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16204286 No.16204286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books to help me cope with being desperately, morbidly obese?

>> No.16204311

Read books on mortification of the flesh. You need to start starving yourself and practicing self-flagellation. You'll inculcate a disgust for obesity and this will lead not only to the restoration of your body, but also your soul.

>> No.16204320

No, I’m not going to change. Just looking to cope.

>> No.16204345

ew, kill yourself.

>> No.16204355


>> No.16204360

You'll change if you whip yourself and starve yourself as you should. Back in the 1200s, someone else would have done it for you. We need forced asceticism.

>> No.16204373

Take your larp somewhere else, ignatius. I’m supposed to be the fat slob here.

>> No.16204377
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It's a good read

>> No.16204381

Yes which is why you need to suffer for it.

>> No.16204394

I envy you anon. If I were obese I could at least dream that things would be better once I lost weight; not even that hope is given to me.

Anyway, the only book that actually helps me cope is The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.16204417

You suffer from a lack of humanity being a mere automaton for anachronistic meme ideologies unfortunately. We all have our problems, I guess. Fuck modernity, right?

>> No.16204431

Modernity fails to take the measures nessicary to correct obesity which at its core is a moral failing.

>> No.16204434


>> No.16204443

I’m also fat as fuck but i do not wish to cope with it but be redeemed from it. I am trying to understand how you can come to a point where you just want to cope. I can‘t. Can you explain it to me?
I‘m sorry, no books comes to my mind. I feel like i‘m on the verge of redemption bu i can not help you with coping. I‘ve tried that for 20 years and it simply did not work for me.

>> No.16204454

>alt right pseuds still seething over kb

>> No.16204455
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>not posting pic related
Anon i‘m dissapointed.

>> No.16204490

God I forgot about this, thanks for pointing it out.
If you can't control your savage desires you need improvement, not cope. It's irrational to not try losing weight, it's a demonstration of lack of self-control and self criticism.
Pic related OP, wish you well.

>> No.16204520

how tho? eating that much takes so much fucking effort anon. you almost have to have some sort of involved work ethic being a fat slob, its kinda respectable desu

>> No.16204536

It's called being rich.

>> No.16204558

Hahahahahahahahahaha How The Fuck is Obesity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The McDonald's Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

>> No.16204575

The only way you will Cope is if you make effort to change

>> No.16204590

The normal meals usually aren‘t the issue. It‘s the small calorie dense shit you can munch endlessly like sweets and chips. But obesity is a lot more complex than „just stop eating“.

>> No.16204596

explanations please

>> No.16204629

It‘s the nutritional value of a load of cum.

>> No.16204637

Try intermittent fasting. Ban all sugar and cabrs form your diet.
You should not try to cope with an illness that it is so easily curable. You being fat should only be a temporary state before becoming healthy. You are sabotaging yourself and your intellect by being fat and not doing anything about it. There is no excuse for being fat. I used to be fat and i had to break from it myself to really see what i was doing to my mind and body.

>> No.16204645

Tell me more about how you do not self harm in any way anymore rn.

>> No.16204650

What do you mean?

>> No.16204665

I mean that people who overcome their obesity with discipline instead of ripping out what caused it in the first place just replace it with other forms of self harm that are less looked down on or visible. But the issue usually remains. It‘s why so many formerly fat people relapse even after not having been fat for years. The issue isn‘t solved, just held in check by sheer willpower and someday the moment will come when that willpower is exhausted.

>> No.16204687

Read How Not To Die, it will change your life.

>> No.16204701

>still thinks the issue is that fat people do not know enough about nutrition and exercise
Oh sweety

>> No.16204753

Right, i get what you are saying. However, i do think that i got rid of what caused my obesity through discipline. I realized that what i was eating, how often i was eating and what drove me to eat it is what kept me fat. I also realized that basically all my life i have been eating a copius amounts of food, particularly carbs, because my parents though it was "cute" or that i would complain if they did something about it. So, with both things in mind i got rid of my dependence on foods high on carbs and sugar, as well as not eating all the time, and that let me to lose weight very quickly. Now, i did not need to replace that dependence with other things because i realized i didn't need it in the first place. I have not acquired any new form of dependence or self harm that i didn't have before. Also, through discipline i have now implemented good nutrition and excercise into my everyday life. Both don't feel like obligations anymore, so i don't think i would ever relapse. At least not without knowing why and how to fix it.

>> No.16204771

kantbot reached some next level goblin phase

>> No.16204804

>I have not acquired any new form of dependence or self harm that i didn't have before.
Ah yes, the dangers of sublimation. You did not need to develop new ones because you already have different systems in place to catch the fallout from not overeating anymore. All i’m saying is that functional humans do not have a need to eat more than they need. In fact, it is highly uncomfortable or outright painful to do so. There is more to it than „my parents found it cute“. Yes, maybe they found you being chubby cute, but that isn‘t the core of why you suddenly started to eat more than your body needed. Overeating is a coping mechanism just like self harm, escapism, addictions of all kinds. If there wouldn‘t have been something that would have been unbearable without numbing yourself, you would not have needed a coping mechanism in the first place. Thinking humans would ever start to overeat just because is at best naive. And yes i am aware of „humans overeat because we are programmed to store energy for famines“. If that were the core of obesity, every child would start to become fat if you‘d let it eat to it‘s heart‘s content, and that is decidedly not the case.

>> No.16204872

he has the face of an inbred

>> No.16204944

The whole human experience summarized in one post.

>> No.16204946


>> No.16204965
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some quality satire of course

>> No.16204972


>> No.16204977

This is actually exactly right.

>> No.16205024

Thanks. I agree. I’m not just the voice of my generation, but of all humanity.

>> No.16205166

>o not have a need to eat more than they need. In fact, it is highly uncomfortable or outright painful to do so.
No, i think it is exactly the opposite. We over eat because some foods are delicious and thus it is highly pleasurable to do just that. Most people don't overeat fruits and vegetables, which would be hard to do. Obese people stuff themselves with carbs and sugars because those foods are desgined to be eaten in vast amounts just on the pleasure they give to the body. Granted, it can be a coping mechanism, but it can also be just something that you get used to and that you don't realize is really bad until is too late. You have to realize that since agriculture started, we don't really eat or produce food just for nutrition; there are other factors that have nothing to do with nutrition, such as power, culture and pleasure.

I was fat throughout all my life up until recently. I don't think it was a result of me coping with something. I just got used to eating that way because that's what everybody eats at home. It was just what i was used to wand what i liked. I don't think there was any tragedy behind it because it started so early.

>> No.16205331
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There are girls that fetishize fat. That is a horrifying concept, your flaws and weaknesses are a key to sex with some. Essential you'd become a slave to your weakness unless you've got a lot of will power. How on Earth could a man become fit and strong if he's being sexually gratified for being disgusting? This is the future of America and I want it to die.

>> No.16205449

any book
thats what they are for in general