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/lit/ - Literature

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16202820 No.16202820 [Reply] [Original]

Which book made you have the most profound epiphanies?

>> No.16202833

Welcome to the NHK

Plz be gentle on my boypussy

>> No.16202852
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your bussy is now accelerating ....

>> No.16202862

Oddly, I am on the shitcan this instant farting lightly.

>> No.16202901

Every book I’ve read by Eliade
The birth and death of meaning by Becker

>> No.16202910

>imagine bumping a shill thread

>> No.16202912

I simply posed a question, I am not here to shill.

>> No.16202921

fuck off nick

>> No.16202926

Plotinus Enneads
Damascius Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles
Selected Writings of William James
Complete Works of Montaigne
In the beginning, when all was fresh, 'everything' by Jacques Barzun

>> No.16202927

Which book made you have the most profound epiphanies?

>> No.16202930

I've heard interesting things about William James. I've never read him, but what did you like about him?

>> No.16202938

>falling for a shill thread
apparently reading hasn't helped you think

>> No.16202962

The Road to Serfdom by Hayek. Except it's intrigued my interest in understanding neoliberalism, but I don't know any academically rigorous sources for it, and its not really talked about. The conservatives call it marxism even though it clearly isn't, and the "liberals" on the left refuse to name it what it is. It's made realize it borrows collectivist calls to action that intrinsically requires a higher ideal to make the people believe in it, but these higher ideals of community and country are dead in America. Neighbors won't piss on you to put out a fire in democrat strongholds (kek at california literally being on fire right now) and somehow democrats want us all to unite under "I'm not Trump".

>> No.16202968
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N1x Land

>> No.16202972

You sound like a very boring person, anon.

>> No.16202974

Simulation and simulacra. Was one of the first pholosophy books i read. Had to reread every 3rd sentence like 10 times but after it sunk in it blew my mind. Never was the same again

>> No.16202982

accfag/nick is on here all day every day spamming his boring pseuds. should have read the good books

>> No.16202985

Marx and all lefty related theory tbqh.
I like how absurd and surreal their analysis of capital gets each couple of decades, last one I've read was Mark Fisher and he really made me consider capital as the cause of mental illness.
I'm a very apolitical person despite all the theory I digest.

>> No.16203006
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>> No.16203202

Fuck your gay thread, but a serious answer would be Picture of Dorian Gray. A single line opened my eyes to the defects of stoicism

>> No.16203477

The Republic