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/lit/ - Literature

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16209915 No.16209915 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to children's literature? My niece had her 6th birthday this year and I tried finding a new book to buy her, but all the shit at the bookstore was garbage. I ended up just gifting her my old Pooh books.

>> No.16209937

There has been a large trend of pushing for inclusive diversity and LGBTQ+ themes in picture books. Literary agents, which are the gatekeepers for this industry, overwhelmingly ask for picture books which revolve around such subject matter. I talk about why this is wrong here, but note, I have dysprosody.


>> No.16209938
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It peaked in the early 20h century with Squirrel Nutkin, after which there was no point in writing any more books.

>> No.16209952
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Here are my favorite picture books.

>> No.16210016

what accent is that?

>> No.16210031

Note, I don't have the same accent as my parents. Everyone tells me different things about my accent. I think it's a pseudoaccent that is largely unique.

>> No.16210079

Just get her a bike, cheapskate

>> No.16210118
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Get her some classics for little girls such as The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, and Heidi.

>> No.16210120

She’s 6

>> No.16210138

For a six year old girl, I recommend the works of Inga Moore (personal favorite), Barbara Berger, Astrid Lindgren, Holly Hobbie, Tasha Tudor, Gerda Muller, Jill Barklem, Beatrix Potter, Molly Brett, Jan Brett, Fleur Cowles, Nicola Bayley, Margaret Tarrant, and a few others. I forgot to add Kate Greenaway on my top 50 list too.

>> No.16210142

So wait a year or two, but they're written for little girls. OP didn't specify his niece's reading level but he said children's literature, not picture books.

>> No.16210145

If I were to pick my own five favorite artists:
1) Fritz Baumgarten's works
2) Inga Moore's works
3) Sven Nordqvist's Pettson and Findus
4) Maxfield Parrish's works, incl. Knave of Hearts
5) Alfred Bestall's Rupert annuals

>> No.16210151
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Relevant screenshot.

>> No.16210154

Picture books can be high culture.

>> No.16210162

Yes, I am an antisemite. I don't see the issue.

>> No.16210163
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Get her this set for her 8th birthday.

>> No.16210167


>> No.16210171

what? I wasn't talking to you.

>> No.16210183

Only a vengeful Jew would save that image in order to taunt me. I want you to realize I will create an art form out of butchering Jews if society ever collectively wakes up to your heinousness once again. I'm sick and tired of Jews and their endless hypocrisy and subversive behavior.

>> No.16210190

I'm literally on that guy's side, retard.

>> No.16210203

I sincerely apologize.

>> No.16210272

>leftist ideals
I hate when people conflate progressive ideals with leftist ideals.

>> No.16210292

It's the Americans. These guys think Joe Biden is a "leftist" lmao

>> No.16210323

Right. I am talking to an American audience, but I agree that saying progressivism would have made more sense.

>> No.16210336

>butthurt white boys mad that nobody wants to read their strained worldviews anymore

Literally just have a look at this thread and ask yourself if a parent should want to buy books from authors with such closed minds

Children are in the most important developmental stage of their lives and realistically speaking inclusive themes are actually relevant versus the fantasy of white importance in the 4chan echo chamber

>> No.16210345

The people in this thread aren't authors retardo.

>> No.16210354

Monkey hands typed this.

>> No.16210364

Kids should be well into chapter books at 6. The only exceptions are dyslexics and abused children whose parents didn't read to them.

>> No.16210368
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Picture books are rooted in a tradition that's about trying to convey a sense of wondrous beauty, awe, sublime, or mystery in its simple naturalist or mythical stories. It's not about pushing guilt-ridden messages regarding inclusive themes.

>> No.16210375

I actually published a weird fiction short story in a reputable literary journal. However, I have had no luck with my picture book, which is fully completed. Granted, I could improve on the typography in my illustrated dummy manuscript, but I doubt I am being rejected for that reason.

>> No.16210385
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Picture books can have unfathomable depth. As someone who has read a lot of the classics, I do believe picture books do reach many of the Greats.

>> No.16210392

Pro-negro books and pro-faggotry books are out of the equation but I would definitely buy my kid something regarding exotic or native american cultures. Maybe try doing something like that and once you're all set you unleash your good stuff.

>> No.16210393

Agreed. Picture books are defined by their focus on illustration, so only a small handful of classic "picture" books could be considered literature.

>> No.16210396

Can you provide a small list of masterpieces in picture-book form?

>> No.16210407
File: 256 KB, 1200x1915, beatrix potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a perfect gift for a young girl.

>> No.16210448

Give her Wuthering Heights

>> No.16210474

Jane Austen Folios

>> No.16210511

I already gave her the Pooh books, her birthday was Saturday.

>> No.16210514

I wholeheartedly agree, I just take issue with the assumption that children should be infantilized. By 5 they should be easily handling girthier picture books with several sentences, or a paragraph, per page, and by six they should start pushing into legitimate chapter books, obviously geared towards young children like Hardy Boys or Goosebumps. YA is really appropriate for 7-10, and by 11 or 12 they should be ready to tackle "real literature" like Moby Dick. That doesn't mean once they're those ages its bad to continue to read lower stuff, and picture books especially can be fantastic works of art, just that there's no reason, other than dyslexia or abuse, for a 6 year old to not be reading longer books.

>> No.16210525

She will not read them. She will play with her iPad and watch YouTube like all the little retards do these days.

>> No.16210538

Don't talk shit about what you don't know. I bought her books because she likes to read and her dad/my brother told me she needed more books.

>> No.16210557

Have you considered Kickstarter?

>> No.16210566

Are there any non-pozzed/conservative publishers? Seems like with the tumult in America currently there'd be something.

>> No.16210577

My issue with the books I saw at the bookstore wasn't that they were left-wing, it was that I read through some of them and they were just not good. Lots of fart jokes and dumb shit.

>> No.16210605

Great list

>> No.16210651

Dude dysprosody only affects your speech but you write in the same pseduo-accent that you speak in lol typos and all

>> No.16210665

You said you had given her your Pooh books, but now you bought her books? Smells like a larp.

>> No.16210670

>wah wah wah
Bought/got doesn't matter you get the point.

>> No.16210711

I only had a few insignificant typos.

>> No.16210729

You just GOT caught, little liar. Fake thread.

>> No.16211134


>> No.16211165
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>live in Newfoundland
>have a slight newfie accent, b'y
>work in a call centre about 10 years ago
>caller thought I was Dutch because I "spoke with inflections"
>didn't believe I never spoke Dutch or any other language but English


>> No.16211442

This. If you can't at least start at this level, you're ngmi

>> No.16211478

leftism is progressivism lite. They share the same ideological underpinnings.

>> No.16211490


>Pancakes for Findus

Oh how fondly I remember that

>> No.16211494


go fuck yourself you dumb nigger

>> No.16211515

It's worth checking out the whole series. There are about 10 or 11 books in the series. There are also 2 or 3 activities books, which can be fun.

>> No.16211539

fucking based

>> No.16211568


>> No.16211577

the problem is that most children's books are written expressly to be sold to virtue signalling adults as opposed to being the kind of books children actually like

>> No.16211663


Wh*te users really believe its PC culture holding them back

Can any of you read this exchange of messages and not be embarrassed?

>> No.16211670

You type like a redditor

>> No.16211678

I’m not complaining about a failing literary career

>> No.16211687

I've already had one short story published in a reputable literary journal. I don't have time to waste with scum like you.

>> No.16211719

Sorry Stutterin’ Sam, but you are, and have been all thread, and you HAVE TO keep wasting time with scum like me the rest of your piss-weak career. That’s why you posted in the first place.

>> No.16211743

I had more luck with horror fiction because we live in dark and violent times.

>> No.16212477

Both are one of the faces of the same creature.
Modes of control.

>> No.16213060

Can anyone recommend some Slavic children's literature?

>> No.16213090

I can’t wait until the progressives and minorities get what they have coming.

>> No.16213107


>> No.16213278

Where can I download these picture books? I want to read them.

>> No.16213353

Saint George and the dragon is awesome.

>> No.16213359


>> No.16213409
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not gonna lie, these were based

>> No.16213418

oh shit, it's dysprosody-kun

>> No.16213429

>Squirrel Nutkin
aw fuckin' yiss

>> No.16213447

There's always been a load of shit to shift through. That's what people forget. Time filters all the trash out.

>> No.16213464

what's good about Pooh?
the completely suicidally depressed Eeyore?
the only sorta depressed Pooh?
the little bitch Piglet?
Tigger is the only character that doesn't completely suck

>> No.16213486
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>tfw you never have a niece or nephew because your sister refuses to have children
>tfw you will never have children because you're an ugly lazy autistic loser
>tfw your mom will die without grandchildren
Feels bad

>> No.16213543

t. me

>> No.16213921
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>> No.16214171

this gives me such a sad feeling

>> No.16214281

>>butthurt white boys mad that nobody wants to read their strained worldviews anymore
since when was my worldview about a frog and a toad who hang out together

>> No.16214366

The internet

>> No.16214378

>children who can't think for themselves yet are the best targets for propaganda, so you'd better let us teach your children to hate themselves and mutilate their genitals or you're "closed minded"
Yeah, we're going to kill you because our minds aren't open to evil communist insanity

>> No.16214399

You speak like pure shit

>> No.16214785

Well anon, solution seems obvious - you need to kidnap and rape your sister and then avoid getting caught at least until she gives birth to your mother grandchild.

>> No.16216122

Do not talk shit about Piglet.

>> No.16216670

>Retard doesn't know how gender dysphoria and surgery works.

>> No.16216869



>> No.16216879

stop being a fag

>> No.16216914

This. look at what agents say they want. they are ALL pushing for "diverse narratives" "#ownvoices", "LBGT+", underrepresented minorities, etc buzzwords. don't take my word for it. go look. what they request and push is what gets onto the shelves.

when I talk about blue haired agents I am talking about the death of literature. This DOES affect you.

>> No.16216924

Vox Day is producing the Junior Classics, which contain a lot of great literature for children. If you want to get good quality literature for your kids AND support right-wing creators paving the way for less degenerate art, you should look him up.

>> No.16216945

And you have a mind of pure shit.
Better to be a poor speaker than have a mind of pure shit.

>> No.16217276

>Lord of the flies
Anon just because children were the principal characters in that book doesn’t mean it was meant for children

>> No.16217306

>/lit/ - Bikes and shit

>> No.16218694

why? he fucking yo mama or something?

>> No.16218700

there's no reason for any other children's literature than moomin

>> No.16218703

2033 can’t come soon enough

>> No.16219337
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>> No.16219377

Roo's mama would knock you the fuck out