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16209712 No.16209712 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I not spend 4 years majoring in linguistics and philosophy?

>> No.16209721


>> No.16209729

OP I majored in linguistics and philosophy and I can confirm

>> No.16209737

I have land, I can grow food, and I earn a comfortable living building homes. Life is no longer about the quest for gain.

>> No.16209743

Did you go to grad school?

>> No.16209745 [DELETED] 

because you can find a different thing thats superior

>> No.16209751

Any recommendations?

>> No.16209760
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Are you Luke Smith?

>> No.16209762

If that's the case then maybe, depending on what country you're in and what institution you're going to.
I personally wouldn't do linguistics though, and unless you choose a good school most philosophy departments seem to be Analytic and cringe (might be different in europe though)

>> No.16209781

just read about it yourself lad
as >>16209762 said, if you're in the US or B*itain you're going to be force fed 100 semester hours of the driest analytic wank imaginable.

>> No.16209782

It's a good combination. Go for it.

>> No.16209784

> WWU in PNW
Believe it’s an analytical-phil program. Would like to study comparative philosophy post-bacc. Long term goal to complement studies with CS.
>wouldn't do linguistics
Why’s that? Any recommendations?

>> No.16209789

Linguistics is one of the most pozzed disciplines in the academy

>> No.16209790

Gotcha. Will do. Thanks for the input.

>> No.16209803

Least pozzed, you mean.

>> No.16209807

Retarded continentalcucks detected.

>> No.16209815

Any other thoughts?

>> No.16209822

>Generative Grammar
>Dude, don't be a prescriptivist
Linguistics is a joke unless you want to a be tenured teacher

>> No.16209831

Still can't decide if this guy is based or not

>> No.16209833

Begone, bugman.

>> No.16209834

No, it's on the most pozzed, and I have no idea how it happened. One would think that it wouldn't be easily politicized, yet here we are.

>> No.16209840

Just want to better understand variety of thought and how to relay ideas to diverse groups. Am not seeking a position or income. What would you recommend to study?

>> No.16209845

Not an argument

>> No.16209865

Why not study a major with economic upside and minor in philosophy or take tons of gen ed linguistic classes? I studied econ and could have taken tons n tons of those classes had I wanted to.

>> No.16209866

>One would think that it wouldn't be easily politicized
idk senpai, it's pretty easy to make language political
I lean towards based, even if he is a bit autistic

>> No.16209911

The way I see it, economics is increasingly a game of data and algorithm. I do not wish my worth to be determined by what I can compute or compel to be computed. Were I destined to enter school earlier, perhaps I might have preferred economics.

>> No.16209940

What the hell are you talking about? How is x-bar theory political?

>> No.16209948

Economics is the most pozzed pseudoscientific department in the university. And no, it doesn't help you make money.

>> No.16209979

Yes. There are NO jobs. Unless you have connections, I assume, which I don't.

>> No.16210026

Intellectual pursuits are not the kind of thing you engage in for a paycheck.

>> No.16210036

Did you derive any non-professional benefits from your studies? Do you feel as if you understand language better? Is it easier to study new languages?

>> No.16210066

Then don't go to college dumb ass. Why would you go into enormous debt for a degree you'll never even use? Use 1% of all that money and buy the books all those classes are based off of. I'm in a 5 year major and I've sadly realized I could've obtained the exact same knowledge in 1 year by just reading 4-5 books a month.

>> No.16210070

i love him he is one of the few people i genuinely respect on the internet

>> No.16210074

I'm in WWU linguistics. Interesting, but unsure about any of my prospects.

You can't complement CS courses with Linguistics anymore, as was the case a few years ago. I have roommates in CSCI who will be waiting almost 6 years for the degree with all the bottlenecks classes.

Linguistics is apparently undergoing a department revamp, but the state of the world likely affected their plans.

College is a scam

>> No.16210075

What's your major?

>> No.16210155

I have no idea, yet they still manage to find a way

>> No.16210161

> unsure about any of my prospects
Grad school? ESL abroad? What were your intentions?
> You can't complement CS courses with Linguistics anymore
I’ve a little history in working with programming languages, enough to realize it is a subject that can be self-taught. Don’t believe that is the case with philosophy, which is reliant upon discussion. How critical do you believe your relationship with classmates and faculty has been for your understanding of linguistics?
> Linguistics is apparently undergoing a department revamp
I see. I had heard good things about the program years ago. I am at least one, ideally two years away from enrollment so I suppose I’ll have to keep an eye on any changes.
Thanks lots for the relevant input!

>> No.16210165

That's bullshit. It's about as political as mathematics.

>> No.16210181

> I could've obtained the exact same knowledge in 1 year by just reading 4-5 books a month
I suppose you could have. I have certainly learned enough on my own to make a comfortable living. Though, life is not all about financial security and there is a lot to be said about direct discourse and social relationship when it comes to learning. Regardless, I’m sorry that you are disappointed with your education.

>> No.16210186

Engineering in systems of information. Not sure what the equivalent for that would be in America. (Basically CS + Economics)

>> No.16210280

Lmao you're in for world of hurt

>> No.16210431

I studied linguistics at university. It's exactly as political as mathematics. I.e., not at all.

>> No.16210446

Management Information Systems. That's actually one you can teach yourself through reading and programming exercises.

>> No.16211330
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cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16211336
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>"I'm an autodidact"

>> No.16211397

>not at all
I forgive you anon because what I’m about to post may shatter your life.


>> No.16211927

What degree doesn't make this board piss their pants?

>> No.16212678


>> No.16212944

Cant we genocide the trannies already?

>> No.16213011

What does your e-celeb horseshit have to do with the study of mathematics or linguistics? Have you ever even been to university?

>> No.16214062

Weren’t a number of notable philosophers also linguists?

>> No.16214216

Unfortunately, you have to eat to live.

>Did you derive any non-professional benefits from your studies?
Yes, linguistics is one of the most interesting subjects in the world. Philosophy is less so, and its substance runs out pretty quickly. One 'sees through' philosophy after a while, and it loses its appeal.

>Is it easier to study new languages?
Yes, it's much easier. Not in an interactive setting, but definitely in a formal setting, or if you want to understand the mechanics of the language.

>> No.16214304

>Philosophy is less so, and its substance runs out pretty quickly. One 'sees through' philosophy after a while, and it loses its appeal.
What a foolish statement. Sounds like you haven't studied it in any depth.

>> No.16214309

What's interesting about linguistics?

>> No.16214349

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Linguistics can be one of the humanities, a hard science, or a formal science. You're guaranteed to find something engrossing, and if you're a person who needs a mixture of those things, there's no better place to be.

>> No.16214356

Just say something interesting

>> No.16214426

>Are you speaking from personal experience?
Yes. I also studied linguistics. But the advantage of philosophy is that it allows you to study basically any subject you want in extraordinary conceptual depth. You can do philosophy of mathematics and make contributions to set theory or category theory, or logic in proof theory or model theory, or philosophy of art, or philosophy of mind, or probability and decision theory, or quantum mechanics, or Marxism, or political theory, etc etc. There are no limits, the only requirement is that it go deep conceptually. It's the perfect subject for people with wide interdisciplinary interests who want to explore the foundations of things. When you're bored of philosophy, you're bored of life.

>> No.16214488

Why would you take on debt to go into poverty?

>> No.16214494

Did you study philosophy, though?

I have to disagree – to the extent you're working on the philosophy 'of' some subject, you'd be way better served just learning that subject.

>> No.16214553

Yes, I studied philosophy for both my undergrad and graduate degrees. Couldn't disagree more.

>> No.16214601

I majored in English and Theatre

>> No.16214642

What do you study in philosophy? What did you do your thesis on?

>> No.16214657

Did you come out to your parents yet?

>> No.16214674

I was in too deep into it by the time I realized how annoying and faggoty my peers were. I'm hoping to do something better for grad school

>> No.16214713

>Why would you take on debt to go into poverty?
Is there no more to life than wealth? Can a man impoverished not be happy, not be healthy, not be successful?