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/lit/ - Literature

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16176623 No.16176623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn I fucking hate this guy. Worst booktuber by far.

>> No.16176629

That isn’t whoever this girl is >>16176475

>> No.16176631
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>> No.16176638

s-stop laughing!

>> No.16176675

what happens on a "booktube"

>> No.16176680

you don't wanna know

>> No.16176684
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>/lit/ taste in literature
>r*ddit brain and takes
I like and dislike him at once.

>> No.16176694

also has /mu/ tier edgelord music taste.

>> No.16176719
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>i'm better than you book reviews

>> No.16176723

Really? Post where he talks about music, anon, if you would be so kind. I want to cringe.

>> No.16176742

>reads an obscure NYRB novel in translation from an author with an unpronounceable name from some third world eastern european country no one cares about once
>i'm better than you now, anon

>> No.16176748

What’s wrong with him? He’s actually pretty based

>> No.16176757

>Yeah man I hang out with these, like, really cool noise rock musicians you probably don't know. They're pretty influential though and I do drugs with them. Did I mention how cool drugs are? Drugs are really cool and I do them.

>> No.16176762

rever psychology?
Kill yourself nigger

>> No.16176767

>condescending attitude
>can't explain himself properly/explains himself in flowery language or meaningless platitudes (which probably means he doesn't understand half the shit he reads but wants that sweet lit cred)

>> No.16176769


here's him reviewing a Nick Cave book. He does a euphorically cringe nick cave impression at the beginning that always makes me squirm.

>> No.16176820

This is the worst video I've seen from him. Holy shit. The levels of pretension here are unmatched. What makes him even more annoying for me is that he reads cool books but then ruins them by making soi-reviews about them. It's fucking horrible. He makes so many cool books uncool by just talking about them. He never seems to interact with them on a deep level though so the books remain intact, but it's just cringe.

>> No.16176831

I've literally not bought books that I was gonna buy just based on his cringey ramblings about them. Midwit behavior, sure, but sometimes my emotions get the better of me.

>> No.16176841

>hey look at me i know two power chords on guitar!!!! did you know that i know some guitar too?? i'm so special
I hate him even more now.

>> No.16176855

I think he browses /lit/ and is a chartfag who just likes to find obscure literature and read it in an effort to make himself seem cool or mysterious but it's so blatant that's it cringe. I bet he's never read Shakespeare or Milton because they're too well-known and therefore won't fit his image of being an in-the-know (gets recs from /lit/charts) hipster.

>> No.16176863
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Who would win in a fight?

>> No.16176889

Also listened to that band he was talking about, Gen X sounding cringe band, really mediocre music. Doesn't he know that style of music hasn't been cool for a long long time and that the zoomers are listening to glaive?

>> No.16176896

Cliff is a nice guy. You should be nice to him.

>> No.16176897
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Love him or hate him, /ourguy/ takes them all.

>> No.16176905

This fucker is insufferable too. There really is no good booktuber, huh?

>> No.16176907

You're cringe, Cliff, please just shut the fuck up. Read some real literature for once too, not a bunch of meme garbage from NYRB.

>> No.16176914

He's stuck in the pseud cycle of: "If music is edgy, then it is important"

>> No.16176916

Cliff would detroy bookchemist easily. He's taller, better reach, has probably actually seen a fight, respects bars whereas bookchemist is brought to tears by HPs cat's. Also
would beat both with his sheer frenetic energy.

>> No.16176920

are you getting paid by youtube to put ads for youtube on here or what? no one wants to see this shit, there is zero organic interest

>> No.16176922

The difference is that Q is literally one of us, and Cliff is not, so he gets a bit of a pass, no? Also he doesn't give a fuck. Cliff would never jerk a man off on camera because he is too worried about his image.

>> No.16176924

What a fucking pseud. He's probably the bitch always complaining about smoking "the last cigarette I ever smoked". Shut the fuck up you vain, arrogant, hyclic.

>> No.16176935

>Q is literally one of us
You say that like it's a good thing

>> No.16176940

I feel like if he loosened up a little bit and stopped doing things not out of enjoyment, but because he feels that he's too cool for other options, he would probably be more tolerable. He is always going to miss out on a huge part of life as long as he feels like he's too cool for everything except obscure and irrelevant garbage

>> No.16176956

>He's probably the bitch always complaining about smoking "the last cigarette I ever smoked"
That line is so off-putting because he is trying so hard to signal coolness
>yeah i used to smoke cigs i'm so edgy
>oh but i also quit because i'm too cool for them
>oh but if someone offers me one at a concert i'll accept because i'm actually i'm really down to earth
>oh i smoked malboros too btw uwu so dangerous for you but i don't care, but i do, but also i do X on the beach teehee

>> No.16176960

This guy is right on the cusp of being handsome, but has a gross smile, a big nose, and psycho eyes. His whole channel is a massive cope

>> No.16176981

>malboros LIGHTS
Get the facts straight, jack.

>> No.16176998
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This guy's an obvious midwit and I get that slightly pretentious air from him, but you're just being pointlessly vitriolic and exacerbating the video. Poor guy was just sharing a cool little anecdote. His takes aren't that good and he likes Camus, but he's genuinely passionate and his videos are comfy. Calm down.

>> No.16177009

No I must get angry and things or else i'll get depressed.

>> No.16177017

>Poor guy was just sharing a cool little anecdote.
Yeah, a pointless anecdote that doesn't contribute anything to the review and serves more as some sort of humble-bragging about how his life is far from mundane. I mean, he's a true rock n roller maaaan.
He also does that shit in a lot of videos.

>> No.16177091

im watching his review on stoner right now. i just started reading it yesterday and like it a lot so far. the booktuber seems okay but being a youtuber in general is kinda cringe but what does that make us, the people that watch these ppl?

>> No.16177095


It might not have contributed to the review, but it did contribute to the video as a whole. Whether the contribution was positive or not is subjective, and I thought it was interesting enough, if a bit cringe.

>> No.16177103

>but he's genuinely passionate
I don't think so. Pretty sure he's not motivated by a love of literature but by a desire to look cool and mysterious for others. He reads not for books but for what he thinks books do for his image. It's just posturing. Hence all his shit takes and the shallowness of his commentary, which you could get from reading Wikipedia. There have been some vids of his where I'm nearly positive he didn't finish the book or he skipped/skimmed some sections. The most obvious one is his review of Hopscotch.

>> No.16177112

this guy is much worse
did you read the intro in the nyrb edition? he is just recapping that

>> No.16177114

>stoner right now. i just started reading it yesterday
Shit book, you got meme'd son.

>> No.16177146

Good lord this guy is something else. Gets points off for being a slimey limey but I could barely even get through the first three minutes without cringing at his pointless ramblings. Now I need a glass of ice water to calm myself down.

>> No.16177164

it gets really good like 20 minutes in

>> No.16177179
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>better than piss poop reviews

>> No.16177182

name a good booktuber. there isn't one. so shut the fuck up and stop posting your ecelebs on a literature board you fucking cretins. i don't even know who this is.

>> No.16177195

this guy is clearly drunk, he can barely open his eyes

>> No.16177207

first few seconds
>takes drag of cig while looking directly into camera
>grabs alcoholic drink during daytime
sometimes it's just so obvious that people are doing things to posture and try to look cool, and that inevitably makes them not look cool, don't they know this?

>> No.16177235

>shitload of selfies of him holding books
>look guys i read!!!
>bunch of entry level and r*ddit garbage
holy shit, this guy is retarded, he should lay off the booze

>> No.16177263


>> No.16177285
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yeah i turned it off immediately after seeing that. these male booktubers are the biggest posers. total fucking faggots. the female booktubers like Kat read way worse books but at least they are authentic—they read what they like and don't pretend to be brooding or intellectual.

>> No.16177308

women are better in general then men

>> No.16177315

they certainly smell better

>> No.16177322

I suck suck on a female's toes. I would not do this for a man. 'Nuff said.

>> No.16177328

Men, meet BTFO

>> No.16177576

better than sex rape reviews

>> No.16177608

His favorite book is Story of the Eye ffs. How much more pseudish can you get?

>> No.16177740

nah it's actually really good so far and I have a feeling it'll be one of those books that change me for the better.

>> No.16177767

why do men get the privilege of being judged individually but if this was a woman the lot of you would be condemning the entire female gender of being vapid cunts

>> No.16177780

>I have a feeling it'll be one of those books that change me for the better.
doubt, it's not that kind of book retard

>> No.16177788

My favorite part is when the titular "stoner" takes a big bong rip for the first time and realizes that the point of life is to just do epic shit and smoke bong forever

>> No.16177792
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it'll be whatever kind of book I want it to be
he's a /lit/ poster

>> No.16177809

>it'll be whatever kind of book I want it to be
that's not how books work anon

>> No.16178698

Do John David Ebert or the Euro Bureau of Literaturo count?

>> No.16178725

I'm surprised he does drugs. I thought he was a crypto-fascist because of how much he seems to like Mishima, Jünger, and black metal. That and him mentioning Jack Donovan in one video. I guess Jünger did drugs too though so it's still possible. I hope so. I want him to have like 8 children at least. He is very tall, relatively intelligent, and of northern European descent. We need more people like him.

>> No.16178733

>I want him to have like 8 children at least. He is very tall, relatively intelligent, and of northern European descent.
You sound gay, anon. Get help.

>> No.16178820

why make a thread about a booktuber you hate, you stupid pseud. kill yourself

>> No.16178822

How is it gay to see someone who is genetically valuable and hope that they have lots of children? I didn't say I want to have his children. I'm a dude so I don't want to and couldn't even if I did want to. Maybe you're the gay one for not supporting eugenics.

>> No.16178880

Leaf by leaf is a far better booktuber

>> No.16178922

>I want to have his children. I'm a dude

>> No.16178939

I said I DIDN'T want to have his children. That is NOT gay. Even if I did want to have his kids, which I don't, it's still not gay because I'm doing it for the proliferation and flourishing of the nordic race, not because he's tall and has a soothing voice, dumbass.

>> No.16178948

>I want to have his children, that is gay


>> No.16178954

>he's tall and has a soothing voice
>if I did want to have his kids
>it's still not gay
>That is NOT gay
>it's still not gay because I'm doing it
>want to have his children

>> No.16178959

>i'll fuck a male if he's nordic

>> No.16178982

he once uploaded a video graded black and white of him in a car wearing shades rambling about life and it was one of the most insufferable videos I've ever seen, I think he deleted it

>> No.16178991

You're all just projecting. I'm not gay. I'm not physically attracted to him or any other men. You can admire the beauty of another man or recognize their genetic value without being gay. It's not like I said I wanted to suck his dick or something. I think iguanas look really fucking badass but I don't want to fuck them. If you can't wrap your head around this you're probably a pseud and illiterate.

>> No.16179000

>you're all not projecting, I'm gay

dude....we get it

>> No.16179005

>You can admire the beauty of another man
>I said I wanted to suck his dick

>> No.16179286

Books are meant to be discussed in written form.

>> No.16179293

I wish this still existed

>> No.16179304

He dies at the end lol

>> No.16179309
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There is only one based booktuber.

>> No.16179314

he dies of cancer at the age, grace gets fat and becomes an alcoholic, he fucks a grad student

>> No.16179317
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, let me introduce you to Merphy Napier. She is adorable. She is married, has a kid, is adopting another and is a good Christian woman.

She likes Fantasy but don't hold that against her, you filthy pseuds.

>> No.16179319

truly based. Came here to post him

>> No.16179324

Too much cleavage. She is a good Christian whore.

>> No.16179331

why does every hobby need a memetuber

>> No.16179333

brown, fat and ugly, we don't wanna watch ur channel retard

>> No.16179339

Daring today, aren't we?

>> No.16179349

I would literally kick the shit out of you if you said that to my face. I'm not even joking. You would be in for a world of pain, pathetic little internet troll that picks on women. GFY.

>> No.16179357

She is White you fucking retard. Not that it matters, racist cunt.

>> No.16179362

shut up pussy i'd fucking kill you, i'd ankle pick you, take your back and choke you out in front of everyone, or i'll take ur leg and snap it, you'll never walk again in your life you retarded pussy

>> No.16179365

You can't kick me if i shoot you with a gun first.

>> No.16179367

that's not white, retard, and it's not racist to not be attractive to tiny brown latinxs

>> No.16179386

>"Dark haired White people don't exist! I am the Masterrace!"

Lmao you Nazis are pathetic. So fucking pathetic.

>> No.16179389

Fucking simp. You've bit the lefty pill that by being an "ally" to women they are going to find you interesting. News flash: you are still a weakling manlet and you're still gonna die a virgin. You go fuck yourself. I'll call a whore anyone I want, fucking simp.

>> No.16179406

cope, her own website she's she is latina, she's not white

>> No.16179427

You are a lying shit.

>> No.16179438

illiterate retard, cope harder

>> No.16179439

He likes John Fahey (and reviewed his biography) so he’s okay in my book

>> No.16179505

It would be hilarious to meet you IRL so I could mogg the shit out of you.

>> No.16179585

You're cute. Go back to jerking off to twitch steamers, faggot.

>> No.16179606

i want this

>> No.16180096

yeah i know i read the plot on Wikipedia before I started the book