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/lit/ - Literature

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16184700 No.16184700 [Reply] [Original]

What African literature would you recommend?

>> No.16184717

Ten Little Niggers

>> No.16184743
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>Crime Statistics and Punishment
>Ayoo, Where the Little Women At?
>Pride and Prejudice (prejudice against NIGGERS that is)
>Muh Dick, or The Whale
>The Crime Rate Also Rises
>Da Bruthas Karamazov

>> No.16185515

Disgrace by JM Coetzee

>> No.16185519


>> No.16185570
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, african writers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel is something I saved from a knowledgeable anon in a previous thread

>> No.16185590

heart of darkness

>> No.16185707

Africa's World War by Gerard Prunier
or Dancing in the Glory of Monsters

>> No.16185722
File: 9 KB, 227x222, 8ED75810-EFD4-4097-B5DD-7543765ED665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t worry king, I’ve got the rest.
how could we have forgotten such african literary classics as
>"Ooga Booga, a Snake Bit My Dick!"
>"Where Da White Women At?"
>"The Life and Opinions of Jamal"
>"Chucking Spears: A Step by Step Guide"
>"Black Panther: The Novelization"
>"Nuffin’ and Punishment"
>"Kang Lear"
>"One Hundred Years of Fried Chicken"
>"The Grape Soda of Wrath"
>"A Tale of Two Mudhuts"
>Blood Muhdickian
>A Finna to Arms
>Skin of Darkness
>Da Bruthas Kangazmaov
>Pride and Predjudice (the predjudice part being against NIGGERS that is)
>Annaynay Kareninquanda
>In Search of Lost Crime
>The Scarlet Durag
>Jane AYYO
>Finnegan is Woke
>As I lay Jivin’
>The Great Gatt
>Where da Little Wimmin at?
>The Count of MLK Boulevard
>The Incarceration Rate Also Rises
>To the Traphouse
>The Call of my Dealer
>The Wind in The Ghettos
>The Trial (but this time it’s anciry district court and the defendant is BLACK)
>20000 leagues across the Atlantic
>the unbearable aightness of being
>”muhbig dick” or “the jail”
>The Kang in YOLO
>infinite theft
>The Hood trilogy : Negromancer, Caliph Zero, Monaleesha Overdrive
>Steal the tiger
>To Fry a Chicken-Bird

>> No.16185743

The 1001 Nights of Scheherazade has some African folk stories in it.

>> No.16185814

niggers can write?

>> No.16186130

one of the best novels of the 20th century was written in guinea, "the radiance of the king" by camara laye

truly god-tier, comparable only to the best of kafka, beckett, platonov...

also highly recommend:

salih - season of migration to the north
cesaire - notebook of a return to my native land
ouologuem - bound to violence
eberhardt - oblivion seekers
tutuola - my life in the bush of ghosts
vladislavic - the folly

>> No.16186134

That must be 70 years old or something

>> No.16186139

Based broski to the rescue. Thanks champ.

>> No.16186146

The Epic of Sundiata written by the Mali Empire

>> No.16186154

>tutuola - my life in the bush of ghosts
Do you know his Palm-Wine Drinkard? I got it but haven't read it yet I can't be bothered with fiction that has no strong philosophical dimension to it so my interests have been strongly narrowed

>> No.16186165

The Akata Witch

>> No.16186187

familiar with it but haven't read

and I think basically all (good) novels have a "philosophical dimension"

>> No.16186209
File: 66 KB, 800x800, Black-Mischief-by-Eveyln-Waugh-with-DJ-1-e1491236065271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16186242

This but unironically.

>> No.16186277


>> No.16186416
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not even a smidge of irony in saying this book is based

>> No.16186426



>> No.16186531

>Africa's World War
Is the title self-contradictory on purpose?

>> No.16186647

tutuola's books are legitimately unlike anything i've ever read. such a strange mix of fairy tale craziness but in deadpan plain speech with english as a received language. amazing books, 11/10

>> No.16186738

Wole Söyinka

>> No.16186772


>> No.16186802

i read some of it a while ago and was pretty unimpressed. thought the prose was ugly like a google translation. is it worth powering through? explain why youre so impressed with broken english

>> No.16187787
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not literature but theory

>> No.16187857

I don’t like his writing but agree with the rest, Bush of Ghosts is absolutely bizarre in a really cool way. Super wacky while some parts made me uncomfortable in a way that few books have.

>> No.16187882

>Julius Ebola - Steal the Tiger

>> No.16187899

Literally recommending hundreds of pages of nothing. He used "Phenomenology" to mean "assertions without reasons."

>> No.16188010

Season of Migration to the North

>> No.16188041

Interesting how none of them write their books in African languages.

>> No.16188900

H Rider Haggard

>> No.16188936

I'm watching Of Mice and Men and all the racism in this thread would make Steinbeck turn in his grave. Lordy.

>> No.16188969


>> No.16190153

Fanon isn't theory. He's just pro violence because violence worked for him at the time.