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/lit/ - Literature

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16214858 No.16214858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Sex and the City writer Candace Bushnell, 60, admits she regrets choosing a career over having children as she is now 'truly alone'

>> No.16214868

Hey i just saw this meme on /pol/
Maybe both of us should go back there

>> No.16214869

Well no shit. Not really sure why women wanted to join men in the 9-5 cubicle trenches anyways. Why would you think it's fun to spend 40 years rotting away under fluorescent lighting? Hoes are getting what they deserve though. Female suicide rates are up, marriage rates are down. Sad!

>> No.16214889

I don't think there is anything more disgusting, base and vulgar than reading the daily mail. I get caught up in how snooty and faggy people who read the NYT and dumbass publications like the Atlantic are, but truly, the daily mail is reserved for a special kind of spiritual filth.

>> No.16214895

Fucking this brother. Men belong with men anyway.

>> No.16214919

DailyMail were the only journalists willing to show the full George Floyd video that showed him resisting arrest and demand officers lay him on the ground instead of getting in the car. For that, DailyMail will always have my respect.

>> No.16214942

>Anon forgets that roasties becoming desperate, silly bitches just makes it even more pathetic that he’s alone

>> No.16214954

There's journalism, which is bad.
Then there's skewed reporting, like pic related:
>"(I) started to see the impact of not having children and of truly being alone. I do see that people with children have an anchor in a way that people who have no kids don’t."
Then there's making a thread about a biased article, not to discuss but to prove some retarded point.
And finally, there's making such a thread in /pol/ or /lit/ just to get (You)s.

You're barely step above the gay porn and soijack posters, OP, on the same rung as twitter screencap threads. I hope you leave this place for good.

>> No.16215104


>> No.16215153

Not literature. Go back.

>> No.16215512

the only thing notable about the article was that Bushnell, today, at 60yo, is more attractive than Sarah Jessica Parker ever was.

>> No.16215568

Let me guess people soijak you frequently? If they do that should tell you something about yourself.

>> No.16215577

>40 years rotting away under fluorescent lighting?
Should've been a tradie, anon. You just get to chill with your bros all day and use fun tools. You also get to fuck the hot ones if you know what to look for on. Jobsite.

>> No.16215603

This has nothing to do with literature so fuck you

>> No.16215608

I'm black though, will /pol/ accept me?

>> No.16215633

Is this supposed to be a feminism btfo? Because the point is to ensure that women (and men) are free to choose their direction without being pressured into either one. If she went with children instead she would've regretted it too because that's just how we all are. Full of regret. We are irrational entities that fall victim to our own desires.

>> No.16215654

>she wouldve regretted it
Doubt it and the rest of the post makes you sound like that normalfag amerimutt that works for minimum wage and that thinks the extremely obvious things hes saying are profound basically just filler running out of your mouth.

>> No.16215663

Sure. Nobody hates blacks more than blacks.

>> No.16215693

pick your poison bucko

>> No.16215716

yeah except she tweeted that this is made up bullshit

>> No.16215739

>I'm black though, will /pol/ accept me?

No. What are you doing here btw?

>> No.16215781

another barren roastoid who will be forgotten. she's a literal who as it is.

>> No.16215867

>Doubt it
my mom is currently experiencing the opposite which led to a divorce. it's pretty common that women get pressured into giving up their careers to have a family
>you sound like that normalfag amerimutt that works for minimum wage and that blah blah blah ad hominem rhetoric
go kys

>> No.16215949

oh I guess that makes it /lit/ related

>> No.16217062

Divorce? Classic Americans

>> No.16217165
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>> No.16217172
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Imagine actually believing that being a housewife is a poison.

>> No.16217181

It's the choice they made desu. They get to live with it.

>> No.16217185

>men are Kantians, women are Humean empiricists


>> No.16217189

>"subjective feelings" (feeling betrayed, harmed, etc.) are somehow different from "Abstract Principles" (fairness, justice, etc.)
These are literally the same exact thing. This is what happens when retards try to sound smart without defining their own terms

>> No.16217216
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We all have to live with our choices. Sadly many people do not understand this.

>> No.16217226

Context of this pic?

>> No.16217238
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In other words: Men form a systematic and logically consistent moral system based on some subjective axioms. E.g. We want a safe society, so murderers should be punished.

Women also use subjective feelings, but are inconsistent and fickle. E.g. We want a safe society, but oh don't you know this murderer came from a poor background, etc.

Men are more consistent and logical moral decision makers. In other words, men are more just.


Ben Shapiro's is the woman on the right. Her Jewish beta male husband on the left. Unfortunately her womb was not sired by a strong tall virile Nordic Ubermensch which is of great emotional burden to me and likeminded people.

>> No.16217247


*Ben Shapiro's sister is the woman on the right.

>> No.16217253
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>> No.16217260

>Woman is loyal to her people
What's the problem here?

>> No.16217272

Huh, if a guy like that can marry a girl that cute maybe there's hope for me yet. I guess the only downside for that guy is being in the same family as Shapiro

>> No.16217271


I see your point anon. But imagine what her offspring would look like if she had paired with a 6ft blond Nordic chad. She would have a dainty half-Jewish girl with blonde hair and huge knockers.

Can you imagine such a creature, with fair complexion of milk and snow, breasts weighed down by the bend and perked by the areola, blue azule eyes of Summer skies, and hair yellow like dandelions? I can, but we will never see such a well shaped girl in the flesh and that is a tragedy.

>> No.16217279

Please tell me this is fake.
This is just too hilarious.

>> No.16217303

He looks like he has problems...

>> No.16217368


>> No.16217406
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>sperm spigots mad

>> No.16217428

trades are decidedly not /lit/.

>> No.16217530
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So many women waste their lives, and whether they admit it or not, to have stupidly chosen to die alone must be so complete a blow to them as to leave them mentally broken years before they die, forgotten, in a nursing home where the staff abuses them regularly.

>> No.16217555

if you ever spoke with a woman, they'll tell you they'd rather deal with the struggles of a job than be financially bound to a man.

>> No.16217588
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If you guys believe that women would be better off married with children (as opposed to working a full-time corporate job), how do you suggest a modern woman accomplish this in the 21st century? where do they find the best man for the job? also this isn't /lit/ related

>> No.16217641

Step 1. Post feet

Step 2. Be my gf

Step 3. Be the best woman you can be so that high value men notice you while also developing a keen sixth sense for warning signs of an unfit long term partner, both in men and in yourself. As a young woman in the Histrionic Clown Whore Instagram Apocalypse Nightmare Scenario episode of history, you will be your own greatest weakness as society has evolved to detect and reward every bad instinct you have and systematically ignore or punish any good instincts you have. Nearly everyone around you will be mentally ill and tell you to do things that are bad for your long term marriage prospects, including all the overreactionary "trad wives" who want you to LARP as a 1950s pinup and cater to your husband's pornhub BDSM sex fantasies. Consumer media will bombard you with short term temptations that invade your dreams and daydreams and tempt you with promises of ephemeral "excitement." Mainstream science (the ideology and propaganda wing of big pharma) will even try to permanently wreck your natural hormonal profile, to convince you that you would be happier as a nymphomaniac androgyne who goes on four dates a week, has one orgasm a year, and drinks a bottle of wine a night. Somehow manage to survive this entire gauntlet and come out the other side of it as a good moral person fit to be a mother (and whatever else you want), and you will have a 1/10 chance of meeting one of the rare golden-souled men left on earth, somehow unaffected, amid the sea of porn-fried retards who delude you into thinking they are one of the good ones for six months and then start eerily insisting that you "defer" to them like a submissive housefrau because of something they read online, and when you try to explain how they are destroying their rare opportunity at a healthy family in an unhealthy world, they double down and insist that you act more like a barefoot Youtube LARP lady and the relationship ends and now you're the only sister that isn't married and you wish every day that you could just be retarded so you wouldn't require a partner who isn't retarded which is impossible to find which is why you're alone and now it's too late.

>> No.16217685

>Be the best woman you can be so that high value men notice you
But I don't go outside unless it's for necessities

>> No.16217686

50% of people on /pol/ aren't white.

>> No.16217820

Sure, so long as you are a white supremacist.

>> No.16217867

what a bunch of fucking retards

>> No.16217889

Women can't read anything other than YA. Why the fuck should I listen to LITERALLY anything a woman has to say?

>> No.16217944
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I honestly hate the way women think. It's so fucking annoying.

>> No.16218335

You should talk to women 25 and older, because I have yet to hear any of them say this.

>> No.16218350

this lol many of them wish they had a good strong man around

>> No.16218590

Eh, at least she is honest. Most of the roasties who listened to feminists and wasted their youth on the cock carousal and at a career just end up projecting their discontent on men and becoming even more extreme man hating feminists. Maybe she can guide some young girls in a better direction.

>> No.16218603

On one hand it should be easier than ever, because so few women are competing since most of them are just slutting around and working at college and careers full time.

On the other hand it is harder than ever, feminism has done a brutal number on men, basically 30 percent of men in the west are broken to the point of being barely functional, and definitely not marriage material.

For a starting point, don't follow mainstream advice. Don't sleep around. Be feminine.