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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 680x450, why_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16206288 No.16206288 [Reply] [Original]

>Thanks for having me on, Joe. There's been much speculation in regards to my literary tastes and philosophical leanings. I am glad I can finally clear the air of confusion surrounding these quandaries. Why, yes, my favorite author is obviously...

>> No.16206296

This is not /tv/

>> No.16206299

Adolf Hitler

>> No.16206305

...the guy who wrote The Hunger Games.

>> No.16206307


>> No.16206402
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>Mark Twain of course!

>> No.16206456
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>> No.16206461

Bram Stoker

>> No.16206474


>> No.16206483

There was a time where Joe Rogan took over my internal dialogue and I couldn't think of anything without framing it as a response to a question on his podcast.

I no longer watch JRE.

>> No.16206491

>Robin DiAngelo

>> No.16206496
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happened to me too

>> No.16206503

Imagine some lonely millenial who retreats into a fantasy where people are interested in what he has to say. And he spends his shower every day, and then a bunch of time at work and an hour before bed using this fantasy as consolation because he’s so lonely and unsuccessful.
And in his fantasy, the person he picks to have at the other end of the table is Joe Rogan from Newsradio

>> No.16206517
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Joe Rogan episodes are 3 hours long. Even if you watch one every few days he ends up taking up a ton of your mental space. He starts seeming like a real person.

>> No.16206599
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All of this is literally me. Time to kms goys.

>> No.16206671

Kek but seriously though Chad would never say the word "sorry".

>> No.16206678

As much as I like to make memes about joe rogan based on a few clips I’ve seen and the way people on here talk about the JRE, I’ve never enjoyed the show, it’s so boring, Rogan doesn’t really have anything interesting to say

>> No.16206694
File: 116 KB, 624x624, 2674B801-BE67-40C4-9DE9-C4F7F424E653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the Authors of the Bible

>> No.16206719

yeah lol imagine that haha.........

>> No.16206723

This happened to me but with Cum Town and all my thoughts became different ways to make gay song parodies

>> No.16206730


>> No.16206791

Go off king

>> No.16206961

Cum Town really is just el Chomsky's trap cunt but not filled with insufferable faggots

>> No.16208726

This but he only took over my DUDE WEED head-space in that way, getting high ended up just being me hosting JRE featuring me in my head. I have dropped JRE and significantly reduced the frequency that I DUDE WEED.

>> No.16208736
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>me hosting JRE featuring me

>> No.16208775
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>host: anon
>guest: anon

>> No.16208853

>Oscar Wilde

>> No.16208856

based schizo

>> No.16208869


>> No.16208877

lmao. good one anon.

>> No.16208878

that image is me but replace it with destiny. so inauthentic

>> No.16208899

I they are going to be a part of my brain till i die

>> No.16208932

The power of schizophrenia.

>> No.16208978

this is the thread
what are you guys listening to
I've exhausted the backlogs of all podcast I'm normally interested in
recommend anything

>> No.16208991

Thanks for having me on, Joe. There's been much speculation in regards to my literary tastes and philosophical leanings. I am glad I can finally clear the air of confusion surrounding these quandaries. Why, yes, my favorite author is obviously Karl Marx who single handedly obliterated the entire heretofore cannon of philosophy, thus solving all questions in it and directing them to the end of changing the world, rather than interpreting it.

>> No.16209003

Go back redditor

>> No.16209017

this happens to me anytime I watch interviews I start thinking only in terms of asking and responding to questions, the worst is when I frame politics like this.

>> No.16209029

Wtf I recognize both of those flairs and top guys user. MMA is one of the few subs worth going on

>> No.16209032

Podcasts are made by (and for) midwits. No intelligent person would waste their time reading two retards botch some topic and put their biased spin on it. If you want to learn the material without being influenced, much less by inferior minds (obviously questionable for you but relative to me, a certainty), then you need to read and listen to the greats yourself. Otherwise you'll only ever have a pop-sci tier understanding if philosophy, literature or anything which is so pitiful that even a Wikipedia article would be more valuable.

>> No.16209050

>No intelligent person would waste their time - ***reading***** two* - retards botch some topic and put their biased spin on it.
listening to*

>> No.16209051

only ever watch for the guest on, and even then only for a few entertaining guests. Alex Jones and like 50% of the Elon Musk ones were super interesting/entertaining, but when he talks to comedians or one of the most milquetoast boomer liberal/conservative figures its just an absolute waste

>> No.16209059

I don't listen to podcasts for learning, I listen for entertainment

>> No.16209062

Alex Jones is the opposite of interesting.

>> No.16209063


>> No.16209082
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> (obviously questionable for you but relative to me, a certainty)
Pic rel
just joshin' ya I agree with everything in your post, podcasts are for insomniacs to fall asleep to and for the prep guy to blast at the restaurant I used to work at

>> No.16209096

I love that deus ex edit of his appearance on JRE, makes me laugh everytime

>> No.16209136

Because the inclusive aspect of the format makes it feel like you’re involved with the conversation, almost like you were sitting with a group of friends...

>> No.16209164

gee whiz thanks for that deep insight

>> No.16209180

Yes, Podcasts are friend simulators for lonely Millennials. Hey are popular because there are, unironically, many such cases
The entertainment ones with second rate comedians are the worst kind

>> No.16209217

I always like to listen to art bell to laugh at all the cooks that came on the show

>> No.16209301

>it's Hesiod Joe
>yes the bronze age joe. Woman is a cheat and just wants your barn, don't fall in love just cause she's twerking for you

>> No.16209344

>I don't inject heroin for the experience, I inject it for fun so it's ok and totally isn't rotting my mind.

>> No.16209356
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It's good for MMA content but the people are really stupid. This diagram kinda shows why.

>> No.16209398
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I know this feel
he really is a good internal dialogue partner

>> No.16209470

Who would be the boomer equivalent of Joe Rogan?

>> No.16209477

Charlie Rose, but he got cancelled for creeping on the interns

>> No.16209493

Howard Stern. They're both:
>watched by middle and lower class white dudes
>famous for their interviews even though they cant interview worth a shit
>have an entourage of unfunny faggots that try to use their show to launch their careers
>larp like they're tough, anti-pc bros then vote for democrats

>> No.16209704

So Joe Rogan is now interviewing people in the Black Lodge?

>> No.16209739

I dropped out of uni while spending nearly all my time at home watching friend simulators. Weird time to look back on

>> No.16209754

fuck I remember seeing this posted in the sub. MMA probably has a ton of straight up dummies but does a surprisingly good job of just staying on topic and keeping things mma only so you don't notice it like in other vaguer subs like r/pics or smth where the reddit culture just ruins any positive browsing experience.

>> No.16209825



>> No.16209830

Spot on

>> No.16210747

Shut up Adam

>> No.16210785


Fucking took over my shower
I did the same with Vaush too for a while

>> No.16210889

Nick Mullen should write a book, he is truly the philosopher of our time

>> No.16211460

I swear I've lost quantifiable IQ points from how much I listen to the show. I've definitely incorporated the word "bust" deep into my vocabulary and I probably say it almost every day

>> No.16211637
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>took over my shower
Holy shit this phrase capture the point so well

>> No.16211815
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>Imagine having a voice in your head that's not your own

>> No.16211833

The voice in my head is, as of right now, that of Christina Hendricks. Her voice is saying that she wants to rub her tits on my face.

>> No.16211880


>> No.16211925

OK that's pretty based
I just keep yelling at myself to read reflections on voilence but I'd rather shitpost.