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16182911 No.16182911 [Reply] [Original]

Everything else is distraction, there is simply no discussion. End of story.

>> No.16182915


>> No.16182918

>no Holy Bible

>> No.16182922

Platonism for the mentally challenged

>> No.16182988

What? Where is Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations?

>> No.16183043
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>> No.16183057

quote some idea from it that is original

>> No.16183907

just nonrational (like sacred texts themselves are) platonism

>> No.16183931

Wrong, you need complete Aristotle + some Iamblichus + Damascius

>> No.16183947

What a wonderful thing it is to be a chad Platonist, knowing that the world is full of gods.

>> No.16184076
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>How we read Plato will be connected to how we size up Plato's reasons for writing dialogues, and those reasons will ultimately connect with a conception of what it means to do "philosophy," a conception in turn tied to notions of eros and rhetoric--these are all threads of a single tapestry.

>> No.16184093
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>> No.16184140
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>> No.16184329

Who's the better translator for Proclus? Taylor or Dodds?

>> No.16184381

>reading the Enneads without Aristotle
Doesn't he spend like 200 pages talking about the Categories? Also why wouldn't you go on to read at least Descartes if not Kant after?

>> No.16184395

Why do /lit/ plebs pretend to have read books they haven't?

>> No.16184408

>neoplatonic jibber jabber

>> No.16184418


>> No.16184481

Aristotle is a must, op is retarded
Descartes might be an interesting read but he doesn't really add much
If anything, Heidegger feels like it'd be best sequel of sorts to Neoplatonism

>> No.16184496

I haven't read Heidegger, but wouldn't reading him before Kant be a bit of a leap? Especially straight from the OG Neoplatonics.

>> No.16184525

“Who are you to challenge me, I’m a Goddess!”

“Oh? And I’m a woman :)”

-my blog

>> No.16184530

Christianity=Christianity. And as such must be rejected.

>> No.16184533

Not really. For better or for worse, he kind of skips over most modern philosophy. Knowing Kant is good for understanding Heidegger's critiques better, but it's not central to his philosophy.

>> No.16184540

I don't get it

>> No.16184566

Explain why I should care about any of this.

>> No.16184572

You can't go wrong with reading (Leibniz and Hume and) Kant no matter the school you follow but Heidegger just clicks with Neoplatonism so well that it might be better to actually go for Heidegger right away
From the Platonist pov, Kant is the best sophist of all time, an incredible mind with few competitors
But a sophist never the less

>> No.16184583

That’s probably why OP posted this thread. However, I will not be jebaited into arrogantly stamping my foot through logical discourse about why OP’s image is true objectively

>> No.16184589

Have you read the Plotinus biography? Some of the details are really weird. There's a story about someone trying to place a curse on him, but his soul was so pure and powerful that the sorceror had them blown back in his face. And there's a story where a priest reveals that his daemon is actually the god Apollo.

>> No.16184678

Yes, I heard his lectures were beloved by all. Quite the sophist he was.

>> No.16184679

>there's a story where a priest reveals that his daemon is actually the god Apollo
That makes sense, even Socrates mentioned his patron to be Apollo (rather Plato said of Socrates, as it were) in Phaedo and maybe elsewhere, I don't recall. The rest of the stuff seems pretty zany though, it's no wonder the early Christians intermingled with the Neoplatonists.

>> No.16184697

Those who rightly engage in philosophy do none other than to pursue dying and being dead. Platonism kills the passions through virtue by having the superior rule the inferior, this is the pursuit. And it leads to the second death which is the voluntary death.
>imagine not wanting to be twice dead


>> No.16184708

I’ve read some Plato, but it didn’t really hold my interest. I just want to know what I would get out of OP’s recommendations.

>> No.16184714

Sounds based. Neoplatonism really was blessed by the gods.

Too bad the Christians had to come and ruin everything.

>> No.16184753

That's good to know, I'd planned on reading a large share of Kant's work (having only read Critique of Pure Reason before) before diving into Heidegger in my exploration of Neoplatonism, but if that's the case I might just dive right into Heidegger and reference Kant as needed. Ultimately I'll read it all anyways, but you know how it goes.

>> No.16184770

capricous empty statement. do you have any other brilliant thing to say?

>> No.16184782

yes but in-between those. aristotle after plato before plotinus, iamblichus after plotinus before proclus, damascius after proclus.

aristotle is a must in order to have a full grasp of later platonists and solely with this purpose, you idiot

>> No.16184917

cogito is watered down platonism

>> No.16185981


>> No.16186185

Kant was a retard.

>> No.16186196

Is the Gerson translation really necessary? It's expensive as fuck, and as someone who prefers hardcovers, I heard the binding is shit.

>> No.16186238
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>> No.16186262

Philosophy does nothing for you. Quit wasting your time.

>> No.16186290
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>the last thing a hylic sees when I find him

>> No.16186300

Doesn't change the fact you built your life on nothing.

>> No.16187470

Oh no don't tell me the Neoplatonist anon is just guenonfag but with a new and spicy philosophical tradition

>> No.16187509

name one thing more worthwhile than philosophy other than creating art

>> No.16187573


>> No.16188259

It's thick flexible glue

>> No.16188635

>philosophy is not religion
>platonism has nothing to do with religion
thats why anything that is not platonism is not philosophy

>> No.16188666

Best sources for contextualizing Plato and Aristotle without taking a whole fucking history degree?

>> No.16189006

what type of logic is this?

>> No.16189023
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This one isn't history but definitely helps.

>> No.16189043

Philosophy is inherently religious, it is initiation into mysteries. All platonists and even plato himself in many dialogues emphasize this.

>> No.16189174

Since Neoplatonists were believers in the gods and pretty much thought what Plato wrote was revelation. What was the response by Neoplatonist on dialogues like Euthyphro where Plato seem to dunk on the existence of the gods?

>> No.16189186

>Masturbating over reductionist fantasies for Millenia
>Everything else is distraction

>> No.16189221

He doesn't dunk on the existence of gods, just the independence of the forms from them.

>> No.16189281

Damn then I might be a mental midget because I always thought in Neoplatonism that the forms were the gods or something like that. But then again I haven't read much Platonism.

>> No.16189292
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>He doesn't dunk on the existence of gods, just the independence of the forms from them.
not you just a midwit but an illiterate as well

>> No.16189343

damn my ESL just btfo me

to be an europoor is to suffer

>> No.16189503

That's where Platonism surpasses philosophy. But it's still not religion. Nor is initiation into a religion the religion itself.
Imagine being a Platonist and being this bad at logic.

>> No.16189638

Do you think what you just did was logic?

>> No.16190038

Every religion has initiatory rites, do you even know what religion is? That has nothing to do with logic.

>> No.16190067


>> No.16190219
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>tfw no platonic/pythagorean mystery cults left to be initiated into
Is our only option to read Plato and his philosophical descendants and simply meditate on the wisdom until we are initiated by the gods themselves?

>> No.16190228

>implying anything has value

>> No.16190231

what did he say that is wrong you imbecile you have just come out as the retard in this thread

>> No.16190235

Fuck off, he didn't ask for your shitty opinion.

>> No.16190295 [DELETED] 

>Is our only option to read Plato and his philosophical descendants and simply meditate on the wisdom until we are initiated by the gods themselves?
Pretty much. You could probably study and get a firm grasp on it all then go join a Buddhist sangha where you will have no distractions?

>> No.16190414

tl;dr on The elements of Theology?

>> No.16190466

everything is one and not-one

>> No.16190493

hmm okay

>> No.16190514

Convince me philosophy has some intrinsic value beyond intellectual masturbation for elites.

>> No.16190520

if you can't figure it out >>16190067

>> No.16190536

Are you part of the elite? If not, why then do you propose us to do philosophy with you?

>> No.16190549

fuck off guenonfag

>> No.16190604

Convince me otherwise.

>> No.16190634

you just have nothing to say, yes i get it

>> No.16190650


>> No.16190860

Philosophy purifies the soul by removing false ideas. One cannot act morally without examining whether one's ideas are in fact moral (rather than being immoral ideas promoted by society), so the search for Truth is inherently part of doing Good. Philosophy without action may be mental masturbation, but one truly understands philosophy only when one LIVES it.

Of course, modern academia has perverted the practice of philosophy, but that doesn't invalidate the fact that philosophy is a religious/theurgic/purifying practice.

>> No.16192257

Read H’s lectures, “what is it called thinking?” For an introduction and pallet cleanser. He is a joy to read and very thoughtful.