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16191937 No.16191937 [Reply] [Original]

Had planned on reading this. What's the deal with topping this list though?

>> No.16191968

I get that. It took me three attempts before I made it past page 100. It is very, very repetitive, and it takes a while before you realize the point of this repetition. It's a clever book, and some find that cleverness insufferable - I came to love it though, despite hating it initially.

But the real kicker for me was the chapter where the whore is chasing him with a knife (as far as I recall, it's been years), it completely shifted the ground and tone of the entire work, and it was absolutely masterful, only Gogol has been able to achieve something similar, and for that reason, I think the book deserves its place among the greatest

>> No.16192012

it's one of those classics you can get at the grocery store, so everyone has a copy.
It's more of an indication of how much it sold than anything.

It and Slaughterhouse5 are good, and good introductions to post-modern themes for normies.

>> No.16192039
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>It and Slaughterhouse5 are good, and good introductions to post-modern themes for normies

>> No.16192095

I read this a long time ago, my guess is that the normies on goodreads don’t like seeing the word nigger in like the first chapter

>> No.16192123

What is a "post modern theme" and what is "post modern"

>> No.16192148
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>> No.16192218

Well Goodreads is full of dipshits who think they're smart, so they start classics and then quit. Compared to those other works Catch-22 has had enormous sales, meaning lots of people have started it, and a fairly complex structure, meaning lots of people quit within the first hundred pages. Additionally, it's fairly repetitive even beyond that point, so plenty of people quit before it comes full circle. I read it at basic training and loved it, highly recommend you push through to the end.

>> No.16192561

>LOTR that high
I guess I can see where it comes from, but it's still somewhat annoying to see

>> No.16192793

OP here. I've read Slaughterhouse 5, what themes would those be? Non-linear plotline?

>> No.16193832

That's part of it. Other similarities include dark humor, WWII setting, and anti-war themes focusing on the absurdity of war.

>> No.16193837

Must be why they don't like The Sound and the Fury very much. Faulkner couldn't go a single paragraph without saying nigger

>> No.16193877

I started reading it once. Set it down and read non fic and philosophy instead. Still been on that kick and haven't gone back to it yet. I don't even remember having a specific problem with it just got distracted and it didn't seem that important to me. Maybe I'll finish it now tho.

>> No.16193887

Probably because it's a little more challenging than most expect and I increasingly find that most people only finish books that are about 250-300 pages or less.

>> No.16193965

i read it and it was genuinely hilarious. i could really feel with him in the end when he is walking through the raining streets of rome and walks past the wifebeaters and animal abusers. fuck.

>> No.16193992

>Slaughter House 5

>> No.16194040

damn it. i really liked the two now i have to read that damn rainbow book.

>> No.16194089

Sounds utterly retarded.