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/lit/ - Literature

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16214310 No.16214310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's some /lit/ approved cinema?

pic related is the single greatest bildungsroman ever put on screen.

>> No.16214317
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just call it coming of age you colossal faggot

>> No.16214334

I have to use 10$ words so the thread stays on topic.

>> No.16214336

There is a board for movies. I suggest you try there. See this is the literature board and movies are not literature. It's like going to the sports store and asking for automotive parts

>> No.16214337
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Keep threads like this in /tv/ but since its up, here are some westerns I enjoyed.

>> No.16214340

kubrik, kurasawa, and tarkovsky
now gfto
if its not directed by sergio leone its trash fucker

>> No.16214346
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>> No.16214365

>sergio leone

>> No.16214370

A Single Man

>> No.16214373

>pic related is the single greatest bildungsroman ever put on screen.
Why, because it's long? Watch more film

>> No.16214385
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I really like these new Woody Allen movies. This one in particular, I think most of /lit/ would enjoy it.

>> No.16214388

go back to /tv/
>/lit/ approved cinema
that's fucking meaningless

>> No.16214390

I'll fight a bitch about it too.
The second one is shit, but the first one is Fantastic.

>> No.16214401
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as a 3rd worlder the entire aesthetic and feel of this movie hits very close to home and thta's the most important thing for a coming of age story, i suppose westerners have the same relation with films like the 400 blows.

>> No.16214421

I love movies. Entertainment is a fundamental part of humanity. Before we were even people, we told each other stories.

Anyone who thinks that a good movie has to adhere to a certain criteria doesn't get it.
You think that some fancy underground movie is more important than Terminator? You have no idea. The most important movies? They're mirrors of society. They reflect what is important to us as a whole.

>> No.16214431


>> No.16214435


>> No.16214440

fight me

>> No.16214473

Woody Allen is a very /lit/ filmmaker, despite the fact he disavowed the /lit/lifestyle in his autobiography lol.

>> No.16214475
File: 116 KB, 921x921, TreismanFictionPodcast-DavidFosterWallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that DFW is a Lynch fag.


>> No.16214478
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the most pretentious 15 year old on the planet right here

>> No.16214485
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Last ones I enjoyed

>> No.16214499

suck my taint. you really think your pretentious 4chan bullshit is more meaningful?

tell me why I'm wrong.

>> No.16214500
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What did you guys think of this?

>> No.16214507

I think it's not literature.

>> No.16214557
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Die Nibelungen (1924)

>> No.16214580

marriage story

>> No.16214609

I really liked this as well. The guy btfo-ed the little retarded manipulative skank at the end like a true hero.

I liked the novelistic approach to characters and plot threads, the setting was very interesting as well.

Recommend more kina like this bros.

>> No.16214655

Yang's other films, especially YiYi.
His friend's Hou's Millennium Mambo and Dust in the Wind.

>> No.16214679

One of the few films that is actually good. Terrorizers as well, the peak of metafictive cinema

>> No.16214759
File: 258 KB, 1125x811, 53D3162E-D94D-4BBA-8493-7F199E9A5A3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essential viewing for anyone who likes sebald