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/lit/ - Literature

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16205144 No.16205144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That tripfag who's a bunch of weird symbols together makes this board worse

>> No.16205165

More people should be tripfags. It’s such an easy way to make people seethe and it shits up this board which is what people here deserve. I’m probably gonna start tripfagging.

>> No.16205177
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>> No.16205179

>Tripfags make this board worse

>> No.16205184

'I'll hunt tiger tonight' guy? I don't think he's that bad.

>> No.16205343

if you're using 4chax:
# Filter any tripfag

>> No.16205421

i like to do the opposite of tripfagging, which is to take somebody else's name (or old tripcode) and use it as my own while i go about my regular shitposting. this way, instead of tying an identity to my own posts, i diminish the identity of someone else, because there's now uncertainty as to whether some post under a tripcode personality really was made by them. of course, you can get around this by carefully checking their trip and looking at the writing style and such, but most people won't (or don't want to) bother with that. the result then (for people who don't make the effort to check) is a muddied and inconsistent identity with no clear personality or views, which is exactly as it should be on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.16205438

I think that will only get tripfags who don't have something in front of the trip
should get secured trip codes as well.

>> No.16205548

good call

>> No.16205591
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/lit/ is already dead.

>> No.16205745

which one

>> No.16205766

Rude, two of those have potential to be quality

>> No.16205934

well the parents haveing sex one is already gone, so only one of those "potential" threads survived.

>> No.16206847

Been here for a while and i still don't know who butterfly is and im scared to ask at this point

>> No.16206927

why not just /!/

>> No.16206930

I really like butterfly poster she makes me feel blush and -starstruck. i want to be well read like her.

>> No.16206976

fair point, not many people will put "!" in the name field besides tripfags

>> No.16206986

been here 10 years, and didn't know that it removed exclamation marks in the name field. I put in "name ! name" btw
lmfao, guess it makes sense though, otherwise you could just put "!tripcode" and impersonate someone