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16173536 No.16173536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>every single scientific genius leaned towards THEISM
How do atheists cope with this?

>> No.16173539

all but me

>> No.16173547

Pantheism yea,

>> No.16173551

into the trash it goes !

>> No.16173554


>> No.16173556

This, atheism is very cringe, but worshipping an effigy of a Jew is almost as cringe

>> No.16173557


Von Neumann was right about basically everything.

>> No.16173561

Von Neuman's opinion on god is no more valuable than Bobby fischer's

>> No.16173570


yes it is, just like Fischer's opinions on jews are more valuable than Neumann's.

>> No.16173579
File: 22 KB, 678x452, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even worried about this sort of thing? There literally is happening an Intelligence explosion right now in the AI research field and it will surpass everything we thought possible before. Get a grip on more important matters right now.

>> No.16173589

>he stiill believes in the A.I meme
stop watching kutzskuzgert.

>> No.16173598

Why did you pick this anecdote?

Father Strittmatter administered the last rites to him.] Some of von Neumann's friends (such as Abraham Pais and Oskar Morgenstern) said they had always believed him to be "completely agnostic". Of this deathbed conversion, Morgenstern told Heims, "He was of course completely agnostic all his life, and then he suddenly turned Catholic—it doesn't agree with anything whatsoever in his attitude, outlook and thinking when he was healthy." Father Strittmatter recalled that even after his conversion, von Neumann did not receive much peace or comfort from it, as he still remained terrified of death

>> No.16173603

how did life start?
god did it
why is the sky blue?
god wants it that way
why are some people evil?
god made them like that
why did daddy die of cancer?
god wanted him for a sunbeam
why does one man succeed where another fails?
god said so. stop asking questions.
well gee von neumann you're right. everything's easy to explain if there's a god. now fuck off you simpleton

>> No.16173606

How can perfection be apart of/encapsulated by imperfection. It's not logical.

It's only a few scientists from the 30-50s that believed in Pantheism. The vast overwhelming majority were pure monotheists.

>> No.16173609

>/sci/ fags fear death.

Have they learned nothing from Socrates?

>> No.16173613

I demand a bipartisan alliance against schizophrenic AI poster

>> No.16173614

>How can perfection be apart of/encapsulated by imperfection. It's not logical.

That has nothing to do with logic. Just like saying something can't come from nothing is a logical statement. At best those are axioms

>> No.16173620

Because reality in its totality is perfect. Also god is atleast 4 dimensional, god is the universe but the universe from beginning till end.

>> No.16173630


>> No.16173635

His Wikipedia page was hijacked by seething fedoralords.

>> No.16173643
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You don't know what you're talking about. This AI thing is real; it's a real threat to humanity. You should get informed, anon.

Also, I'm not schizophrenic. Fuck you.

>> No.16173648

>>every single scientific genius
>only posts one
>posted this from my iPhone
Do you mean that the evidence his views were cherrypicked to purport the claim he was agnostic? Do you have more evidence to suggest he believe he believed in God?
How is it a meme?

>> No.16173651


I'm sure this quote is taken out of context because it's quite stupid and arrogant if it isn't

>We almighty humans can't explain something therefore a truly all powerful being must be responsible for it surely it couldn't be that we are simply lacking

>> No.16173653

>implying that imperfection actually exists
You don’t understand pantheism, see >>16173620

>> No.16173672

I dont think the average scientist is going to be convinced of the Er story.

>> No.16173804
File: 578 KB, 958x1242, Screenshot_20200820_144237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ goy cope

>> No.16173808

If you weren't a schizo you wouldn't be arguing with posts that don't exist retard

>> No.16173815
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>>only posts one

>> No.16173973

Most of those are not scientific geniuses by any stretch. OP said "every single scientific genius" and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_atheists_in_science_and_technology exists. Obviously people in technology are not necessarilly scientists, but there are loads of prominent atheist scientists listed there too.

>> No.16174010

>Most of those are not scientific geniuses by any stretch

>> No.16174031

Do you have an argument?

>> No.16174037

You mean panentheism. And it wasn't only scientific geniuses but also esoteric sects within major religions like kabala and sufism.

>> No.16174043

I work in tech. Most of what you think is ai are just pajeets in Bangladesh clicking on shit.

>> No.16174044
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if God exists then why did he curse me to be raised by a single mother

>> No.16174046

Von Neumann was deeply distressed and had a prolonged existential crisis around the time of his death wherein he sought religious counsel and admitted to using Pascal's wager to hope for his continued conscious existence. He was very much a last-minute convert IIRC. Not that that is any proof there is NOT a God, but a good many scientific minds were either optimistic theists or theists that did not believe there was an afterlife and that the "God" of their theistic outlook was completely impersonal.

>> No.16174061

I would say that those people had deep, personal connections with their faith. Ever read Pascals Pensées? That shits too dense for your typical bible thumper who doesn't examine their own belief structures. The "I'm a good person because I go to church!" crowd are not an intelligent bunch.

>> No.16174065

because we need a generation of wife's beaters now more than ever

>> No.16174090

That's an argument. You're coping hard

>> No.16174094

It's a good read

>> No.16174104

What do you mean?

>> No.16174236

You've been duped if you think *this* is all there is. To humble yourself before this all-encompassing mystery and allowing an existential wound to stay open is the only way to further growth and understanding

>> No.16174506

>reading whitehead
>realize this guy writing 70 years ago is saying things that cutting edge science is only starting to postulate
>he’s a theist
Bros... the futures bright!

>> No.16174654

same dude. i am a pretty attractive and intellectually gifted boy but i feel like i have a fucked up pussybrain that will always come back to haunt me due to weak paternal influence

>> No.16174887

based whitehead.

>> No.16175282

Atheism is just awnsering everything with thats racist, sexist, fascist, still not thinking.