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16178937 No.16178937 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best erotic novel?

>> No.16178952

Femdom Diaries by Mistress Darcy

>> No.16178960

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.16178962


>> No.16178965
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Canterbury Tales

>> No.16179036

my diary desu

>> No.16179105

Bigfoot Sommelier Butt Tasting
Or Phenomenology of Geist

They’re neck and neck.

>> No.16179113
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>> No.16179301


>> No.16179326

I'm genuinely interested, op. Seriously is there any good erotic lit?

>> No.16179347
File: 35 KB, 500x500, doomsday hunter 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunter Bragg has one Doomsday under his belt, but he’s nowhere near done.

Along with his impregnated Scavenger mate, Natalie, Hunter travels to yet another dimension, but this one is drastically different.

For one, it’s set in the future, and two, this dimension’s Doomsday hasn’t happened yet.

Their mission? Destroy the evil AI that is set to take over the world.

But before Hunter can actually save this world, he has to find the next Wayfarer, impregnate her, and add her to his harem.

And the clock is ticking.

>> No.16179363
File: 45 KB, 500x500, Scholomance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cole is the most powerful witch to ever be born. Except, he’s a man, and there has never been a male witch.

Now, Cole is stuck in the Devil’s Academy full of evil women who want to destroy him. To survive, he’ll have to perform a dark ritual that enslaves the beautiful witches to him.

They’ll hate serving a man, of course, but that just makes the conquest over their bodies, minds, and souls that much sweeter.

>> No.16179463

Fifty Shades Of Grey

>> No.16179475

do I have to read Doomsday Hunter 1 before I read this ?