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/lit/ - Literature

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16208043 No.16208043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16208056

Is there any publisher this board likes?

>> No.16208084

They publish shit not available in other publishers, yes. Why would I care about how it's perceived rather than their contents?

>> No.16208092

Wordsworth is the Chad's choice.

>> No.16208098
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>They publish shit
You said it best, anon

>> No.16208114

unironically the best publisher right now.

>> No.16208116

There are a few retards who like to derail NYRB threads as midwit core or calling them a fake western canon. Or they just shit on translations in general.
Disregard their opinions. They don't actually read and have nothing substantial to discuss (e.g. OP)

>> No.16208125

I don't read translations of obscure garbage literature that went out of print for a reason
R*dditors are not allowed here

>> No.16208126
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>Zero Books

>> No.16208135
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>Norton Critical Edition

>> No.16208136

>NYRB Classics
>Dalkey ARchive
>Oxford World Classics
>Norton Critical Editions
>Library of America

>Penguin Classics


>> No.16208137


>> No.16208145

Signet Classics

>> No.16208150

>I don't read translations of obscure garbage literature that went out of print for a reason
Word for word the same utter nonsense you or some other faggots always repeat.
This is your brain on the worse /lit/ memes.

>> No.16208156


>> No.16208160

In English I like Oxfords, but I mostly read in French and just pick up whatever Gallimard puts out

>> No.16208168

Telos, Arktos, Antaios, occasionally Countercurrents, Inner Traditions sometimes

>> No.16208172

>I don't read translations of obscure garbage literature that went out of print for a reason
Then what do you complain about a product you don't even interact with? LMAO zoomers are offended by the weirdest shit, I swear.

>> No.16208182

I like this one.

>> No.16208189
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Your taste in literature is plebeian and garbage for several reasons
1. hipster publisher that only pseuds like better than food like because they publish obscure stuff and you lot get off on reading unknown books
2. translation, how fucking hard is it to learn french and spanish you stupid fucking pleb?
3. mediocre books, pretty everything that NYRB has published is mediocre literature, stuff you shouldn't fucking waste time with, their most popular books are on the same fucking level as shit like catcher in the rye

you're a fucking pleb and a r*ddit refugee, go the fuck back

>> No.16208202

i've bought a couple books from NYRB, both of them sucked and ended up in the trash, they weren't translations tho

>> No.16208250

wordsworth covers are so bland

>> No.16208256

Caring about publishers is pretty pseud-tier. Some are of course better and some are worse, but to be fanboying or dismissing one altogether is stupid. So, to be a consoomer of NYRB classics is silly of course, but it's highly possible there are some good books among them (e.g., Moravagine; a recently translated Henri Bosco; forthcoming Gide's Marshlands).

>> No.16208267

I'm such an oldfag I remember the old sharethreads from 8 years ago where people uploaded a lot of NYRB ebooks.
>french / spanish
They publish translations from many other languages. The shitposting flowchart suggests you'll say something like "other languages are useless".
Finding new writers and obscure works is fun. You wrongly assume that's all I read.
>mediocre books
You mean like every other single publisher ever? You mean out of the thousand books they have on catalog, every single one is a mediocre one? How the fuck would you know if apparently you don't read them.

The fact you'd stoop so low as to go around calling people redditors and posting a soijack is pathetic and proves you're just a braindead shitposter. Please use a name or a trip so I can filter your daily incursions.

>> No.16208268

What did you read from them?

>> No.16208287
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Where my new directions chads at

>> No.16208288

>NYRB ebooks.
Geez, just when I thought you couldn't be more retarded, you're an ebook fag too
stoner and peregrine, really hated them both, couldn't finish either of the, tossed them in the trash about halfway through both and vowed to never buy NYRB again

>> No.16208304

>when knee-jerk contrarianism becomes a lifestyle choice

>> No.16208306

can confirm esp their shakespeare, very good

>> No.16208311

You didn't like Stoner? LMAO I thought you meant like some obscure shit from Africa or whatever. I think you're a pleb, son. That was a good book.

>> No.16208312

Well, if you read Anglos what do you expect?

>> No.16208320

>implying NYRB isn't a faggot publisher for hipster contrarians

>> No.16208326
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>Illustrated Platinum Edition

>> No.16208327

>You didn't like Stoner?
No, and it's very difficult for me to go from reading Hugo or Gautier to reading some bumpkin from america writing about some mediocre professor with a shit life lmao

>> No.16208335

Thanks to these guys I could read Gautier and Manchette. They're based in my book. Couldn't give a shit if /lit/fags like them or not.

>> No.16208359

>pleb is a plotfag
lmao just stop replying, mate. every new reply makes you seem plebier and plebier.

>> No.16208374

Wordsworth is a fucking meme right? The covers are horrible.

>> No.16208386

Their Thomas Hardy ones are nice.

>> No.16208388

Publishers like NYRB conserve the work of great writers that had gone out of print because mainstream publishers are now run by 'woke' Karen types and university syllabi now exclude most white male writers to make room for genderqueer fruitcakes who write about Beyonce and 'black bodies'.

>> No.16208394

>Thanks to these guys I could read Gautier
learn french you stupid faggot
it's not about plot, the whole book sucks, the ideas suck, the prose sucks, the plot sucks. it's mediocre american literature. it's literally entry level literature

>> No.16208405

>because mainstream publishers are now run by 'woke' Karen types and university syllabi now exclude most white male writers to make room for genderqueer fruitcakes who write about Beyonce and 'black bodies'
not true, go back to /pol/ you brainwashed retard. oxford is a very serious publisher in english and they publish all the classics. NYRB literally is about diversity shilling, they publish all sorts of minorities and women lmao

>> No.16208409

>it's mediocre american literature
Pleonasm. It's just American literature, then. Par for the course.

>> No.16208417

hmmm kinda based anon

>> No.16208427

These are all good books published by NYRB:

Tove Jansson - The Summer Book
Richard Hughes - A High Wind in Jamaica
Adolfo Bioy Casares - The Invention of Morel
Kingsley Amis - Lucky Jim
Vasily Grossman - Life and Fate
Patrick Leigh Fermor - A Time of Gifts
J.G. Farrell - The Siege of Krishnapur
J.L. Carr - A Month in the Country
Leonardo Sciascia - The Day of the Owl
L.P. Hartley - The Go-Between
Renata Adler - Speedboat
Frans G. Bengtsson - The Long Ships
John Wyndham - The Chrysalids
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky - Memories of the Future
G.B. Edwards - The Book of Ebenezer Le Page
Max Beerbohm - Seven Men

There are hundreds more.

>> No.16208429


All those books are bad though.

>> No.16208433

>learn french you stupid faggot
I know basic French but French books are even harder to acquire here. We're talking about Gautier and Manchette, not Hugo and Flaubert.

>> No.16208435

Wow. Nice job outing yourself as a clueless moron.

>> No.16208442

You've never read a book in your life, though.

>> No.16208443


>> No.16208446
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>Thanks to these guys I could read Gautier
There really isn't any point of reading Gautier in translation. That defeats the purpose of his worldview in the first place, and he known as a master of the French language. Honestly translating his stuff in the first place is sacrilege. He was so tied to the French language, you can only mar and destroy his works that way. There isn't any point in reading his stuff in English, he didn't write books about ideas. He tried to write beautiful works using his own tool: French. Fuck NYRB for even daring. Bunch of faggots.


>> No.16208455

>Life and Fate is bad
yea, confirmed pleb.

>> No.16208458

Gay as fuck.

>> No.16208460

All of Gautier's book are available for cheap online. He is an incredibly famous author in France. He isn't considered obscure except maybe for Americans. He is literally on the same level of popularity as Rimbaud and Baudelaire.

As for Manchette, I don't know much about him to be honest.

>> No.16208465

literally a bunch of who's. only name there worth reading is probably casares, but you should know spanish anon, stop being a fucking pleb. it's one of the easiest languages to learn.

>> No.16208468


>> No.16208477

>All of Gautier's book are available for cheap online.
Like from actual reputable publishers or from IndepententlyPublished Amazon crap nobody likes? Would like to get his comple fiction if that's available.

>> No.16208478


>> No.16208483

Vasily Grossman is a way better writer than Bioy Casares. Bioy Casares is vastly overrated even in the Latin American canon, hell ,even in the Argentine canon.

>> No.16208485
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seething illiterate dimwit

>> No.16208502

Do you know a different publisher that has a complete English translation of Shalamov's Kolyma Tales?

>> No.16208509

Yeah, Folio has a lot his books out in print for cheap, check them out. And as far as I know NYRB just published seven of his short stories. Gautier wrote drama, poetry, short stories, and novels. You can't rely on NYRB for that. You have to find French editions of his stuff. Also, he never published anything under the title My Fantoms, they just got seven of his stories and put them together. Kinda cringe.

>> No.16208524

>Vasily Grossman
I'll look into him. I've never delved too deeply into Russian literature. Never been a big fan. I see this Vasily guy is Jewish though and not Russian-Russian, so maybe there's hope.
I'm literate in 5 languages, cope harder, loser.

>> No.16208544
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>> No.16208546

literally looks like Alan Moore.

>> No.16208555

Alright, will check them out, pal. And yes, the title is cringe. Are you French btw?

>> No.16208581

>I'll look into him.
This is your problem. You are shitting on a publisher for publishing books you haven't even read. Next time shut up and listen instead of posting like a retard.

>> No.16208588

Soseki - The Gate
Moravia - Contempt
Gogol - Dead Souls
Platonov - Foundation Pit
Döblin - Berlin Alexanderplatz
Shalamov - Kolyma Tales
JG Farrell - Troubles
Szerb - Journey by Moonlight
Saki - Short stories
Arlt - Seven Madmen
Bernanos - Mouchette
di Benedetto - Zama
Turgenev - Virgin Soil
Pirandello - The Late Maria Pascal
Bengtsson - The Long Ships
Lazarillo de Tormes
Walser - Jakob Von Gunten
Olesha - Envy

>> No.16208692

this can't be real

>> No.16208695

>Moravia - Contempt
>Bernanos - Mouchette
>Pirandello - The Late Maria Pascal
>Lazarillo de Tormes
Good writers, but if you knew French, Italian and Spanish like you should instead of being a pleb, then you wouldn't need NYRB.
Yeah, sorry, I don't really care for Russian literature. It's not very good, among the worst of Asia, and Asian literature is already bad.

>> No.16208700

wrong again

>> No.16208703

wrong again

>> No.16208725
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>> No.16208730

>something I haven't read is bad

>> No.16208733

>I don't really care for Russian literature.
I never even mentioned Russian literature, you illiterate pleb.

>> No.16208743

Yes, exactly. That's how I feel about the Koran, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Russian literature, Slavic literature generally, Twilight, any manga, White Fragility, etc.

>> No.16208750

Different anon. That was for the other anon. You newfag r*dditors don't even know how this site works. Lurk more.

>> No.16208755
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KEK this ur publisher anon?

>> No.16208766

Learn to read, pleb. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.16208772


>> No.16208785

Vasily Grossman is Russian.

>> No.16208850
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sorry you can't handle the greats of literature getting covers they deserve, fag

>> No.16208852


>> No.16209030
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>New Directions

>> No.16209172

have sex

>> No.16209622


Dalkey Archive
Farrar Strauss and Giroux

>> No.16210187
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>> No.16210848
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You know you all want to buy this book. Read it.