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16172906 No.16172906 [Reply] [Original]

If human history progresses along a set path, from primitives to feudalism to capitalism to communism, and this 'evolution' is inevitable, what's the point of doing a bloody revolution to bring about a change that is inevitable?

Same goes for crypto-marxist neoliberals who genuinely believe that the triumph of Western ideals such as liberty and democracy are inevitable destinies. If it's going to happen anyway, why fight and kill to make it happen faster?

Wouldn't it be the most morally resonsible thing to just sit home and do nothing? Let time gradually work things out in a slow peaceful way, instead of forcing genocidal social experiments (wars of liberation, revolutions) on people who don't want it?

It just boggles my mind that people who harp on about their brand of politics being the ultimate 'right side of history' fail to see this hypocrisy.

If the world socialist revolution is going to triumph no matter what, why kill millions to make it happen in 10 years? Why not kill nobody and let it happen over a 1000 years naturally, isn't that what a normal non-sociopathic human would do?

>> No.16172909

We need to go back to religious Feudalism.

>> No.16172921

a friend of mankind with shaky moral foundations is a cannibal to mankind

>> No.16172939

That isn't Marxist history mate.

Try reading some EP Thompson.

>> No.16172943

It's inevitable because the revolution is inevitable you dunce. If you sit around doing nothing then nothing will happen.

>> No.16172948

based psycho. just got to sacrifice a new generation every century to keep the utopia coming back.

>> No.16173038

>what's the point of doing a bloody revolution to bring about a change that is inevitable?
Not even a smoothbrained tankie but inevitability doesn't imply non-action. In fact it implies the opposite.

>> No.16173422

>Let time gradually work things out in a slow peaceful way, instead of forcing genocidal social experiments (wars of liberation, revolutions) on people who don't want it?
No one is going to do a revolution until Capitalism force people to do it.
If the world socialist revolution is going to triumph no matter what, why kill millions to make it happen in 10 years? Why not kill nobody and let it happen over a 1000 years naturally, isn't that what a normal non-sociopathic human would do?
Kill who? Certainly not the average wage worker. As i said, the "psychopathic bloody proletarian revolution", will happen as a self defense mechanism.

>> No.16173436
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>if there's no free will, what's the point of acting when the outcome is inevitable

>> No.16173452

Shouldn't the revolution be spontaneous rather than needing to be guided by ideologues?

>> No.16173475

no, read "What Is To Be Done?"

>> No.16173492

The change is inevitable because revolution is inevitable