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/lit/ - Literature

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16202046 No.16202046 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is this book about? Every time I am trying to read it, I have to put it down because the prose is too terse. Can someone give a tldr?

>> No.16202049


>> No.16202070

It's about desiring things and the journey a person takes to satisfy that desire.

>> No.16202073

Tentacle porn

>> No.16202078

Society evolving to turn people into machines (figuratively).

>> No.16202107

Basically just "DUDE WEED LMAO"

>> No.16202130

It's about V-2 rockets going boom.

>> No.16202135

war is the great industry

>> No.16202138

Every single reply in this thread is going to be correct.

- tom

>> No.16203573
File: 86 KB, 898x599, kenosha-riots-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no last night blm even got to kenosha kid!

>> No.16203590

>The 60s was great and I miss it
But in a way that captures the spirit of it like when HST writes about it.

>> No.16203695 [DELETED] 

it ... doesn't take place in the 60s tho. man, the morning crew is low iq.

>> No.16203801

>getting PYNCHED by the prose
just push past it, it's worth it

>> No.16204571

Slothrop's shizo pie throwing adventure and nazi homosexual bdsm erotica

>> No.16204593
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>If our understanding of the novel can be organized around a single theme (a rather absurd project, given a novel so varied and polyvocal), my candidate would be the idea of Force and Counterforce, of ultra-rational corporate power and the spontaneous, anarchic resistance that rises up in opposition to it. The deathly order of Power can be anarchically resisted by improvisation (bending the notes away from the "official frequencies"), an area in which TP is the John Coltrane or Charlie Parker of our literature. (I just paused to put on my CD of Coltrane's album Giant Steps, music for thinking about Pynchon.) This is the reason, the best and deepest justification, for all the novel's digressions and wild flights of fantasy and imagination. The novel exemplifies in its own form the kind of resistance it describes: Slothrop's slapstick antics, drinking games, stupid songs and labyrinthine plots are his improvised, spontaneous, anarchic acts of resistance to the forces of Death that represent power in the novel: Slothrop's "They," a group that stretches to include all military, governmental, scientific and corporate technocrats of death. Against them comes spontaneous life, wild sex, unsentimentalized love--all that is most Romantic in Pynchon. In the novel's form, at the level of narration, Slothrop's actions find their counterpart in Pynchon's choices: his multiple voices, incessant clowning, self-consciousness, goofball surrealism, slapstick comedy, long digressions, proliferating narrative lines. All of this characterizes Pynchon's resistance to traditional fictional forms (which he also clearly adores; the best analogy here is probably Pop Art's ironic relation to mass production) with their fixed formulas and rational rules, those carefully calculated equations that all add up to the death of art--or an art of death.

>> No.16204719
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It’s about railing against the inevitable and the consequences of powerful entities clashing and plotting in complex games and finding human connection, but it’s also about interracial gay porn and escaping from drunk Americans with the help of mountain gnomes while they sing songs about having sex with rocket components

>> No.16204743

The bitchy faggotry of order takers and the end of romantic wars

>> No.16204984

Every time a guy gets a boner a rocket falls in that location