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16200470 No.16200470 [Reply] [Original]

Mishima was one of the few authors with a truly /lit/ death. Who are some others?

>> No.16200499


>> No.16200533

Socrates wasn’t an author so he doesn’t count I guess

>> No.16200546

Emily Dickinson. Unknown and practically unpublished until after her death, later considered one of the greatest American poets ever

>> No.16201817

José Asunción Silva

>> No.16201903

Philipp Mainländer. Hanged himself on a pile of his own books.

>> No.16201912

Looks like he just got divots where the nips should be in the thumbnail lol

>> No.16201923

Mishima was a weakling peasant LARPer who tried to escape a life of fragility by writing about clouds made of cum and killing himself in a, pointless, limp-dick attempt at a coup and you should not romanticise his life, works and foolishness

>> No.16201970

David foster Wallace, ironically died by suicide after preaching about the importance of not being a slave to your mind/taking control of your thoughts

>> No.16202249

>pointless, limp-dick attempt at a coup
low IQ

>> No.16202281

Wilde. He died from illness after being imprisoned for committing gay. It's /lit/ because /lit/ is gay

>> No.16202685

Borges,he died of old age in his beautiful Swiss house, with the woman he loved by his side, after a life of dedicating himself to /lit/erature.

>> No.16202694

body hair is disgusting, i'm glad he's dead

>> No.16202708

Burroughs, Joyce, Woolf, Kafka

>> No.16202722

Nigel, Hoch, Nursola, Barkovico

>> No.16202725


>> No.16203007

>escape a life of fragility

Did you know that he was at the height of his physical prowess at the time of his death?

And did you even read his magnum opus Sea of Fertility series? He was blackpilled as all fukk about everything and finished the last book (which was like a testament to ultimate nihilism, he even invalidated the premise the book series itself in it) just before offing himself. He didn't do it out of blue pilled reasons like despair, "fragility", "lost muh gf" or weakness in general.

The coup attempt was basically a facade and pointless just like everything else... which was the whole point!

>> No.16203035

Leo Tolstoy

>> No.16203066

Thank you!

>> No.16203227


>> No.16203242

>a truly /lit/ death
An embarrassing, complete larp?

>> No.16203247

low IQ

>> No.16203251

He lived a richer life than you ever will, faggot.

>> No.16203316

>The point was... there was no point!
I'm sorry anon, if you want to defend the memory of a good writer, don't reply to retard tier bait.

>> No.16203535

Found the yayoi herbivore cherry boy.

>> No.16203544


>> No.16203552

>Mishima stepped onto the balcony to address the soldiers gathered below. His speech was intended to inspire a coup d'état to restore the power of the emperor. He succeeded only in irritating the soldiers, and was mocked and jeered. He finished his planned speech after a few minutes, and after cried

>> No.16203560

Henry Darger

>> No.16203870

Falsehood, there were no soldiers under the balcony, they were all elsewhere doing a military exercitation
The people mocking him were inservients, cooks, janitors etc

>> No.16203961

>The people mocking him were inservients, cooks, janitors etc

>> No.16204051

>What a fucking larper fag, he should have sat in his home watching tv and doing fuck all, like me :)

>> No.16204053

That's even funnier tbqh

>> No.16204201
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>> No.16204255


>Alexander Pushkin
died in a duel, which is sort of cool. The trouble is he was forced into it because of his wife's philandering, which is a bit cuckish.

>Sylvia Plath
died in the kitchen, where a woman should be.

>John Berryman
jumped off the Washington Avenue bridge. I had a look at some pictures and it's not a very photogenic bridge, so zero points for style, sorry. (JB's father gave him the correct blueprint by using a shotgun a la Papa.)

>Ambrose Bierce
wandered into Mexico, supposedly to have a look at the Mexican Revolution, and was never seen again. I wonder if he died awesomely like some random dude in McCarthy's Border Trilogy? Or like that guy in the Borges short story who goes to some disreputable bar and someone throws a bread roll at him so he gets into a knife fight? There's surely a good short story in here somewhere.

>Percy Bysshe Shelley
kept sailing his boat on Lake Como or somewhere, and was hopeless at it, and couldn't swim, and drowned. Well done Shelley you drooling lackwit.

>Malcolm Lowry
wrote a book where the MC drinks himself to death. This did not require a great leap of imaginaton.

got arrested for being witty about the French Revolution. Got fed-up with being arrested and shot himself. Missed, both not completely. Stabbed himself. (Something like that.)


Wrote poems saying "I'm the best poet ever, and the best lover, and basically awesome" or words to that effect. Wrote another poem saying something rude about someone. The offended party got a bunch of people together and came after Al-M while he was riding somewhere with a few friends. They ran away obviously. Then one of his friends laughed at Al-M., saying "Haha, you shouldn't run away, you're the greatest person ever, aren't you?"

"Oh yes, that's right!" said Al-M., and turned his horse around and charged at his pursuers.

>> No.16204309

To be honest, though, Mishima inhabited the stereotypes of the left-wing establishment. Instead of transcending the stereotype of the reactionary as a caricature of pre-war militaristic nationalism, he decided to embody that stereotype to the letter, up to and including its stereotyped depiction of bushido and the deification of the Emperor. He could've done better, but he didn't.

>> No.16204474

“...To die, in this life, is not new,
And living’s no newer, of course.“ -written in his blood before hanging himself

>> No.16204708

sigmund freud and huxley they had /lit/ deaths but they couldn't hack it and took a cope death

>> No.16204747

Deleuze unironically

>> No.16204762

Either way it was still a /lit/ death

>> No.16205463

Hunter S. Thompson's was pretty apt, could see the writing on the wall of going out like a pathetic old wretch, so he shot himself near the typewriter.

>No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax – This won’t hurt.

>> No.16205867

>Relax – This won’t hurt.
nice, didn't he decide to die "young" 50ish really early on in his life? wonder if that's why he never gave a fuck about drugs or insanity

>> No.16205909

Imagine caring so much about Mishima's political persona. I can only imagine the reason people say stupid shit like this is because they don't actually read any of Mishima's literature and just peruse through Sword & Steel in some perfunctory attempt to pretend like they understand him.