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/lit/ - Literature

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1620435 No.1620435 [Reply] [Original]

>go to my local bakery
>standing in line and a girl bumps into me
>turn around thinking i know her but i don't
>she says sorry and i say it's alright, the usual stuff when this happens
>i accidentally drop a 20 pence coin and she points it out to me
>this makes more convo about how she's just looking for excuses to talk to me now!
>she see has a book in her hand
>it's The Dice Man by Luke Rhineheart
>i tell her that's one of my fav's
>she says she hasn't read it, just picked it up for her brother
>i tell her it's a good choice and turn to get my food
>she's just behind me in the queue and when im outside asks me which way im walking
>we begin to walk towards my house (she lives further on)
>she jokes asking if i'll walk her home
>i laugh and say sure
>she's pretty cute and she talks about some books
>she seems to be spouting wikipedia when talking about Naked Lunch by Burroughs
>i've read it and it's obvious she hasn't
>i ask her what it feels like to have a wealth of information available online so she can act intelligent
>she doesn't understand
>i say 'isn't it great you can talk about shit you don't actually know about with things like wikipedia?'
>she looks really upset that i called her out
>i tell her of this board and how she can go here to discuss some books and maybe learn something
>says she alreads posts here frequently as anonymous
>i am not surprised
>turn to leave, she gives me her number and a kiss on the cheek
>says her name is Lisa

Lisa if you're posting you're a pleabian and i regret talking to you. Especially when your favourite books were 'The Kite Runner', 'Catcher in the Rye' and 'Lolita'
get off the entry level shit you hipster.
pic related it's one of her fav books, what does everyone think of it? im just starting it now.

>> No.1620439
File: 214 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lh1kdqhtjD1qfewk4o1_400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's what she looked like, only prettier and less slutty.

>> No.1620442

you are the worst trip on /lit/

>> No.1620451

Hope you reported with that sage. Because--oops. Look at what I'm doing. It totally negates your sage.

>> No.1620448


>> No.1620452

please post on topic instead of shitting up the board

yes you can buy many food stuffs there

>> No.1620454


do you also go to a butcher

>> No.1620455

u should really collect all these into a book and call it "the fables of brownbear"

>> No.1620457

Needs 3 more reports for "Illegal content" and this thread will get automatically deleted.

>> No.1620461



and bump!

>> No.1620466

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd love to be your wingman, seems like you leave choice leftovers all over the place. Lisa baby, I'll love you!

>> No.1620468

i don't believe you know how 4chan words sir

no but there is a butchers just near the bakers, a few doors away so to speak

i only deal in facts my dear sir, i find the real world to be vexing enough without confusing it even more by adding hypotheticals, fiction and falsehoods.

>> No.1620471


Many threads have been deleted by doing this. It's in place so mods don't have to constantly peruse boards to delete threads that break the rules or are illegal.

>> No.1620474

/lit/ is the only place where we tolerate and even encourage this tripfaggotry, are we that desperate for active users?

>> No.1620475
File: 484 KB, 1440x900, tripfags-g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/ and /g/ are worse brah.

>> No.1620476

Brownbear, are there really that many attractive girls in the UK?

>> No.1620478

>trying to re-read Catcher in the Rye
>Brownbear's nosing around my crotch like a curious animal
>absently-mindedly bat him away
>he won't take 'no' for an answer, starts tugging at my zipper petulantly
>'oh for fuck's sake, Brownbear'
>pull it out for him to suck while I go back to reading

Shit was mediocre. The BJ, that is.

>> No.1620480

this is not /b/


because this is a SFW board it takes 15.

>> No.1620485


15? A few racist off topic threads were deleted a few weeks ago after only a few people reported it as illegal. Anyways I'm not really sure what the threshold is so I'm not going to argue with you about it since you probably know more.

>> No.1620487

honestly it's 15, that ALWAYS gets CP deleted straight away which is all they care about really.

on /b/ it's 5 because that's the board known for having stuff like that posted

>> No.1620493

These threads are relevant to lit. Brownbear is god.

>> No.1620496


Not trying to argue. You're probably right.

>> No.1620497

If only there were more than 10 people on /lit/, they need to lower that number just for us.

>> No.1620530

The reason nobody comes to /lit/ is because you are all arrogant pieces of conceited pretension.

>> No.1620537


Hey BB

>> No.1620546


>> No.1620547

Hipster alert. Someone who feels high and mighty about their taste and completely blowing shit in the wind cause someone spouted some Wikipedia knowledge on a book he has read.

"Naked Lunch is a shit read. It's important for the way it was made, not what the book is about."

See what i did there. I was you.

>> No.1620551

please refrain from posting off topic and samefagging this thread with your 'sages'
we all know it's you Lisa, don't be mad i didn't commit intellectual suicide for you.

anyways, what did everyone think of Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.1620553

reporting another brownbear thread

>> No.1620555


BB. You are the worst samefag ever, but I love you for it haha.

>> No.1620559

bb gets no girls

>> No.1620560


Naked Lunch is my favorite book, I'd be really interested to hear what she said about it? lol.

>> No.1620568

>entry level shit

Hipsters can't enjoy anything, can they?

>> No.1620578


I'd like to hear what is not considered entry level shit.

>> No.1620596

I'd love to hear what she said about Burroughs to, I bet she didn't even say something dumb and he just started freaking out on her for no reason.

>> No.1620613

this obviously was not me because this person was ridiculing me.
without having read the OP apparently

she just spouted off the plot really, about how it can be read in any order etc
nothing actually ABOUT the text

>> No.1620628


Wait what? The fact that she said it has a plot says it all really but what exactly did she say, "oh it was an epic space fantasy in the interzone filled with crazy drug fights?"

>> No.1620632

Are you going to do this every day, bb? Because it's annoying. It's not cute. It's not convincing. It's annoying.
And as hard as I try, I cannot imagine how you confuse people like me being angry at you with desirable social attention. It's just beyond me.

>> No.1620640


What do you mean everyday I haven't seen him do threads like this.

>> No.1620642

Read fiction too much it becomes reality.

>> No.1620660

i did this one at a different time to widen the audience

she just said basically this (obviously not a 100% accurate transcript)
yeah its amazing, i mean its like, how he rote it, like, you know, you can read it in any order! you know what i mean? its revolutionary, i heard he cut it up with a razor blade! a razor blade! i mean, who does that? fucking ground breaking! it's amazing, you know you can read it in any order? i read it twice, once in order once mixing it up just to check! i started when he kills the two policemen who dont even exist! god it was amazing, how many times have you read it?

you get the gist.

you can ignore these literature threads at any time!

>> No.1620722

PLEASE just ignore these threads. Engaging the enemy is just what they want.

>> No.1620744

/lit/ isn't your fucking diary.

sage and reported

>> No.1620769


>> No.1620776

ive never read this book but i guess i should. is this in movie form somewhere.

>> No.1620788

Die monster, you don't belong in this world

>> No.1620826

a little melodramatic don't you think?

>> No.1620834

Your words are as empty as your soul. /lit/ ill needs a savior such as you

>> No.1620840

I wanted to smash Holden's face into a wall.

>> No.1620958

yeah im only at the part where he speaks to his friend who doesn brush his teeth when they're in the dorm and he already seems like a hypocrite and a phony himself