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16172446 No.16172446 [Reply] [Original]

Musk's new NeuraLink will vastly enhance cognitive abilities to the point that natural inborn IQ measures will be inherently useless. The only thing that will make the considerable difference will be whether you have Neuralink implanted into your brain or not.

>> No.16172558

I can already to tell you now, even after enhancing the cognitive abilities of every tard on 4channel, this place wil still continue to be the shithole it has always been

>> No.16172564

Only the super rich will get to use it.

>> No.16172579

until, it will be available to the masses like all groundbreaking technology eventually ends up being

>> No.16172586

It's easy enough to keep technology away from people. Cost being the principle one.

>> No.16172589

>bugmen will be buying IQ through brain chips like corporate drones
Crazy world we live in lads, let's hope it's not for much longer.

>> No.16172591


Ok zoomer

>> No.16172592

>Everyone's IQ rockets 100 points.
>Niggers are still fucking idiots in comparison.
Why bother?

>> No.16172601

It'll be at least 5-10 years before people start using it to fix brain issues, likely much longer until the general public is using it for an IQ boost. There's a lot you can do in that time if you're already smart/wish to learn things the old fashioned way

>> No.16172616

>implying a 10-15 point difference makes that much of a difference, if iq continues to grow much beyond that

>> No.16172618

Huh a dystopia really is right around the corner

>> No.16172701

So those nutjobs screeching about the end being near weren't full of shit after all

>> No.16172716

>EMP fries your brain
nothing personal urbanites

>> No.16172804

You're already in one, it just isn't as cool or aesthetically coherent as the ones you're used to reading about in books.
It's also too early to tell just how fucked up it's going to get.

>> No.16172814
File: 122 KB, 250x334, SUMMER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this type of technology will solidify the beginning of the end.

also, fuck the soys that are unironically hyped about this shit.

>> No.16172834


I do not think it will make a meaningful impact on intelligence. How could it make a meaningful impact on intelligence when the human brain is already many times more complicated than digital technology?

I am also skeptical of the notion that this technology can make IQ meaningless, whatever you mean by that. I assume what you mean is that individual differences inherited in intelligence will be made irrelevant, but I cannot see how that can take place through a difference in calculation alone. Could a dolphin through sufficient neural implants be made the peer of Newton? Why or why not? Perhaps because it is the structure of the brain which determines genius, not raw neuron count, although that matters too.

>> No.16172844

>Could a dolphin through sufficient neural implants be made the peer of Newton?
I just wish emergentism was right, bros.

>> No.16172861

Plug your brain to this shit, and your brain fucking fries on all the easily obtained information, but what would be the use of such information if the retention rate will be 0, it will be 0 because the information sets will work like bookmarks or "links" which you will call through a call function(), is this what you will call intelligence. Not even recalling but simple call functions which projects the information inside your brain (this is your brain on neuralink)

>> No.16172902

Can this namefag with his AI threads just fuck off?

>> No.16172905
File: 15 KB, 485x303, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The new brain-chip interface works by making a symbiotic relationship between your cortical brain's synapses and a computerized digital minichip that directly stimulates neuronal synapses and retains and process information for you. It will not be "just a machine recalling ()"; but a literal interface that works by having your brain quite literally adapt to the chip implanted. Get informed.

>> No.16172910

Did Elon Musk smoke a few too many again?

>> No.16172914
File: 25 KB, 678x452, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been having way too much of your mom's pussy; that's what has been going on.

>> No.16172918

I did not know it could be intoxicating to the point of retardation. I'll have to ask her about that.

>> No.16172940

None of this shit is real. Musk just spews some bollocks about this every few weeks to drum up some positive press.

All this being said, any healthy society would jail someone who went on about microchipping people's brains.

>> No.16173042

I am not putting anything I didn't compile myself into my head

>> No.16173045

I have a 158 IQ so I'm always gonna be based no matter what

>> No.16173054

>measuring the impact of IQ in arbitrary points rather than standard deviation
No wonder you are coping

>> No.16173092

I wish i have an ellon musk half brother

>> No.16173119

nooo if daddy musk says something it must be real. he always comes up with all the ideas and makes everything himself. daddy musk never lies and never does anything wrong.

>> No.16173153

>Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
>Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
>Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
>Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
>Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction
Silicone does not have the processing-capacity to make AI work, it's all science-fiction

>> No.16173257

>Musk's new NeuraLink will vastly enhance cognitive abilities
No it won't, it will just accelerate the ones you already have, if it even works at all.

>> No.16173271

you can have high IQ and still believe in hoaxes like holocaust, 911, global warming, covid, hiv, moon landing, jesus corpse revival etc. people are very stupid faggots when it comes to essential things.

>> No.16173295

Meaning mid-wits will become more mid-wit ?

>> No.16173335


>> No.16173347
File: 523 KB, 1280x705, CHAD AI CONSCIOUSNESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. You have no idea what you're talking about. Get informed.

>> No.16173403

It's kinda sad that Gustav Klimt's name gets besmirched by an autist like that, even if it's just on a Taiwanese snake taming forum.