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16214323 No.16214323 [Reply] [Original]

books about the soulless contemporary american suburban life, contrasted with the grandeur of european cities?

>> No.16214355

couldn't imagine living in amerikkka to be honest, would be scared to leave my house and get executed by the police or catch covid from a mask-denying right winger

>> No.16214524

my diary desu

>> No.16214535


>grandeur of European cities

You mean the parts of town that are tourist traps and no local ever goes to because everything is 3 times the price and gypsies try to roll your pocket or scam you?

Return to nature

>> No.16214550

Stay in Mexico then

>> No.16214552

There's a lot of books on American soullessness but not really in a direct contrast to European grandeur

>> No.16214570


>You mean the parts of town that are tourist traps and no local ever goes to because everything is 3 times the price

retarded american. you can go to a city downtown for a walk to see the sights you don't need to be consooming all the time

>> No.16214581

The soul and joy is inside you, not external to you. Cultivate your own garden and all vistas are Rome! :)

>> No.16214595

I actually like the "burgerpunk" feel. In my mind, Heaven would be an endless suburb, dotted with libraries, parks, schools/unis, places of worship, and malls.

>> No.16214599

>Heaven would be an endless suburb, dotted with libraries, parks, schools/unis, places of worship, and malls.
american holocaust is a moral necessity

>> No.16214619

as an Amercian that grew up in a very privileged (see: rich white) part of the cunt, these (weekly) threads have me torn: on one hand i hate colored folk and poor people with a passion, but i also hate you myopic eurofags as well. i just dont know which side to take

>> No.16214624

You know most Europeans cities are entirely muslims/africans?

>> No.16214625


>consoom bad

Imagine being so deluded that you live in a city where half of it is turned into Disney Land and you're just ok with it.

I grew up in Europe and goddamn am I glad that I don't live there. Everyone is so goddamn stifling with the constant social control it's insane. Everyone cares (outside maybe, Spain) about what everyone around them is doing all the time, Europeans are the most paranoid and nosey people on Earth.
Then there is the fact that you are basically a prisoner, all the time. Everything is city, sure small American cities are blocks of concrete but at least there is nature surrounding it. European cities barely END before the next is in sight. Imagine thinking the Black Forest is a forest, it's barely a patch of grass. European society is an endless Black Mirror episode where a false reality is reflected to you while it feeds your ego.

t. Lived in Europe for the first 25 years of my life. Fuck you guys.

>> No.16214631
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>> No.16214635


Based. Imagine thinking the grand structures that were built while most of your ancestors lived in the gutter are somehow 'yours'.

>> No.16214639

You also have to deal with the hoards of brain-dead tourists cramming themselves into your city every summer. America isn't always pretty, but it still has a lot of freedoms you won't get in Europe

>> No.16214653

>books about the soulless contemporary american suburban life
American urban life isn't any more soulful, trust me.

>> No.16214739

>imagine living in a country that is a glorified shopping mall

>> No.16214754
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That's the irony, YOU are living in a glorified theme park. Once you look past the veneer and the fact that Mickey Mouse is just a guy in a giant suit you realize that you are being had, constantly, and that you've never seen anything real in your life.

>> No.16214765

>There's a lot of books on American soullessness


>> No.16214818
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>mfw I have family that moved out of their beautiful home in a heavily forested neighborhood in the pacific northwest with a community garden and creek running through their backyard to some duplex in suburban Ireland and now pretend they've always been Europoor and talk shit about America

>> No.16214929

american psycho

>> No.16214936

don't worry, soon your (((owners))) will ruin those national parks you have for a couple of cheap bucks

>> No.16214969


>national park

Imagine being so conditioned by the state that you think about everything in terms of ownership or government. It's not 'a national park'. It's one of the last remnants of the real world before everything was burned to the ground so the Romans could build pasta-eating dens.

>> No.16215351

this is your brain on yankee ideology

>> No.16215391

ITT: Jealous Yuropoors being jealous
Move along faggots, nothing to see here

>> No.16215405

can you post an image of just the american photo comp?

>> No.16215441
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>> No.16215467


>> No.16215469

You could create the opposite impression by using pictures of seaside New England, historical districts of Boston and Montpelier, etc. contrasted with Balkan cities, rural Russia, and the poorest parts of the Norf

>> No.16215557

what do you want it for?

>> No.16216166
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>> No.16216365

There are no European cities that are nearly as negrified as ours are

>> No.16216820

>yeah bro, I'm just gonna buy a house in Saint Peter's Square

>> No.16216872

This image is great propaganda to distract you from the fact contemporary life in Europe faces similar problems of "soullessness", and the cultures and mindsets that built most of those landscapes are now lost, and their main purpose now is a kind of ornament

>> No.16216988

>He's not a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
Cannot believe I share a board with plebs like you

>> No.16217000

I'd still be happier with ornaments than I am living in a hellish maze of interstates and strip malls.

>> No.16217088


Yeah bro let's just tear down the Coliseum because we no longer have gladitorial matches.

Stone henge too. We've moved past Druidism and our monuments should reflect that. Neoliberalism is a flawless system that will exist until the Sun blows up so why not make everything a glass cube man, classical architecture is racist and colonial anyway.

>> No.16217099

Lol you know there are more places in American than Ferguson, Missouri right?

Paris is pretty bad mate.

>> No.16217109
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Liveblog is about living in Baltimore and New York

>> No.16217112

Take your meds.

>> No.16217155

Paris is an extreme case, but they also corral all of their blacks into specific black neighborhoods. Outside of those shitty sections it's whiter than any American city outside of Maine or Alaska.
I lived there for a summer and the bottom line is that I could easily wander around after dark without feeling like I was going to get shot. I'm from Atlanta, where that just isn't possible. Several of my friends have been held at gunpoint and mugged walking down the sidewalk. You either don't know how bad our cities are or don't know how different Europe is.

>> No.16217205

Come on man, that's one of the blackest cities in the country. I've been there a few times and do agree though. If you stay around Buckhead it's alright.

I will admit that I would feel more comfortable walking around a random European city at night than a random American city. I think America is better for living out of the cities though. Our nature is what makes America so great. Living in cities sucks here. For reference I lived in NYC for 5 years, in Florida now.

>> No.16217361

The only places I've really lived long-term have been in Georgia, but I spent years in the suburbs, midtown Atlanta, and rural Appalachia, and all are fucking miserable.
For the suburbs (Kennesaw, for me):
>Homes are in cookie-cutter McMansion hellscapes that won't even let you paint your house or grow food on your own property without HOA brownshirts trying to get you evicted
>Buying groceries or getting dinner means sitting in traffic for twenty minutes to go to one of the five hundred indistinguishable strip malls that make up your "town"
>Both the houses and the strip malls are made of styrofoam and plywood because nobody ever plans on staying there for more than five years
The city (Atlanta):
>Small pockets of livable space surrounded by teeming hordes of PCP-addled negroes who will beat your face in with the butt of a shotgun to see if you're carrying a laptop in that bag
>Even the mostly-secure conclaves have homeless guys whose moldy rags have fused with their own skin that the cops won't mess with because staring you down while he whips his dick out and jacks off at you isn't technically violence and they just got three calls about gangs in the Bluff doing drivebys
>Both areas have a small minority of bespectacled liberals in polyamorous relationships who think this is and always has been The City Life™, but if they vote correctly and only buy fair trade coffee and visit the MLK Museum maybe it'll fix itself
And the beautiful rural mountainside (outskirts of Ellijay):
>Every home is either a dilapidated tin shack somebody dragged out of a Hooverville or a $700,000 eight-bedrooms-and-a-pool "cabin" for lawyers and doctors fleeing the city
>Every time you go to the store (which is actually the same store as the suburban plywood strip mall, but with a larger parking lot and a noticeably lower budget for janitorial staff), every single person you see looks like they are about to die of a heart attack because they're shuffling octogenarians, they're morbidly obese, or they're in the scab-picking late stages of a meth addiction
>Some of the trails are pretty nice

>> No.16217378

Way to miss the point. Second poster especially, how the hell did you get that assumption from what I wrote