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16195991 No.16195991 [Reply] [Original]

I hear what sounds like a small chorus of all different kinds people reading in sync, but their voices sound weirdly mangled and unnatural like they’re in pain or something. They’re also constantly overly emoting whatever the theme of the text is that I’m reading. How bout you anon?

>> No.16195999
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>> No.16196002

I imagine what is happening or if it’s something in the form of dialogue or you being told information I either use character clues to determine accent, use my own voice, or some nice voice I’ve heard before

>> No.16196008

Just sounds like my voice desu.

>> No.16196019

the voice I hear doesn't sound like it has a voice at all. It sounds like cotton, like it's muffled. It's really frustrating, especially when I'm trying to remember song lyrics, because the tune always slips away.
it makes me feel like I can't think "loudly" and apparently this manifests in dreams and nightmares were I'm crippled, or I lose any "magic dream powers" because I'm incapable of holding on to thoughts or ideas.

>> No.16196053

That’s pretty interesting because what I described in op COULD have been described sort of like that but maybe I’m a glass half full kind of person and I don’t view myself as being handicapped. I don’t have the dreams or the song lyrics thing you have but I understand what you mean by “muffled” but for me it’s more like “distorted”, I almost used the term “white noise” instead of “chorus” to describe what I hear. Very interdasting

>> No.16196069

That's weird.My visual imagination is a bit muffled but my audio imagination is pretty clear. Haven't you ever heard a song in your head and got confused and thought you were hearing it in real life?

>> No.16196076

it sounds like a younger version of my own voice - like my inner child speaking to me

>> No.16196095

>Haven't you ever heard a song in your head and got confused and thought you were hearing it in real life?
hmm. No, not songs, but on occasion I'll hear the "after" of a bell or gong or bang, etc. Not the noise itself, but the silence afterwards where it's you know, "fading" from your ears.

I have a very strong visual memory, though. I'm not sure how that compares to other people's visual memories, though.

>> No.16196250

Depends what I read. Sometimes for fiction, a male or female but usually with an English accent and they have that slight timbric lisp and hiss that comes with tape recording with the dull noise in between pauses. But usually I don't 'hear' a voice, I just know there is a voice there to interpret what I read.

>> No.16196450

Usually my think voice, which I don't really know how it sounds like, actually.
But sometimes it's someone else's voice, depending on the book/scene. When reading Metro 2033 in Russian, I read it in the loading screen narration voice from the game. When re-reading Tolkien I usually hear the voices of the actors, since I've watched the movies a lot.
The weirdest thing was reading a scientific paper in the voice of the Joker though.

>> No.16196514

I can imagine what a voice sounds like if I try, but no voice is automatically imagined up saying words as I'm reading them. Isn't that normal?

>> No.16196792

I suppose the best way to describe it, would be to having a conversation with someone in a cafe or diner. In that: I discuss the book in a relaxed tone with myself. I "hear" only, however, the responses. I do not "speak" myself in my head, but know otherwise what I imagine myself am saying in return. The voice on the other end, is usually soft-spoken, male with a mid-range of tone and a slight Newfie/Albertan accent. A hearkening to a friend I knew some time back, with such a voice themselves.

>> No.16196803

depends what my mental voice wants to LARP as

>> No.16196820

Either myself or what I imagine the person Im reading sounds like

>> No.16196832

It is a voice, and that's the only thing I can discern about it. Maybe that's what the eidos of voice sounds like. It has no quality beyond being a voice.

>> No.16196947
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I read in my own accent, which is fairly transatlantic. Fellow Canadians sometimes find it an odd accent, since I'm from the Greater Toronto Area, but I don't sound like it since I pronounce T as T, not as D.

For reference torontonians typically call there own city "Toronaw," since they never take the extra time to pronounce a T properly unless it's absolutely necessary, for instance they say would say "time" with a T, but greater as "grader" which emphasizes the er ending. My instinct from living abroad so long has been to avoid the verbal shortcuts of the place I grew up. I don't have an English imitation accent though. In my experience, the English often don't know how to speak English anyway (pic related).

>> No.16196984

Is there anyway to change my inner voice a cute girl's voice? Failing that a sultry voice is acceptable

>> No.16197308

Usually nothing. If I try to narrate it comes out in a kind of weird androdgynous smokers voice.

>> No.16197312

I hear all books I read in a deep voice of an older black man. I can't do anything about it.

>> No.16197610
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>What voice do you hear in your head when you read?
The voice of my consciousness.

>I hear what sounds like a small chorus of all different kinds people reading in sync, but their voices sound weirdly mangled and unnatural like they’re in pain or something. They’re also constantly overly emoting whatever the theme of the text is that I’m reading.
That is your unconscious self mentally subvocalizing.

The unconscious self mentally subvocalizes, the conscious self mentally vocalizes, the imaginal self mentally supervocalizes; when the unconscious self is compelled to incontinently subvocalize, and/or when the conscious self is compelled to incessantly vocalize, it/they should become sublimated, so that, both: rational/linear cognition, and: intuitive/nonlinear cognition, may be optimally facilitated in concord to the psykhe of, and activity performed by, the individual.

>> No.16197660

i don't hear a voice, i feel the sensations of the words

>> No.16197719

the voices of the characters.

>> No.16197894
