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16182980 No.16182980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did white people abandon racial pride to political correctness?

>> No.16182984


>> No.16182989

De esel bliibt stoh, de gschiider git no.

>> No.16183002

Jews and their culture of shame

>> No.16183011

we all know the answer let's be real

>> No.16183016

In my opinion it was materialism.
Initially post WWII it was opportunism.
Now its the question of do we want try to salvage a few more years or should we just get it on.

>> No.16183038

"White" is an American thing

>> No.16183056

that's right, if you're Swedish and you go to Germany you'll be treated like just as much of an immigrant there as a Somali is

>> No.16183069

>white people don't exist
>everyone else is a noble poc

>> No.16183091

Interesting, what do you mean by this

>> No.16183129

White European unity was necessary in America to present a unified front against Indian raids and then later, negro criminals roaming into nice neighborhoods. It doesn’t exist in Europe though.

>> No.16183130
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you're right

>> No.16183138

literally everybody in Europe understands who is white and who isn't. Just a gigantic fucking lie to pretend otherwise

>> No.16183162

Europe doesn't have issues with non-whites? Interesting.

>> No.16183206

In Europe we don't call ourselves "white" or at least we didn't before we got an influx of ingineers, doctors, crime statisticians, islamic judges and many nobel prizes. Europe is now thriving!

>> No.16183231

Cleaving to a racial tribe is a thing in every multiracial society. Europe has only begun down the path of living in multiracial societies. It will take them time to reach America's stage. America is at the tipping point where whites become a minority. This is why racial anxiety is at an all time high. Europeans are still at a comfortable majority in their own countries, but this will not last. They'll go through the same stages that Americans did. Leftists with their complete lack of loyalty to their own kind, will allow it to progress to the point that white nativist reactionaries will gain incredible influence as people panic and seek to oppose them. Germany will likely have its own version of Trump within 30 or so years, a politician nakedly representing the interests of the dominant (but declining) majority racial group in opposition to the others.

>> No.16183289

It’s a relatively new thing there. America has a history of struggling against non-white savagery.

>> No.16183327

In Australia as well?

Obviously the concept of whiteness is now mainstream in Europe, especially since our academia is doing everything US-liberals do and lots of non-Europeans have been imported. Everybody is aware of his body colour every time now.
The European nations in Europe in general however didn't base their ideologies on whiteness as much as they used it in their colonies in the new world. Nobody asked who the real whites are in the 30 Years War for example. French versus Germans, Swedes versus Germans, Germans versus Germans, Protestants versus Catholics. These kind of wars were the norm until recently.
The Europeans weren't colourblind, but among themselves language and customs were more important and severing. I wouldn't say that 'White' is an American thing but todays use of it is indeed american.

>Europeans are still at a comfortable majority in their own countries
'comfortable' is vague and most are not comfortable in their cities, but I know what you mean. They still control their institutions.

>> No.16183359
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>> No.16183638

We'd just call it "American" in the non-slavery timeline

>> No.16183664

logic overpowers superstition. racism is superstition. this is the 21st century, anon. get with the times

>> No.16183671

>pattern recognition is superstition

>> No.16183683

have you ever been with a woman?

>> No.16183684

Big if true.

>> No.16183690

This does not apply to politics.

>> No.16183699

Meds, Slavs, Finns etc. Non-white. This is well known.

>> No.16183715

you joke but
>Vivek Wadhwa explains that when venture capitalists talk about pattern recognition, they're legitimizing discrimination.

>> No.16183725

I am becoming rather irritated by the slavish conformism and status-climbing of Pajeets.

>> No.16183726

what he's saying that since immigrants abandoned their culture when they moved from europe to america, all that they have left to define their mixed identities now is being 'white.'

>> No.16183755

which is not true anyway, the different parts of the US have different cultures because they have different original immigrant populations

>> No.16183779

It's a social construct. When you're faced with a large number of Vibrantly Diverse African/Arab/Amerindian foreigners a new identity is constructed based on similarity to other persons of European descent. it's simple really.

>> No.16183796

>implying whiteness as a modern concept doesn't have its origins in the reconquista

>> No.16183799

They want their time at the trough pretending to be boomers.

>> No.16183802

Because they are of their father, the devil.

>> No.16183827

Only if you don't know the language. Only American hyper focus on race. You are not culturally connected to every french , german and russian because you share the same skin color.

>> No.16183829


This is what we in the business call a loaded question

>> No.16183835

Right, if a German insults a Swedish immigrant then he will be ostracized for racism

>> No.16183861
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I find funny how /pol/ european stop talking about Islam. Know you guys obsessed about American blacks.

Or maybe pic related is the reason. America will soon be a hispanic majority.

>> No.16183864

this. i have no reason to acknowledge my race if there isn't any other races contrasted against mine

>> No.16183886

Hispanics will retroactively become white, as will Brahmins and east Asians.

>> No.16183890

>h-have sex i-incel
The biggest sexless dweebs on planet Earth are liberals. I'm /fit/ have a wife and three kids. You? Pity handjob from a 3/10 tumblrina after you cried about black oppression? Good work bro.

>> No.16183908

Btw, why is it only "white" people that are capable of systematizing their internalized racism into the things they do/make? If systemic racism in the sense of what she's talking about is real, then anyone of any race would imbue their endeavours with it. Also why is she talking as if she has absolutely no idea whether the site is founded/managed by white people? Why talk with authority on something you know nothing about?

>> No.16183934


>> No.16183936

What ever make you feel better pedro.
There was a point in 4chan /pol/ history when spics and middle eastern where hated. Now all they think about are blacks and chinese.

>> No.16183941

those are ersatz. culture is more than food and jerking off to each others shamrock tattoos and family trees

>> No.16183971

No there is direct continuity between the cultures and the immigrant populations, you just don't know any of these people.

>> No.16183972 [DELETED] 
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I just reported this racist thread.

>> No.16183981 [DELETED] 
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You guys make me sick

>> No.16184046

>tranny gets BTFO
>tries to get the thread deleted

>> No.16184122

When black people say "you are constantly, subconsciously oppressing me", what they MEAN is "I am constantly, subconsciously feeling oppressed". They assume you feel the same, but from the other side. When in truth, most white people don't give a shit.

>> No.16184177

Anon nails it. Blacks are literally Inferiority Complex: the Race so they assume whites must be Superiority Complex: the Race.

>> No.16184272

in the 60s

>> No.16184352


>> No.16184376

It's interesting how DiAngelo has the most psychotic worldview of them all, but has no real ambitions beyond raking in the dough from her corporate struggle sessions.
Meanwhile, Ibram X Kendi's view on racism is actually very tame where anyone of any race can be racist, but he he also wants a Department of Anti-Racism to exist as another branch of the government...

>> No.16184396

>Department of Anti-Racism
I mean surely it's just a matter of time before this is a thing. Ever since the CRM decided that all inequalities are the result of oppression the logic has been in place.

>> No.16184425

There's a decent chance that the next Democrat president starts something like that, but it will most likely be a money pit that researches reparations and mostly exists just to give jobs and benefits to perpetually unemployed whiteness/AA/etc. studies majors. Kendi wants a powerful bureaucracy with veto powers.

>> No.16184433
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I just want us to get to a point where we not only admit that everyone is racism, but understand that racism is a positive trait. it is a completely natural mechanism and suppressing it is just doing harm to our species.

>> No.16184441

*admit that everyone is racist

fucking dyslexia

>> No.16184543

How is investing mental space on minorities healthy or productive? Why is it so hard to use you brain cells to judge someone character?

>> No.16184562
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Too spicy

>> No.16184596

My bet is that the supreme court eventually rules that hate speech is no longer protected speech and that NGOs use the ruling to go after individuals they find unsavory. I think the left understands that centralizing anything makes it easier to defeat and are willing to sacrifice the efficiency of centralized organization in order to better secure their position.

>> No.16184963

I find this statement contradictory. You admit that there is a similarity between Europeans based upon descent (a genetic cluster), and it would seem to me that this relatedness -is- a shared identity — it need only be recognized, not 'socially constructed'.

It has always been instinctually obvious to Europeans that they are more closely related to eachother than to Africans or Orientals; the difference is that this relatedness takes on a new importance when instead of competing with eachother we're being unilaterally invaded by the non-white world. We must stand in solidarity against this invasion.

>> No.16185066

Its saver and conserves energy. I would rather start colonising mars instead of trying to judge some minority by their character.

>> No.16185082

This. Obama has bragged to donors about retaining an "N-Word power user list"

>> No.16185184

??? If anything being racist barely uses mental space on the "other" you just dismiss them and thats basically it. Maybe once you get into turbo /pol/tard theory it becomes more mentally taxing

>> No.16185214

>buff dude with scars over his eyes
Do comicautists still do this?

>> No.16185234

Those are midwits

>> No.16185248

>Its saver and conserves energy
How is it saving energy if you are hyper focused on color. If you don't care it is not racism.

>colonising mars
Most likely you and 99% of people won't reach that level.

>> No.16185263

It's better to be correct than incorrect in every situation
Left wing people calling themselves correct was the most brilliant move in political history

>> No.16185277

So as usual its leftoids using a language trick

>> No.16185370
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Because reality (the inherent superiority of whites) is too much of a bitter pill to swallow for everyone- including, or perhaps particularly whites, who are the only ones genuinely committed to a post-racial world.
Ironically, the more that societies push for egalitarianism and equal opportunities, the more apparent white superiority becomes, and so the more the leftist types will dig their heels in further and produce BS mental gymnastics like Diangelo's book.
TLDR: seethe + cope = cringe.

>> No.16185805

>I find this statement contradictory. You admit that there is a similarity between Europeans based upon descent (a genetic cluster), and it would seem to me that this relatedness -is- a shared identity — it need only be recognized, not 'socially constructed'.
It's not contradictory, recognizing that identity IS the social construction. Social constructivism just gets used in stupid ways because left-wing priors are taken for granted post-WW2.

>> No.16185820

A lot of white people who consider themselves white nationalists would be considered niggers a hundred years ago

>> No.16185834

Nobody is panicking fag, our grandchildren will be beige and that's a good thing. America was brown in the beginning and it will be brown in the end. Also whites do have a history of racial abuse in the US, it's not made up by college professors

>> No.16185847

If you know anything about history, those who were being colonized didn't exactly see the white man so romantically. This racial vanity has been a long standing trait of the neurotic white psyche, not all whites are bad honestly, but white supremacy is a real phenomenon rooted in a spiritually imbalanced people

>> No.16185859

Kek Europeans hated each other before discovering POC exist. The only cultures that stood out were ancient Rome which was more diverse and civic, most of europe couldn't stop slaughtering each other and fucking pigs

>> No.16185874
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White frenchman here, figured out muslims hate jews too, now life is good.
United we stand divided we fall

>> No.16185880

>pedophilia is a positive trait. It is a completely natural mechanism for cunny poster to continue making lollita threads

>> No.16185885

all I read here is jealousy and racism against whites

>> No.16185894

>This racial vanity has been a long standing trait of the neurotic white psyche,
most jewish phrase I have ever seen

>> No.16185896

It's not jealousy, it's the fact that poc have been ass raped by whites consistently. I'm white myself retard, I'm talking about a sociopolitical strain that gas continued to persist and express itself and needs to be rooted out

>> No.16185901

Is admitting wrong doings Jewish? Are you just simply a racist nihilist? All you care about is whiteness, regardless of what that means to other people

>> No.16185910
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>I'm white myself retard
Post nose

>> No.16185911

Class struggle is intimately woven with race, most educated people understand this by now, and are either of goodwill or badwill

>> No.16185929

>hyper focused on color
Color is a strawman. What people focus on is the low intelligence and proneness to violence and criminality. Babysitting africans is not my job nor should it be the goal of my tax dollars.

>> No.16185939

>low intelligence and proneness to violence and criminality
You mean traits that are shared by ALL people who are living in poverty and hostile enviroments?

>> No.16185942

>it's the fact that poc have been ass raped by whites consistently
Right, this is why they must be taken away from White people immediately so they can't be oppressed.

>> No.16185943

you're retarded and brainwashed

poc have been assraped by poc so much more than by whites historically that it isn't even funny anymore
non-whites have benefited immensely from interacting with whites on average

black on black crime is is so absurdly prevalent today compared to police brutality by whites yet it's obvious which one is seeing attention in the limelight

you just don't care, you're more concerned with being anti-white than pro-black
maybe you should admit that, first

>> No.16185960

Some more than others. Everyone knows its true, why bother denying it? Blacks are more violent and stupider, as a group. Everywhere. There is no example of a majority black society that is less violent and more prosperous than societies of other races.

>> No.16185965

There's only one world and one source of resources, we all share the planet and need to grow up. Fascists like to exploit poc from a distance, but separation is an illusion

>> No.16185990

Living near white people is not a universal human right you creep

>> No.16185992

>There's only one world and one source of resources, we all share the planet and need to grow up.
Niggers need to start pulling their own weight in that case. White people pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. If People of Criminality were so essential to White prosperity, why is Zimbabwe so much shittier than Rhodesia was? Why are white liberals who live in gated communities and overwhelmingly white areas less racist than white people who actually live around blacks and hispanics? Why have White liberals consistently had to come to the rescue of "poc" throughout history?

>> No.16186011

Most people are moving to cities which are multicultural melting pots, nobody gives a fuck about your flyover small town

>> No.16186016

>Most people are moving to cities
They should move to some...nonwhite cities. Plenty of those in the world. Really no need to go live among the people who are apparently the evil exploiters and oppressors.

>> No.16186019

All your assumptions are wrong, but I don't have time to endlessly spoonfeed you

>> No.16186027

>nobody gives a fuck about your flyover small town
LOL you privileged cunt. Behold, the liberal ghoul reveals his disdain for the less fortunate.

>> No.16186029

You mean you have no argument lol

>> No.16186034

Okay privileged bitchboy.

>> No.16186042

Cities are international you goofus, also a large percentage of white people weren't considered white either when they first came here. It doesn't matter what color people are at this point, it's humans against racist goblins

>> No.16186044

autistic rage

>> No.16186052


>> No.16186054

There are plenty of 'international cities' that are majority nonwhite in nonwhite countries. They should move there to avoid being oppressed by the evil white people.

>> No.16186061

People do go to those cities?

>> No.16186135

lads we need to become mad and go into bookstores and relocate this book to the fiction section

it will enrage all the leftoids who see it

>> No.16186142

this is such a quaint idea I almost thought it was 2013 again

>> No.16186157

mostly for money and their original culture becomes vacous and hollow. Happend with the "whites" in america and if brown people think theyre immune to that shit then theyre dumber than I thought

>> No.16186598

Yeah, like how emphasis on race managed to completely purge any class aspect from the recent protests, and transform the public perception of those working from class angles into being nothing more than nihilistic larpers.

>> No.16187793

Any country with a dark skinned minority has a concept of whiteness.

>> No.16187807

>caring about race
Have you seen the state of latin america

>> No.16187838

>jannie deleted my post

what is wrong with this website

>> No.16187842

If you know anything about history you'd know that white people humiliated non white "people" at every turn possible. It's now taking the combined effort of whites themselves and the whole world to bring down whites down a peg

>> No.16187868

>uhh umm uhh except Spain... hehe well we wouldn't want any BROWNS err uhh

>> No.16187871

I just noticed half the thread has been nuked

>> No.16187874

spain has the hottest girls on the planet imo

>> No.16187887

twitter tier moderation

>noooo you did a racism on /lit/
>a netflix movie is apparently too edgy for /tv/ mods
>muh gaymergate is off-topic on all boards!

the only appeal of image boards is they are historically NOT facebook etc., with this tranny moderation you might as well use a website with modern functionality like reddit