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16185269 No.16185269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do right wing chuds vote against their economic interest.

>> No.16185279

They're chuds what do you expect? That mongloid can hardly read

>> No.16185292

there is no such thing as voting for your "economic" interest as it stands in the us especially as a working class white.Not even the most progressive party will give a shit about investing in middle america and the white south.

>> No.16185297

They value other things more.

>> No.16185300


>> No.16185307


>> No.16185314

Why do tourists never read anything and only post off topic crap? It’s because they aren’t really human or truly conscious as effortposters are, and thus killing board tourists is no crime.

>> No.16185316
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>why aren't white people voting into power politicians who want to bring the murderous inner city social landscape into their suburban backyards my fellow comrades

>> No.16185317

rightists are entirely motivated by resentment

>> No.16185318

why cant left even begin to comprehend what it is that the working class desire seriously it's not that hard

>> No.16185324
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>rightists are entirely motivated by resentment

>> No.16185325

Religion, race, whatevers left of their community. These places will never be appealing to tech industries and the like and they will continue losing work as manufacturing is guranteed to not come back so they care more about dumb shit while theyre still alive

>> No.16185330
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>dude just vote left and consider your economic interests bro, trust me
>brutally rapes your asshole by taxing you 50% and using the money to create endless useless social programs for the weak

>> No.16185333

>Religion, race, whatevers left of their community
basically just copes while you're getting fucked in the ass

>> No.16185334
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Not being self-aware. Being to stupid to not be easily influenced by media narratives.

>> No.16185337

Forgot drugs. Opiate addicted white trash is the new crackhead

>> No.16185339

So essentially, you're obsessed with the cult of tradition?

>> No.16185341

Lefties are only 9/10's motivated by resentiment! Go tEAM!
also this.

>> No.16185346

yeah but theyll never not be fucked in the ass. Even if the most left wing party is elected they are not high on the priority list. Its just their reality

>> No.16185349

When your living conditions are shit you tend to be retarded, we see this among the black community. Retarded people are often taken advantage of and kept in a cycle of retardation by sociopathic elites

>> No.16185353

>jannies actually doing their fucking job especially on a board thats clearly ignored
Good joke anon

>> No.16185355

because voting for the left in the usa means letting trannies use lady restrooms and other madness, so its better to just maintain the stat quo

>> No.16185358

>I hate trannies so I'm going to vote for a fascist who will destroy the entire planet in a global nuclear holocaust

>> No.16185359

>muh trannies
so what?

>> No.16185364

reddit moment

>> No.16185374
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>dude let's propagate world wide nationalism and global distrust
>let's keep provoking china dude haha

>> No.16185377
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>> No.16185382

higher taxes + clown world

>> No.16185383

this but ironically

god i wish trump was a fascist

>> No.16185390
File: 7 KB, 203x248, sadstirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleb reason to vote against your own self interest.

>> No.16185391

This is why.


>> No.16185392

>higher taxes
what's wrong with paying higher taxes for more social programs that you can benefit from as well?

>> No.16185399

Regardless of if he's a fascist isn't the point, everything he's doing is setting the stage for real fascism to take over. Fascism also means a new world war, and the next one is also going to be the last

>> No.16185405

What individuals or parties are actually advocating for my economic interests?

>> No.16185406
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How is this related to literature?

Also how can you be so fucking stupid? Feeding endless nigger babies will never be sustainable.

>> No.16185413
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Are lefties still pushing the lie that they have the interests of white males in mind?

Come on bros, it's 2020 don't you think your cheap snake oil is outdated at this point?

>> No.16185415
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>everything he's doing is setting the stage for real fascism to take over
one can dream

>> No.16185421

>Why do right wing chuds vote against their economic interest
go to your nearest black neighborhood and you'll see why

>> No.16185422
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> the next one is also going to be the last

>> No.16185423

>Fascism also means a new world war, and the next one is also going to be the last
You should take this issue up with the lovely folks in Beijing. They are quickly becoming unironic fascists.

>> No.16185424

I don't benefit from them

>> No.16185427

You'll be happy when you're shitting you pants and crying when you realize that you're in an inescapable situation in which you and your family will be burnt toast

>> No.16185430

>dude money is the only thing that matters how else are you gonna coonsoom

>> No.16185433

>He thinks voting red instead of blue will do anything to stop this
Its all so tiresome

>> No.16185435

I'm confused. If the Left are supposedly for the workers, why is it considered racist/xenophobic/whatever to be anti-globalism and to have stricter immigration standards, both which help the workers from wage stagnation and artificial growth of the labor market -- like we see with H1 visas?

>> No.16185436

I'd rather this world go down than white people become a minority in their own lands.

>> No.16185437

>the next one is also going to be the last

I'll take nuclear ruin over a world run by leftists any day of the week

>> No.16185440

A handgun will also cure your depression and anxiety
The US are the ones instigating this, not China. Our own xenophobia, ignorance, and paranoia will be the end

>> No.16185443

>everything he's doing is setting the stage for real fascism to take over
Like what?

>> No.16185448

>it's in your economic interest for us to use mass immigration to stagnant wage rises and overheat the housing market
Are leftoids this detached from basic economics?

>> No.16185450

They want to believe they're going to get ahead

>> No.16185458

>setting the stage for fascism to take over
Literally what has he done, hes done nothing significant in these 4 years and is a prominent criticism among his own voters. Theres no set up for fascism happening, the United States is just collapsing as a country, and even if there was a set up of fascism it wouldn’t be due to Trumps actions considering hes a puppet and doesnt do jack shit

>> No.16185459
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"I'm pro-workers rights!"
"Yes, I also support mass immigration which drives down wages for native workers"

>> No.16185461

Race >>>>> class. Failing to grasp this is evidence of mental stunting

>> No.16185466

Who are you arguing with?

>> No.16185473

immigrants are workers, how much of our own prosperity is dependent upon what's essentially slave been slave labor? America is an immigrant country as well, keep that in mind.

>> No.16185477

The other party that marginally cares about their economic interest like putting idpol center stage in many oppurtunities so that leaves a bad taste in their mouth. They probably want more than just some more welfare too but thats likely all they get at the end of the day when they vote for the "right" party that have their "interests"

>> No.16185476

Can you elaborate?

>> No.16185478

the other fucking hilarious thing is that they are against workers unions

there's studies done showing multiculturalism weakens unions and allows corporations to have more power in enacting their agendas

these people are just slaves to the power-hungry elite

>> No.16185483

Class is inherently tied to race, everything in this world effects everyone else.

>> No.16185485

Who is this "they"?
again, who the FUCK are you two arguing with?

>> No.16185486


you absolute fucktard

>> No.16185493

>Who is this "they"?

>> No.16185494

Colonialism is evil, immigration is not. One world, one people, one goal

>> No.16185497

Your understanding of leftist theory is dire. Go Back.

>> No.16185498

yes you are right america is a country of WHITE immigrants

>> No.16185500

are you saying immigrants to the USA during the 19th and 20th century were colonists?

>> No.16185505
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This nation was built on the sweat and blood of Irish, Black, Chinese, and Hispanics

>> No.16185507

Okay, nice opinion. Go live in Zimbabwe or some other nigger infested shit hole and tell me we're all one people.

>> No.16185510

>Who is this "they"?
the freemasons, the calvanists, the jesuits, the satanists, the talmudists

>> No.16185511

but there have been chinese and mexican immigrants here since the 19th century, why are you making a distinction based on race?

>> No.16185512

shame only white people believe in that one goal.

>> No.16185516

No, fucktard, but they shouldn't have been allowed in, because just look at the retarded conversations we're having now.

>> No.16185518
File: 43 KB, 600x600, makebaitgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Never read marx.
Calling this guy as bait.
Even /leftypol/ers arn't this retarded.

>> No.16185521
File: 45 KB, 296x430, 9f3569ba3585ca14aea1b68b5cf09271-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who fucked Africa? Now that Communist China want's to build up Africa, and other developing nations they're suddenly target number 1! Really makes you think huh?

>> No.16185527

The left can't meme

>> No.16185528

I :clap: FUCKING :clap: WISH :clap:

>> No.16185530

>thinks belt and roads is building up.

>> No.16185531
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You would rather destroy the planet than share resources with other human beings who share the same dna and blood as you. Race doesn't exist, there is only the human race, workers of the world

>> No.16185534

Who fucked africa??? Rhodesia had a 1st world standard of living.
I think I'm being trolled.

>> No.16185537

So you cant engage their points with actual arguments so you go and tell people not to engage?
Wow, this is some mad snowflakery

>> No.16185542


>> No.16185544

try again sweaty

>> No.16185545
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1597613848095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connectivity is what makes China so successful. China, Khazakstan, and Africa will be the future world powers emancipating the whole world you faggot

>> No.16185551

As if the Democrats cares about white people. Economic interest is only one part of it though.

Remember posts like these before the 2016 election? Good times.

>> No.16185557
File: 2.32 MB, 327x251, imretarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit, it's almost like the dumbest people on the board flock to these threads to throw feces at each other.
Shit I'm here too.
BYE faggots

>> No.16185559

>Rhodesia had a 1st world standard of living.
for whites.

>> No.16185560

The Enlightenment/the French Revolution has been a disaster for the human race

>> No.16185561

i dont even know how you managed to get that out of my response. im saying only white people believe in sharing shit and so on, while non-whites are taking advantage of gullible whiteys to push their own self interests. i also dont care that they share the same dna or blood with them, they're strangers and they would treat me as a stranger too

>> No.16185564

Niggers are incapable of navigating, let alone creating, an advanced civilization.

>> No.16185565

The only group of people keeping that shithole afloat.

>> No.16185573

so you want us to return to living in mudhuts and live like snowniggers who's women gets fucked by the dude who claims that God gave him the right to rule the land?