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/lit/ - Literature

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16190795 No.16190795 [Reply] [Original]

would you let your daughter read this much, and live in a world of pure make believe?

>no friends
>no boyfriend
>no prom
>no travel
>no hallucinatory drugs
>no life experience
>lives with her parents
>does nothing but read books

I feel bad for her and all the people who spent their life consuming. Books is supposed to enhance your life. Not be your life.

>> No.16190803

Kys e-celeb poster, posting booktubers should get you permabanned

>> No.16190805

yeah sure. why not? the world is an illusion

>> No.16190808

have sex

>> No.16190810
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>e-celeb posting disguised as a critique of e-celebs

>> No.16190814

At least she would read so she'd be far bettre than me

>> No.16190819

Ahh ya, why would you want your daughter getting gang fucked and using drugs lmao what the fuck.

>> No.16190824

I do have sex, because I don’t spend all day watching YouTube videos of immature women I’ve never met talk about shit books.

>> No.16190825

are you trying to read my mind and predict my intention? I have no hidden agenda. I merely put forth a question on the dangers of books as a youth of escape among the young and impressionable.

>> No.16190826

lol that girl probably has more friends than you will in your entire life

>> No.16190827

I don't think she qualifies as "e-celeb"

>> No.16190832

Sounds like someone who would browse 4chan

>> No.16190836

don't be naive. you know that this is a part of life and coming of age.

>> No.16190857

You view life through the lens of pop culture. You see this stuff on tv and think coming of age must be like it is in Dazed and Confused. You probably feel let down for missing out on these imaginary events when you were younger. That or you're a fucking retard.

>> No.16190867

both of you should go back

>> No.16190878

I'd let my kid do whatever makes them happy so long as it doesn't pose a big risk to them and once they're an adult I have no right to tell them what to do with their life than I do a strangers

>> No.16190905

I did miss out on them. so it makes me sad seeing others do it too.

>> No.16190926

This is a cop out retarded new fags say when they have no argument. "You gotta go back" lol yeah reddit am I right? Hey guys look I fit in I'm a 4channer!!

>> No.16190966

You view life through the lens of egotism. You see everyone who disagrees with you as biased, You probably feel better than everyone who has fundamentally different beliefs to you. That or you're a fucking retard.

>> No.16191015
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I'll provide the hallucinatory drugs if she so desires, the rest is up to her discretion.

>> No.16191027

Look you think life should be like a movie. That's fine but it's not true.

>> No.16191037

>newfag seething
go back

>> No.16191082

>only knows this teenage girl from the videos she uploads once every week/months
>makes all these assumptions
I feel bad for retards who care about e-celebs. Not because e-celebs are less than people, but rather because they don't know the ecelebs, so they only have shallow bullshit to base their opinions on.
>Ohh, look at his RGB setup
>dat hairline
>he's funny hehe

What in the whole fucking world made you think you knew girls like the OP or what it would be like to raise a child like her?

>> No.16191099

I'm not the person you replied to and I think that gangbangs and sex outside of relationships is disgusting, I also think any drug consumption beyond 'to experience' is stupid.

>> No.16191117

> "life experience" is stuffing your mind, your vagina and your bloodstream with literal garbage
Anon, I'd tell you to go die in a fire, but it looks like you're already on the fast track for that.

>> No.16191243

Very true. Those who merely read books, without participating in the literary lifestyle, are nerds and losers, not debonaire artistes.
>he hasn't been on a grand tour of Europe
>he hasn't had a tryst with a Parisienne
>he hasn't seduced an veiled woman in Arabia
>he hasn't tried at least ten (10) different hard-to-source and exotic drugs (e.g., 4-methylaminorex, ketobemidone and mescaline hydrochloride)
>he hasn't seduced a woman twice his age while in his teens
>he hasn't been seduced by a woman twice his age while in his teens
>he hasn't had an existential crisis, the depth and profundity of which was described as being more fitting for a man twice his age
>he hasn't had homosexual experiences
>he has had sex with less than 50 women
>he does not paint, write poetry, and play a classical instrument
>he copes with all of this by deeming it degeneracy

>> No.16191268

>im a faggot and this is how i cope

>> No.16191290
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I see.

>> No.16191356

She probably has all of those things but yall incels are getting worked.

>> No.16191382

Of course. She is beautiful. She is genetically gifted.

>> No.16191386
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>My daughter getting gang fucked by niggers and doing nigger-drugs is her coming of ayyyyge

also imagine a black dick in pic related

>> No.16191395
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>>no friends
>>no boyfriend
>>no prom
>>no travel
>>no hallucinatory drugs
>>no life experience
>>lives with her parents
>>does nothing but read books
Maybe having a daughter is ok after all...

>> No.16191855
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>> No.16192016

Did she actually read this? I wonder what went through her mind..