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/lit/ - Literature

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16213570 No.16213570 [Reply] [Original]

American graduate school in literature:

"No, anon, there's no universal truths. Everything--especially morality-- is relative, ever since technology and science made God obsolete"
*two seconds later*

Why are they like this? Am I missing something?

>> No.16213576

zoomers are fucking retarded

>> No.16213620

> Why are they like this?

read ‘Culture of Critique’

>> No.16213633


>> No.16213641

Go back to /pol/

>> No.16213644

Who cares what literature fags have to say about anything? It's like asking a cake maker about the nature of reality.

>> No.16213668

>the nature of reality.

>> No.16213676


>> No.16213686

Oh, and can I get an extra layer of fondant on that? Thanks.

>> No.16213708

I would unironically trust a baker's view of reality more than I would an English student's.

>> No.16213754

Most people hold the beliefs they were socialized into and dont question them. These same people would be slinging the hard R a hundred years ago.

>> No.16213766

Yea, empathy. Everyone's a hypocrite

>> No.16213783

fucking dumb nigger monkeys the lot of em

>> No.16213789

they only ever apply "deconstruction" and "critical thinking" to refute right wing tropes and destroy the foundations of Western societies, they always fail to apply the same standards to the holy teaching of the Progressive Church (aptly baptised as "The Cathedral" by Moldbug). this is why all right wingers should master the language of postmodernism to learn how to use it against our enemies, read de Maistre alongside Foucault and Deleuze with Evola

>> No.16213804

If Western society is so good and strong, why is it so easily undermined?

>> No.16213811

if you're so smart, why does it take only a hammer and my hand to fracture your skull?

>> No.16213821
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The Jewish mind virus is extremely infectious, but don't worry, we have antibodies.

>> No.16213847

I think you just came around to realizing white fragility anon.

>> No.16213856

No, I'm staying and you can do nothing about it.

>> No.16213959
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>> No.16213976

Because ideologies took the place of religion, and those professors are priest. All you’re experiencing is religious zeal of a materialistic religion

>> No.16214433

Well said.

>> No.16214438

Yes, you're missing the fact that you are at war and currently not fighting back. They're not trying to be honest, they're trying to destroy you. They don't want you to exist. Kill them

>> No.16214777

bold of you to assume I'm white

>> No.16214788

Even foucault and deleuze and marx are dead white males to them the kultmarx crowd are militantly illiterate and dont read anything except twitter. You dont debate them experience has shown violence is the only language they understand.

>> No.16214798

these threads are retarded. can you stop making them?

>> No.16214813

Under 'tradition' catholic priest tells the common folk they are irredemable sinnerscondemns all independent thought as heresy takes their money and molests their children under, progressivism blue haired lgbt comissar from the hr dept tells the common folk they are irredemable racists and transphobes condemns all independent thought as heresy takes their money and molests their children.

>> No.16214825

Marxist tranny pissing xerself after realising the silent majority wont be taking much more of their shit. In times of cultural marxism merely refusing to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act.

>> No.16214863

You're confusing ought and is, and so are your professors.

>> No.16214952

Because one of the foundations of Western society is Christianity, which teaches mercy and the idea that we should care for the soul even of our enemy. As a Christian, I have to admit that it is one of the pillars of Christianity that can easily become perverted to the point of making Western people submissive doormats. Thus you get Protestant ministers who claim that Christians should remove the Cross from public spaces/churches to make Muslim immigrants more comfortable.

>> No.16215407

>Christianity teaches us guilt and the idea the we should forgive our enemy even when they trespass, or commit evils, against us.
Fixed. Following and defending the faith of the colonizer is what has made you a doormat. Western society and its ideals are doomed to fail. The only way to make change is to take change.

>> No.16215426

>which teaches mercy and the idea that we should care for the soul even of our enemy.
That does not mean we should excuse the villainous actions of our enemy. This is a problem with contemporary liberal christians, not Christianity. The Orthodox Church got it right.

>> No.16215462

under, conservatism huckster televangelist from the mega church tells the common folk they are irredeemable sinners condemns all independent thought as heresy takes their money and molests their children and tells them to die for Israel

>> No.16216077

Shut up pseud

>> No.16216974

I don't know about literature, but my philosophy and anthropology classes were both pretty clear that morality is clearly objective. Like neither pushed a view- my philosophy classes just laid out the arguments of subjective and objective arguments for morality, what the criticisms of each were, but they also pointed out the majority of moral philosophers are objectivists, and you'll find more nihilists than subjectivists. And the arguments provided by subjectivists I find incredibly weak.

Meanwhile in my cultural anthropology class they argue culture is subjective, and we shouldn't judge, but at the same time we shouldn't forget our own ethics- that we shouldn't condemn a whole people and culture if they do something wrong, but if they stone gays that doesnt mean you have to approve or join in.

>> No.16217305

I agree with this sentiment completely, and was hoping it was implied in my post. Liberal Christians follow closely the maxim to hate the sin but love the sinner. Unfortunately they have taken it so far that they have forgotten to hate the sin and go out of their way to accept all sorts of immorality and degeneracy because they are afraid of being called bigot/racist/homophobic/etc. The sooner the Christian world stops trying to compete with secularism the better.

>> No.16217333

>The sooner the Christian world stops trying to compete with secularism the better.
I completely agree with that analysis.

>> No.16217583

Wait, this is ALL fondant!

>> No.16217693

>No, anon, there's no universal truths. Everything--especially morality-- is relative, ever since technology and science made God obsolete"
>implying theres still postmodernists in 2020
oh brother