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16179107 No.16179107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I become more Greek in thought, in taste and in sensibility?

>> No.16179117

Start with the Greeks

>> No.16179125
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Embrace Tradition

>> No.16179141

massively overspend, refuse to pay your taxes, then ask a german for some money
also punch a turk and bitch about your marbles

>> No.16179148
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>> No.16179619

Go to Epstein's island, lot's of greek activities there.

>> No.16179644

Bash christcucks and other degenerates, drink watered down wine, worship and sacrifice to gods, stop wearing pants, find maiden, and start with the Greeks.

>> No.16179645
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Grow out your eyebrows and learn Greek. Also drink too much ouzo. Also be Turkish.

Just make sure you actually learn Greek.

>> No.16179675

Ikr? Dyke poet from Lesbos, it's so obviously made up

>> No.16179680
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>Bash christcucks and other degenerates
>Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
>And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
>Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
>And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.
>and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.
Cope harder, the Greeks accepted Christianity and were willing to chat with Paul both in the marketplace of Athens and in their most important legal council. They were curious about him and his beliefs and wanted to hear him talk more. Christianity is also a hellenization of Judaism in innumerable ways. Keep coping, pagan scum.

>> No.16179857

>Paul converted the pagans in Athens! It says so in the Bible!
Meanwhile over in reality Athens was one of the last strongholds of paganism over 300 years later.

If you read the actual historical sources you'd know that Christians were known for their degeneracy and perversions, only attempting to hide it behind excessive calls for charity and social justice as subversion. When you think about it the modern far left social movements are nothing but a 21st century Christian revival.
>allied against all traditions and traditional institutions
>using muh charity and social justice as political battering rams
>uniting the women and lower atomised urbanite classes against the majority
>the ancestors and their views are now to be considered evil and as if having been possessed by demons
So... Now I ask you, was I talking about present day movements or early Christianity?

>> No.16179888
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>Christians were known for their degeneracy and perversions

No that's what they were escaping after hearing the truth of the Gospel. If you read the actual historical sources you'd know that Christians were heavily persecuted for radical beliefs of righteousness and their belief in Jesus Christ. Some of the first records of Christ is mockery by Roman citizens.

Greeks familiar with platonic essence latched onto Christianity because Jesus fit the matrix of "the anointed one" in Greek which had an antecedent in Hebrew as well. Jesus was the essence of God in an easily digestible format to the audience.

>> No.16179910
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The Bible is a multifaceted book that doesn't lend itself to the leftwing/rightwing dichotomy. I'd say it's socially conservative without a doubt, and economically leftwing. But there is also an argument that Christianity ultimately preaches apoliticism. Personally I don't really think Christians should be involved in politics, but yeah.
>Christians were known for their degeneracy and perversions
This doesn't really matter, even if it's true. Christianity and -Christendom- are separate things. What matters is what Christ teaches, which I think we will both agree is counter to all forms of perversion and degeneracy. Just like the Crusades and Spanish Imperialism weren't Christ-like in nature.
>allied against all traditions and traditional institutions
Not true. Christ of course tried to reform many aspects of Jewry, but properly speaking they weren't reforms but a return to the way of life given to us by God.
>using muh charity and social justice as political battering rams
Not sure what you're referring to. If you literally mean that distributing wealth in any form is a bad thing, I'd just call you cruel and foolish.
>uniting the women and lower atomised urbanite classes against the majority
Has nothing to do with Christianity; if anything Christianity is too harsh on women. Women aren't even supposed to speak in church according to Paul, and they're meant to submit entirely to their husbands.
>the ancestors and their views are now to be considered evil and as if having been possessed by demons
If you're referring to Paganism, read what I posted above, viz. "the times of ignorance God winked at." This isn't really a huge condemnation of Paganism; it's just says they were ignorant of the Godhead and now ignorance is no excuse, they must submit to God.

>> No.16179958

Sounds like the day in the life of a Hungarian welfare recipient

>> No.16179981

>Romans: just perform the sacrifices necessary to maintain the empire as have been done by our ancestors since the founding of the city and then you can go back to worshipping whatever god you'd like. Also would you mind stop going around desecrating our statues and temples, and was that you attacking those participating in the sacred festivals last week with acid?
>Christians: stop oppressing us! :(

>> No.16180024
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The oppressive aspect of the already decadent Roman Empire come mostly from conscription. The early Christians refused to fight, which led to soldier martyrs (the killing of Christians who practiced non-violence). The Roman Empire also tried to force Christians to take up/maintain (int eh case of conversion) political offices, and once again many Christians refused.

This is apart from martyrdom and the killing of Christians, which happened all too many times during the Roman occupation of many non-Italic lands. That said, Paul was a Roman and made good use of his citizenship many times. And he seemed to advocate a certain detachedness from political figures, and a sort of indifferent submission. Once again, Christianity is very multifaceted and Christianity is not synonymous with Christendom, that's the say, the body of people who claim to be Christian.

>> No.16180042

Read Nietzsche, do sport and mostly important: have sex.

>> No.16180047
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>all this pilpul
It's so tiring.
>akshually we're not against tradition because God said this is the original tradition as opposed to the traditions of the world which is why we're subverting and destroying these traditi-...
Christians are unable to argue in any other way than through sophistry.

>> No.16180055

Fuck gods and slaughter men

>> No.16180056

Yes Christian pacifism was part of the reason they should have been slaughtered, and rightly so. It's impossible to keep track of all the Christian ways that are opposed to the good, true, and beautiful.

>> No.16180066

Christians persecuted hellenes when Theodosius and Constantine were popularizing Christianity

>> No.16180071
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Lazy response. Not worth the effort.
Enjoy joining the military anddying for Israel, anon.

>> No.16180073

*dying, oof.

>> No.16180082

>dying for Israel is the same as fighting for the glory of the Roman Empire
This is your brain on christcuckery. Except ofc most Christians are diehard Zionists but you're obviously a special snowflake sort of a Christian so you're the exception

>> No.16180086

suck farts

>> No.16180091

not lit

>> No.16180101
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This could be you, anon. If only you understood the transcendent promise of war and the good, true and beautiful. Remember, wars are good, they're always good. They're the best actually, and you should fight in one, preferably for Israel.

>> No.16180181

Have sex with teenage boys daily.

>> No.16180182

>war is always good
If I was from Reddit this would be the time when I would pull one of the fallacy cards.