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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 351 KB, 986x1410, DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16190834 No.16190834 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that Philosophy is so popular on /lit proves most of you lot have brain problems . Hear me out please sir...what's the point of reading a bunch of different view points on our state of being unless you have some sort of mental illness stopping you from seeing it for your self, you are alive right? your "being" right now. Philosophy is like eating a sandwich and then asking different people you know what it tasted like. Does that make sense? I'll explain more later, but you won't become a better man from philosophy, you'll just get pretty good at getting girls that have the same mental illness as you, because you understand it so well. Actually I take that back you will be come a better man. But it's gonna take alot longer then if you just started building your self now instead of trying to find the perfect way of going about "it".

Books on actual subjects are best. (Woodworking, mechanics, farming& agriculture, exercise etc etc) Anything abstract is just people working out their own mental illness on paper and unless you have the particular mental illness you won't get it. Because it's doesn't make sense really, it's all just non sense. Gibberish.

Just read actual books please. As much as you turds bash self help books, philosophy is a self help genre.

good books include:
Anything skill specific
Bad books include
Anything broad and abstract

Philosophy is a meme (used to cope with suffering)

>> No.16190838


>> No.16190844
File: 161 KB, 239x380, 1569402149474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Doom to spread your brainlet ideas
>the guy who LARPs as a Renaissance Man

>> No.16190853

You have to stop projecting. It's getting really sad. If you think philosophy threads are full of pseuds that's fine, hide them, like i do.

>> No.16190861

I agree to an extent. It’s best to get at least one practical skill, honing it, and then maybe getting into philosophy on your off time.

>> No.16191189

Pseudo is a lamens word.
Philosophy is for losers.
Doing is for winners.

>> No.16191216

what about Doing Philosohy?
isn't that a contradiction?

>> No.16191222

>longer then
I expected better from you, Dr. Doom.

>> No.16191236

You can't do philosophy, you can only think about philosophy and think about what those thoughts might do. There is no action in philosophy. Only thoughts. Philosophy is a passive way to cope with suffering instead of getting of your ass and creating a better situation. And those who think to die is to suffer clearly haven't suffered enough.

>> No.16191247

I hate philosophy.
Reading about what other people think:
Pffft- dumas said it best:Philosophy cannot be taught; it is the application of the sciences to truth

>> No.16191251
File: 36 KB, 350x250, doom-has-pimpcup_7806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you truly feel that way, Write me a better pasta ,my beautiful minion.

>> No.16191261

What about practical philosohy?

>> No.16191262

Absolutely right. It's beneath a man to listen to the rambling of another man about how he cannot deal with truths which we all deal with. It is BENEATH A MAN.

>> No.16191286

You mean methodology? Practical philosophy is an oxymoron moron.

>> No.16191307

Your mother has enjoyed your learned helplessness while you continue to breastfeed well into your forties. She takes a whiff from every diaper you fill knowing she has irreversibly trained you to depend on her. Your WoW characters are maxed out, but what else have you to show for your efforts? You equate to nothing, destined to be forgotten about not long after your basic elements have become carbon in a cremating fire. I pity you, but less than that of a kitten run over by a horseless carriage. Before you tell me to stop projecting, gain awareness of the infantile vaginal belch you have always been and always will be; the calming effect of your mother's wet nurses upon your nervous system will insulate you against the truth which pounds hungrily upon the walls of your denial, you poor child. I scoff at your impervious self-aggrandizement despite the pathetic excuse that is your life. Remain, forever, wrapped in that semen-stained security blanket. You may very well be buried with it in a Blizzard Entertainment-themed coffin.

>> No.16191343


I will forgive you just this once, for you know not. Now I will enlighten you
Many curses have left my lips and many a man and women alike have fallen to my gaze. Understand me village troll. Hear me and listen well...Go back.

>> No.16191418

But dude, like, what is life even? Do I even real?

>> No.16191439

Nigger dicks broke over the upheaving peaks then plummeted upon the glittering lake of Caucasian vaginas more fiercely than a rotund woman decimating the frozen dairy aisle at Walmart.

I hope this helps, Vic.

>> No.16191440

Who cares. Clean your room.

>> No.16191537

I know this is bait, but it really amazes me how so many people have no idea what philosophy is and decide to just make up an image of it anyway

>> No.16191601

These donutpunchers can't even grapple with the preferred method of masturbation for pseudointellectuals. Imagine them being ground up into slurry for baiting the oceanborn Faggotus Cocksuckerus by trying to solve algebraic geometry problems. They are still trying to develop motor skills and differentiate between light/dark while shitting up their diapers. Philosophy is supposed to be about the love of wisdom but much of the time you are wasting your efforts attempting to interpret even one page of some German autist who had no life, thus negating his so-called wisdom. From philosophy, you teach yourself how to die. Thank you, Montaigne, for that one piece of wisdom which makes fucking sense.

>> No.16191603

What's philosophy then?

>> No.16191642

A history of thought, ranging from the unadmitted homosexuality of the Greeks to the post-modern trannies taking offense to gender pronouns. All are fantastic bullshitters about a field which asks more questions than it answers.

>> No.16191811

that tld;dr is a really weird thing to post on a literature board. If you only like skill books just go to /sci/ or something, literature involves a much broader scope than skill acquisition.
>muh too abstract
>muh too broad
I know someone like this in real life and I imagine based on your style and beliefs to be similar to him in these ways: admits he does not understand English, did poorly in related classes and dislikes them because "anything could be an answer" (does not follow this with self-criticism of why he consistently did not do well if its all just relative and meaningless) and dislikes anything broad/abstract on the basis that it isn't math/engineering/physics or something that appeals to those fields/types of people. He's great at what he does but dismisses everything he can't categorize and explain aka anything he is not good at as bad and worthless.

tl;dr you have autism

>> No.16191878

awkward cope. You can "do" all kinds of philosophy. You can "be" a stoic and act "stoicly" which implies doing certain things in certain situations. Marcus Aurelius dedicates a whole book to how and why he implements stoic philosophy in his day to day life as emperor of Rome. Literally all moral philosophies imply or outright state what to do in different situations.This is like getting angry at physicists because they don't "do" anything and just write all day and research while engineers and rocket scientists are the only ones actually working with their hands.
Not to mention that its still a giant cope even if we assume that all philosophers do is think, they are locked in a room and cannot do any single action ever except think and write what they think. Marx didn't do anything practical to advance his cause outside of his writings, in that he never seized power anywhere, yet are you going to say no one has ever acted due to "marxism" or a marxist idea. Clearly philosophy effects the world even outside its authors and in fact long after their dead.

There is a non-skill book that is extremely short and will literally solve all the weird copes and mental illnesses displayed in your posts and its called siddhartha by Hesse, give it a read then come back.

>> No.16192428

That's why you are here and you post this shit instead doing something useful

>> No.16192439

No. Reality is an illusion.
you exist only because you think you do

>> No.16192537

Reality is just a mudwit concept of what is. What is is what happens cerebrally, sensory phenomena reveals truth to sound minds but falseness to the delusional mind blinded by psychosis. Still, we don't perceive all of reality nor do we fully understand it. Reality, to the brainlet, is merely what is made of stuff. This materialist humbug blows out its own ass into a cauldron of simplistic animal thought, never reaching over into the realm of the human capacity to question things. Is it real? How in the fuck do you know? Ever dream and mistake it for reality? Ever dream lucidly? We are after mistaken over what is real or not. To reach any conclusions without first investigating and testing what we are in question of is stupid. I know I exist... how? The me concept I retain is just a collection of thoughts. Reality doesn't kneel to human ideas nor is it defined by what we think beyond our ability to effect reality, say by building something with a purpose. Real? Like some apple picked fresh from a tree? Who says its a fucking "apple"? Where is the absolute truth written stating this? For all we know, our reality is the dream of a god just waiting to wake up.

>> No.16192585

pseud go back.

>> No.16192599

But OP, do you imagine Sisyphus happy?!?

>> No.16192726

philisophy is a meme
really goes without saying. literally just flowery, archaic copes

>> No.16192885

>thinking is dumb bro

>> No.16192960

Anything that you do is a cope with the inherent nothingness of your existence. The void of your being lies in the fact that you are an excess body in relation to the earth with the faculty of consciousness to have the awareness of such.
If you understand the meaninglessness of objects in the universe and the world full of meaning implied by man then nothing will satisfy you except abstract thought, i.e. Philosophy.

>> No.16192999
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Name why I would want to do anything other than sit around and think, or read about what other people think about. From a material point of view, nothing matters besides "muh feel gud". From an immaterial point of view, nothing material matters. Either way I win by just sitting around thinking.

>> No.16193071

I'm outside of your realm of comprehension. Honestly. I've dipped my dick in almost all forms of philosophy. Explain to me, right? What is philosophy. and then I'll agree I'm autistic.

You can't be a stoic. Stoicism doesn't exist you basket case. You allow some idiot to poor mindless dribble into your head. How can you be a stoic, is it how I act? Is it how I think? Is it how I speak? Oh oh oh it's how I feel! It's nothing it's an desperate abstract thought that is actually spruced up mental illness that faggots and retards alike eat up because it explains to them why they are so gay and retarded. Excuse my language. But hey, when in Rome.

Also nice analogy, only it doesn't make much sense, just because you consume philosophy does not make you a philosopher no more then you watching football makes you a player. You have to play football.
Sure you can watch clips of football players saying " to be a good football player you have to be move like the wind and crash like a wave" and you go "ahhhhhhhh I get it, I have to move quick and hit hard" still doesn't make you a foot ball player.

Reading philosophy doesn't make you anything but a worker. Forever deferring to your hand book of "How To Live " until you realize it doesn't quite make sense and this is just scribbles and hey did you say I want to fuck my mom? Yeah it's mental illness buddeha

I will give your book a read but if I find out it's riddled with disease i won't bother.

>> No.16193092
File: 71 KB, 1280x524, MV5BNDMxNzdlMWQtZmVlZS00ZjdiLThhOWUtOTFmZjMzMjVhNGQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is meaningless
>Abstract thought has meaning

can you smell the mental illness? I can. And it's ripe.

No amount of hamstring can make me believe life is meaningless. You dickheads say the same thing every time. "b-but your gonna die, and nobody will remember you, and nothing you do will be remember I wanna be remember and I wanna live forever so I can be remember and I'll matter and I don't matter and I really want to MATTER and like why doesn't my mommy and daddy care about me it makes me feel like I don't matter" honestly talk to your parents

>> No.16193111

>What do you mean philosophy won't solve my crippling lack of purpose in life?>>16190834

>> No.16193155

Dangerously based, also checked.

>> No.16193167

Life has no purpose. Philosophy won't change this.

>> No.16193289

OP is right. Candide and The Good Earth contain more "philosophy" than everything European in the past 200 years. The entire point of "philosophy" is to play with friends in a school for your entire life. It serves 0 purpose if it doesn't quickly give a proposed method of action understood by the average person.

Look at retards like Jean Baudrillard independently trying to come up with subjective value theory within Marxism literally 100 years after it was codified in economics.

>> No.16193313

>serves 0 purpose
Explain what purpose anything serves. OP and yourself are the only people coping. Life is pointless, do whatever you find fun.

>> No.16193381

But then I'd be making fun the point of life wouldn't I. You should have said, " I don't want have any responsibility or accounitiblity for my self.

>> No.16193402

>A man without purpose is a dog

>> No.16193425
File: 104 KB, 480x608, 1598145724358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then perish.

>> No.16193474

>3 replies
>0 arguments
Face reality lads, there is no difference between a homeless bum who spent his life jacking off to futa hentai or being Jeff Bezos. You exist, and you die. Enjoy yourself.

>> No.16193480

So you’re saying you got filtered

>> No.16193485

If you can't learn useful things from reading philosophy you're just dumb

>> No.16193511

>there is no difference between a homeless bum who spent his life jacking off to futa hentai or being Jeff Bezos.
Holy cope

>> No.16193515

I believe I stated that life is inherently meaningless, which is different from 'life is meaningless'. You can still lead meaningful lives despite existence apodictically being motion and entropy.

Also I sense a lot of projection going on in your posts. You might want to think about your own life instead of shitposting.

>> No.16193522

>holy cope

>> No.16193536
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1597193312189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying the purpose of philosophy is to enjoy your life?

>> No.16193632

>Retard can only think in "is this purpose?"
Purpose does not exist, stop being spooked.

>> No.16193645

Why does purpose existing or not existing matter?

>> No.16193682

>Why does purpose existing or not existing matter?
Nice bait, what your really writing is
>Why does purpose existing or not existing have purpose?
I'm not dumb enough to fall for this, stop being a spooked phaggot.

>> No.16194196

>Life has no meaning bro just trust me you should just have fun
>If life has no meaning why have fun?
>I'm not stupid enough to answer that you fucking idiot stop being spooked I'm very smart
You sound like a fucking junkie.
You have fun buddy, Have fun being a nobody.

>> No.16194215

Wait...so op is right. Philosophy has no purpose....

>> No.16194417
File: 71 KB, 607x581, 1585703100301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Philosophy is so popular on /lit proves most of you lot have brain problems . Hear me out please sir...what's the point of reading a bunch of different view points on our state of being unless you have some sort of mental illness stopping you from seeing it for your self, you are alive right? your "being" right now. Philosophy is like eating a sandwich and then asking different people you know what it tasted like. Does that make sense? I'll explain more later, but you won't become a better man from philosophy, you'll just get pretty good at getting girls that have the same mental illness as you, because you understand it so well. Actually I take that back you will be come a better man. But it's gonna take alot longer then if you just started building your self now instead of trying to find the perfect way of going about "it".
>Books on actual subjects are best. (Woodworking, mechanics, farming& agriculture, exercise etc etc) Anything abstract is just people working out their own mental illness on paper and unless you have the particular mental illness you won't get it. Because it's doesn't make sense really, it's all just non sense. Gibberish.
>Just read actual books please. As much as you turds bash self help books, philosophy is a self help genre.
>good books include:
>Anything skill specific
>Bad books include
>Anything broad and abstract
>Philosophy is a meme (used to cope with suffering)

>> No.16194483

What is Dr. Doom's philosophy?

>> No.16194526

Yes, but also nothing OP listed as "good" has any purpose either.
>Moralfag seething because he has encountered someone who doesn't fall for his spooks
Sorry retard, I'm not spooked like yourself.
>muh drugs
I don't find drugs enjoyable, but if you do then feel free to enjoy them. The only thing stopping you are a bunch of spooks you were dumb enough for to fall for.

>> No.16194871

You're right OP, in so far as the mindless consumption of philosphy being mostly useless in the real world, since you're basically learning about the logical construct some (dead) autist came up with to explain something which cannot be explained while seeing reality from the narrow viewpoint we call our existence; you might as well read how some guys fictional universe operates at that point.
What one is rather to do is trying to take away from these works what one can actually implement into their own understanding of reality as to be able explain and understand it better. That in and of itself is still not "useful", as in actually being a practical skill, but it adds to ones quality of living and is a good avocation.

>> No.16195271

>implying I read some manchild comic books

>> No.16195276
File: 9 KB, 256x197, big soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg is that a fackin' superhero character?!!?!!

>> No.16195324

>doesn't realize that debating the value of philosphy is doing philosophy
Oops. You committed a performative contradiction. Would you like to try again?

>> No.16195361

Fuck off newfag

>> No.16195374

Read Kant

>> No.16195375

thoughts are actions though, not like you would understand.

>> No.16195382

Being enlightened by your own intellect

>> No.16195393

Widespread literacy was a mistake

>> No.16195541 [DELETED] 

It irritates me greatly, seeing some 100 IQ midwit speak about things with his useless pedestrian useless opinions that he conflates with being original and individualistic.

>> No.16195544

I agree. It irritates me greatly, seeing some 100 IQ midwit speak about things with his useless pedestrian opinions that he conflates with this false notion of being original and individualistic.

>> No.16195595
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watch how the /lit/izen recedes at such an accusation

you all know its true, the lord demands and you ignore

>> No.16195608


>> No.16196174


So, because at the beginning you thought money and pleasure were the purposes of life to finally realized they weren‘t and to a certain point didn‘t make a difference, existence has no meaning altogether?

>> No.16196902

> Explain to me, right? What is philosophy. and then I'll agree I'm autistic
This was a very autistic thing to type out, and your case of autism doesn't rely on me giving a definition of philosophy. I do think you are abnormal mentally, not as a joke or insult.

Why are you arguing about "abstractions" like stoicism with me on the internet, like it or not your "doing" philosophy right now. If you were anything like the person you were pretending to be in your OP you wouldn't have responded, you would have just gone out and "played football" instead your arguing about what books people OUGHT to read on a literature board while pretending you're above us all. "Read actual books please" is about as meaningless as a statement you can make. You're just as much of a loser as the people you're trying to hate on here.
>Excuse my language
No, your language is your whole point, you came here to tell everyone that philosophy is meaningless (which is a philosophical position) then instead of living up to it and walking away when challenged you engaged in philosophical arguments with strangers online. Proving you do give a shit to whatever degree. You could've said everything you needed to say without any of the language you used, instead you went out of your way to insult everyone who aren't genius enough to come to the exact same conclusions as you. You're here for an emotional reason, maybe you read a lot of philosophy and feel like you wasted your time, maybe you tried to talk to a girl and could only quote Aurelius at her until she left, whatever, now you're weirdly angry and calling everyone into logic/thinking mentally ill copers.

>> No.16196908

>just because you consume philosophy does not make you a philosopher
>Reading philosophy doesn't make you anything but a worker. Forever deferring to your hand book of "How To Live "
Replace philosophy and live with "math". Are you implying literally any thinking that doesn't come from you is negative. Would you say "fuck maps" because you have not personally been to and explored an area yet. There is nothing wrong with referring to another persons already done work.
>until you realize it doesn't quite make sense and this is just scribbles
This is just an opinion you hold and its no more valid than all the other people on this board that could find meaning where you couldn't. Again I wonder if you ever were in English class, got a question wrong, and proclaimed that actually there was no meaning, shakespeare is a meme and we cannot get any value out of it (unless it's something you, doomboy, understand). Is it possible for something to objectively make sense, without you being able to understand it? Or is any science that you can't prove in your kitchen at home meaningless and lab coats are all liars just stealing your tax dollars lol.
>and hey did you say I want to fuck my mom? Yeah it's mental illness buddeha
Woah you ended your argument with a s0 ra4d0m ramble. Seems like you have a mental illness or abnormality of some kind, and are projecting it anywhere you cannot comprehend, esp if it hurts your ego to admit it.

Hope you give the book a read, its calm, simple, easy and still has depth imo, I think it could start changing your mindset for the better, no diseases in it I promise.

>> No.16196950

Hello there, old friend. I see you found new pictures to post. How is your summer going? We haven't heard from you for a whole month. How have you been?

>> No.16197079

as not a moralfag I am going to kill you the second I get the chance because I find you annoying

>> No.16197085
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yup...that's a based anon right there

>> No.16197094

imagine studying philosophy for a living. Such a pathetic waste of existence.
I mean you are literally only writing to books for an entertainment purpose, which, more often than not, leads to more depression.

>> No.16197692

Have fun getting ass raped in jail retard.
Show me where this meaning exists anon, point me to where the meaning is. I don't believe in ghosts, the tooth fairy, or this so called "meaning" you keep yammering about.

>> No.16197708

>Hear me out please sir...what's the point of reading a bunch of different view points on our state of being unless you have some sort of mental illness stopping you from seeing it for your self, you are alive right? your "being" right now. Philosophy is like eating a sandwich and then asking different people you know what it tasted like. Does that make sense?
it's like looking at a painting and asking what others think. It's good to get different views.

>> No.16199097

thank you for the food analogy. i was having a hard time understanding your post but since you compared it to food now I understand clearly

>> No.16199110
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Ok boomer

>> No.16199137

Read philosophy of mind. Clearly you don't understand the slightest thing about how the mind works. The qualia of existence is obviously not just easily perceivable and understandable.

>> No.16199170
File: 37 KB, 720x480, 9180-389453670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books on actual subjects are best

Ok, Lord Doom. How do you intend on fixing the geopolitical subjugation of Latveria through the economic sheer force and will of America, China, Russia, and many other global superpowers.

Hard Mode: Don't say or use Magic because DC already has you spellbound.

>> No.16199190
File: 62 KB, 748x716, penguin noted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophy is like eating a sandwich and then asking different people you know what it tasted like.
I enjoyed this sentence a lot, I shall be use this upon the time I encounter a philosophical conversation offline. I salute you with your journey doom man

>> No.16199782

I'll get away with it

>> No.16199847

Ok, see you soon then. The door is unlocked, I'll be waiting with a 12 gauge in hand.

>> No.16199868
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All art is cope.

>> No.16199888

You have no idea what philosophy is.

>> No.16199929
File: 31 KB, 720x663, 1598066786796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thinker

>> No.16200040

heckin' euphoric

>> No.16200401

I'll just burn your house down. No one will know.

>> No.16200415

>Anything abstract is just people working out their own mental illness on paper

>> No.16200954

I have twenty two sprinklers running on top of my roof to soak it completely and prevent any fires. I have won.

>> No.16201036

Just go fuck him in the ass.

>> No.16201042

Fuck Spiderman.

>> No.16201044

<<Philosophy is a meme (used to cope with suffering)

Ok and?

>> No.16201075

purple prose and pseudery

>> No.16201089

And a twisted, mangled attempt by cave dwelling monkeys to divine existence equating into nothing more than masturbation.

>> No.16201209

You live in a wet house and waste your money and time on sprinklers so actually I win, I won't bother replying again since it is so clear to all even you that I have achieved total victory.
Thank you for your concession.

>> No.16201212

I don't live in a cave and am not a monkey and I NEVER masturbate. Try again

>> No.16201261

Pshh I never actually did anything beside sit here and shitpost, yet have thwarted your attempts to come kill me. Outsmarted and outplayed, easiest win of my life.

>> No.16201281

Get off this board you illiterate fuck and try reading a book for once that isn't about one of your unrelatable autistic hobbies

>> No.16201328

The problem is that when you ask normies these questions, you get retarded contradictory answers that make it clear that what we perceive cannot be accurate.

>> No.16201491

thank you for your concession

>> No.16201499

No, my friend, thank you for yours.

>> No.16201524

Go ejaculate on each other, fags.

>> No.16201537
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I see you were born with the utilitarian defect. How unfortunate. Must be deplorable being Chinese or A*glo.

>> No.16201553

this unironically

>> No.16201598

I'm afraid I've already accepted your wonderful concession, thanks again

>> No.16201609

to dumb to contribute to the thread so you must take your anger out (rightfully) on that fool and (pathetically) against the conquering victor (me)

>> No.16201618

The second the big bang had came into existed, I was there to accept your most welcoming and humble concession that pre-existed before your own conscious had awoken to realize it had taken place. This is just my formal thanks.

>> No.16201620

You seem to post like a man who understands Being in its totality. I, however, must admit that I am ignorant to this Being. Therefore, I cannot understand why philosophy would be pointless until you define Being. Well?

>> No.16201640

Ah, you've confused me with someone who is not THE ALL, which I am. I existed before and will continue long after the big bang, all the world is my dream nerevar, and fate has willed it so that I accept your well-written concession.

>> No.16201654

I know you have existed before and always, I know this because so has your concession which I accepted upon the birth of my own conscious at the big bang.

>> No.16201660

Fiat Lux, and in the first formation of reality I saw it: your concession.

>> No.16201703

Yet even before that light, you were, and so you had laid out your concession to me; before even light itself or my own existence.

>> No.16201716

thank you for your concession, the big bang was a nice touch

>> No.16201719
File: 75 KB, 400x305, 1597710575733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love /lit/

>> No.16201746

The big bang was just my way of thanking you for your concession.

>> No.16201759
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>> No.16201768

Concession preemptively and retroactively accepted, thank you.

>> No.16201785

Sounds fine to me.

>> No.16201812

I projected my ego through transcendental time in order to accept your concession before time itself had begun.

>> No.16201840

nice larp, concession accepted

>> No.16201857

Fuck you, thanks for your concession.

>> No.16201876

foul language, but don't worry I'll accept your concession anyway. You're welcome

>> No.16201889

The only thing you accepted was my use of foul language while you handed me your concession.

>> No.16201915

Your power fantasies are gussied up with studded leather. How's the strapon in your ass feeling for you?

>> No.16201921

nice blog, thanks for the concession

>> No.16201926

you tell me leatherboy you're the one with homoerotic thoughts

>> No.16201937

Downvoted, concession accepted.

>> No.16201946

thanks for the upvote concession accepted

>> No.16201966

Wow epic concession.

Edit: And thanks for the gold kind sir!

>> No.16201988

What? No thanks, gotta run! Thanks for the concession though!

>> No.16202006

Epic, simply epic. Your concession is literally like when Harry defeated Voldemort, truly I accept it.

>> No.16202027

I formally accept all previous and future concessions. Thank you. No need to reply further

>> No.16202064

Impossible because with free will a new future and universe is born every infinitesimal second. I'll let you know now, in each universe and multiverse I have accepted your concession preemptively and retroactively.

>> No.16202079

formally accepted nice concession thanks

>> No.16202151

Lazy reply, concession accepted

>> No.16202413

your concessions are becoming staler, please try harder next time you concede to me, again. Don't worry I preemptively accept it.