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16180553 No.16180553 [Reply] [Original]

Kant solved philosophy.
Hegel supposedly tied together the loose ends but this is how Kant designed it. Leaving the interpreter to start doing philosophy. We're all supposed our own Hegel. Ironically Nietzche created a dogmatic eternal return to Hegel by attempting to write an undogmatic self expression but ended just being a rant against daddy issues.
That being said, why do you still read Hegel and Nietzche?

>> No.16180569
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I imagine one day I'll hear an achievement unlocked blip and all those pages will be worth it

>> No.16180577

>why do you still read Hegel and Nietzsche?
Nietzsche was a rightful heir to Schopenhauer who was a rightful heir to Kant, Hegel was a charlatan but it's important to be familiar with his writings to realize how wrong you can get when you stray from the main line which proceeds from Kant through Schopie to Neetch

>> No.16180584
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Pleb here. Do I start with Kant or do I go straight to Nietzsche? I know edgy normies over-blew Nietzsche's ideology to fit their degenerate life choices.

>> No.16180589

Nietzsche is in complete opposition to Schopenhauer.

>> No.16180598

don't start with Kant, start with the Greeks and then make your way up to Kant. read Plato and Aristotle, ignore medieval christcuck philosophy, then read Descartes and Hume. you'll be more or less ready to wrestle with Kant

>> No.16180608

I'm already done with Plato and Aris"I fuck kids"totle.
I love Plato's idealism, I wonder how Kant differs from him.

>> No.16180680

>Hegel was a charlatan
he had a philosophical mind to which no other mind was equal in the history of western philosophical tradition

>> No.16180707

>Aris"I fuck kids"totle.
Whoops I confused Aristotle with Socrates.

>> No.16180719


Hegel: I ain't gotta do shit. All these thinkers before me did all the work.

Hegelians: Hegel was the pinnacle of hellenic thought

>> No.16180746

Kant didn't really say anything original though

>> No.16180754

my father is an unironic marxist and actually believes kant is a copletely irrelevant "beginner" when it comes to philosophy and one only needs to read hegel to understand all of phlisophy(or at least all which is relevant); he of course didn't even read much beyond excerpts of hegel. He's a reson for why I will never go into STEM(he's a theoretical physicist btw)

>> No.16180759


>> No.16180761

If you liked Plato, you will probably like Kant. Make sure to read Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume and maybe Berkeley before Kant (may seem like a lot but the major works are only like 100 pages long so it shouldn't take very long).

>> No.16180771

Yes but actually no.

>> No.16180775

Kant is the exact opposite of Plato. If you like Plato you should hate Kant.

>> No.16180776

>I love Plato's idealism
Then you don't understand what idealism means

>> No.16180786

Do NOT ignore medieval philosophy. At least read Boetius, Augustine, Aquinas, Abelardus, Scotus, Ockham.

Then you will be able to understand Descartes, since he qas heavily influenced by the scholastics.

Also, once you understand that Plato'sand Aristotle's disagreements were refined through neoplatonism and the realism-nominalism debate, you will be able to put the dichotomy between Cartesian dualism, Kantian (monism) and Leibnizian pluralism in a whole new light.

Which is necessary if you want to be able to get Russell, Whitehead, Wittgenstein but also Derrida, Foucault and Lacan.

>> No.16180789

Studying Hegel is worth it, more so than Heidegger or Nietzsche.. that does not mean you need to become an ardent follower, just study.

>> No.16180834

This isn't true at all. Descartes is so easily understood because of his break with the Medieval tradition, you really don't need any background at all in philosophy to read Meditations since the text eliminates all pre-supposition through the skeptical method. I personally can't think of a single element of Cartesian dualism that would be difficult to grasp for a first time reader without any background in Medieval philosophy.

>> No.16180844

Kant was a Platonist himself for a while. And obviously Transc. Idealism is very different from Platonic philosophy, the way that Kant totally turns your world upside down is imo similar to the feeling you get when you first read the Dialogues. I wasn't insinuating that the two share the same positions or anything, just that if one enjoys Plato I assume that reading Kant will be stimulating.

>> No.16181168

>Nietzche created a dogmatic eternal return to Hegel
>reading Kant, but not Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, who properly followed up on Kant (unlike Hegel)
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.16181182

Cunt lol

>> No.16181237
File: 14 KB, 236x238, Heidegger with Cassirer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidegger considered Kant's critique to be more of an ontological affirming rather than a purely epistomological reducing as is often thought. What he says does this, and makes it obvious in Kant's system, is his use of imagination in it as a thing.

At the least Heidegger continued Kant.

>> No.16181595

Is that quote real? I thought Kants biggest achievement was justifying a priori synthetic knowledge.

>> No.16181607

I read the Confessions and while I saw certain points of philosophy the work itself didnt seem philosophical in intent. What are Augustines more accessible and introductory hard philosophy books.

>> No.16181624


Seems obvious. Isn't that also where the ethical duty comes from? Ontological affirming?

>> No.16181637

>>At the least Heidegger continued Kant.
they are both arm chair philosophers who never did what they preached

>> No.16181683

>categorical imperative
>perpetual peace

>> No.16181690

Well, Kant actually destroyed philosophy and did what the Sophists never had the knowledge to accomplish themselves; he reduced philosophy to experience. After Kant, only analytic philosophy has any real validity, which is fine, but shows that philosophy is broken coming into the 21st century, so it can't inform civic society like we imagined in the late 20th century that it would. All we got for trying to make philosophy guide civic society was post-modernism, which is just an influential school of Sophism.

>> No.16181714

>After Kant, only analytic philosophy has any real validity
How on earth can you say this? If you understood Kant like Schopenhauer did, there is no going backwards before Kant, which the analytics tried doing. They are just reminiscing on older attitudes and problems, not actually philosophizing.

>> No.16181720

Kant is an Aristotelian.

>> No.16182017


Isn't the master/slave Hegel? Isn't everyone stuck up N's ass about master/slave when the whole point is not to be?

>> No.16182136

Hegel's dialectical bullshit has little to do with Nietzsche and his ideas. Read Kant -> Schopenhauer -> Nietzsche for the more accurate understanding.

>> No.16182231

this, he's just a more convoluted version of Descartes, Leibniz, Cudworth, et al.

>> No.16182383

>i can only gain knowledge through intellect, or i can only have knowledge when im aware
Isnt all this obvious

>> No.16182815

No he isn't, Transcendental Idealism is totally incompatible with Aristotle's epistemology. Kant himself never identified as an Aristotelian. Aristotle is a direct empirical realist,almost a nominalist whereas Kant is a firm Conceptualist/indirect realist.