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1620122 No.1620122 [Reply] [Original]

if you could make every person read four books, what would they be?

>> No.1620125

Four huh? Twilight series.

>> No.1620128

The Fountainhead, Atlus Shrugged, Twilight and God is Not Great.

Suffer, suffer, suffer.

>> No.1620142

1984 , Brave New World, Macbeth, The Bible

>> No.1620146

well at least GinG is in there

it must be like the pail of water at the top of the hill

>> No.1620150

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.1620152

dictionary, bible, shaekspeare, finnegans wake

>> No.1620163

Secular protestants who've never so much as opened the thing detected.

>> No.1620170

The Prophet - Khalil Gibran
Money - John Kenneth Galbraith
Tao Te Ching
The Abrahamic Canon (Old Testament, New Testament and Qur'an)

>> No.1620172

The Gospels

>> No.1620180

Guys, you just have the chance to change the world forever by influencing people with great masterpieces. And yet you are just making them read the Bible instead. Hurr, important book. You don't get it, you can make any book important now.

>> No.1620184


>implying most people saying the Bible aren't trolling

>> No.1620192

1001 Nights
Don Quixote
Collection of Brothers Grimm

>> No.1620203


I'd rather have everyone read the Bible than have a select few read it and the masses still quote passages which support their views. The Bible wouldn't be less important because you make everyone read Infinite Jest, it'd still be as misused and misunderstood as ever. If everyone read it, then more would understand it, and hopefully misuse it less.

>> No.1620202

Three books about anarchism and 1984.
Because I'm assuming in this made-up world were there would be a requirement for books to be read would be enforced by Government.
Some people are going to be really pissed that they are going to be made to read books, and I'm also assuming that they can't bullshit it because they would have to take a test on it afterward. And if its obvious that they did not read it, they get fined or shot (depending on the strictness of the government in this made-up world) so when they read these books under this hated government about anarchism and 1984 they are going to be confused as fuck.
And It would be funny.

>> No.1620218

Ive been an atheist for most of my life, but not reading the Bible is just retarded. Its necessary to understand poetry, fiction, music, history...

>> No.1620227

Journey To The End Of The Night - Louis Ferdinand Celine
Keep The Aspidistra Flying - Orwell
Narcissus & Goldmund - Herman Hesse
I Am A Strange Loop - Hofstadter

>> No.1620348

The Selfish Gene
A Brief History of Time
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The Stranger/Outsider (just for fun)

>> No.1620354 [DELETED] 

the books taht i will write.

philosophical reflections
how i learned to stop worrying and save the world
it's true until it isn't
disney and idealism

>> No.1620357
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and i'll read every one.

>> No.1620363

sounds like "Dr. Strangelove: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb"...

>> No.1620366


>> No.1620368
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>> No.1620374
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>> No.1620377

Economics in One Lesson
The Origin of Species
Star Wars : A New Hope ( I absolutely hate fiction but Star Wars is just too fucking awesome)
Communist Manifesto

>> No.1620384

Hofstader is fucking hard to read. I have GEB but I still can't read past 100 pages without killing myself due to boredom. Brilliant, but boring.

>> No.1620400
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and the short synopsis
pr: how major and fundamental philosophical problems can be dissolved by realizing the performative nature of mind.
hiltswastw: same thing but with ethics, subtitled moral ontology revisited
it's true until it isn't: reflections on contingency of truthmaking, extremely robust but also hopeful metaphilosophy.
disney and idealism: resuscitation of the moral lessons contained in political idealism and kantian moral theory while rejecting them all in favor of love. feminism for the future.

>> No.1620696

The Bible
The Odyssey
The Divine Comedy

Bam, western culture in 4 books.

>> No.1620743
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One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong~

>> No.1620746

Cat's Cradle, Catch-22, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and the Great Gatsby.

(Safer to stick with relatively simple and universally digestible stuff)

>> No.1620747

Time's Arrow-Amis
Breakfast Of Champions-Vonnegut
Watership Down-Adams

>> No.1620754

joke right?

>> No.1622427

I'd make them read "The Underling's Guide to Understanding the Soul of Vdubby: Four Works" This volume includes-
This Side of Paradise
Wuthering Heights
A Hero of Our Time

>> No.1622604

Understanding Power - Noam Chomsky
Notes From Underground
Ireland - War, Peace and Beyond 1798 - 1998 (Sick of morons commenting on Ireland when they know nothing)
The Trial

>> No.1622608

Anything that's 'forced' upon someone will ultimately be despised.

I wouldn't force anyone to read anything they didn't want to.

>> No.1622612

Then make them read things you despise. Sorted.

>> No.1622679

Grimm's Fairy Tales
Crime and Punishment
The Martian Chronicles
The Fountainhead.

In that order.

>> No.1622753

New Moon
Breaking Dawn

>> No.1622762

Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords
Feast for Crows

>> No.1622792

The Story of Art
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Pale Fire
And one contemporary novel (last 20 years) of their choice that isn't genre fiction.

>> No.1622799

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artist
Mystery Method
Double Your Dating
The Blueprint Decoded

>> No.1624416

Slaughterhouse 5
Naked Lunch
Being and Nothingness

turn their brain to shit

>> No.1624427
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what would be the point?

>Pick out four books chosen for their cerebral philosophies so that they may enlighten the reader or at the very least make them question the authenticness of their beliefs and values.
>Give said books to everyone
>Lol that book was stupid. I didn't get it. And it was so BOOOOORING. There wasn't even any romance in it!
>Why didn't Mersault cry, did he hate his mother?
>Why didn't this character accept Jesus into his life? This author sounds like he hates God.
>That book was so depressing. I would've liked it if the character lived happily ever after.

>> No.1624448

Mission Earth - L Ron Hubbard
Sironia, Texas - Madison Cooper
Clarissa - Samuel Richardson
Poor Fellow My Country - Xavier Herbert

>> No.1624454

The Unconscious Civilisation - John Ralston Saul
Billy Budd - Herman Melville
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Vivisector - Patrick White

>> No.1624515

3 out of 4 isn't bad. Instead of The Unbearable Lightness of Being, I'd pop in 1984. Otherwise, that's precisely my answer.

>> No.1624531

The Ego and Its Own - Max Stirner
Thus Sprach Zarathustra - Nietzsche
Man, Economy and State - Murray Rothbard
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein

>> No.1624572

Mein Kampf.
Myth of the Twentieth Century.
Revolt against the Modern World.
Lightning and Sun.

It would be hillarious.