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/lit/ - Literature

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16204789 No.16204789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven’t you read Selfie Suicide or, Cairey Turnbull’s Blue Skiddoo?

>> No.16204974

noo please r "killer" cam, "deadly" daedalus, "lugubrious" logo please just take my birthday cake and go. i can't take yet another bullyciding.

>> No.16204981

Imagine spending all of your time trying to get incels to read Hegel
what a life

>> No.16204990

Sounds cool.

>> No.16204993

I'm not interested.

>> No.16205007

I like Logo but his prose is bad and the book seems like brain dead dfw.

>> No.16205304

>I like Logo
What's wrong with you?

>> No.16205677
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>> No.16205833

imagine throwing logo down on the bed and ploughing his swamp yankee twink ass

>> No.16205843

you'd have to fight off kantbot first

>> No.16205880

twitter isnt literature

>> No.16206518

I have. You have a much more contemptuous presence on twitter these days. Your posts used to be more nonchalant/funny. I could be wrong but that's what it seems like to me

>> No.16206526

him and kantbot both got real bitter recently

>> No.16206536

he looks a bit like pynch. what if he's his son?

>> No.16206545

he looks like Roberto Bolano

>> No.16206587
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Pynch Jr. is way less of a malnourished, drug-addled gremlin.

>> No.16206673

can u blame em though

>> No.16206834
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>> No.16207028

they got btfo by bap and doxed him

>> No.16207547

lethal logo

>> No.16207561

literally looks like a fat Russian Jew who just timeskipped from 1804

>> No.16207603

how did they get btfo by BAP?

I have hardly been on twitter but Kantbot is pure cringe these days.

>> No.16207651

enlighten me on this whole "Kantbot" shit I've only caught glimpses but from what I gather he fancies himself a modern philosopher, is that right?

>> No.16207731

you forgot that right after fending him off you'd have to fight his friend jack from the perfume nationalist

>> No.16207742

he doesn't really claim to be anything more than a particularly erudite guy that posts on twitter. This makes people very angry as it turns out.

>> No.16207795

>makes people angry
lol why

>> No.16207829

hello kantbot

>> No.16207835

I think a lot of it comes from the fact that he's surrounded by rightoids because of fallout from the election paired with the fact that he seems more interested in the history of philosophy and art than naming the jew or owning libs.

i've been caught

>> No.16207889

guy with sizable following who tried to do a "i dont care about politics but im super mad that YOU care" routine, couldn't really elaborate, and got pwned at different junctures, now having weird dm meltdowns (>>16205677). all this shits gay and you should continue not keeping up with it

>> No.16207921

Right wing reactionary 30 something with an economics degree turned contrarian after turning on his podcast host for money and spreading malicious lies about him stealing funds, brought on by newfound fame for starring in the incel movie. Father is ashamed of him. Spends his days mocking anyone with an opinion on anything and sucking up to Anna khachiyan after the red scare girls humiliated him on their podcast. Got BTFO by Justin Murphy (actual philosopher) and will NEVER self publish because he is deathly afraid of holding an opinion on the record. Alienated himself from his ex-friends by doxing them and will transition in the next 10 years along with his fellow closeted homosexual and only friend logo, who he fellates on Twitter for 8 hours a day.

>> No.16207945

Where Jmurph and kantb0t cross paths?

>> No.16207946

he's the german idealism guy, that youtube video pre trump if youve ever seen it. but as others said he was a reactionary right-wing troll, albiet a seemingly well-read one.

that said he's a verified pseud. this guy has spent the better part of a decade reading everything about german idealism, simply because its obscure, but has never bothered to learn german.

>> No.16207957

t. election tourist

>> No.16207970

kb literally became famous because of a video showing him praising Trump during the election

>> No.16207980

>never bothered to learn German
Yeah that is kinda cringe

>> No.16207992

In which KB gets an F- on accelerationism despite crying about it all the time

>> No.16208012

glad they're finally growing up and realizing how cringe the alt right twitter losers are
can't believe it personally took me until 2019 to realize how pathetic they are

>> No.16208017
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>> No.16208019

I have to say, I'm liking this kantbot

>> No.16208020

homo daedalus
i'm racist randy
jack dorsey is a war criminal

>> No.16208109


He lost his actual job, and I assume he relies solely on his patreon now because he's the kind of pathetically online that he used to mock

>> No.16208186
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I think his heart is in the right place, but his autism gets the worst out of him nowadays. He just shits over tjings for the sake of being an ironic contrarian the picks no side. I have nothing against being original or not picking side that don't represent you but nowadays all he and Logo do is competing over who has "the hottest take", everything for delivering the most controversial, obscure and hot take. It was nice in the beginning when they posted hot takes because they had actual insights about certain things, but nowadays they got nothing left to say and just force "hot takes" after "hot takes" and surprise suprise their takes are not anymore, they just keep trying the same trick from the old Twitter days but it's fake, it's not authentic, it doesn't feel the same.

>> No.16208206

That's clearly Tom himself, not his son. I can tell because it says so on his shirt.

>> No.16208213

It will be very funny when he kills himself, considering his family hates him and all his ex-friends hate him no one will bat an eye. Hurry up already, fat.

>> No.16208244
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>> No.16208308

imagine being such a pathetic loser that you fantasize about a guy dying simply because he made fun of your cringe obsession with """culture wars""" jesus christ dude are you literally a child

>> No.16208322

I think it would only be funny if he dies from diabetes. Him dying of suicide would be a bit sad

>> No.16208329

he's part of the culture wars

>> No.16208347

please make more passive aggressive tweets about all the LOSER TROLLS, kb

>> No.16208479

I didn't know much about you before but you really do seem like a faggot, Kantbot. Cry more

>> No.16208512
File: 183 KB, 1080x1194, 04C68978-83CD-475A-A75C-6A560674480B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>th-the twitter frogs fat shamed me :(
Good luck in your latest meltdown!

>> No.16208523

well he's right that it's a dick move to insult your friend(?) publicly over their being fat

>> No.16208530

>implying kb has friends
soon he will even ditch logo, that will be the straw that breaks the camels back

>> No.16208550
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Kantbot I'm not even hating, I'm truly genuinely impressed that you're able to reply multiple times to every tweet that might remotely be about you, even taking shots at tweets not at all about you, all the while bumping these threads. Tremendous energy.

>> No.16208628

They were never friends, BAP is a precious child who tried to lecture him, worse than mocking him, KB just said "kay" and BAP messaged all their mutuals "not be Kantbot's friend! :("

>> No.16208659
File: 128 KB, 750x920, 3ABCD792-8B0F-4EAA-BBE5-774DCF505B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physique shame
THIS is the guy saving western civilization? BWAAAHAHA

>> No.16208661

Nigger it is SO obvious that you're a faggot who cries at everything

>> No.16208901
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>> No.16208983

BAP and KB are memes and no one should take them seriously.

>> No.16209020

If BAP made fun of Kantbot for being a disgusting fatass then he seems pretty based

>> No.16209046
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Kantbot is based. Fuck everyone who disagrees. Has his Twitter become cringe lately? Yes. If he one of us? Yes. Kantbot will always be /ourguy/. I don't care what anyone says. As for Logo, meh, don't really care too much for him. His taste in literature is pretty entry-level. BAP, however, is a fucking retard. I hate that fed faggot so much. The only good thing he did was encourage more guys to get in the gym. But at what cost? Completely destroying their minds and turning into absolute fucking plebs who can barely type? These are the faggots who come on our board every day and make threads about which translation of the Iliad they should read. Fuck them all.

>> No.16209061

well more and more people seem to take BAP seriously these days.

>> No.16209066
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This is quite bad.

>> No.16209073

>a lot of maladjusted autists are tweeting "wat do?" and tagging BAP in the hopes he'll retweet them
>more and more people seem to take BAP seriously these days
You're braindead.

>> No.16209084

Kantbot, you're embarrassing yourself dude. No one likes you, we are all laughing at you. You have a pitiful command of the English language; you can't compose a coherent thought to save your life. And you're fat, too.

>> No.16209087

He built an entire pagan pro western aryanist corner to himself, his movement will only grow in the coming years.

>> No.16209089

>someone mildly defends kanbot
>he must be kantbot
Is this the power of the sub-80 IQ?

>> No.16209094

agreed. Unironically terrible writing. Reeks of "I think my writing is so fucking good"

>> No.16209100

Not really. I think you're exaggerating his achievements, he has mostly just convinced a bunch of young men (many of whom are not white) to post their shirtless bodies on Twitter. Kind of gay.

>> No.16209101
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>>he must be kantbot
Yes, because everyone knows on a gut level how cringe you are bby

>> No.16209104

non white bapists? I'm yet to see a single one friend.

>> No.16209112

You’re the quintessential caricature of a self hating homo lmao. You were late to the niche and you’re bitter.

>> No.16209130

anyone remember like 3 or 4 weeks ago when that schizo was making daily kantbot threads
i dont care how fat the tub of lard is, he gets the most mentally unstable people going like nobody else

>> No.16209131

I'm happy to be here reaping (you)s from BAPtard losers.

>> No.16209150

the anon you're replying to is almost certainly the schizo who was making daily kb threads at the beginning of this very month.

>> No.16209152

take your pills schizo

>> No.16209160


>> No.16209185
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You use those terms too much when replying here Kantbot, step up your game. **Quality**, not quantity. I'm honestly trying to help you!

>> No.16209195

not everyone who calls you mental for pathetically obsessing over an e-celeb is secretly that e-celeb, schizo

>> No.16209196

t. schizo

>> No.16209200

not good enough

>> No.16209236

Those people are retards. You're probably one of them.

>> No.16209253

since it seems all the twitterfaggots are congregating in this thread i may ask, what the fuck is kaliacc twitter? that bunch off accs indistinguishable from eachother with usernames full of purple, green and golden emojis that seem to be into buddhism or smth

>> No.16209292

smelly dweebs larping as little girls tripping over themselves to broadcast the most outrageous and contrarian opinions possible

basically like a group of preteens in someone's basement trying to stir up one another by coming up with the yuckiest combinations of profanity they can think of

>> No.16209304

sounds basically like anime trannies

>> No.16209308
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>he doesn’t know

>> No.16209334

It's trannies, anon

>> No.16209561

Don't know anything about it, but I think it's in the name dude
they want to accelerate into the kali yuga or something

>> No.16209744

"Lil Ugly Logo"

>> No.16209777

What's bad about it? It reads like someone trying to mimic Nabokov but it's easily better than anything I've read in my Unis lit magazine or on this hellsite

>> No.16209810

Hi Logo

>> No.16209823

he's taking liberties with no payoff, just gay affectations, reads like mimicry as you said

>> No.16209880

>buzzing with thoughts like the sun-sagged balloons
this does not make sense

>digestion description
utterly disgusting, uncalled for

he's not dumb, i just hope he can grow out of this

>> No.16209903

He's trying to imitate the density of a Pynchon but he just shits it out. He probably edited this five times to ensure every "and" was a "&" but he didn't really interrogate the meaning of his affected, stilted prose. It's purple to be purple. Vapid

>> No.16209988

>to ensure every "and" was a "&"
what is the point of this

>> No.16210032
File: 79 KB, 522x747, ECA7E0A8-3814-4D3E-B939-C69D0C9A637A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooo not my birthday cake!!!

>> No.16210053
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You know this fake BAP-Kantbot feud is just kayfabe orchestrated by their mutual friend.

>> No.16210083

I read this piece of shit book. To be fair to Logo, there is a cute little set up in the beginning third, that reminds me of 0HP Lovecraft's (much better) work. There is no payoff with the stilted attempts at surrealism in the end.

>> No.16210086

as a non-twitter-user Moldbug is above such drama

>> No.16210481

Based and clear-pilled.

>> No.16210506

His ideas aren't distinctive or engaging, so he uses superficial textual flair to be memorable. His other one is the em dash.
The antidote to this self-conscious bullshit (since I know he's reading this) would be to try writing under a pseudonym and see if you still get attention.

>> No.16210547

it has a cool rhythm to it desu

>> No.16210556

this looks like the kid that bullied me in highschool wtf?

>> No.16210559

>0HP Lovecraft's (much better) work
that account wrote a book too?

>> No.16210570

that's why (you)s are so satisfying. it is entirely about what you write and not people's idea of you

>> No.16210773
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There is no drama. It's fake, like most twitter feuds. They're just putting on a show.

>> No.16210777

True. Enjoy one yourself.

>> No.16210851

Lol based

>> No.16211020

"The Alt-Right is a Latino movement" - BAP

>> No.16211021

I usually dislike twitterfags but I wouldn't like if kantbot calls it quits from life.

>> No.16211090
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When will he start transitioning

>> No.16211139

there's already a troon in the grift sphere and its anna

>> No.16211152

He doesnt believe the right things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16211152,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care what he believes in, really. I just hope he sticks around and keeps his cool, this whole twitter drama isn't doing him any good. He could use a one month vacation from twitter, post his podcasts and stuff online and dunno, do keto or something.

>> No.16211152,2 [INTERNAL] 

t. peter thiel funded gay ops volunteer

>> No.16211152,3 [INTERNAL] 

Attitude toward The Iliad is a reliable litmus test. One of very few. If you dismiss it, you are against the West because it is the West's foundational work.