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/lit/ - Literature

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1620413 No.1620413 [Reply] [Original]

i'm russian and i am very proud of certain achievements my country has made like that only in russia you can get an abortion in second trimester.
on the other hand i don't like how the country is run by the gaz/oil elite, the biggotry or how little concern there is for human rights in the caucasian region.
i'm not in a poitical party but i talk a lot about local politics to my friends and collegues who otherwise wouldn't care about all the political issues. i also write angry letters to my representative.
on the long run i want to my country to become more like europe but more progressive and more conscious of it's 1920s intellectual tradition.
what about you?

>> No.1620418

What do you think of Dostoevsky? That's all /lit/ really wants to know about you.

>> No.1620426

>being proud of things you have nothing to do with
See, that's stupid.

>> No.1620432

OP should review his 7 deadly sins.

>> No.1620430

Go kill yourself nazi fuck.

>> No.1620433

Хочешь говорить по-русский?

Где ты из?

Как автори тебе нравится?

>> No.1620443

In relation to my nation?

Well, I'm English and I think the UK should move away from this imagined 'special relationship' with the US which causes us to potentially spend billions of pounds on pointless military systems (Trident for example) and instead become better integrated in the EU.

I believe that the global economic crisis was a result of globalization (which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing) and that the 21st Century will involve tackling issues that require not the effort of individual states but NGOs and Supra-national governments.

Unfortunately, the UK doesn't like to relinquish some of its control: for example, the European Court of Justice is forcing us to give voting rights to prisoners, allow sex offenders the right to appeal to have their name taken off any register and car insurance that gives better offers based on gender is sexist. These are things that have annoyed the government and many people in the UK but apart from personally believing they are the morally right laws to adopt, I think it is our responsibility as part of the European community to accept them.

Giving up some powers to higher forms of government does not mean some alien, undemocratic group is going to determine what is acceptable for you to do or not to do (though in this case it has to a certain extent, though the UK willingly entered the deal), instead it offers ways for governments to manage international issues effectively as a collective.

Also, I am voting Yes on AV

>> No.1620450

>that's all /lit/ really wants to know about you.
When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, dosto book in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide from talking to gullible foreigners about dostoyevsky."

>> No.1620470


>> No.1620473
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>> No.1620481

This is an /int/ thread, not a /lit/ thread.

If you want it to be a /lit/ thread you should say something about your country's great Russian writers.

>> No.1620491

but Russia doesn't have any great writers. it's a deep hoarded secret but i'll tell you: it's all modified copypasta, from psychiatry case books and the french.
you could provide an example by leaving a comment about your literary culture as well. i thought i'd ask lit because you are the most educated board.
int is mostly interested about bydlo and unterschicht and what it was like to get robbed by someone from the favelas. you, however, are interested in life the universe and everything.
i got my attitude to life from Strugatsky books. I tend to picture myself as a real life progressor. wbu?

>> No.1620494

god, what the fuck is happening on this board

>> No.1620501

it's getting better and better, day by day!

>> No.1620506

If Canada were to become more socialist in the Swedish model, nationalistic enough to take back the economy from the amerikanzis, ambitious enough to develop a respected core of extremely committed civil servants, we'd be a far superior country.

Oh, and it's about time the obsession with DRUGS R KOOL stopped. We don't need that problem

>> No.1620507

let nothing unwholesome come out of your mouth, but only what is useful for building up others, so that it might help those who listen. i'm not repeating that twice!

>> No.1620515


>Claims Russia doesn't have any literary talent

>References a Russian literary figure as an inspiration

Do you see the hypocrisy here?

Also, your rant makes very little sense.

>> No.1620516

>We don't need that problem
you don't have that problem. USA does, Scotland does, Russia does, so does Brazil. You don't even have real ghettoes. Why would there be a drug problem?

>> No.1620521

>Do you see the hypocrisy here?
No I don't. I get inspired by mediocre writers. also i like underground music from the stalin era because it is still very liberating. which art inspires you?

>> No.1620522



You are seriously immature if you are using that word unironically, comparing everything you dislike to Nazism.

>> No.1620539

well, i dislike nazism as well. what is wrong about that?

>> No.1620542


>which art inspires you?

The three Bs: Baudelaire, Byron and Blake.

The essays of the great American hero Dr. Franklin are also of great inspiration to me.

>> No.1620541

Maybe he misspelt amerikantsy.

>> No.1620550


Americans can hardly be compared to something as evil as the Nazis, even if you for some reason dislike America and its policy. There are very few actual parallels beyond reactionary rhetoric. That is like claiming a co-worker who you don't like is possessed by demons.

>> No.1620552

post more please
we have

no! imagine everything i say in a smooth and friendly voice. not in the voice of an someone irate and unsociable. it will become a lot more clear )))))

>> No.1620567

Problem, Amerika?

>not me,go make drama somewhere else

>> No.1620592

i also like baudelaire. he had a very funny poem about the pelican and a bunch of sailors. nietzsche had a similiar story in his zarathustra. zarathustra meets a bunch of sailors and tells them how new things are more exciting than old ones in an allegory which involves a headless snake and a hybrid between a mole and a victim of island dwarfism.
>There are very few actual parallels beyond reactionary rhetoric.
i'm not saying that you are the empire of evil but you might well qualify for the most evil country in the world if i am to be believe the local media. china is raising billions from poverty and you are bombing billions into stone age. it isn't nazism in the strict sense of the word but it is still a very evil thing to do.

>> No.1620603
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I don't like sports either, but some people can pull this sort of thing off. Get over it.

I'm currently worried about the wealthy's power grab going on here. Fools think things are corrupt now, "no difference between the parties" they say. Well not for long at this rate. Our electorate need to wake the fuck up. A second Gilded Age is coming and we'll be run by a plutocracy for the rest of the century unless something is done about it.

>> No.1620608


>china is raising billions from poverty

when they're not busy making poison toys and poison infant formula and poison drywall and peeing themselves over twitter and facebook

>> No.1620617


Yes, but the United States isn't singling out and killing an ethnic group systematically out of malice. Nor is it about racial and cultural unification, which was the purpose of Hitler's military campaigns. However, Hitler is not the originator of that kind of military campaign, as emperors such as the Ottomans and Chinese have also sought to unify a nation by a conquest.

On the other hand the United States' current military campaigns are intended to seek out and destroy leaders of terrorist efforts against the United States, and to do that our government feels we have to carve out the insurgents in Iraq and Taliban terrorist sympathizers in Afghanistan and replace them with a government more beneficial to our cause and on better diplomatic relations with the U.S.

>> No.1620624

here is where?
of course you can be proud of your motherland. i am proud of having an awesome grand mother who built a country like that. i am proud of my own commitment to keeping it the way it is and making it even better so that my grandchildren can be proud as well. i am also proud of it being so benevolent most of the time. we built the first university purely to educate the african elites. it is the patrice lumumba university. i don't even know if there are other such things in the world but there should be. i will create envy with my pride and other nations will follow.

>> No.1620626


The wealthys' ability to grab power is a historically valid tradition even in a democratic society.
In most nations, in spite of their possible democratic facade, politics, power and promotions are all based on whether you are wealthy or have connections to someone with wealth. If the answer is no, then you don't have powerful backers and are unlikely to be successful yourself. This isn't anything new. It's a system that's been in place for centuries.

>> No.1620633


>Immature Marxist teenager detected

>> No.1620645

>only in russia you can get an abortion in second trimester

killing babies isn't something to be proud of

>> No.1620657

you are a victim of malicious propaganda or you just blatantly hate the chinese.

>Yes, but the United States isn't singling out and killing an ethnic group systematically out of malice.
you think the nazis didn't believe they actually were benevolent? the american negro's plight is great. he is victim to curable disease, he is deprived of basic education and healthcare. his whole life is a labour camp and just like the nazis did to the jews you force other negros to become his Kapos and to shoot him. and it's not that the mid-western whites were better off but if you want to single out racism, here you are!

>Nor is it about racial and cultural unification, which was the purpose of Hitler's military campaigns. However, Hitler is not the originator of that kind of military campaign, as emperors such as the Ottomans and Chinese have also sought to unify a nation by a conquest.
Yes, yes, yes, l'enfer c'est les autres. tell no more.
>On the other hand the United States' current military campaigns are intended to seek out and destroy leaders of terrorist efforts against the United States, and to do that our government feels we have to carve out the insurgents in Iraq and Taliban terrorist sympathizers in Afghanistan and replace them with a government more beneficial to our cause and on better diplomatic relations with the U.S.
Replace the United States with Germany, Afghanistan and Iraq with Poland and USSR and Taliban with Jewish Bolshevik and will actually have Hitler.

>> No.1620663

when is the AV?

>> No.1620668

yes. in nazi Germany and abortion was punishable by death. woman's rights are a result of a long stride from 19th century chauvinism into the current conditions. I am very proud of my country being the global leader in women's rights.
yes. let's point fingers and call each other the most immature of teenagers on 4chan.

>> No.1620669
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Revolutionland USA. I am proud of it and its ideals, and so very worried about this path its heading down again.

>The wealthys' ability to grab power is a historically valid tradition even in a democratic society.
This is a defect of human nature and it ought to be rooted out. Its hardly "valid." We threw off the crown to rid ourselves of this sort of thing. And there's no reason to give up now.

>> No.1620675


History lesson: the Taliban are religious extremists responsible for funding the terrorist operations of al-Qaeda, a religious extremist organization headed by Osama Bin Laden (previusly a muhajjadeen the United States had given arms and money to fight against Russia).

Osama Bin Laden later offered men and arms to fight in Kuwait rather than the U.S. For good reason, the government of Kuwait would not hear of it and instead accepted help from the United States army against Saddam Hussein. About a decade later, terrorists associated with Osama Bin Laden killed about 3000 or so Americans on 9/11, in affect declaring a war against the United States, with funding from the Afghani Taliban government, who were sheltering Bin Laden.

If you think there is a parallel between that and Bolsheviks and Jews I have no idea what history book you've been reading.

>> No.1620674

by the way, Nazi Germany had the decency to call partisans partisans, not "insurgents" or "terrorists". People who raise arms to protect their motherland are called partisans.

>> No.1620681


yes a woman's right to murder her children is very precious isn't it?

maybe if you're a psychopath who doesn't value human life.

>> No.1620677

Filthy whig

>> No.1620686
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>cannot into reproductive rights

>> No.1620687

Your country has caused the death of at least a million Iraqis. So you say one 3000 Americans must be avanged with a million Arabs because they were killed by an American agent from an America backed Islamist regime in an entirely different country and you dare to claim that this is not nazism? shame on you.

>> No.1620693

I have lost all faith in /lit/. You are just common angry internet young man. Perhaps you should get a girlfriend and read a book.

>> No.1620697

Living around Russians in Brooklyn has taught me a few things: they are disgusting, rude, racist, dirty, cheap motherfuckers. The most niggardly eurasian culture I've ever encountered. I don't want to hear anything that has "Russian" and "good" in the same sentence.

>> No.1620700

your ancestors weren't much better.

>> No.1620706

You must have been living amongst American Russians! This is a different thing entirely.

>> No.1620713


I'll rape you IRL

>> No.1620714 [DELETED] 

>implying you ever gets out of the house

>> No.1620729


You're going to cry when I'm raping you. Ever see Irreversible? It will be a lot like that. Your fucking blown out anus is going to look like an onion ring when I'm done.

>> No.1620749

America is the most rich nation on Earth, but its people are very poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves.It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has various folksy traditions of men who were poor but very wise and good, and therefore much better than anyone with power and gold. No such storys are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorifize their bosses. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is very poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this sadistical question: 'If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a iraqui child's mutilated hand -glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.
Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are not true at all. Their most painful lie is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how hard money is to actually get, and, hence, who have no money blame nobody but themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since Genghis Khan. Many new things have come from America. The most strange of these, a thing unprecedented, is a mass of undignified poor. they do not love each other because they do not love themselves. Once this is understood, the supid behavior of American posters on 4chan is no longer mystery

>> No.1620751


You misunderstand. Both military campaigns were intended as a general "war on terrorism." In 2002/2003 the CIA received information regarding a potential nuclear threat based in Iraq that may have been a danger, and therefore a terrorist threat, to the United States. Therefore a pre-emptive strike against Iraq would have been considered simply another battle in the War on Terror. The only people initially protesting the operation were die-hard pacifists, the same people who had protested against Clinton's military campaigns in Bosnia and Kosovo.
However, the results were that not only was intelligence regarding Iraq's nuclear program faulty, but what was intended to be a post-war rebuilding and peacekeeping process was fumbled by some of the higher-ups, who dissolved the entirety of Iraq's military and much of its civic infrastructure. As a result the war (or "reconstruction" of Iraq depending on who you ask) has carried on as the longest-running military campaign in American history, and lost support from the general American population. However, even those who protest against the Iraq war will grudgingly admit that there was a legitimate purpose to the United State's military campaign in Afghanistan, which was a dissolution of Taliban forces, the installation of a new government, and most importantly, the never-ending manhunt for Osama Bin Laden.

>> No.1620757


Most Americans consider themselves middle-class regardless of their actual social status.

>> No.1620765


I love your post until the last sentence. In fact, I'm gonna copypaste it. Very well spoken. ( I'm also the guy shitting on Russians) I'm serious though, we should have a united, strong, blue collar lower class. One thing in the way is our collective sense of shame, another is the white man's burden: blacks.

>> No.1620771
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>Therefore a pre-emptive strike against Iraq would have been considered simply another battle in the War on Terror. The only people initially protesting the operation were die-hard pacifists, the same people who had protested against Clinton's military campaigns in Bosnia and Kosovo.

Bullshit bullshit and horseshit. Not a thing in your post is right.

>> No.1620777

War on terrorism, war on bolshevism, war on big abstractions lead by the military industrial complex and the grand bourgeois. You aren't nazi but fascist. happy now?
Clinton's military campain against Yugoslavia wasn't any different than Hitler's except that the Americans first paid the insurgency to devour the last truly socialist country in the world (after you mauled Chile, bastards) and then paraded their vicious invasion (based on lies about some serbian extermination camps) as an act of benevolence. and my country, my military industrial complex took it for an invitation to do the same thing to Georgia. Truly, you are the lowest unrepentent of scum.
Of course this is not meant to insult you. Germans were scum as well in their day because they were so poorly educated.

>> No.1620785

this is a very good description of over all american political attitude compacted into a few paragraphs:


>> No.1620812


You have to understand, a military campaign requires spending such a major amount of human and financial resources and creates such a political divide and such a major change in foreign relations that governments usually don't send troops to war unless they see a clear exit strategy and benefits that outweigh the drawbacks of a military expedition. A competent president, prime minister, king etc. doesn't just wake up one day and then decide he's going to send his nation's troops off to kill a whole bunch of people. There's a certain amount of risk assessment that comes into play.

>> No.1620821

OP what do you think of Putin?

>> No.1620832 [DELETED] 

Israel speaking. The country has inherited some very progressive laws from it's earliest days but all idealism has faded away to make room for a jingoistic, anti-intellectual attitude. If the Arabs had a Gandhi and not an Arafat, things could have been so much easier for us and them. We are a democracy - our government is what we deserve for the panic attacks of our lowest common denominator. Enlightened get ostracised and there is absolutely nothing you can do.

>> No.1620830
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He already said. Read between the lines.

>> No.1620833

I want a more explicit statement.

>> No.1620841
File: 61 KB, 300x321, putin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask for broken shins, do you?

>> No.1620844


I had an Astronomy professor from Israel once. He spoke four languages, was trained as a physicist, had worked as an Engineer, designed a portion of the large hadron collider while working for CERN, was a filmmaker and had multiple Master's degrees.

Is everyone from Israel so accomplished and educated or is this an aberration?

>> No.1620850

everyone is like that, no one there is a stupid, xenophobic, theie of land and destroyer of culture jew demon.

>> No.1620860


Or it might just be that they are extremely accomplished and educated land-destroying demons.

Also their military draft makes it so that every young person has references and job experiences before they enter the workforce. If there weren't so many pacifists in my country and if my country weren't so large I could easily see benefits to doing the same thing here.

>> No.1620864

nationalism is 4 faggits

>> No.1620868


true, it's also for mankind since the first caveman

>> No.1620896

OP I fucking detest you. Your fandious rantings on America are so disengenuos it sickens me. Im amazed you have the intelligence to even use a keyboard. As you're so obsessed with Fascism, perhaps you woul like to talk about Putins revival of Stalinism? Also, to the faggot who thinks Bush jusr ''decided'' to go into Iraq after 9/11...the Iraq intervention act passed in 98.

>> No.1620953


This. OP doesn't know shit about America or the workings of its government.

>> No.1621784

you say as if it was something complicated or sublime. In fact it is just random 18th century hocus pocus AN EYE ON A PYRAMIDGOD!! FRiDAM deep HURR.

>> No.1621810

Education can only be afforded by our landed aristocracy. The others clutch to their religion and national pride as the only solace in their miserable existence. Officers are universally respected and nobody likes people who talk too much. The Israeli society is in a state comparable to Germany of the Wilhelmine era.

>> No.1621876
