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/lit/ - Literature

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16194782 No.16194782 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /lit/ language that a monolingual person should begin with. Please no pussy-footing. What's the objective absolute?

>> No.16194784
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>> No.16194796
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>> No.16194803

The one that is more useful to you in the long term

>> No.16194810

German for philosophy, French for fiction

>> No.16194818

Chinese, Arabic or Koine Greek. Get the hard shit done.

>> No.16194823

Americanized English. No other language exists.

>> No.16194830

Spanish, or German

>> No.16194833
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It's better to master a romance language before moving on to Latin. Speeds up the process up learning Latin immensely. French is the best choice of all romance languages. Italian is great too. Spanish and Portuguese are both worth learning as well, but if OP wants to best language to learn out of all languages, its French, sans doute.

>> No.16194837

Latin. Or go try digging up the actual way to speak Egyptian (no one really knows today) and go around swearing at people in it. Hell, learn Sumerian--good fucking luck, it's the hardest language in history--or it's supposed direct modern relative Tamil.

>> No.16194857

French for literature, german for philosophy.

>> No.16194869

grow a dick and learn latin

>> No.16194874

Sanskrit or dont even bother

>> No.16194876
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t. anons who don't know latin

>> No.16194879


>> No.16194894

that sounds gay as shit, wee wee weeeeeee, whoever is pronouncing that is a faggot anglo try hard lmao

>> No.16194914


>> No.16194915

I'm italian, anglos shouldn't speak our language, sounds very gay and cringe

>> No.16194923

post a video of someone speaking latin correctly then.

>> No.16194949

based restored pronunciation

>> No.16194956

there really isn't any other answer. sure if you want to read regurgitated faggotry go for latin or greek. french is all you need. and worth reading in another language is better translated into french.

>> No.16194966

also i forgot to mention french is worth it just to read Céline's original work

>> No.16194973

What do you want to learn? French is good for sensual, German for complex philosophy, Hebrew for the Bible, Greek for the ogs... Do you just want hipster credit coins at the library? Learn French and fuck the art hoes. Spanish is good for the more down to earth chicks, German for the weirdos, latin for the mystical bitches.

>> No.16194989

If you're above the age of 25 you're fucked anyway

>> No.16195019

German it is

>> No.16195034

you wouldn't understand Hegel if you grew up next door to him. reading native french is far more valuable.

>> No.16195039

learn a language that will let you communicate with people who don't speak english and who don't share your worldview

learn russian

>> No.16195088

Just pick your favorite non-anglo author and learn his language.

>> No.16195098

for literature purposes only, nothing more nothing less.
alright, thanks anons.

>> No.16195101


>> No.16195115

far more is lost from french fiction to english than german philosophy to english.

>> No.16195125

learn Albanian, bitch

>> No.16195343

yes, from the exact moment you become 25 you magically lose the ability to learn any other language. You become unable to even see words in other languages

>> No.16195350

This guy gets it

>> No.16195521

You should probably learn English first.

>> No.16195584
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>> No.16195588

Who is Steve Kaufmann?