pretentious.


>> No.1621792

lol tool ¯\(°_o)/¯

>> No.1621813
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>one of my all time deepest experiances


>> No.1621817

I had the strangest dream...

The world was enveloped in darkness. I looked all about me, but there was no light... // I was floating through the sky. Dark clouds stretched out below me, and I could see no trace of land... // But I heard voices. // Voices wailing about in despair, screaming in fear. // The cruel laughter of some unseen villain. // And... // A voice... calling my name!

I covered my ears. // All I could do was drift through the skies. // What power did a tiny, insignificant creature like me have? // But no matter how I tried, I could not shut the voice out. // Who was it? // Why was he calling me? // I'm just Ricky... // Tiny, insignificant Ricky...

Then, suddenly, I felt the light... // A faint flicker emanating from my body. // and the words came to me... // I don't remember where I heard them -- or when -- // but they were warm, and strong: // "May the sun shine forever in our hearts!”

And then it hit me.
In this world, I was the sun! // Upon realizing this, my body began to overflow with light. // It was so bright that I closed my eyes... // ...And then, I was back in my bed.

But I saw him. I know it. // The moment I shielded my eyes against the light, I saw him -- // the boy who was calling my name, standing on the earth. // I saw his face, beaming brightly. // And I saw the weapon he held up high -- LIGHTS OUT!

>> No.1621820
File: 174 KB, 950x941, CocteauTwins.Treasure.cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocteau Twins

>> No.1621826



>> No.1621829
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Shakespears Sister

>> No.1621831

One of my favourites:


>> No.1621833

Nothing provokes the intellect like the blues...

"There's too many dirty dishes
In the sink for just us two.
Now you've got me wondering, baby,
Who's making dirty dishes with you?"

>> No.1621834
File: 243 KB, 953x953, Army_Of_Lovers-Disco_Extravaganza-Frontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Army of Lovers

>> No.1621837

Czech band called Four Tet.


>> No.1621838


>> No.1621841


>> No.1621843


>> No.1621844

The Shaggs


Oh you.

>> No.1621846

>four tet
and i thought you didnt like that track?

>> No.1621847


espouses the virtues of a questioning nature, personal progression of intellect, and mixes in a little nihilism (aenema. mostly) a little mysticism (lateralus, mostly) and a little absurdism.

>> No.1621857
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>> No.1621863

Georges Brassens

OK, i'm tired now. but those are the best of the best. i think modern indie shmindie hipster rock are no quite apt at delivering sarcasm, rage or irony with gusto. if you want to get a feeling for tasteful use of double entendre you need to get 20s and 30s music hall pieces especially from Germany. The Pianola song of Marlene Dietrich can be read as harmless, fabolous, salacious or political at once. That's masterclass.

>> No.1621873

oh and one more
and this is how you deliver desperation in a protest song:

>> No.1621896


/lit/ tripfag anthem

>> No.1621925

Johann Johannson - Odi et amo

>> No.1621941

You fucking plebs and your inability to post about different types of media in the appropriate forum. You'll all be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

"intellectually provoking" music being posted on /lit/....

What utter wank.

>> No.1621971


You're right they're not czech, I just found out my friend lied to me.

And they grow on you. Some of their stuff isn't so pretentious at all.


Can't view that second song.

>> No.1621975

More like Truman CaBROte amirite?

>> No.1621983

it's one guy. he's like english-indian, was in a band called Fridge at 15 who are kind of like tortoise. and now he does tinny and looping electronic music with some of his folk guitar thrown in. sort of like a lovely childi-like take on burial. i dont think he's very pretentious at all, though kind of modern/trendy.

>> No.1622036


care to give a link, brosef?

>> No.1622038



i think he means this one.

>> No.1622041


>> No.1622051

I know what you mean Truman, 4tet sort of grows on you when you realize he's Czech.

>> No.1622053

wtf it didn't end at the end!! how weird!!

>> No.1622055


4tet are the shame of Prague

>> No.1622056

He's from Landan.

This is the most instantly awesome track:

Also, 65 Days of Static are a little hit and miss, but cool:

>> No.1622057
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>> No.1622059

It's called intelligent dance music it must be intelligent LOLOL XD

>> No.1622060

4tet are a cheesey vocal group. I heard them in France a few years ago. Eurghh...

>> No.1622061


>> No.1622064

>intellectually provoking

You mean what do we listen to while reading?

>> No.1622066

65daysof static is babbys first math rock. I recommend you some giraffes?giraffes! and hella.
I'm so fucking pretentious.

>> No.1622070

:) hello ty

>> No.1622069
File: 7 KB, 220x220, miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one with Miles Davis.
It's on the local bar's juke box now and it's the fucking shit.

>> No.1622068

nice video. Rounds must be his peak i think.

>> No.1622072


>criticizes entry level math rock
>recommends more entry level math rock

>> No.1622074

giraffes are ok but hella are pure wanky shit. they are not creative at all just time sig masturbation and zach hill is a poorman's damon che. pretty much.

>> No.1622075

hey hakas :o)

>> No.1622076

Oh, I see a challenger to my math rock knowledge. Ever heard of Sweep the Leg Johnny? No? Well, today you become a man, kiddo:

>implying Giraffes? Giraffes! aren't even more entry level than 65dos

>> No.1622077

Probably Bach, Mozart or Beethoven

>> No.1622079


what album are you at?

....the list could go on?

>> No.1622083

>....the list could go on?
Perhaps, but they're the top 3.

>> No.1622081
File: 16 KB, 323x293, gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hakas have you been the one posting emotes and lolo all this time?

>> No.1622086

hi :) who is this?
I finished the whole thing!! Last night and today I've just been going over their early stuff. Their songs from the first artificial intelligence are amazing. I'm gonna try and find all of their remixes and other stuff.

>> No.1622089

nope. is someone impersonating you or have you just become a shit tripfag as of late? I though you were against the tripcircle jerk threads.

>> No.1622088


>> No.1622090

Yeah. For a start, people like that always mention Bach like there was only one, much like how the whole Strauss family becomes Johann Strauss II.

I can totally recommend Purcell, esp. Dido's Lament, for reading to. For some cool Opera, you've got Rossini and Weber too.

>> No.1622091

Alan Jackson
Bone thugs n Harmony
Lil' Kim
Toby Keith

>> No.1622092

im your greatest fear

>> No.1622095

Wiz Kahlifa

>> No.1622100

>implying the only true heir to the Hip-hop /lit/ throne wouldn't be Slick Rick
Here we go,
Once upon a time not long ago,
when people wore pajamas and lived life slow:

>> No.1622101

Yeah you might also look into Sweelinck, Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Schutz, Lully, Buxtehude, Corelli, Alessandro Scarlatti, Couperin, Telemann, Rameau, Domenico Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Sammartini, Gluck, Stamitz, Gossec, Haydn, Vanhal, Dittersdorf, Boccherini, Salieri and Hummel

>> No.1622102


>> No.1622103


I don't think anyone has been impersonating me.

>> No.1622106

They're all for later. Saint-Saens is a better intro than any of them. Also, Haydn sucks balls.

>> No.1622107

Slick Rick is the best storytelling rapper. I think Outkast and the Soulquarian Collective are the most gifted lyricists though. Andre, Mos Def and Common especially. Canibus is probably one of the smartest rappers in terms of knowledge but he also goes into conspiracy theories and shit.

>> No.1622110

I honestly could not agree more. Soulquarian let's me keep my faith in the East Coast rapping too.

>> No.1622112
File: 88 KB, 294x423, franz_josef_haydn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw I was talking about Michael Haydn

and don't forget about Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Mahler, Strauss, Rachmaninoff, Berlioz, Smetana, Bruckner, Rubinstein, Grieg, Rimsky-Korsakov, Elgar, Sibelius, Scriabin, Debussy, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Prokofiev and Shostakovich

>> No.1622113



Here we have a topic that doesn't even pretend to be /lit/ related. What a joke.

>> No.1622114

and by that I mean Richard Strauss

>> No.1622115
File: 58 KB, 288x437, aHyNHMV3lnlhjr0ryCBNN24Io1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find your lack of Satie disturbing.

>> No.1622116

:) The only east coast rappers I really like are old stuff like the Juice Crew (Mostly Kool G Rap and Masta Ace) and CL Smooth. Most of the rappers nowadays don't really try anything new. Jay Electronica is probably the only good new rapper I've heard in a long time, and he's not even really new.

>> No.1622117


>> No.1622120

We're talking Opera; Joe wrote something like 15, Mike wrote 1.

And Mike sucked even harder.

Also, you're now including stuff tangential to Opera, like Chopin. Which is nice, but a bit weird.

>> No.1622121


its an existential meditation on corporate america.

who is it? tommy? twatty? :(

>> No.1622123

You're forgetting DJ Kool Herc, man. You can't forget the Herc.

>> No.1622125

Well fine then throw in Wagner, Puccini, Gounoud, Meyerbeer, Bizet, Offenbach, Verdi, Glinka and some other guys

>> No.1622126

I haven't listened to much of him but I will do so now :)

>> No.1622133

Puccini is pretty good for intro, I totally forgot about him.

Wagner can be heavy going, and I'm not the biggest fan. But he's cool.

He is like the father of Hip Hop. His stuff's all good, Let Me Clear My Throat you might have heard, and is pretty awesome. I'll check out Jay Electronica when I can, thanks for the recommendation man

>> No.1622138

Yeah he sounded familiar and I know I've listened to him before but I'm not familiar with his work. Try "dimethyltriptamine" or "act 1:eternal sunshine" by jay electronica, he hasnt put out any albums.

>> No.1622222

Prefuse 73 !

>> No.1622234

Nice quints but what I've heard by prefuse is garbage. post one good osng.

>> No.1622239


Good knowledge on Herc, but calling him the father of hip hop is stretching things a bit. That's like calling, say, Donovan the king of rock and roll.

>> No.1622245

who would you say is? I think its too pedantic to pick one, you could go back to bambaataa or even back to kraftwerk. It was herc who named it right? I think that calling herc the father is more accurate than calling anyone else the father.

>> No.1622252


Sounds good! Each fan may define that differently! My pick would be Grandmaster Flash!

>> No.1622285

I think progressive rock is very intelectual, just check some of the bands or songs names, this one is Soliton (Emergence from Dispersion) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTh5BO86TaQ related with the concept of Abiogenesis.
Canvas Solaris is one of my favourite bands, and they're very nerdy. other bands in the style are Planet X (Planet Ten) and Parallaxe (the name is related with astronomy, is when distant stars seem to be in different position according to our position in the earth, which can be used to measure distance) and so on...

also What do you think of Nietzsche's music?

>> No.1622302

Okay, okay, I can take that. But you cannot deny his influence, especially considering the breakbeat.

But to call anyone the father of Hip Hop is a bit of an extravagent claim, I admit.

>> No.1622317


Progressive rock is intellectualism for lower class white alcoholics.

>> No.1622326

>implying that true art comes from upper class teetotal black men

>> No.1622331

i find your lack of dylan disturbing

>> No.1622339

>implying anything cool doesn't originate in black culture one way or another

>> No.1622342


Ahahahaha that was awesome!

>> No.1622345

i posted some but Song BMG doesnt want you to hear it.

>> No.1622348

I didn't originate from black culture.

>> No.1622352

A-1's a pretty cool guy. I think he'll become an awesome rapper (but I don't think he's quite there yet). Check out After School Special, you can download it for free, but can't find the link.

>> No.1622353

You are not cool, QED.

>> No.1622358





>> No.1622359


>implying that you did take in account the other factors and not only saw the word black.
>implying you're not a jelly nig

>> No.1622361

>implying I implied that, and that you are not a /new/fag

>> No.1622363


>implying a true scotsman would be an alcoholic

>> No.1622368

>implying that ingesting a mix of offal, shortbread and heroin, all deepfried, counts as teetotal
Heroin is still a drug.