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/lit/ - Literature

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16177783 No.16177783 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/. I'm at a Walmart getting school supplies for the family and I just found this section.

Should I buy anything from here or not?

>> No.16177785

color pencils

>> No.16177787

Get the one at the bottom with the little girl and the horse. Bet it has some hot scenes in it

>> No.16177789

I would pass. Also

>Large print coloring book


>> No.16177803

>loved asoiaf back in high school
>stopped paying attention years ago
>see fire and blood
>there's no way
>google it

>> No.16177812

Women and cubicle working men

>> No.16177824

most of those are better than the lit top 100

>> No.16177867

Buy Trump and the American Future, the Stephen King, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid spin-off, and The Cowboy’s Secret Heart

>> No.16178452

Holy shit, there have got to be over 1,500 combined King & Patterson novels. God I hate these motherfuckers.

>> No.16178523

GRRM takes every opportunity to write something that isn't the Winds of Winter

>> No.16178530

At least King actually writes his novels. Patterson just has an army of ghost writers that do everything for him and barely earn enough to survive while he rakes in millions

>> No.16178535
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>the single moms second chance

>> No.16178540

K9 Protector. It has hot guys AND doggos

>> No.16178645

>I'm at a Walmart getting school supplies

>> No.16178763

Get the latest issue of Guns and Ammo

>> No.16178795


>> No.16178797

You’re still at Wal-Mart?

>> No.16178801

The Hannity book

>> No.16178817

Old people do them to pass the time and to prevent Alzheimer and shit.

>> No.16178836

I live there

>> No.16178848

No you don't. I sleep in their display tents and I've literally never seen you

>> No.16178874

I suck your dick in silence

>> No.16178895

Buy the ram ranch one

>> No.16178907
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I want that Clancy, IDGAF

>> No.16178926

is walmart to blame for americans being brainlets who consume big dollar mass marketed genrefiction trash like that?

if they stocked tolstoy, dostoevsky, and maupassant, would the masses read brothers karamazov?

>> No.16178949

Burgers don't read the drivel either, they only buy it sometimes

>> No.16178950


>> No.16178972

Nobody buys books at Walmart with the exception of old ladies and their Harlequin stuff.

>> No.16178999
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Where you get your Clancy?

>> No.16179002

>Tom Clancy
>A Jack Ryan Jr Novel
>by Mike Maden


>> No.16179007 [DELETED] 
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Are you an idiot? I mean, an actual, legitimately cognitively-impaired idiot? Right now AI is advancing at an unprecedented rate and we're about to have many of our workforce laid off due to AI automatization; and you're worrying about THIS?

>> No.16179031

>Barnes and Noble
>Half-Price Books

Hell sometimes even places like Rite Aid have this shit.

>> No.16179038

Why can’t they take up drawing? I do it to relax, I’m not very good at it but it’s fulfilling and creative to some extent, not just an empty soulless exercise in matching colours.

>> No.16179062

I remember being a kid and waiting my mom on the book section reading a book or a magazine since she took so long doing groceries

>> No.16179065

Lol no not at all. Walmart just stocks stuff for middle-aged women, since that is typically the people that are shopping there. Most people who read books just buy them with next-day shipping off of amazon or go dumpster diving in a secondhand store if they have the time and really like books

>> No.16179074

I don't read him. I usually buy books from Amazon or Coles Bookstore

>> No.16179133
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