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File: 29 KB, 598x297, unpopular opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16198144 No.16198144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best philosophers that talk about pic related?

>> No.16198152

yo mama

>> No.16198175

do you really need a philosopher to break down and explain to you that simple premise?

>> No.16198190

Maybe flesh out the idea more than a 140 character tweet. Or provide a counter-argument to that worldview.

>> No.16198202

you could reduce some aspects of zen and taoism to this

>> No.16198213

Purpose is a capitalist lie so you'll slave away to make them money because you will be made to feel inadequate without a job or "ambition" as if there is anything to be ambitious about anymore beyond the accruing of money or Chinese junk.

A Sisyphean endeavor if ever there was one.

>> No.16198215

Isn't this just Camus?

>> No.16198222

In consequence, finding interesting stuff would become the purpose. Alan Watts said life is not a journey where the end is important, it's best compared to a dance which is an act as an end in itself. But this is all very general. To some having no ambition in life is a guarantee for depression, to others life has to be a form of art to the extent of absolute vanity to be enjoyable. It is a personal matter.

>> No.16198235

literally the last man of Nietzsche's

>> No.16198240

Why don't you just go sit outside with a beer and think about it for an hour instead of immediately trying to read what other people think, first.

This is why I fucking hate philosophy.

>> No.16198241


to answer the question, u.g. krishnamurti. read mind is a myth if you have any familiarity with hinduism and buddhism

>> No.16198248

I feel like purpose is actually counter-productive to capitalism, since most people never fulfill their purpose, and therefore live jaded lives, which actually makes them less productive and motivated employees

>> No.16198255

My alcoholic divorced aunt does

>> No.16198269

she probably wouldn't feel that way if her dad walked out on her for that reason

>> No.16198306

This is the ideology that the Jewish overlords want to dope you up on to make you forget about your race, nation, and tradition while they bring in hordes of brown immigrants in to rape our women and replace us with mutts, while liberals destroy our communities and disgrace our nation and race, and while postmodern neomarxists deconstruct our tradition and replace it with globohomo tranny nignog electro boogaloo.
NO. I WONT HAVE IT. I WILL STAND UP FOR THE WHITE RACE, MY NATION, AND MY TRADITION. The white race has had enough they have taken this oppression and bullshit for too long I won't let these mongrels step on us anymroe. Where are my tradbros at?

>> No.16198324

>This is the ideology that the Jewish overlords want to dope you up on to make you forget about your race, nation, and tradition while they bring in hordes of brown immigrants in to rape our women and replace us with mutts

the only reason why they're doing this is because you can't stop buying stuff from amazon and walmart. you have no spine

>> No.16198330

>stop searching for purpose and belonging, just consume and die

>> No.16198357

>implying purpose doesn't contribute to consumption
only a dead man can escape the hyperreality of post-modern condition

>> No.16198369

>become a post-modernist, but actually just become someone who read the wikipedia introduction to post-modernism

>> No.16198375

Philosophy is for cowards. Grow up.

>> No.16198376

On the Shortness of Life by Seneca would work as a pretty good refutation, albeit it's only tangentially related to the nonsense in that tweet.

>> No.16198400

Any female "philosopher".

>> No.16198411

Okay, I am not going to live for myself, but for my nation and culture, so what are we going to do now? Seethe on twitter?

>> No.16198425


you have no culture bro, it's all mcdonald's and video games now. all culture has disappeared in pursuit of the dollar

>> No.16198434

AND your race. You need to marry a white women and have as many white children as you can. Save your race from the traitors and brown mongrels.

>> No.16198436

>globohomo tranny nignog electro boogaloo

>> No.16198469
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>> No.16198471

what does it entail to "grow up"? and WHY must we?

>> No.16198474

>unpopular opinion

>> No.16198492



>> No.16198508
File: 945 KB, 3246x4392, Valkyrie Konstantin Vasilyev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white race is already dead, you just don't know it yet. The most intelligent of European people fell to nhillism, and so will we. Take the redpill and realize that those who were born to greatness decide where the ship goes. They decided they will separate themselves on genetic greatness, rather than any culture, tradition, or heritage. They want to lower the population total to just themselves for the future of ai and robotics. As the underclass will have no purpose for them anymore once AI and robotics can do the work they do not wish to do themselves.

If you think you are born great enough to join the greats, then fight for your spot. The rest of us with sub 180iq are stuck here to watch the end of our world.

>> No.16198509


That image is rather ironic because the only people vocally complaining about such matters are blacks and liberal whites saying there aren't enough black people in media.

>> No.16198528

and the alt right thinks that is white genocide

>> No.16198545

>I feel like purpose is actually counter-productive to capitalism

Right, and you'll accomplish this by being perennially online and reeking of patchouli oil. I can't think of a greater existence.

>> No.16198549

Aristotle even stoic touches it. It's not literally just overlap in how ppl use it

>> No.16198575

No the alt right thinks going from a 90% European country to a 0% European country is white genocide. half blacks and mexican mutts are not European.

>> No.16198580

>unpopular opinion

>> No.16198587

Unironically Whitehead

>> No.16198596

trying too hard, very obvious bait

>> No.16198633
File: 17 KB, 194x259, 0B098303-977B-441C-A557-74C238F6BA13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the alt right thinks that is white genocide

>> No.16198643

Even if this is bait it’s still based

>> No.16198693


>> No.16198698

>buying stuff from amazon and walmart

You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole runs.

>> No.16198710

Start a family. Unironically.

>> No.16198724


that was mostly a joke, but i'm curious as to what you have to say

>> No.16198808

This but unironically

>> No.16198980



Gaze into the abyss.

>> No.16198987

Philosophy is not about your self-help horseshit, dumbfuck. Read a book.

>> No.16199098

Actually this.

>> No.16199148

White genocide is going from 90% white to 40% white in 60 years due to unchecked immigration.

>> No.16199195

Which is the product of capitalism exploiting cheap labor by importing cheaper workers. Jewish overlords didn't do it, we all did it by consuming and fueling the capitalist machine.

>> No.16199215

Epicureans come to mind. Dao or zen/mahayana buddhism if you're high IQ.

>> No.16199217

doesn't happen in Israel though funnily

>> No.16199231

Are you arguing with him? I don't think that he particularly cares what the source of white genocide is. It's quite a large concession to make that white genocide is happening.

>> No.16199253


>fighting for a social cause, instead of being a selfish hedonist

Get a load of this cuck

>> No.16199256

Population demographics and education levels matter. People used to say the same thing about Japan, and now they're importing foreign workers in record numbers.

>> No.16199265
File: 81 KB, 576x718, Kat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, if anyone here said that on Twitter or real life, literally no one would care. But, some vapid whore? She is the next Plato for sure.

Fuck whores giving out single sentence "axioms" like they're philosophers. FUCK YOU. You don't get to pretend to be "woke" after literally fucking shit up for all men on this planet.

FUCK YOU, whore.

>> No.16199289
File: 55 KB, 360x450, theodore-roosevelt-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based autist.

>> No.16199294

I'm not saying it's not happening, but I'm saying it's as conspiratorial as he makes it sound. Also, if you look at the history of Europe, you'll find it's much more brown than you think, and immigration is not a new thing. Why do you think Sicilians all have curly hair?

>> No.16199299

Retroactively btfod by Aristotle

>> No.16199328
File: 495 KB, 860x779, 405-4053178_anime-girl-laughing-png-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a woman thinks it's ok to just wander through life finding interesting things until you die
>Unpopular opinion: [insert the default worldview of every femoid]

>> No.16199352


>> No.16199361

What have you accomplished in life?

>> No.16199377

holy fucking based

>> No.16199382

One of them is your mom rating me as her top 5 lay.

>> No.16199386

Everything that happens and that you do, has a cause
Ergo, it is impossible for you to just "wonder" through life
Also, I struggle to understand what "interesting" and "things" mean here
If she means, things that make brains in my chemical go zoom zoom, then there are much better ways to do that, the grand ambition, because it is a very grand ambition, of Ataraxia is far superior to "finding interesting things"

>> No.16199397

>Dude Bojack Horseman xD

>> No.16199401


Unpopular opinion: gas the kikes already

>> No.16199406


>> No.16199433

After you read nietzche you start to look at tweets like this simply as slave morality. If you entertain slaves, you are a moron.

>> No.16199509

based Amberina making tradcells
like>>16198306 seethe.

Imagine to actually NEEDING MEANING to live.
Only losers think that way.

>> No.16199533

Hell yeah brother

>> No.16199574

jesus man, i dont like neomarxist or immigrants but why do you have to be so fucking cheesy about it. This is most likely falseflag but still

>> No.16199686

obvious satire

>> No.16199961

This is true for women

>> No.16199969
File: 81 KB, 1300x866, 109455114-portrait-of-playful-crazy-woman-in-dress-holding-hand-showing-letter-l-making-loser-gesture-and-smil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the incel.

>> No.16199989
File: 85 KB, 1000x700, 1590284189799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200045
File: 93 KB, 976x850, 1590284097314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are more white people alive today than at any time in the past. if brown people have more children, that doesnt mean white people are victims of genocide. you people are cringey

>> No.16200090

but i like globohomo tranny nignog electro...

okay maybe the tranny part not so much but still

and i dont want uneducated brown immigrants doing crimes either and i wanna put a stop to that but i dont want to deport everyone even the ones that work hard, assimilate, speak the language and do good...

>> No.16200096

Because the future won't have any "white people" left.

>> No.16200105

oh no a black girl made a music video where they show their ass and titties and the lyrics are about sex oh no it's all over

you're a pussy lol

>> No.16200115

love to pin all the wrongs of humankind not on humankind itself but on women

good lad youre gonna get a woman like that one day that will love you as you berate her for existing im sure

>> No.16200125

nation and tradition is boring as fuck, you gotta do more to convince me than that

>> No.16200133

whereas you have very brave opinions

>> No.16200161
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>> No.16200172
File: 701 KB, 1280x720, basedschoppie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your containment shithole brainlet

>> No.16200195

finding someone to love and hoping they'll love you is hard as fuck, you have to find someone you're compatible with, worse if you have to live with them for the rest of your life. having a family just to shit out more white babies feels dehumanizing. marrying someone and starting a family has to mean more than just shitting out babies, and even then it's incredibly hard to sustain a family and find a good job nowadays too, so how do you even do that?

>> No.16200203

I'm willing do go with this, but i don't want a massacre of minorities to happen or to encroach on their lives or the lives of people that don't agree with this. What do i do?

>> No.16200206

>Muh love muh freedom
Shut up libtard. You don't care about your race. Arranged marriages need to be brought back.

>> No.16200214

>zen/mahayana buddhism if you're high IQ
But why

>> No.16200217

arranged marriages aka putting two random people together hoping it'll stick? no thanks. it's how you end up with the wives doing cocaine and the husbands pissdrunk and miserable. forcing marriages and reducing families to this is not going to help your cause. you going all "muh freedum my love" is proof of this. retard

>> No.16200218

>wahhh I don't want a massacre
Fucking libtard. Nothing wrong with massacres. All of history is violence and bloodshed. You are weak. Who gives a shit about shitskins.

>> No.16200237

If you don't go for them first they will be coming for you. Didn't you see the protests? They fucking hate white people and they don't care about you.

>> No.16200240

As if I'd let myself be with someone so vapid. I'd rather be single !y entire life.

>> No.16200268

>nothing wrong with massacres

okay sociopath

>> No.16200280

love to die in a war gasping for air in agony with no one to come to my aid and then being forgotten as countless other men die just as me, absolutely no wrongs in that surely

>> No.16200289

dying alone to own the libs, nice one there fella, you sure did a number on them whores

>> No.16200305

But if i just started wiping everybody like them wouldn't i become a monster just like them? Wouldn't that create even more misery and terror? I don't want that to happen. I'm willing to bet most of the people there don't really hate white people. Some do, but most are sane enough not to be swallowed by that nonsense.

>> No.16200307

If you are white it is wrong if you are a shitskin there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16200336

Misery and terror for shitskins is a good thing. They were brought here from a shit hole country a first world country where they were allowed to live a good life, then they got their rights, and now when they commit most of the crime do the poorest in school and have the lowest iq they put the fault on us and ask more from us. We can't take anymore of this from them. I would say bringing them back to Africa would be ideal but that will never happen. The only thing left is genocide. We can't let them take this country from us and our tradition this is a white country.

>> No.16200353
File: 7 KB, 246x205, 1597671583021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. I have over 500k saved up and I will be leaving this country to eastern Europe and SEA to blow my load inside someone !trade and wants to have a family. I'm not going to waste my time with western whores.

>> No.16200429

Misery and terror is good only for the shitkins that ARE shitskins, not those that behave well and that don't deserve to be called that. or do you them wiped out as well even if they have nothing against you just because you're putting them together with those who do?

>> No.16200435

sort of like germans invading rome so you're saying in order for full integration they have to fully complete the invasion oh well history repeating itself is not a meme i guess today shitskins tomorrow spaceniggers nothing new under the sun

>> No.16200437


>> No.16200497
File: 866 KB, 1500x1500, neche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That the ascetic ideal has meant so much to man reveals a basic fact of human will, its horror vacui; it needs an aim –, and it prefers to will nothingness rather than not will. – Do I make myself understood? . . . Have I made myself understood?. .

>> No.16200517

what if i want an asian qt to have hapa kids with

>> No.16200538

Based and Gondola-pilled.

>> No.16200576

Good quote. There is a will behind everything. Although you could have also quoted Schopenhauer since Nietzsche is just lifting from him here.

>> No.16200603

>Although you could have also quoted Schopenhauer since Nietzsche is just lifting from him here.
That's true. Nietzsche would almost certainly admit it too, as this quote in context merely supports his analysis of asceticism and isn't the focus of the essay.

>> No.16200614

Identity politics is cancer

>> No.16200630

All shitskins are shitskins and don't belong in a white country fuck off libtard

>> No.16200644

races can never fully integrated with each other. whites belong in white countries and shitskins belong in shitskin countries.
then you're a race traitor

>> No.16200675


>> No.16200702
File: 144 KB, 550x1071, 1597773153111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ebin post my fellow aryan chad, very based and redpilled

>> No.16200725

Bait but BASED nonetheless

>> No.16200726

femanon here, what's your number?

>> No.16200765

really because germans destroyed the Roman empire in a weak moment they breached the walls and went all the way to today's Spain killing torturing pillaging and raping everything in their path today's numbers of today's citizens that can be called victims of violence due to the "shitskins" of today completely pale in comparison to what the germans did and guess what after usurping Roman territory they created their own kingdom called themselves the visigoths which die to their low barbarian iq went to complete shit but the thing is ...they NEVER LEFT completely disproving and invalidating your argument but we already knew that didn't we,
unless you're a literal 60 iq zimbabwe nigger there's no way you actually believe your own posts