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16186335 No.16186335 [Reply] [Original]

The only good YA novel
Debate me

>> No.16186346
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Best series of good YA for teen boys

>> No.16186364

I'd like to present Ender's Game as a counterpoint.

>> No.16186402

Fair, didn't know that was considered YA

>> No.16186477

i loved this book growing up. it's what got me into reading.

>> No.16186487
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>blocks your path

>> No.16186497

The Harry Potter is far superior owing in part to its fantastic world-building and excellent social commentary.

>> No.16186503

my memory might be distorted but i liked the book and movie as a kid, i was a ward of the state and it's the only novel/film i know of that actually depicts the treatment of essentially imprisoned kids at various whacky privately owned facilities. i have been in similar places where they make you do various kinds of manual labor to "build character", these places still exist in 2020 too all over the US

>> No.16186506


>> No.16186509


>> No.16186513

sci fi and fantasy are banned from this thread

>> No.16187079
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>> No.16187108

>read that as robert coomer

time to leave

>> No.16187118

you have to wonder given the amount of sex in those books how much robert muchamore was self inserting as a blond blue-eyed chad

>> No.16187243

Read another book

>> No.16187249

The entire Goosebumps series shits on this

>> No.16187251
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A new challenger appears.

>> No.16187282

I don't fucking care.
Did I ask?

>> No.16187480

WRINGER jerry spinelli

>> No.16188161

I'm making a fucking chart brb

>> No.16188430
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>> No.16188481

Good list. The language in The Borrowers is probably a little too dated for most kids now though

>> No.16188489

>omg le based interracial romance!!

>> No.16189502

Ender's Shadow was better. Whole series goes to shit though after those two. Bean's trilogy was okay.

>> No.16189514

honestly a great chart, thanks for this

>> No.16189546
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>> No.16189645
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True YA kino coming in.

>> No.16189652

Wayyy too Jewish for me.

>> No.16189660
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I read this 20 years ago, but I remember that it made me cry. First book to ever do that.

>> No.16189688
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>blocks your path
>btfo's your whole list

>> No.16189704
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I've been reading Skulduggery Pleasant to my Niece, and they are pretty good.
Would they count as YA?

>> No.16189728
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>the watsons
>mixed up files
>westing game
>lord of the flies
>call of the wild
All supremely based books from my childhood lads
I’d like to nominate pic related, the hobbit and The Outsiders

>> No.16189766
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>Holes? What's that, a novel about women?

>> No.16189768

beyond based. feel sorry for all the kids who missed out on this series.

>> No.16190142

Love these

>> No.16190159

Ooh that's a good one
Yeah they're YA and also quite enjoyable

>> No.16190213

i always thought the head on the cover was disturbing. its like a fleshy cylinder with an eye and an ear loosely attached

>> No.16190250

Perhaps the die was cast

>> No.16190258

Based series. Honestly the absolute top-tier IDC if it's technically fantasy. Mossflower was the best one.

>> No.16190289

Deltora Quest
Jigsaw Jones

>> No.16190330
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I remember this one being pretty good back in the day.

>> No.16190370
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Retard kino coming through

>> No.16190656

total shit. zero taste.

>> No.16190717

What does it take to have actual book discussions on /lit/?
> apparently, a YA thread

Jesus Lord!

>> No.16190720

>Phantom Tollbooth
Was just thinking about this book. I think I'll read it again soon

>> No.16191882

>The Giver
Literally WTF

>> No.16191951

>Island of the Blue Dolphins
>The Westing Game
>The Boxcar Children
>The Trumpet of the Swan
Dang what the fuck, these are books I thought only I read. Obviously read Lord of the Flies too but who hasn't. Same with The Giver who someone mentioned. I also read Holes from OP. I agree with >>16189728 that The Hobbit and The Outsiders are good too. I remember reading The Chocolate War when I was 12, that was a weird book. Come to think of it, how come I ended up reading these books but never read Animorphs or Percy Jackson or Warriors or Eragon?

>> No.16192137

The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham

>> No.16192143

I wanna try sploosh so bad bros

>> No.16192185

>my brother Sam is dead
That book made me cry

>> No.16192199


>> No.16192212


>> No.16192238

it was just a slightly better written than the average YA book with a palatable message of antiracism for children in the late 90s. in the early 90s the book that served the same purpose was maniac magee which shows up on this list >>16188430

>> No.16192312
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Did anyone else read this book? The title didn't age well, lel. But it's about a kid who has mental health issues, everyone in his life treats him like shit and has embarrassing meltdowns at school. It captured those feelings of being the crazy/emotional/bipolar kid so precisely. It's a really sad book.

>> No.16192591

i just laughed imagining the title of that cover was Somebody Just Shit In My Motherfucking Mouth!

>> No.16193510

Louis Sachar came out with a book after Holes called Small Steps that I found to be even better. It's from Armpit's point of view. Did you read that, OP?

>> No.16193523

La Guerre des boutons

>> No.16193566

was gonna post this as well, read this 5 times over as a kid!

>> No.16193705

Are you 50 years old?

>> No.16193754

>a book about a jew who carries a minority up a mountain in order to claim his god-given fortune hidden away by a woman in love of a black man

The whole book is a jewish saviour fantasy. But I like the movie so whatever.

>> No.16193844

Adrian Mole

>> No.16194106

Labyrinth > Sea of Monsters > Lightning Thief > Last Olympian > Titan's Curse

>> No.16195331

The most sentimental for me are Judy Blume's novels like Superfudge. It was the only time I thought someone knew exactly what it was like to be a child.
Also, while we're at it, did any of you read Jerry Spinelli's books such as Loser? He had another about a boy that rescues a pigeon shot down by his town, and those two books were some of the most heart-wrending things you could give a child to read. They were still enjoyable and well written, but man were they depressing
It stays interesting the whole way through but it's seriously jarring how the story is broken into two parts that are firmly disconnected from one another. The second part feels like it was written as a sequel and the author said, "You know, I should just staple this onto the first part and call it a day".

>> No.16195559

Ender in exile was good. Speaker for the dead was fine as well, unless you only liked the books for the battle school intrigue. Even Xeno and Children has their moments, they just got bogged down with a plot that spun in circles at times.

>> No.16195575
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This whole series was great. Also, the Narnia books

>> No.16196203

No I'm 25. I guess I just went to a good middle school because most of those books were assigned for us to read in class or over the summer breaks.

>> No.16197500

>Read Holes over and over as a kid
>Remember the plotline as an adult
>Look up authors early life section on wikipedia
Makes me wonder who else is writing the books they taught us in schools

>> No.16198009

>Phantom Tollbooth
>Maniac McGee
>The Westing Game
>Watership Down
>The Borrowers
>The Boxcar Children
>Mouse and the motorcycle
>Treasure Island
Good list that I think most in school can get on board with. Should kind of be the YA "Canon"
I just want to go back. Just for a day.
We read this in 7th grade but really should have in 4th. Very very good. Too bad we saw the matrix before it.

>> No.16198010

>Debate me
No, I enjoyed it though. Why do you think that it is the only good one?

>Island of the Blue Dolphins
I found it so depressing as a child that I didn't understand why she didn't kill herself.

>> No.16198023

The Outsiders

>> No.16198053

Ah yes, the mudshark book.

>> No.16198116
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This is one of my favorite books

>> No.16198122

a disgusting ontological parasite

>> No.16198156

I didn't like that book

>> No.16198970

Based. Great novel.
Has an interesting political message but it doesnt rub it in your face. I also love the ambiguety of the relationship between el Patron and Matteo. It's kind of predatory, consumptive, nolstalgic but there's also a kind of love there too in a weird way. And Matteo occupies this weird position where he has power over others but he's also not really seen as fully human.

>> No.16199089

good list
The Hobbit should be in there imo

>> No.16199151

Always loved Wainscott Weasel, The Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Cay, and Redwall Series as a chiild

>> No.16200403

You’re right. I could swap it out for a Beverly Cleary one and repost.

>> No.16200504
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>> No.16200505
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I read this when I was younger and it was weird as fuck.

>> No.16200659

Truly based, some of the best fantasy I ever read as a kid

>> No.16200706
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>Boxcar Children
>Trumpet of the Swan
I miss childhood

>> No.16200723

This book is straight magic. I discovered it by flipping to a random page thinking it will be cringey. I was gripped right there and read the whole series. I didn't even start with the first book and it was still fantastic.

>> No.16200740

Also shame the Boxcar Children turned into a shitty content mill when the first two were kino

>> No.16200756

Based order, totally agree anon

>> No.16200764

BASED. loved this series.

>> No.16200771

>my side of the mountain
completely forgot the title but this is definitely kino reading

>> No.16200782
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Truly based books. Pic related was my fav.

>> No.16200798

It's a trilogy. I've never read any of the others

>> No.16200805
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thought I added the pic sry

>> No.16200841

Are you kidding? The title is more relevant now than ever

>> No.16201012

I read the phantom tollbooth 16 or 17 times when I was a young kid. It was the only book I liked for a year or more. Kind of a weird phase but at least it was a good book

>> No.16201032

No debate here. Out of all the YA novels I've read, this one is the sole recipient of a thumbs up from my part. Though, to confess, it likely is fueled by nostalgia.

>> No.16201037

The giver by lois lowry, and the related quartet. One of the few good books that I read in school as an assignment, along with The Outsiders (S. E. Hinton)

>> No.16201064
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I have weird memories associated with that book. It was my older cousin's favorite book, someone I really admired. When I was sent to my room for something as an 8 year old, I would hide on the floor between my bed and the wall reading The Phantom Tollbooth. My dad wouldn't know where I was and he would run around the house yelling looking for me. I will forever associate it with being punished and with hiding and crying. Still, it's comfy.

>> No.16201143

What the fuck is maniac mcgee about? I bought the book in a book fair and my fucking friend threw it in the trash lmao
I never got to read it.

>> No.16201177

Good list, but replace The Once and Future King with The Sword in the Stone.
The Westing Game was much better than I initially thought it was going to be.

Came here to post this. Got to meet Jacques once, clever and funny guy

>> No.16201187

The Sword in the Stone is the first part of The Once and Future King.
It's about reverse racism.

>> No.16201201

>The Westing Game
That is ingrained in my memory. Also the kid kicking people in the shins

>> No.16201215

I remember when the kid ate the paper towel lol

>> No.16201244

Did anyone else have to read "Touching Spirit Bear", or, as my hilarious 6th grade friends would call it, "Molesting Spirit Nipples"?

>> No.16201254
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I thought so too, but the book goes into more detail and has some more adventures of Wart and Kay than part one of TOaFK

>> No.16201270

good to know, anon.

>> No.16201300
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>you can never go back
school is the only time most people read

>> No.16201314

Gregor the Overlander series >>> Mockingbird series

>> No.16201323
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>Be me,9 years old
>The cool crisp cool air fall air as my grandma pulls up to the parking lot to pick me up from my private elementary school.
>"Can we go to the book fair and get the Lemony Snicket book I don't have yet?"
>sure anon
>Grandma takes me back inside and buys me The Reptile Room
>mfw McDonalds on the way home

>> No.16201379
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College student here. Is it too late for me to read pic related?

>> No.16201441
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Metro 2033 was based as fuck.

>> No.16202108

No, and as long you have some basic understanding of Christianity you'll understand it better, especially the later books.

>> No.16203069
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Read this over the weekend expecting ayyy lmao invasions and transformations, only to find it a mediocre anti-colonialist allegory. How are Shusterman's other stories?

>> No.16203452


>> No.16203471


>> No.16203480
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Do you read current year YA? Has anyone any recommendations?

I've picked up a few horror-related ones since I'm considering writing something YA and "horror"y. Need recs on how they are nowadays so I'm not flat-out rejected for being antiquated.

Pic semi-related. GF was based kids kino

>> No.16203490

>list of Jewish American Writers

>> No.16203494
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more like

>> No.16203525

You might not have had friends, or perhaps you were retarded. Eragon was popular among 4th-5th graders to read for entertainment on our own time at my school.
>imagine reading only what your teachers make you
>imagine not reading and discussing books with your friends

>> No.16204017

oh dang i read this...

>> No.16204024


>> No.16204414

probably not. imo the best standalone book in the series is a horse and his boy. at least give that one a try.

>> No.16204567


It's not YA. It's Middle Grade. But it's a great book.

Roughly, children's books break down like so:

Age 0-6 -- picture books
6-8 -- chapter books
8-12 -- middle grade (e.g. Holes, first in Harry Potter series, Bridge to Terabithia)
13+ -- YA

The easiest-to-spot different between MG and YA is the age of the protagonist. If the protagonist is twelve, it's almost always MG. If the protagonist is almost an adult, like 17, it's YA.

Think of Hunger Games vs. first Harry Potter. Katniss is 16, HP is 12.

>> No.16204631

>no Astrid Lindgren

>> No.16204746
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>> No.16204783

>No Pigman
Shit tier list

>> No.16205125


>> No.16205176

I think all of them are good except Children of the Mind. Whatever the fuck happened in that book.

>> No.16205258

I'm reading the adventures of Tom Sawyer right now. Its good and funny as hell. Mark Twain said he wrote it for kids though, I'm not sure if it really fits into the YA category. Dont most of those books have sexual undertones?

>> No.16205315

i read tom sawyer and huck finn as a kid but my favorite was a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court. it always disappointed me that it never got a decent film adaptation.

>> No.16206760

Fuck you

>> No.16207903
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the only one that matters

>> No.16208214
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Nobody read this but everyone remembers the cover

>> No.16208222
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>> No.16208298

never read the book but the movie was good

>> No.16208334

>no flowers for algernon

>> No.16208381

Reading "My Side of the Mountain" and "Hatchet" as a child contributed to my fascination and for primitivism later in life, because one shows how difficult it is and the other how rewarding and comfy it can be. The kid in "My Side of the Mountain" was the first real based society rejecter I came across in literature and is even more relatable now then when I read it for the first time years ago

>> No.16208397

Kino novel, revisited it recently. For some reason the scene where he starts yelling at the restaurant customers for mocking the mentally challenged kid really always really stood out to me

>> No.16208467
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>implying Alice in Wonderland is a children's book
It's like you're not even into math or linguistics

>> No.16208501

He was self inserting as himself, banging underage girls.

>> No.16208541

Xeno and children were basically the same book. My guess is they were supposed to be one book but it dragged and he didn’t have a good way to end it.

>> No.16208552

Yea I devoured books like these. I think there was one called “far north” as well. Two kids get lost in Canada and have to make a raft trip and hunt with no tools and everything. Top tier stuff.

>> No.16208762

I read that book but never the sequels, is it all worth revisiiting? I really did like it though.

>> No.16208917

From the reviews I've read, the first book was great but they went downhill quickly and became something akin to a Michael Bay thriller. I only read the first one as well. Might be worth it for a trip down memory lane, I remember it only being like 200 pages.

>> No.16209258

wowee i forgot about these

>> No.16209900

Maniac Magee hit differently