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/lit/ - Literature

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16174785 No.16174785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this goddamn board
>Marx thread
>Political theory thread
>Bait thread
>Another Blood Meridian thread
>Marx thread
>Religion thread
>Politics thread
>Bait thread
>Marx thread

Shut the fuck up, do any of you actually read? Every thread here is a fucking mess, hardly any books are ever directly discussed. And God forbid butterfly comes into a thread and completely derails it

>Inb4 be the change you want to see make some good threads
I do, they get hardly any replies cause I didn't use a picture of Marx to get attention from chapos and anti-Marx people. Fuck all of you

>> No.16174795

I'm reading Baudelaire.

>> No.16174801

if you arent happy, leave.

>> No.16174819
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If you don't report Elon Musk threads the second they appear on your screen you are unhuman and will be beheaded

>> No.16174823
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I agree, this board is retarded, and once you start actually reading then you stop using it on a regular basis anyway.

>> No.16174833

It's so funny how that short story group didn't get off the ground, retards on here couldn't be assed to even ACTUALLY READ a short story and have a discussion about it
This board truly has gone to shit in the past 1-2 years

>> No.16174837

>...comes into a thread and completely derails it
>Marx threads
>Political theory threads
>Bait threads
>Marx threads
>Religion threads
>Politics threads
>Bait threads
>Marx threads

Whatchyou been readin, champ?

You/those posters should leave.

>> No.16174858

1. Open catalog
2. Hide all off-topic, jezebel, bait, low effort, etc threads
3. Resist all urges to respond to bad threads
4. Make thoughtful posts in good threads
If you're entertaining delusions that there is any other way to make this board better, you're dreaming.

>> No.16174863

this board is decent but gets raided by groups attending class and spew nonsense before listening and lurking moar

makes sense that one doesn't want to be around plebs as fools interject and expect to be educated equally then go up all arms when you hit a thumbscrew in waves ganging up with each other like a mass destined to crush and grind to set median norm to liking

>> No.16174871
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There are ways to make the board better, but dummies resist.

>> No.16174872

butterfly haters are unironically part of the problem but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation

>> No.16174886

>4. Make thoughtful posts in good threads
Who says I don't. That's half the reason I'm complaining, it's a futile effort

>> No.16174903

Not really, people calling her a bitch are the same as other people calling each other faggots, it's a normal discourse for 4chan just with different words. The derailment wouldn't happen if she didn't attention whore with her trip, but you know she revels in all the (You)s, I don't even hate her particularly, I just hate all the attention she draws and then acts like she doesn't draw it

>> No.16174945

>but dummies resist
>continues posting coomer bait pics
You're right, this board will never improve if you don't stop posting here.

>> No.16175008

One (1) hour of my shitposting will destroy days of your good work.

>> No.16175016

>not reporting that shit
just making the problem worse

>> No.16175022

I came here last year in HS when I read fiction.
I still read Fiction but see no need to discuss it.
I only come here (for fiction) for recommendations.
You can hardly discuss fiction; non fiction on the other hand is bountiful and never ending when it comes to discussion.

>> No.16175034

fuck this board yes. I just got on to tell you guys how much it sucks. haven't been on /lit/ in a month. oh and I dropped acid last week after a four year break and I forgot all about how lsd is the greatest thing in existence. drop a tab and leave this place.

>> No.16175035


>> No.16175076

>You can hardly discuss fiction
The fuck are you talking about. This is a perfect example of the retardation of this board and displays the majority of the population, 18-19 year olds who think they know everything

>> No.16175105

>I still read Fiction but see no need to discuss it.
Why not? Maybe you're reading bad fiction if you feel there is nothing to say about it.

>> No.16175126

i love yoi

>> No.16175197

let's discuss Goethe's Wilhelm Meister:
>A:I liked it.
>B: I didn't like itbecause of it's idealization of nobility
>A: Well I think thats stupid
>B: OK. Idc.

>C: Did you know that the Idiot is an allegory to Jesus?
>D: Woah. No, I did not. Thanks for telling me.
>C: yeah. No problem
>D: want me to show you the Holbein painting of corpus Christi?
>C: woah. That's cool. Wish I could go to Basel and see it.
>D: haha! yeah me too.

>A,B,C,D: Let's actually discuss something instead of sharing pleasentries and druthers. Do you know Hegel?

>> No.16175217

I don't know, anon. I've seen some very interesting conversations on /lit/ in the past that weren't this shallow. I think you're projecting your own inability to think critically about literature onto everyone else, which to be fair, as bad as the board has been, isn't super far off from how it, but there are still some good anons out there.

>> No.16175228

I cannot resist replying to bad threads. I see one, and my long hidden contrarian and smug impulses suddenly bubble up.

>> No.16175274

I actually really enjoy Fiction and in my free time I always read at least as much Fiction as I read non fiction, but discussing it seems shallow to me.
I have a very good friend who shares this sentiment, that discussing literature, specifically in a pedantic analytical manner, is Vivisection of the art, that in the end jsut leaves you with a dead corpse.
It is superior (imo) to share the moment of appreciating the art with others by discussing passages that one found curious or exceptional. Recommending someone else to read a book one liked or has heard of. But thats it.
No style analysis, or comparison, no revealing methods or other shit.
Literature is something one appreciates alone.

>Poetry reading is a beautiful exception but that is not discussing literature anyways.

Like why would I ever want to discuss Shelly (the poet not his wife) with anyone?

>> No.16175296

>Forgives anonymous for attention whoring.
I do not control these people, I do not cause these people. As you say, they’re this way with or without me.

>> No.16175299

let's settle this once and for all: marxism or capitalism

>> No.16175316

Direct democracy with a non market economy

>> No.16175335


surveillance of surveillance

>> No.16175349

>this shitty interpretation of it or this thing that's eternal and been with us since we had started civilization

>> No.16175447

Bring back slavery

>> No.16175475

Its already been settled by history, dickmunch

>> No.16175486

Whats fucked up is all things considered this is the only decent board left that isnt ungodly slow. Just leave because like you said it becomes glaringly obvious that people here don’t actually read and the only tiles the board is halfway good is when its late as fuck

>> No.16175503

Oh, don't forget saying "nigger" in several threads.

>> No.16175539

stfu you stupid cunt, you cant even read a canned good label

>> No.16175550

God I'm glad this stupid cunt is stuck on this board with you faggots rofl. Keep her from infecting other boards, as if she could even understand topics on other boards

>> No.16175556

So ignoring the problem is going to somehow improve the board. It doesnt matter how many anons do this the fundamental problem is half the people on this board dont know jack shit of what they’re talking about and a good majority of them exist for the dopamine rush of farming (you)s and posting wojacks so they don’t care about the fact that they dont know anything

>> No.16175566


these people are why lit sucks, they fall for the bait every single time.

>> No.16175593

Marx belongs here and he is good

>> No.16175627

what are you reading rn man im down to chat about it

>> No.16175634

I am reading A death in the family by James Agee, its a downer book but am trying to better understand southern culture

>> No.16175641

Go back, you ESL fuck

>> No.16175666


>> No.16175679

huh? are all americans this retarded? this isn't the dollar menu retard, you don't pick either.

>> No.16175793

You're right. I wish this place was better. I also attempt to make threads that are actually about literature and I don't think I've ever gotten more than 10 replies before they get archived. Feels bad man, but you aren't alone in hating this shit board and wishing it could be better

>> No.16175799
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>Another off-topic thread to complain about the state of the board
Keep in mind that a valid critique is only as worthwhile as the people who are willing to take the necessary steps to see the issue(s) resolved. Since I can guarantee you won’t take any additional action, what exactly is the point of this thread?

>> No.16175851

Ma You Rong (or may e Mayou Rong)

>> No.16175964


>> No.16176329

>Inb4 be the change you want to see make some good threads
>I do, they get hardly any replies cause I didn't use a picture of Marx to get attention from chapos and anti-Marx people. Fuck all of you

>> No.16176340

Reminder that all of these threads are open for your to derail and bait. Do your part.

>> No.16176366

/lit/ is a distributionist board

>> No.16176395

wow Im sure this thread will change everything for the better

be the change you want to see

>> No.16176403

I haven't read a book since high school but I've been posting here regularly since like 2016 lmao

>> No.16176412

this is an oxymoron you massively retarded bitch

>> No.16176427
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No it isn’t. Explain.

>> No.16176436

Be the change you want to see

>> No.16176444


>> No.16176619

Some anon made the suggestion of switching the board format to entice general threads instead of what's currently going on. That and better moding would probably limit shit threads.

>> No.16176737

I know just how you feel. I keep coming back in the hope that it will have changed, but it just keeps getting worse and worse.

>> No.16176759

you know, half the threads on here are recommendation threads for a relatively small number of subjects that get posted repeatedly. why don't people who reply to those threads contribute to the wiki with their recommendations?
>inb4 why don't you do it
i can only make recommendations for the small number of subjects i know about, but i see the same replies for other subjects all the time

>> No.16176768


am very serious on surveillance of surveillance as a silver bullet, panacea and aegis for solace

who watches the watchmen

I didn't fall for bait rather its the lack of expression which is to be feared

>> No.16176983


>> No.16177123

i was going to say this board has never been good, but then remember that it still used to have some interesting posts about literature works. the current state of the board is so bad that i almost forgot that people actually used to talk about them here.
but honestly the site's nature always attract the worst kinds of internet users so not like there's any way to weed them out.
maybe for now the best way to deal with it is just leave this board and find something else better to waste your time.
i think most if not all of people here frequent this site because of not having anything else better to do in the first place anyway.

>> No.16177311
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>effort post
>no one replies
>thread dies

>> No.16177316

we should have Dune threads! I'm almost done with Children of Dune

>> No.16177325

his Sisyphean task grants him a nobility you couldn't even dream of

>> No.16177330

both but only the good parts (banned ideology)

>> No.16177338

Didnt you post an inane off topic rage piece against christianity in an interesting on topic thread about the apparent continuation of philosophical trends up to Descarte?

>> No.16178779

based chamielposter

>> No.16178816

Right after you do

>> No.16178828
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>it's a faggot city dweller uses "y'all" again episode

>> No.16178906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16179017

a system like communism but you get paid according to how much sex you have with your dad instead of your ability

>> No.16179677

>as if she could even understand topics on other boards
Are you implying "she" can understand the ones here?

>> No.16179683

Then reply you NIGGGGGERRRRR.

>> No.16179960

I don't samefag

>> No.16180210


>snitch bitch
>click report fix the itch
>I don't do it for me
>it's for the better of the community
>because of me everyone happy
>I'm a good snitch bitch

>> No.16180324
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The thing is that right now at least half of all the threads are just bait. There are lots of threads that aren't utter shit and that's because they are about philosophers or writers that don't attract mindless drones to them, that Hume is/ought thread could be a low tier example.

Religion or Marx threads wouldn't be bad if they didn't attract both mindless supporters and detractors that don't even read. In the first ones there's the edgy atheists(>>16177338) that still believe that the Epicurean Paradox is still a valid criticism and the trad larpers (just that, larpers) that cannot even answer it and just derail the threads with low effort posts. Something similar happens with Marx, he attracts the chapo raiders that have read at most the first volume of Das Kapital or have never abandoned the dialectical materialism framework (some fag even did say that dialectics were inherently materialistic) who when combined with some poltards that don't even want to read the author of the thread they are in result in the same kind of bait posting.

It's not that the threads are utter shit per se, is that they are fucking bait threads that try to camouflage themselves by using some author or book that will not be talked about, if the threads remained on-topic then they wouldn't be THAT bad.

>> No.16180338

it seems like you only read fiction and are upset about other people reading more widely

>> No.16180354

The issue is clearly not that people in those threads have read too widely, it's that in any politics or religion thread there's almost always like one person in the entire thing that even sounds like they've read the relevant texts, let alone has any sort of proper understanding of them.