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16202918 No.16202918[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So you’re at Barnes and Noble with your girl and this guy comes up and slaps her ass then starts talking shit about how you only read “dead white men.”
What do you do?

>> No.16202933

my gf beats the fuck out of him

>> No.16202932

>So you’re at Barnes and Noble with your girl
No I am not

>> No.16202935

Watch my girl beat him to a pulp

>> No.16202939

I fuck him into submission.

>> No.16202942

Slap my girlfriend's ass harder and challenge him to a slap-off

Whoever wins gets to belt her in the face

>> No.16202946

Recommend him shiterature as punishment.

>> No.16202950

> your girl
She is not "my girl". A woman is not an object one may possess and if she wants to get her ass slapped in the Barnes and Noble who am I to tell her what she can or can't do with her body. You are so insecure anon.

>> No.16202951


>> No.16202966
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Slap his ass and cuck the gf

>> No.16202981

>A woman is not an object one may possess
Slavery proves you wrong.

You mistook is for ought.

>> No.16202990
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I would immediately do a fucking skitz roundhouse kick that breaks his jaw and sends him flying straight into the single anemic B&N philosophy shelf, knocking it over and making a huge commotion. Then I'd call the police and loudly scream about the pervert that just sexually assaulted my gf so that the other customers in the Barnes and Noble immediately know I'm the righteous one in this scenario, which will colour the testimony that they share with the police, and me and my bitch might even get some free coffee or pastries from the coffee shop. Ideally I'd get to engage in some hyperviolence in a situation like this but unfortunately you're only allowed to kill if you believe your life is in danger and there's no way a court would actually belive that I, a 6'6 /fitlit/ spartan would ever fear a skinny vajene

>> No.16202997

recommend him to my psychiatrist because we both have schizophrenia

>> No.16203030

these people are making it hard to not have hateful views

i'm not racist, sexist, or anything. i think i'm actually more compassionate than most of these posturing attention whores. yet being associated with them makes me cringe.

>> No.16203039

You need to learn how to differentiate liberals from historical materialists. Liberals instantiate in the individual person morality as the basis of politics. Whether conservative or nominally "progressive," the liberal views whether one is a good man or not as the determinant.

Thus OP demands you be a racist fuck, and OP's image demands you be an impotent racist fuck.

Historical materialist workers, on the other hand, demand that you do your best to murder the boss and dismantled the relations that presuppose arseslapping women in bookstores, bookstores, or image boards full of racist state agents planting liberal bourgeois stories designed to slander communists by association with liberal fucks, just because communists want a gay gender free space anal party.

>> No.16203055


>> No.16203073

this is bait

>> No.16203074

Before the civil wars, even those who most disliked the opinions and manners of the Puritan were forced to admit that his moral conduct was generally, in essentials, blameless; but this praise was now no longer bestowed, and, unfortunately, was no longer deserved. The general fate of sects is to obtain a high reputation for sanctity while they are oppressed, and to lose it as soon as they become powerful: and the reason is obvious. It is seldom that a man enrolls himself in a proscribed body from any but conscientious motives. Such a body, therefore, is composed, with scarcely an exception, of sincere persons. The most rigid discipline that can be enforced within a religious society is a very feeble instrument of purification, when compared with a little sharp persecution from without. We may be certain that very few persons, not seriously impressed by religious convictions, applied for baptism while Diocletian was vexing the Church, or joined themselves to Protestant congregations at the risk of being burned by Bonner.

But, when a sect becomes powerful, when its favour is the road to riches and dignities, worldly and ambitious men crowd into it, talk its language, conform strictly to its ritual, mimic its peculiarities, and frequently go beyond its honest members in all the outward indications of zeal. No discernment, no watchfulness, on the part of ecclesiastical rulers, can prevent the intrusion of such false brethren. The tares and wheat must grow together. ...

Thus it was with the English Nonconformists. They had been oppressed; and oppression had kept them a pure body. They then became supreme in the state. No man could hope to rise to eminence and command but by their favour. Their favour was to be gained only by exchanging with them the signs and passwords of spiritual fraternity. ... The sincere Puritans soon found themselves lost in a multitude, not merely of men of the world, but of the very worst sort of men of the world.

>> No.16203077

>OP demands you be a racist fuck
That projection.

>> No.16203081

Holy fuck, dude. I wanna slap your ass so hard until you're no longer retarded.

>> No.16203085 [DELETED] 

I am very racist and sexist and, ironically, very compassionate. They aren't mutually exclusive anon. You can see the difference in people and also be kind to them.

>> No.16203090

I am very racist and sexist and, ironically, very compassionate. They aren't mutually exclusive anon. You can see the difference in people and also be kind to them.

>> No.16203098

I, sir, understand homosexuality, and only suck cock and do it intercrucial. Dilation is for women.
Learn to read.

>> No.16203116

No shit.