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/lit/ - Literature

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16196166 No.16196166 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a therapist the most /lit/ job?

-education is very easy unless your autistic
-can work 20 hours a week for a comfy salary, leaving plenty of time to read
-get to interact with all kinds of people and are constantly confronted with different ways of viewing the world
-overall is a very cerebral field requiring you to think a lot (assuming you want to be an effective therapist)

Also, general /lit/ jobs thread

>> No.16196222
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CNC Machinist here. I get anywhere from 3-600 minute intervals of watching the machine run (usual is 6-20 per part) and no one will bother you as long as your work is good and the book never interferes. Started American Psycho at 8am, finished 40% before I punch out.

>> No.16196231

OP here, before I went into therapy I was also a machinist. My runs were never longer than 20 minutes unfortunately.

>> No.16196234

People will say lawyer but it's not you read and write and stress. It makes you not want to read. Don't become a lawyer.

My mate just quit and got a job reviewing books for a national newspaper. Now that's lit.

>> No.16196253

I feel like going into law for love of reading is like going into video game design for live of video games. Just going to ruin it.

>> No.16196255
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How does being a therapist work how do you stop the urge to redpill your clients and turn them into gnosticism
How do you not tell them that we're here to suffer because a god binded matter to ideas in a close system how do you not tell them that time is a curse stretching through the bodies of the shapes making them suffer and stretch in agony how do you not tell them there's only one tyrant to blame

>> No.16196263


If your training program is worth a shit you’ll get good at suppressing your desire to red-pill people and give advice. 99.9% of people just want to be heard so a lot of what you do is just very attentive listening. Anything you say has to be at the right time and for the right reasons.

>> No.16196271

Meant to reply to

>> No.16196295

so therapy is like taking an aspirin

>> No.16196303

Like I said in the OP, it’s difficult to understand if you’re on the spectrum.

>> No.16197362

Being /lit/ is not about the jobs that leave you with plenty of time to read But about taking time out whatever job you have to read and do it well. The point is to enhance the quality of time spent and not to make more time. Quality >Quantity. Literature is not a sport.

>> No.16197395

We’re not all going to pretend we’re not glad with having like 3 hours every work day to read on our phones just so you don’t have to feel bad

>> No.16197421

I wouldn't ever want to define myself by my work, just something that allows me to meet my needs, low-stress, doesn't exceed 40 hours a week, not so tired that I get home with no energy for anything. I could be a garbageman for all I care, as long as I have a quiet, comfortable place to read and think. I couldn't think of anything worse than being in some high-flyer job where you work 10 hours a day, your phone never stops ringing and your stomach is turning with stress when you're "relaxing".

>> No.16197432

This is the value I got from therapists for sure. They're just somebody you can talk to openly and honestly who will listen and not judge you. I never realized how much I held in around family and friends until I had a therapist.

Now I just use you guys to complain to

>> No.16198875


>> No.16198935

I work part time in health care with a disabled kid. We go on walks, talk about life, and play chess against each other for a couple hours a day.
Aside from that, I also work as a bartender at a boomer social club for retired vets/cops/firefighters. Tips are good and the atmosphere is jovial.
Between these jobs I work about 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Stress is low, most of my "work" just involves being charismatic. In my free time I volunteer, and am trying to get a couple projects of my own going.

Previously worked as a machinist in a factory. It was very repetitive, but since I was working late nights I'd get away with listening to audiobooks while I worked.

>> No.16199049

This. I'm a lawyer and this is absolutely true. You'll also be put into situations where you'll constantly deal with people that have no principles whatsover, though that might give you inspiration for a handful of characters.

>> No.16199158

Any advice on becoming a therapist?

I have an English degree. Work in fabrication but am tired of it (I think it will become physically taxing on my body in 10-15 years).

>> No.16199185

Psychiatry is much more pragmatic and actually helps resolve peoples issues.

>> No.16199207

This or just working in a library in general even as janitor

>> No.16199214

The most /lit/ job is not having a job. How many of the classics of western literature are about being a 40-hour a week wage slave?

>> No.16199255

Giving jewish pills left and right is not solving a problem, Chaim.

>> No.16199268

>being a charlatan


>> No.16199360
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$150k remote software engineer here. I work like 25 hrs max. Sometimes I work 40 on super busy weeks.

>> No.16199384

same but 25k soon 30k doesn't help living in a boomer country programmers are still seen like leeches here

>> No.16199422

How difficult is the work? How difficult is it to learn to program?

>> No.16199437

It is difficult to learn, and doing it as a full time job can be mentally exhausting. On the bright side there are more resources for learning than ever and it pays very well (in the US)

>> No.16199445
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Retards don't understand how much of the world is software now and how garbage most programmers are. This is why the good ones get paid so much.

Programming difficult to start out since you don't know how to think like a computer.

Read the book: code hidden language of composers by petzold I think. After that, you're ready to dive into computer science.


>> No.16199458
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Computers not composers....

>> No.16199468

>largest money scam in the medical industry


>> No.16200482

night shift medical staff is the only /lit/ occupation

>> No.16200594

how /lit/ is being a park ranger?

>> No.16200629

Psychotherapy doesn't work more than some bullshit placebo

>> No.16200907

>i just want a well paying job that doesn’t require much work or thought
Wow, what a hot take

>> No.16201132

Army helicopter pilot

>> No.16201146
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The only /lit/ job is no job.

>> No.16202290

Being a parasite isn't the only way out of slavery. Your shut-in video gaming lifestyle isn't worth writing about, sorry.

>> No.16202315

Every park ranger I've ever met has looked like they want to kill themselves. Just become a Wildlife Scientist instead.

>> No.16202334

How do I get the "no job" job?

>> No.16202563

I'm almost through my first year of law school, I can kind of see this. That being said my intentions are not to become some hotshot firm barrister making big cash, I'll happily settle for a small town solicitor making a decent if comparatively modest living.
I also think it will help me write better, in that it's an opportunity to escape reality and strict legalistic writing for a moment.
Any tips for surviving as a /lit/ inclined lawyer?

>> No.16202603

/lit/ janny

>> No.16202664

How about a job you can just read at?

Factory I used to work at wouldn't even let you have headphones, you know, so you could hear the crane only 20 feet above you disengage if it broke so you could dodge it I guess? All of .2 seconds of warning. Thanks for forcing 2000 hours a year with no music out of me for that possible warning time.

>> No.16203729

try focusing on residential real-estate law. seems like the get a steady supply of clients form agents, and the work is retarded simple in 99% of cases.

>> No.16203759

I'm an exterminator and spend all my free time reading. Sucks having to work for a living. Easy to find time to read, but I find that its a lot harder to write material for my book as a wagecuck

>> No.16203768
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How would you help your patients achieve gnosis?

>> No.16203790

professional paperwork filer

>> No.16204698

Opinions on economics?

>> No.16204705

You don't make very much, do you anon?

>> No.16204833
File: 76 KB, 334x469, Alexandra deSteiguer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a lone resident on an island 10 miles off the coast and being a lone caretaker of a 43 acres hotel on that island every winter. And doing large format analogue photography, writing prose and reading books all day long.


>> No.16204968

Ranch hand

>> No.16205174
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I used to be a police officer. All day I was writing narratives, stories, about what happened and what I saw and what people said.
I also had exposure to a group of characters no other job comes close to providing.

>> No.16205189
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I'm an engineer, it's alright
>resolves peoples issues

>> No.16205197

For me I'm going for diplomat-slash-public intellectual

>> No.16205209

do companies still use cnc?

>> No.16205234

Starbucks barista is very popular among English graduates

>> No.16205240


>> No.16205366

I'm a librarian. Can't be more /lit/ than me.

>> No.16205375

neet, any other answer is cope

>> No.16205391

>education is very easy unless your autistic
Yeah I’m sure this retard has some good points, I’ll definitely read the rest of what OP has to say.

>> No.16205429

I’ve worked as a ranger, and I’ve done field conservation for three years or so (now in grad school though).

It’s a very nice life, but you need to be independently-driven to stay on top of your /lit/ education. Some of my fondest memories are living in a tent in Dinosaur national monument with no service for a month. Just bathe in the river, do your work, cook at night, and read in your tent. You typically have a crew as well. I guess this is more for conservation work than a ranger position. In truth, I liked being a manual labor grunt more than being a ranger.

>> No.16205456


In all honesty, the reason for this is because Starbucks is able to help troubled and edgy employees get their shit together.

>> No.16205474

>tfw I was born for this
Jesus christ anon how do I find these jobs?

>> No.16205476

Be born into wealth

>> No.16205528

Collect disability and food stamps.

You'll rake in anywhere from $750 to $3050 a month + $200 in SNAP (food stamps).

Read Berkley if you don't know where to start. And yes, if you're on this website you are severely disabled.

>> No.16205559

Any kind of engineer really.

Most, if not all, of my work days just involve me reading, watching films, and playing video games with my colleagues. The last time we actually had to do anything was when a sheet of ice fell of a bridge onto a car. This was the first time in this bridge's long history that anything like that has happened. That was a year ago, we made a fix and the city installed it.

>> No.16205687

Buying and selling books. I used to work at value village and people would come in daily and buy any books worth anything. I saw someone buy basically the entire bibliography of Aleister Crowley for maybe 30$.

>> No.16205737

It seems like a profession that attracts the suicidal, not one that makes you suicidal.

>> No.16205773


>> No.16205800

Outrageous amounts of cope in this thread. Quite clearly the most /lit/ profession would be a novelist, poet, professor of literature or teacher in a prestigious private school, or perhaps a journalist. Something like this


Could work, too. "Psychiatrists", lawyers etc are in no way "/lit" as you imagine it to be. Oh, another bugman YAWN.

>> No.16205875

Tfw Canadian.

>> No.16206021

Canadians have something analogous to SS disability benefits, it just doesn't pay as well. I was looking into dual citizenship before to syphon from both countries to discover there was some arrangement signed in the 1990s to prevent this.

>> No.16206031

Absolute pseud posts. All those people you mention are desperately trying to appear /lit/ which goes to show they're nothing at all.

>> No.16206164

Marry me and I'll get you US citizenship.

>> No.16206230

Doctor. We have Celine and Chekov

>> No.16206280

Is that working for an SV company?

>> No.16206286

I'm a lawyer

>> No.16206309

>tfw studying environmental engineering for this reason (and others of course). As long as the water is clean and safe to drink I don't have to do a whole lot else

>> No.16206435

You have to convince a doctor you have mental illness, and haven't been working for like a year I think.
I'm a man baby.

>> No.16206462

I'm a lawfag myself, not a lawyer yet though.

Kind of miss my engineering research, but making money and developing writing skills while not having to work that much is nice too. I'd be an academic if it wasn't such a shit field that will ruin my life

>> No.16206506

what is /lit/? being a talentless midwit anti-socialite who reads philosophy to try and cope with his miserable existance?

>> No.16206515

Man I would fuck the shit out of that old bitch oofaaaaah

>> No.16206521
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Why would it attract a suicidal?

>> No.16206605

>got a job reviewing books for a national newspaper
This is a full-time job you can just get in one place? I thought you just pitched around to various places and sometimes, if you put enough time into pumping out enough and building up enough relationships to be able to consistently sell reviews, you could maybe scrape by?

>> No.16206663

Shit, I can do that.

>> No.16206792

> nice

>> No.16206952

Don't go into management consulting or investment banking, anon. Don't fall for their lies.

>> No.16206988
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Probably starting medical school in a year (not american). I desperately want something that'll give me a feeling of purpose and worth, as I don't think I'll be able to stand life by 35 if I don't. Though I'll probably turn into Doctor Glas.

>> No.16207009

Psychology is perhaps the easiest thing you could study, the only parts that might filter a few plebs is the statistics.
I've been considering trying for consulting some point after getting a masters in IOpsych and getting some work experience, is it that bad?

>> No.16207041

This shit isn't /lit/ but at least you will be numb to the pain of death by daily facing physically sick and dying people. And by getting your daily dose of little heroism in the form a helping angel in white coat.

>> No.16207046

I want to do this but honestly plan on leaving my country abd where im going wont do this if Im bit a citizen so im probably just going to wageslave for a bit until i am

>> No.16207063

I always found Bernard Rieux in The Plague very admirable. I hope I'll be as respectable and dutiful as him.

>> No.16207240

>-get to interact with all kinds of people and are constantly confronted with different ways of viewing the world
Not really a positive desu unless you're selective with the people you treat.

>> No.16207264

Tell me how to get this job. Also, what's daily life as a librarian actually like?

>> No.16207274

>I've been considering trying for consulting
If you have no idea what do or have no experience, it's a decent way to start your career. You'll get some basic technical skills and understand how to function under constant pressure. But it's a bullshit job with long hours and after a couple of years all you'll be doing is learning how to be a good consultant, not how to best help your client.

If you want to sacrifice the days, weeks, months, and years for your career, go for it. I've only felt remorse for spending so much of my limited time at work, but then again I was dumb enough to try IB too.

>> No.16207345

because they work alone surrounded by wilderness
as a "suicidal" this sounds pretty comfy.

>> No.16207455

You subtley let your clients find out that they are failures

>> No.16207551

You have low lifes complain about peanuts because they have no concept of health or responibility and only want you for some quick fix.